Us Against The World

By Uniquelywritten86

113K 5.5K 5.1K

With all the madness surrounding the couple they finally agree to focus on bettering their relationship. Whic... More

This Is Our Relationship
Blue Light 2.0
No More Disrespect!
Therapy Saved Us
Creating Memories I Never Had
The Truth Will Reveal Itself
Checkmate Bitch!
So Called Friends
Almost To The Finish Line
Therapy Won't Fix This
Things Ain't What It Seems
The Day Has Come
A Weight Has Been Lifted
We All Have Choices
No New Friends
New Beginnings
It Could Have Been Worse
It's Always Something
No More Talking
One Step At A Time
We All Have A Past
Eviction Day Came Early
Everyone Can't Be Trusted
You Gone Learn Today
Growing and Glowing
Let Me Cater To You
Our Family Is Crazy
Doing Better Than Ever
People Stay Testing Us
New Neighbors New Problems
Fatima's Big Heart
It's Not Easy Letting Go
I'm Gone Protect Mines!
Old Run Ins & New Relationships
She's Gone
Mending Bridges
Baby Girl 💜♥️ ❤️
There's Always Some Truth
They Stay Fucking With Me
Now Run And Tell That
Close Call
Who Are You
Our New Home
One Step At A Time
House Party
Caught Cheating
Zaya Marie Taylor 💜
Our Family Is Complete
A Big Help
Stepping Out on Faith
Us Against The World Still....
A Lot Has Happened
Daddy's Home
2nd Run In
Pay Attention To The Signs
New Distractions
Someone From Our Past
Nasty Ass
Time Is Up
Playing Nice
Bitches Playing Dirty
It Must Be Done
Bye Bitches
You Got The Right One
Double Dose Of Stalking
Who Are These Bitches
You've Met Your Match
Game Plan
Too Busy For Home
What Are We Doing?
Still Got Work To Do
Lets Get Away
He's Back
Vacation Over
You're To Blame

It's Time

1.3K 60 31
By Uniquelywritten86

Zac: Hey baby your still in bed

Fatima: Yeah I feel drained and Zaya is sitting right at the bottom of my pelvic 

Zac: Do you want me to massage you 

Fatima: Yes that may help 

Zac: Lets see if daddy can get babygirl to move 

Zac started talking to Fatima stomach 

Now Zaya you over here hurting your mama we need you to move around for a little.

Zac starting massaging Fatima stomach every time Zaya would move for a little then move right back into her favorite spot

Zac: Babe I don't know I think this is her favorite spot 

Fatima: I see 

Zac: Let me run you a hot bath hopefully it will help

Fatima: thank you baby 

Zac: I can call Holly 

Fatima: No I'll just take a bath and get back in bed and rest. If I am still in pain later we can call her 

Zac: Okay 

Zac ran Fatima bath water and laid out something comfortable to put on 

While she was in the bath Zac changed the sheets and placed fresh hot sheets on the bed. He fluffed up the pillows and got everything ready for Fatima when she was done.

He even made her a little sample platter of her favorite pregnancy cravings 

Fatima walking into the room 

Fatima: Really babe this is so sweet and you got my faves 

Zac: I wanted to make sure you were comfortable 

Fatima: Thank you 

Zac: Are you crying 

Fatima: It's Zaya not me she taking over my entire body and my hormones are all over the place and I got my first stretch mark see

Zac: Kiss Fatima stretch mark, babe you're almost to the finish line and your body still looks amazing. I can't take away any of your pain but I can help you be comfortable.

Zac hugged Fatima she just laid her head on his chest.

Fatima was normally strong but this pregnancy stripped away that hard side and made her more vulnerable. I know Zaya is going to soften Fatima's hard heart. I don't think the hardness is going to go anyway it's going to be tucked away just in case somebody needs to be reminded

Come on lets get you lathered up and smelling good

Fatima stood there naked body glowing and stomach stretched far out

Zac took his time massaging in the shea butter and oil into every inch of Fatima's body. He slid the oversized t-shirt over her head.

Fatima: Thank you 

Zac: Stop saying thank you it's my job to made sure your straight 

Fatima: I know I am just showing my appreciation 

Zac: You're more than welcome just relax and get some rest. I am going to get the rest of Zaya's room finished

Fatima: I want to help 

Zac: No ma'am just rest Tony is about to come and help me finish putting the stuff together

Fatima: Okay if I'm sleep wake me up when you're done so I can come look at it

Zac: I will now eat and rest

Fatima: Okay daddy 

Zac: That's Zac daddy 

Fatima: Get out 

Tony showed up him and Zac got to work. they finished putting up the crib and the dressers 

Tony: This looks really beautiful I can't believe your about to be a girl dad 

Zac: I know man my crazy ass finally got it together

Tony: Took a while but you did it. I think I am ready to settle down too

Zac: Tony trying to tie the knot

Tony: I think so man, I think Ebony is the one

Zac: Who would have thought you would be marrying Fatima best friend

Tony: I know it's crazy but I had this feeling since the first day I met her

Zac: Hey they say when you know you know

Tony: I am going to run it past Fatima then look at some rings 

Zac: Go for it bro if she makes you happy then make her happy by doing the right thing

Tony: I'm going to go for it

Zac: Man thanks for helping me, Fatima is going to be happy everything is finally done

Tony: You ready man 

Zac: Yes I been ready since day one as much as me and Fatima been getting it in I'm surprised it took this long. 

Tony: It was all in Gods timing 

Zac: Look at you with the word

Tony: Me and the Lord have been talking heavily lately

Zac: That's what's up I had to call on him myself a couple times. I am trying to be more intentional and not just praying or calling on him when something goes wrong.

Tony: Same you and Fatima should come to church with Ebony and I one Sunday

Zac: Ebony done got you in church I know she a keeper now and of course we can come after Fatima have babygirl 

Tony: Okay I am going to hold you to it but I am about to head out 

Zac: Okay thanks again for everything 

Tony: Anytime.

Zac went to go check on Fatima and she was knocked out 

Zac: Hey Babe I am about to go workout with Troy 

Barely awake 

Fatima: Okay 

Zac: Call me if you need anything I should only be gone for about a hour

Fatima: Okay 


Zac: Thanks for joining me man I been slacking lately

Troy: No problem I need this workout anyway plus I get to get some man time. 

Zac: I feel you my house about to be two against one

Troy: Good luck bro just agree with everything your wife say and it's over for you.

Zac: Why you say that 

Troy: Because that little girl is going to have you wrapped around her little fingers 

Zac: I am use to it her mama is spoiled but she deserves it

Troy: I can say the same for mine but I can't complain because my wife is like superwoman she holds me down and our family

Zac: Same just watching Fatima carry our baby has been mind blowing. the respect and love I have for that woman is unmatched

Troy: Look at you the Zac I knew in the past is gone 

Zac: Yeah he been long gone. She believed in me when no one else did and she held me down through a whole bunch of shit and I mean a lot.

Troy: She is a keeper for sure 

Zac: She is I owe her everything 

Troy: I am happy for you man 

Zac: Thanks bro now you ready for this workout

Troy: Go easy on me I know you are beast in the gym 

Fatima woke up out her sleep in pain she grabbed the bottom of her stomach. She tried to get out of bed but she couldn't move. She started panicking 

Talking to herself 

Fatima calm down just breathe 

Fatima managed to get up and go to the bathroom 

When she wiped she seen blood 

No no no please not right now 

She rushed back to the bed and grabbed her phone . She called Zac but he didn't answer 

Pick up babe please 

Ahh it hurts 

Rubbing her stomach hang on babygirl Fatima was really in pain 

Calling Holly 

Holly: Hey Fatima everything go 

Fatima: No something is wrong I am in pain and I see blood when I went to the bathroom 

Holly: Okay don't panic I will be there in less than ten minutes. Is Zac there

Fatima: No 

Holly : Okay I am on my way I will try to call Zac as well.

Fatima: Okay please hurry 

Fatima called Zac again no answer 

She decided to call Troy wife 

please pick up 

Kia: Hey Fatima 

Fatima: Hey I know Zac went to the gym with Troy can you please call Troy and see if he answers Zac is not answering and I need him to come home

Kia: Is everything okay 

Fatima: No 

Kia: Okay let me call him on three way 

Hey Troy is Zac near you if so tell him Fatima needs him to come home have him call her 

Troy: Okay 

Fatima: Thank you so much 

Kia: You're welcome do you need me to come over 

Fatima: No Holly should pulling up any moment 

Kia: Okay let me know if you need anything I am right down the street 

Fatima was pacing back and forth looking out the window 

Troy: Hey man that was Kia and Fatima I think something wrong you need to get home 

Zac: Oh shit 

Zac grabbed his stuff and ran out the gym he called Fatima babe

Zac: Hey babe sorry I didn't hear my phone go off is everything okay 

Fatima: No I think something is wrong I woke up in pain and I was bleeding 

Zac: Okay did you call Holly 

Fatima: Yes she is headed here now 

Zac: Okay I will be there soon 

Zac was speeding to get home to Fatima 

He was skipping stop sign and running red lights

He looked back and seen the red and blue sirens behind him 

Zac: Shit man this is not the right time to be getting pulled over

Zac thought about for a second if he wanted to floor it and ditch the police. But he just pulled over to the side 

Police officer: Sir do you realized you ran 3 stops signs 

Zac: I'm sorry but my wife is about to deliver our baby and I am just trying to get there so I don't miss anything 

Police Officer: Okay no problem I'll give you a police escort so you can get there

Zac: Thank you so much 

Police Officer: No problem 

Holly made it to the house 

Holly: Okay let me check and see what's going on 

Fatima laid down so that Holly could check her 

Holly: You are 6 centimeters dilated and it's was just spotting which is no worries

Fatima: But I got 3 weeks left

Holly: Zaya is ready to make her grand entrance into the world. We about to have a baby

Fatima: I am not ready 

Holly: Yes you are, you're going to do fine

Fatima: Come on Zac 

Holly started getting everything set up and ready the birthing pool was ready.

Holly: My assistant will be here any moment. The pain that you were having are contractions we are going to time them to see how close together they are 

On a level of 1-10 how would you rate them 

Fatima: I would say a 8 right now it's bareable at the moment 

Holly: Okay good 

Zac finally made it home

Zac: Did I miss anything 

Holly: No you are just on time 

Zac: Thank you God I got pulled over, I was gone make it even if I ran every red light. The police officer let me off and gave me an escort

Fatima: That was nice

Zac: I was scared I had to get home to my babies I didn't want to miss anything 

Holly: Well we may have a baby today or tomorrow. Zac help me get the rest of the stuff set up

Fatima sat and bounced on the pregnancy ball rubbing her stomach watching as Zac and Holly rushed to get everything set

Zac: Do you want me to call anyone to come over

Fatima: No I just want us to experience this together

Zac: Okay, you ready 

Fatima: Not really I'm scared 

Zac: Don't be scared let's say a quick prayer 

Dear Lord we come to you asking that you guide Holly as she help deliver our daughter. I ask that you take away any fear that Fatima is having right now. We are praying for a healthy delivery for mom and the baby. We thank you for bringing us this far 

In Jesus name Amen 

Lets do this!

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