What if Goku Black trained De...

By Jesus7766

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(I don't own these characters) This is a separated story from What if Goku trained Deku. This will tell the... More

Chapter 1 Villain Deku's Origin
Chapter 3 A new villain arrives, Goku Black vs All Might
Chapter 4 The sports festival begins,Deku vs Tordorki
Chapter 5 The Sports festival round 2, Deku vs Bakugo
Chapter 6 Deku's training with All Might, Izuku's feelings
Chapter 7 Deku vs Stain, Ochaco falls in love with Izuku
Chapter 8 Time for training camp, a dark secret exposed
Chapter 9 The battle begins. Goku Black vs Endeavor
Chapter 10 All for One vs All Might, The society falls
Chapter 11 New visitors in a dark world, Deku vs Bakugo
Chapter 12 Deku's ultimate battle, Goku vs Goku Black
Chapter 13 The final battle begins, The ultimate power
Akira Toriyama
Update on the author
A drawing I made a few months ago

Chapter 2 Deku's mastered ability's, A new quirk ?

174 3 0
By Jesus7766

Previously on what if Goku Black trained Deku. Izuku was starting to fall into the dark side. Especially seeing that in every battle more powerful dark forces approaches. Feeling that heroes are the cause of every villains attack. Wanting to stop the endless violence; Izuku meet Goku Black. Black sense the anger in Izuku's heart started to grow and decided to take advantage of that. So he trained Izuku to be powerful and full of hate. Soon Izuku receive a quirk called All for One. Now Izuku is planning to make society to lose faith in heroes so he believes would make true peace. How will things turn out find out !


Izuku-Well time to go. I should say goodbye to mom. No I don't think I'll interrupt her sleep.

Izuku was walking to the trains station but he received a phone call

Izuku-Dam it what do you want Shigiraki ?

Shigiraki-Nothing just that we have a few people that are willing to give their quirks away.

Izuku-I'll be on my way.

Few mins later...

Izuku-So explain these guys quirks.

Shigiraki-The first ones quirk is camouflaged He can camouflage into any background or surroundings.

Shigiraki-The second one is photographic memory. Whatever fight sets he sees he can copy it.

Shigiraki-And finally the third ones quirk is electricity.

Izuku-Ok then. Now everyone give me your quirks.

Izuku placed his hand on their heads then a smoky red aura flowed towards his hand.

Izuku-Oh yeah one more thing.

Izuku used a ki blast and blasted them till there's nothing left.

Izuku-Well it's better to have less people to know about my quirk than to spill it out. Ok now I have to hurry. Before anyone gets suspicious.

Izuku dashed into a purple light again heading to UA. Then headed to class 1-A.

Izuku-Ok then I guess this is class 1-A

When Izuku opened the door. He was shocked to see Bakugo.

Iida-Put your feet down. Don't you have any respect for school property.

Bakugo-I don't give a dam.

Iida-Ok look let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida.

Bakugo-Shut it. I'm gonna enjoy crushing you.

Iida-Wha. Is that how you behave in the hero course.

Izuku-The day barely started and Kanchan is already making enemies.

Iida noticed Izuku.

Iida-Your Izuku Midoriya Yes ?

Izuku-Uhh yeah.

Iida-I have nothing but respect for you. You knew what the entrance exam was about.

Izuku-Thanks after all since were in the hero course it's more than showing off our skills.

Iida-I see so thats how you figured it out. Oh sorry I'm Tenya Iida.

Izuku-Nice to met ya.

Uraraka-Hey you're the curly hair boy.

Izuku-Huh oh it's you.

Uraraka-Hey it's good to see you again. I'm Ochaco Uraraka. And thanks for saving me from the zero point.

Izuku-Yeah it's good to see you again. And I'm Izuku Midoriya. And your welcome just glad that your all right.

Bakugo thought-Is that really Deku ? I know that he was starting to look goth but something about him is different. Whatever doesn't matter he's still the useless Deku.

Mr.Aizawa-Are you two done yet ?

Izuku and Uraraka turned around to see a man in a sleeping bag that hasn't had a good nights rest. Uraraka panicked in her head but Izuku was curious.

Mr.Aizawa-Is this the hero course because it took you 2 mins to be quiet.

Izuku-Are you a caterpillar ?

Mr.Aizawa-No I'm your homeroom teacher. So any put  these gym uniforms on and meet me outside.

The students headed to the locker rooms and changed into their gym uniforms. Then headed outside.

Izuku-I'm guessing that we're not doing oration or something like that.

Mr.Aizawa-Your correct. You have 3 more school years till you become pro heroes. So I get to teach my class however I need to. Ok let's start with Bakugo, whats your softball pitch score during Junior high ?

Bakugo-67 meters I think.

Mr.Aizawa-Ok now try it with your quirk.

Bakugo picked the softball and walked to the center of the circle.

Izuku thought-I bet he's gonna say die.

Then Bakugo threw the ball.


Class 1-A-Die !?

Izuku-Called it.

Mr.Aizawa-Looked into his phone then told everyone the score.


Kiminari-Whoa this so cool.

Izuku thought-Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it.

Mina-This looks like fun.

Izuku thought-Dam it she said it.

Mr.Aizawa-Fun ? Like I said you have 3 more years till you become pros; do you really think that dangerous situations are fun. Who ever gets the lowest score will be expelled.

Class 1-A-whaaaaat

Izuku thought-Guess now everyone is going to take this seriously.

Everyone did the test and they all took great scores. While that was happening, Izuku took notes on everyone's quirk. Eventually he was called up to finish it. Izuku walked to the circle he grabbed the softball then he threw it. Everyone was shocked when the softball launched faster than a rocket. Bakugo didn't look happy at all.

Bakugo-DEKU !!!! How the hell did you just do that you damn bastard!!!!

As Bakugo charged at Izuku. He just faded and reappear behind Bakugo walking away.

Bakugo-Don't walk away from me you damn nerd.

As Izuku walked away he responded to Bakugo.

Izuku-It's pointless to fight Kanchan. So stop carrying that massive ego of yours.

Bakugo-What the hell did you just say to me !!!

When Bakugo tried to charge at Izuku Mr.Aizawa stopped him.

Mr.Aizawa-That's enough Bakugo. Do something like that again and you well get a serious punishment.

Mr.Aizawa let's go of Bakugo, but Bakugo started to felt tremendous amount of anger. Not only that he was starting to feel outclassed by Deku.

Deku finished the test with tremendous results.

Mr.Aizawa-Ok now that is over. Oh I just remembered I lied about the expulsion.

Class 1-A-Whaaaaaaaa.

Izuku thought-Called it.

Yaoyorozu-Of course it was a lie when you think about it.

Mr.Aizawa-Yes. In every difficult situation you have to use your quirk to the full extent of its power.

Izuku thought-Even in battle between good and evil. I guess even if my opponent is holding back I need to end the battle fast.

As soon as every one head to class. At the last second Izuku's clone jumped from behind and put the mask on, including a cloak like a speeding bullet. Later Izuku's clone headed to unauthorized parts of UA. Even looking into UA's files. He ended up finding out about the USJ trip. He took the files and headed to the hideout.

Izuku's clone told Shigiraki about the USJ and gave the file of the defenses.

Shigiraki-Ok this is good, do you ask have the classes weaknesses ?

Deku's thought-I have but I'm not giving that information just yet. Even I knew their weaknesses, I need best strategies to take them out. And besides I need them to suffer a little bit longer.

Deku-No. I need more time.

Shigiraki-Ok.Try to get as much information as you can.

Deku-Got it.

Few hrs later.

Izuku-Well the day ended the way it should be.

Iida-Hello Midoriya.

Izuku-Oh hey Iida.

Iida-I gotta say that quirk of yours is amazing. And I was wondering what it is.

Izuku-Oh it's energy manipulation.

Iida-Energy manipulation ?

Izuku-I manipulate the energy from my body to increase my speed,strength,stamina and my reflexes.

Iida-I see.

Izuku-And I can create energy orbs. And shoot energy beams.

Iida-Wow. To be honest you don't look like your full of energy.

Izuku-I get that a lot.

Uraraka-Hey wait for me !

Izuku-Oh it's Uraraka.

Uraraka-Hey are you guys heading to the train station too ?

Iida-Yes we are.

Uraraka-Then let's walk over there together.


Uraraka-Hey Izuku why does Bakugo calls you Deku ?

Izuku-He calls me that to insult me but I don't care about it anymore.

Uraraka-Really to be honest Deku sounds like a hero name to me.

Izuku's brain paused for a min. He never viewed the name Deku as a hero name. To him it was a villain name but out of everyone he met, Uraraka views it as a hero name.

Izuku slightly blushed.

Izuku-Well uhh I guess you can call me Deku.

Iida-Didn't you just say it was an insult.

Izuku thought-What the heck is going on ? Why do I feel like I'm about to pass out. No I can't, I can't have any mixed emotions. I just need to focus on my mission.

Iida-Midoriya are you all right ?

Izuku-Uhh yeah. Come on let's head to the train station.

Iida-Yes let's be on our way


A day later.

Izuku thought-Hmm. I wrote everyone's quirk in here but I need to know the rest of the staffs quirks to make the mission successful. Wait I have an idea.

Izuku went into a alleyway putting his villain suit and jumped on a rooftop looking the UA building. Then he used the communicator in his mask to contact Shigiraki.

Shigiraki-What is it ?

Deku-I have a plan of what we can do in USJ.

Shigiraki-Finally, what's the plan ?

Deku-We need to send a message to UA, even the whole world about the new villains that could take out All Might.

Shigiraki-I get that but what's the actual plan ?

Deku-Gather an army of thugs, goons, and scum bags. Next have Kurogiri teleport the most of students to different parts of the USJ, Including some of the goons too.

Shigiraki-Ok what about the pro heros ? What do we do about them ?

Deku-Easy the ones to deal with the pro heros are you,me,Goku black, and one of the Nomus. Oh and Kurogiri well handle the remaining students and the pro hero 13. But we're gonna let the heroes win so we can get more information to lead the heroes their down fall.

Shigiraki-Ok then I'll let the master know about the plan. Keep getting information.

Deku-Understood. Let the games begin.

Izuku changed into his school uniform, and walked to UA. The day was going the same way as a regular day of school until All Might showed up the door.

All Might-I am here walking through a door.

Kirishima-Holy cow it's All Might.

Tsu-In his silver age costume.

Izuku starts to fill up with anger as he thoughts are full of hatred of the sight of All Might.

Izuku thought-All Might. Seeing him here is starting to make my blood boil.

All Might-All right now put on your hero suits on and head to the training grounds.

Everyone came out with their hero suits and headed to the training grounds.

Uraraka-Hey Deku your hero suit is amazing.

(I drew this on procreate)

Deku-Uhh thanks.

Uraraka-What are the gauntlets for ?

Deku-Well remember that time when I saved you from the zero point robot.

Uraraka-Yeah that attack you did was powerful.

Deku-Exactly, it was too powerful to control I was lucky. So I need restraints to hold my quirk back so I can control it. Each weight weighs 500 pounds.

Uraraka-500 pounds!!!! Is your quirk really that powerful ?


Uraraka-Man your really a genius on this stuff. I really wished I was specific about the material in my suit it's air tight.

Deku-Well it does look good on you.

Uraraka slightly blushed.


All Might-All right heroes let me explain the rules. There will be teams of two. One of them teams will be ether a hero or a villain. The villain team will protect the bomb inside. While the hero time tries to find the bomb. In order to win ether team has to be handcuffed. Or the hero team to touch the bomb. Any questions ?

Bakugo how much can we hurt the other team ?

Uraraka-Is this gonna be an expulsion test like Mr.Aizawas ?

Aoyama-Does this cape look good.

All Might started to feel overwhelmed when every student started to overflow him with questions.

Deku thought-Didn't expected this huh ? All Might.

The teams were selected. Bakugo,Iida,Uraraka, and Deku goes first. Bakugo and Iida are the villain team so they head inside the building first. Before Uraraka and Deku headed inside, they immediately made a strategy.

Deku-All right you got the plan right ?

Uraraka-Yep let's win this.

They headed inside the building.

Deku-Ok any minute now he's gonna pop out in 3...2...1.

Bakugo came out of nowhere, he tried to blast Deku and Uraraka, but they ducked and Deku made a massive blow to his guts.

Bakugo landed on the ground, he tried to get back up and hit Deku. Before he had the chance, Deku did a light blow on his neck knocking him unconscious. Every one was shocked that Deku knock down Bakugo unconscious in seconds.

Uraraka-Wow. You literally predict his moves. You two seemed to have some history together since you know so much about him.

Deku handcuffed and picked up Bakugo.

Deku-Yeah it's something I don't wanna get into. Come on let's I can find where Iida is.

Uraraka-Wait what, you know where Iida is but how ?

Deku-It's my quirk energy manipulation. I can also manipulate the energy in my body to sense other people's life force energy.

Uraraka-That's incredible.

Deku-Thanks, now let's finish this.

Deku and Uraraka peeked through the door seeing Iida trying to act like a villain.

Deku thought-Ok now that's just insulting.

Uraraka-Deku got anymore ideas ?

Deku-Yeah. I'll use my speed to create clones to distract Iida. Then we'll charge at the bomb and win.

Uraraka-Ok then let's do it.

Deku-2 charged in trying to get Iida. Trying to hit him with a swing kick, but Iida dodged it. Then Deku-3 came and punched Iida.

Iida-What two Midoriyas ?

When the Fake Dekus distracted Iida. Deku and Uraraka won the match.

All Might-The hero team wins !

During the matches that were happening, Bakugo woke up. Once he figured out how he was knocked he started to get angrier.

Bakugo-There's no way; Deku can't have a quirk. We don't manifest our quirks till were 4, and he was born quirkless. It's literally impossible to get a quirk now.  Whatever I'm still gonna kick that nerds ass and show him I'll be the 1# hero.

Few hrs later the day ended.

Izuku-I'm wondering where Bakugo is going ?

Izuku walked behind Bakugo to see where is heading.

Izuku-Yo Bakugo.

Bakugo-What's the matter ? Not calling me Kanchan anymore.

Izuku-Nope. I called you that because I respected you, But I don't anymore.

Bakugo-If your trying to gloat. Do it somewhere else.

Izuku-I'm not, just checking if your all right.

Bakugo-Stop talking that crap Deku. I don't know what your trying to do but it's not working! And next time I beat you till there's nothing left !

Izuku-And I would just love to see you try.

Bakugo left UA.Izuku left too and on his way home he called someone.

Izuku-Did he agree to the plan ?

Shigiraki-Indeed he did.

Izuku-Good, it's only the matter of time till the symbol of peace is dead.

Next time on What if Goku Black trained Deku. Hey guys it's me Izuku. Something really big is going down at the USJ. All Mights and Goku Blacks match is gonna be incredible. And I think it's time for them to meet the new villain, it's too bad they don't know who it is. Next time on what if Goku Black Trained Deku. A villain arrives, Goku black vs All Might don't miss it All right.

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