7 Hybrids Moved in With Me

Autorstwa Lillsisamarshmallow

50.8K 2.2K 259

When the dog hybrid who visits her bakery starts taking extra food Y/N follows it through the alley's to find... Więcej

Teaser (0)
Bake, Eat, Run (1)
Trespassing (2)
Bunny boy (3)
Nurse Y/n (4)
Roommates? (5)
Living Arrangements (6)
Rainy days, mysterious notes, and wet apologies (8)
It's over...?(9)
Working boys (10)
The plan (11)
Fair day (12)
The betrayal (13)
House guests (14)
Jealous! Jealous! Jealous (15)
Hickeys, Houses, and Heated gazes (16)
Moving day! (17)
Getting back to Normal (18)

Water Fountain in the Kitchen! (7)

3.6K 158 15
Autorstwa Lillsisamarshmallow

Summary: The first days in a cramped apartment with 7 other people, what could possibly go wrong? There's never a wrong time for an umbrella!

Word count: 5.8k (Sorry?)

Warnings: Mentions of injuries, Jump scare for Y/n? Let me know if I missed any!

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The house was quiet and dark, no lights were on and little to know light was shining through the windows due to the large rain clouds littering the sky and pouring rain down on the streets, I walked into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, rounding the corner, I made my way over to the light switch so I could see.

Hesitating, I remembered the sleeping men on my couch and decided not to flick it on, shuffling my way back into the kitchen I switched on the small stove light instead, it flickered before illuminating a small area allowing me to see in front of me. I turned on the kettle before grabbing myself a mug, as I went to grab the milk, I heard my phone start ringing, not wanting to disturb the boys I answered as fast as I could, checking the contact it displayed.

'Feral 🦝 '


"Hey Y/n, how's it going?" Her voice came through the phone, extending the 'e' in 'hey.'

She rang me at 6:45 in the morning, to ask 'how's it going'?

"Uhh, I'm doing fine, how are you- "

"We have a problem." She cut me off, paying more attention to her voice, I noticed that she sounded nervous.

"What is it this time?" I asked her fully expecting it to be some minor problem that we could easily fix, and she had just been overreacting, not the first time it would have happened. I screwed off the lid of the milk before placing it on the counter, the kettle had gone off now so I started pouring the hot water into my mug with the tea bag already inside.

"Yunjin, Kai, Kazuha and Jongho, quit."


"They quit." She said again.

"B-but, that's half our staff! What are we going to do?" I said alarmed, but trying not to be too loud, if they've quit then there's not going to be enough staff to cover all the shifts.

"I don't know, lovey." She sighed, using her nickname for me. "They called me and sent their emails yesterday saying they were quitting."

"Crap." I huffed out as I finished pouring the milk into my mug, stirring it as she continued. "Well, we have until the rain stops to find more workers..."

Seoyeon made a noise of agreement and decided that we could both look into hiring new workers during this time off, she then went on to start telling me about how she was thinking of adding an outside seating area to the café, the café was getting so busy these days that a lot of the time we would run out of seats for the customers and they would have to stand, we didn't have the biggest building for the café, we never expected it to get overly busy so we didn't have much seating inside.

I was still standing at the table listening to Seoyeon talk while I drank my tea, it was still early morning and the apartment was still dark the only illumination being the small kitchen light, I hadn't really noticed at first, but my gaze had wandered to a specific area, too lost in conversation with Seoyeon I hadn't noticed the object I was staring at.

I kept trying to focus on the darkness so I could figure out why I couldn't look away from the abyss, it strained my eyes, I had tuned out Seoyeon's voice in my ear, peering into the darkness it was getting clearer, ahead of me, higher than my own, were two, glowing eyes, staring right back at me.

I stepped back, a scream ripping itself through my body before being cut off, the eyes had lunged forwards, a large hand merging before me, it came up to wrap around my face covering my mouth, the scream muffled under the large hand and sent vibrations through my face.

"Shhh!" The voice belonging to the eyes spoke up, in my fright I had dropped my phone to the floor which had make a loud noise.

Wait... that voice?

"H-Hoseok?" I huffed out, my breaths were uneven, eyes wide, I felt like I had lost years off my life. I looked up only to come face to face with the fox hybrid, a giddy smile on his face like he had caught me while out on a hunt, something flashed in his eyes before they returned to normal.

"Heh, sorry, Y/n. I didn't mean to scare you." He said with a slight laugh. "I heard you in the kitchen, and I couldn't sleep any longer."

"H-how, I -." I started fumbling over my words." What do you mean you didn't mean to scare me'? I thought someone broke in!" I breathed out trying to catch my breath. "What did you think was going to happen?"

"I-" Before Hoseok could finish speaking, a scratchy, static voice interrupted us, I looked down to see my phone remembering that I was on call with Seoyeon.

"Y/n? Y/n! Is everything okay? What happened?" She yelled through the phone, I grabbed it looking back at Hoseok as I began speaking.

"I-" I stuttered. "I'm okay, Seoyeon. I just, uh, dropped something is." I gulped hoping she would believe the little white lie.

"What? No, I definitely heard someone else speaking." She spoke out. "Is someone there with you?"


"Uhh, yeah-yeah, I have a friend staying with me, he can't go home until the storm has passed."

"Oh- Oohhh, I see." Seoyeon said through the phone. "Welp, I'll leave you two to it then. Talk to you later lovey, see you." The beep of the phone call ending sent the room back into a silence.

"Seoyeon." I mutter out annoyed at her, before it was covered by laughter, Hoseok was giggling, his smile is infectious, and I began giggling too. I made Hoseok a cup of tea and I refilled my own, we spent most of the morning talking in the kitchen or just sitting in a comfortable silence, slowly watching the sky get brighter, but still staying covered.


It was later in the day now, and everyone had woken up, I decided to make some breakfast for as all and Seokjin insisted on helping, at some point, despites Seokjin's pleads for him to stay away from the kitchen, Namjoon ended up joining us, I wasn't sure why he didn't want Namjoon in the kitchen, but I wasn't complaining about another set of hands.

Seokjin assigned him the easiest job, washing the berries, Seokjin was cooking the pancakes and I was whipping cream and getting out the different toppings for the pancakes, jams, spreads, syrup, sauces, anything I had that they might like. Everything was going well, but it didn't take long for me to see why they didn't want Namjoon in the kitchen.

Just as I finished up with the cream and Seokjin was on his last set of pancakes before they would all be ready, I heard a snapping sound and some metal clinking, followed by a gasp and the tap running, Seokjin spun around but didn't let go of the pan, following his lead I also turned to see where the sound came from.

Peering around Seokjin's broad shoulders I saw Namjoon standing very still, looking down at the running water, he turned his body to face us, his eyes met mine before he looked down at his other hand. My eyes followed his, widening at what he was holding, in his right hand, still dripping with water, in a tight grip, was the sink tap handle.

The two men seemed to freeze, we were all looking at the handle in Namjoon's hands, the sudden silence must have alerted the others as some movement occurred followed by multiple gasps, but no one was saying anything. Noticing the water was still on I sprang into action leaving the whipped cream on the bench, making my way over to Namjoon I took in the sight before me, the tap to turn off the water was broken.

"Here!" Namjoon said from beside me, he reached forward with his other hand and grabbed onto the end of the tap, I think he was trying to stop the water, but he failed, as his hand got in the middle of the waterspout, and it sprayed everywhere, all over the sink, all over me and Namjoon, my shirt was drench, but he kept holding on.

I let out a scream as the chilly water soaked through my shirt and it clung to my skin, I could hear some yelling but the consistent water bursting into my face made it hard to understand or talk back. Figuring the best decision was to turn off the water under the sink, I quickly dropped to my knees trying to wipe the water droplets from my eyes so I could see, but as I wiped them away more came to fill in the space left behind, reaching forwards I grabbed hold of the handle, yanking the door open.

Ducking my head under the bench and into the small area allowed the droplets to not continuously be replaced, I wrapped my fingers around the pipe, searching until I found the little valve, turning it as hard as I could, eventually I heard the water running through the pipes stop, and so did the yelling.

I backed up pulling myself out from the cupboard, I sat still on my knees before hulling myself up, water dripping off me and onto the floor where it merged with the already formed puddle, I flicked my wet hair from my face and wiped the water droplet away, I turned to where Namjoon was. His hand was still holding the tap, but as I gave it a closer look I noticed, it's bent, when he held on to it to try and 'stop' the water, it bent under his strength.

Shaking the thought, I looked up at him, he looked horribly guilty and embarrassed, his eyes met mine for a brief second before he averted his gaze to look down. I turned behind me to see Seokjin.

He was protecting the food.

He had moved the cream and pancakes to the other end of the kitchen bench and was standing in front of them. This caused a smile to spread on my lips, followed by a giggle which erupted into laughter at the situation, it didn't take too long before I heard some of the other boys laughing too.

I turned back to Namjoon reaching for the two broken pieces of my once working tap. "Y/n, I'm sorry- "

"It's fine, really." I gave him a kind and playful smile. "I see why Seokjin didn't want you in the kitchen now."

Everyone seemed to giggle at that. "I'll call a maintenance worker tomorrow to come by and fix it. It's okay." I said again taking the broken piece and placing it into the sink before tapping Namjoon on the shoulder then turning back to Seokjin and grabbing the food.

"Everyone still hungry?"


The cool metal met with my finger as it lit up underneath it, I pressed the down button for the elevator, I was on my way to Jiyoon's for the ointment that Namjoon and some of the other boys needed. Jiyoon lived three floors down and on the other side of the building, we often spent time together so asking her to borrow something was no big deal, I even brought her some left over muffins from the shop. Jungkook kept complaining, saying that we needed to keep them, and he wouldn't let me take many, so I settled on chocolate ones since none of the boys will eat them.

The elevator arrived and the door opened, inside I saw a worker, stepping in and pressing the right floor the elevator doors began closing and the soft music filed my ears, glancing over the other person, I recognised them.

"Oh, hey, Chaeryeong." I said to her, the elevator began moving going down slowly.

"Hey, Y/n, how're you doing?" She asked me, a polite smile on her face.

"I'm doing well, this rain is crazy right? They think it'll be another week before it stops."

She hummed, acknowledging what I said before looking back down at her cart, it fell into comfortable silence before the elevator dinged, looking up I saw I had reach Jiyoon's floor, the doors opened and I stepped out giving Chaeryeong a small wave which she returned, muttering a quiet farewell.

I made my way down the carpeted hallway looking for the right number of her apartment, counting them as I went 35, 36, 37, 38...

Ah, here it is.

The golden number reflected on the light shining behind me, I had messaged her before to let her know I'd be over today, knocking on the door I heard a quite 'coming!' from behind it followed by footsteps.

The door swung open, behind it stood Jiyoon, short frame accompanied by light brown almost reddish hair, styled in her usual way with her thin bangs, her hair ended just below her shoulders, her typical bright smile with her bunny teeth and her large eyes looking right at me. Recognising who I was, she opened the door further before wrapping an arm around me giving me a half hug which I returned. Before we had even said anything to each other she had ushered me inside and closed the door behind me.

Her apartment was similar to mine, but rather than two bedrooms she only had one, turning to face her I spoke first as she made her way to her kitchen with the container I handed to her and I went to go sit at her small coffee table, decorated with her magazines and paper weights, and a small plant. We fell into casual conversation about things that were going on in our own lives, Jiyoon mentioned that she was doing well in her art classes and had even managed to sell a few pieces to her colleagues at work, I was telling her about how we're thinking of redecorating the café and briefly mentioned how my sink was broken.

"Thank you so much Jiyoon." I said thanking her as she passed me the ointment I needed for Namjoon and the other boys. It had been well over an hour since I left and the boys would be getting worried by now, time flies when you're chatting with a good friend.

"Don't worry about it! I'll swing by and get it back later." She assured me. "I'll see you around! Oh, and let me know how the café redecorating goes if you do it, I'd be happy to give you some paintings to hang up." She beamed as she waved goodbye to me down the hall.

"Bye!" I yelled down at her waving aggressively before turning and stepping into the elevator that had arrived, no one else was in this one, as the door closed, and music filled my ears, I started humming along before the elevator started moving back up to my floor.


"Stop moving or I'll- "

"This is a tiny bathroom! There's no room in here."

"Yeah, well I- "

Before I could tell Namjoon off for moving around while I was trying to disinfect his chest, he quickly grabbed my arms and lifted me up, spinning us both around so he was now facing the mirror, but he didn't stop there, lifting me slightly higher before dropping me on to the counter and letting go. He didn't say anything and just kept looking forwards like I had told him too before.

"Well, I-I guess this works too." I mumbled out trying to look down as much as I could to avoid him seeing my red face. The runny brown ointment started running down from one of his cuts, I quickly caught it with one of the rags that I had with me, I kept dabbing the liquid onto his wounds using a cotton bud, every time the ointment came in contact with a new wound Namjoon would flinch in pain, I felt bad, but it needed to be done.

"Sorry, but on the bright side, it doesn't look like there will be many scars, maybe just a few." I paused, my fingers hovering over and tracing the areas as I spoke. "Here, here, and maybe here." I smiled looking up at him, as I was looking at where he might develop some scars I noticed some that were already there, most of them seemed to be fairly old, he grunted at what I said and shuffled slightly before looking away.

He's mad at me again?

I grabbed the bandages that were beside me as I started to wrap them over his chest, I could feel him glaring down at me, this time the wrapping was more cleanly done and not messy, but this time he was also fully conscious and standing, I wrapped over them all twice, before finishing up and clipping the end to the rest of the bandage, Namjoon seemed to scoff at how much care I put into making sure the bandages were wrapped correctly, which took extra time.

Looks like we're back to square one.

I looked up at Namjoon, patting his shoulder and letting him know I was done, he muttered something before turning and heading to the door, I watched him open it and walk out as I began packing up the kit and popping the lid back on to the ointment. I was about to hop off the basin before I heard some talking and then someone's loud voice which was followed by loud footsteps.

The downstairs couple are going to hate me. I thought sighing and looking down.

"My turn!"

As soon as I heard the voice, a body came barrelling through the door, almost running in to the shower, as quick as it had come in the room, it had shut the door, locked it, and leaned against it before slumping halfway to the ground. I could hear some yelling and knocking from the other side of the door which seemed to die down upon realising it had been locked, the figure turns to me, a giddy smile on their face, I couldn't really see his eyes as his long hair covered the top of his face, hanging down over them, shadowing it, his position and expression made him look like he could have been from a horror movie, if it weren't for his boyish nature, he hauled himself up before making his way over to the basin where I was still sitting.

"Taehyung?" I started giggling at his antics as he made his way over to me. "Hmm, I should probably touch up your wounds too." I explained as the thought came to me, thankfully Jimin and Yoongi didn't need me to apply any ointment or rewrap bandages, they both just needed to rest. Taehyung's gummy smile took over his features as he stood closer to me, I opened up the ointment again, grabbing a clean cotton bud I stuck it in the bottle and started dabbing at the wound on his lip, he winced a bit, but kept his eyes on me the whole time.

"Are you just going to stare at me the whole time?"

He looked up and to the side, making a thinking face before facing me again, a cheeky grin on his face.


The room erupted into our giggles, the sound filling all the corners of the room making it feel more alive. When I was ready to start cleaning up his eyebrow, I moved his hair out of the way, but it fell right back into place on his forehead. Sighing, I moved it again, but it went straight back to where it was, I tried a few more times before giving up and thinking of a better solution.

I grabbed a headband I had laying around for when I moisturised and quickly slipped it over his head before pulling it back up again, pushing his hair back, he overreacted, throwing his head about as if I had been throwing his head around like it were a ball and I were an energetic puppy trying to kill the rounded object, finally all his hair was out of the way, and I could clean up his eyebrow.



"Do you like us staying here?"

His question made me stop what I was doing, I moved my hands away from his face and brought them to my lap, looking into his eyes. "Of course, I do! My apartment has never felt so alive. I'm happy you guys are here and not out in the rain on the streets. While you're here this is your home too, so feel free to do what you like, just don't put any holes in my walls." I said giggling at the last part and giving him a kind smile which he returned.

Most of his cuts around his eyes weren't overly deep and had almost healed themselves by now, so it didn't take too long to patch him up, I jumped down from the basin and tidied up the area putting things away and such, as well as throwing out the old bandages and used cotton buds, when all was done, I headed back outside into the kitchen area.

Most of the boys were already in bed by now as it was getting late, I could see over on the couch Namjoon had a book from my shelf that he was reading, but he didn't seem too happy about it, Yoongi was already asleep, and Seokjin and Hoseok were chatting about something I couldn't quite make out, glancing into the spare room where Taehyung had gone to after leaving the bathroom, the three boys were sprawled out on the bed watching something on the tv, their laughter and bright smiles filled my heart with warmth like no other.

I did my usual routine of turning off all the lights, but before I turned off the loungeroom light I switched on the lamp so Namjoon wouldn't be in complete darkness. I quickly checked that anything from the kitchen had been put away before grabbing a glass and filling it with water to take to bed, as I made my way over to my room, I turned around facing the boys.

"Goodnight, guys!"

Various "Goodnight, Y/n!" 's and "Sleep well!" 's filled my ears as I turned and entered into my own room to sleep for the night.


The slight pitter patter of rain drops hitting against my window had lulled me to sleep last night, they continued up till this morning, the rain was lighter right now than it had been during the middle of the night. I rolled on to my side, facing wall opposite my window, dragging the heavy blanket with me, due to the new position I had to readjust my pillow, I sat up and turned behind me grabbing the pillow, fluffing it and placing it back down, I turned back around before flopping back on to my bed and snuggling into the blankets, not at first noticing the strange figure situated at the end on my bed.

I snuzzled back into my pillow, moulding it into the shape of my face and pulling the blanket up to my ears making sure there were no openings as to stop the cold air from infiltrating my warm blanket cocoon. Just as I had relaxed into my new position my tired brain caught up with my sight, my eyes snapped open.

There's someone in my room.

Without thinking I immediately sat up facing the end of the bed, pulling my blanket up to my face, gasping loudly as I did so, his eyes widened, his mouth pulled into a line, he looked like a deer in headlights, frozen in one spot, like if he didn't move I wouldn't see him, I tried rubbing my eyes to get a better look at the man.

"Taehyung?" I asked squinting my eyes at the figure, it was definitely Taehyung, the panther ears and tail accompanied by his baggy clothing and his brown bed hair that sat on his head. At my words he stood up fully, a gummy smile on his face as he stepped closer to the bed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He said before glancing over to the balcony my eyes following his. "I was just trying to get to your balcony, it has a better view, and the other one is covered in plants."

I looked back over to Taehyung where I had now noticed that he was holding in one hand a large white canvas and in the other a painting bag, they were mine from about a year ago, Jiyoon was trying to teach me how to paint, I remember when I showed her, she told me 'That's a nice vase.' I frowned and told her 'It was a cat...'.

"O-oh, I see." I smiled at him, I snatched the keys off my bedside table tossing them over to him, he smiled at me again before unlocking and opening the door and heading outside before closing it again to keep the cold air and rain out. I watched him for a little bit, setting up his painting supplies, and finding the right place and angle to prop up the canvas, he just started sketching so I had no clue what it could be, I was tempted to keep watching, but I didn't want to come across as creepy, and there was no point in going back to sleep now as I was already awake, so I slipped out of bed and made my way to my bathroom and started getting ready for the day.


I spent most of the day trying to get a hold of maintenance, and finally after many hours, probably 17 phone calls and at one point being put on hold for almost two hours, only for when I got through some robotic voice tells me that 'They will return your call later.', I was finally able to talk to someone and organise for the sink to be fixed tomorrow. So now I was relaxing in the loungeroom and chatting to some of the boys, Jungkook sat to my right and Hoseok and Yoongi sat with each other to the side of us.

"It's getting cold, do you guys want a blanket?" I asked them, they seemed to agree with each other, so I went to grab two large blankets for the closet, I gave one to Yoongi before flopping back to my spot, I opened up the blanket and did my best to spread it out over me and Jungkook, but it wasn't quite big enough.

"Jungkook move closer." I said still trying to even out the bottom of the blanket, he didn't move for a bit, but then he slowly moved himself closer to me. "Is that enough blanket?"

Jungkook looked the other way to see the blanket, but I already moved myself backwards and towards him more so that the blanket would also be roomy, Yoongi and Hoseok were entangled with each other and their blanket, now everyone was warm.

"Hey, Jungkook, can I- uh, touch your ears?" Jungkook seemed surprised at my request, his face turned red as he looked down.

Was that insensitive?

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have asked, j-just forget about it." I said embarrassed, shaking my hands about, worried that I might have offended him I tried to divert my eye contact away from him, hoping someone would change the subject.

"N-no, it's okay, here" I turned to Jungkook as he spoke, he smiled showing off his bunny teeth and looked me in the eye before leaning forwards and looking down, so the top of his head was right in front of me, I lifted my hand from my lap, but hesitated about touching them. "It's okay, really." Jungkook assured me, so I moved my hand towards his head.

His dark bunny ears were the softest thing I had ever touched, the were silky smooth and fluffy, I moved one hand under them and one on top, the white in the middle was like a cloud, Jungkook seemed to flinch when I touched the white part, so I moved my hands to another area.

"Woah, they're so soft Jungkook." I said as I kept running my hand along the back side of one of his ears before swapping over to the other ear, I kept running my hands over them and eventually starting to softly scratch them towards the base, Jungkook shifted slightly when I moved my hands so, I retracted them back in front of me.

Jungkook let out an almost whine before moving himself towards me, I took this as a sign to put my hands back on his ears and continue, I placed my hands back onto his head and resumed my movements from before except one hand I used to comb through his hair while the other kept lightly scratching around his ears, running my hands through Jungkook's hair I caught more tangles than expected, I hadn't notice before because he was keeping his hair tied back. Gently, I began to untangle bits of his hair, but after a while Jungkook seemed to start shuffling around a bit, I took notice of his position before moving away slightly and adjusting myself, I told Jungkook to move closer to me and lay down a bit, so he was more comfortable, my hands naturally found a pattern of detangling his hair and adding small braids here and there.

We all fell into small talk as I kept playing with Jungkook's hair, Jungkook stayed quiet for the most part except for the occasionally whine or grunt which usually made me and Hoseok giggle, Yoongi and Hoseok seemed to keep sparing glances at each other, but I figured it wasn't any on my business.

Hoseok hummed before talking again. "Did you sleep well? I heard Taehyung was in your room this morning?"

I felt Jungkook shift on my lap as though he was now paying attention to the conversation. "Oh yeah, he was just trying to use my balcony for some painting he was doing, something about a better view and more room than the other balcony." I said haphazardly pointing a finger over to the other balcony which was mostly filled with plants before going back to the braid I was in the middle of. "I slept well. I haven't asked, but how's the couch going?"

"It's going- "

"There's not enough space."

I looked over to Yoongi who had spoken, as did Hoseok and Jungkook, Yoongi looked at Hoseok and they seemed to have a bit of a stare off before Hoseok spoke up. "It's good, thank you for letting us use it."

Despite Hoseok's kind words, I couldn't help but feel bad after what Yoongi had said, he was right though, four grown men on one couch, granted it was large, but not that large. "Sorry, I didn't really prepare sleeping places for you guys, if I could I'd give you my room but there still wouldn't be enough room for everyone." I said to them, Yoongi and Hoseok seemed to share a look before I asked them. "Is it uncomfortable to sleep on?"

"It's not bad, better than what we're used to at least, I can get a bit more sleep now, but I wouldn't call it quality sleep" Hoseok explained, Yoongi nodding in the background. I smiled knowing that it at least it wasn't too uncomfortable.

"I swear, if Jin kicks me while he's sleeping again, I will go sleep on the balcony."

We all laughed at what Yoongi said, even Jungkook laughed too, we sat around on the couch talking for a bit and eventually Jimin and Seokjin joined our conversation too, Jimin seemed a bit tense when he spotted me and Jungkook on the couch and he came and sat right next to me as he usually did, but he seemed to sit really close to my right despite having more room and kept glaring at Jungkook's head as I kept playing with his hair.

At some point I started working on my laptop, checking some resumes for people who had applied for a job a few months ago but didn't get it at the time and going through what was eventually going to be a new menu, it was still missing a few items that needed to be added, I always make the option first to see if it turns out well and if it's viable for the cafe.

So far, the search for people who were still interested in the job was not going well, most people emailed back saying that they had already found another job or are no longer looking for one, sighing, I decided to close down the laptop and try again when the shops back open.

Needing a break, I slid out from the blankets and excused myself from the group, I stood up and made my way into my room, where Taehyung was still on the balcony. I opened the sliding door behind him, he didn't notice me at first, but as I stood closer, he seemed to notice my presence, I glanced at his painting, taking it in, it had a bright pink background and the outline of a face.

"Abstract, I like it. You're good at this." I complimented him, I didn't want to say much as to not 'disrupt his flow', Jiyoon said I did that a lot to her.

"Thank you, is everything okay?" He asked without looking behind him.

"Yeah, just need a break, some fresh air." I smiled, not that he could see it. "Can I sit out here with you?" I said to him, looking over at the spare chair at the other end of the balcony.

He nodded his head, and I mumbled a small 'thanks' before taking a seat in the other chair, I watched Taehyung do more of his painting before focusing my attention of the view from my balcony, the rain wasn't too heavy, but the thunder and lightning was getting worse, most news channels said that it would get worse than this in the next day or so. My eyes felt heavy, but I stayed outside with Taehyung occasionally engaging in conversation with him before switching back to doing my own thing.

I must have dozed off while outside with Taehyung and slept until the morning, when I came to, I was in my bed but still in my day clothes, slowly waking up from my slumber, I cracked my eyes open, the blankets must have gotten tangled as on one side they seemed to tower over me, I moved slightly, readjusting my body as I was feeling uncomfortably hot under the blankets, I tried moving over into a cooler spot of sheets but the bed was still too hot, I kept moving and wiggling trying to find a better area of blanket and sheets so my body wouldn't be smothered in heat, but everywhere under the blankets was hot.

Why is it so damn hot?!


A/n: Another Chapter is out! This was the first chapter that I planned out before writing, I hit all the points I needed to get and all the small details that need to be added, I tried my best with the fluff, let me know what you think. I told you I would make up for the other chapter! I genuinely didn't mean for it to be 5k almost 6k words though, this was 2 chapters, but the second one was too short and felt kind of flat, so I joined them, again I'm so sorry for not updating for weeks, I wanted to write so badly, but I just couldn't. I'm really trying to get further into the plot now, and actually have more things happen, I'm aiming to get 1hr of writing most days and I'm thinking of maybe working on multiple projects? I've kind of started the Jimin oneshot I had in my brain, so hopefully I'll finish that up soon. I'm trying to do more foreshadowing/ hinting of things, like the boy's tragic backstories and why they were in the alley. If you have anything specific you'd like to see in this series PLEASE, let me know and I'll see what I can do, reading the feedback on my posts is literally the highlight of my day, and I love seeing what you guys are thinking about it! (I don't think she'll read this but thank you to my friend for helping me out when I needed it, love ya!) I hope everyone has a great day or night & Thankyou all for reading! 💜

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