The Perfect Skeeter

By soloindistress

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I didn't expect to be Rita Skeeter, let alone to make friends and fall in love. I didn't want to be part of... More

Waking Up
Hogwarts express
The Sorting
Year 1, 2 and Summers
Year 3, 4 and summers
Year 5 part 1
Year 5, part 3
Year 5, Part 4
Year 6,7 & before war
The End

Year 5, part 2

1.1K 50 2
By soloindistress

Ever wished you never did something?

Looking at Lockhart with a blank expression I didn't know what to think.

I didn't want to think.

So I quickly casted an obliviate on him erasing his memories of their talk and me using legitimacy on him. The last thing he would remember would be him trying to harass me, me binding him then knocking him out.

I stood there for a while in a daze, everything seemed strange I didn't want to acknowledge what I was feeling so I levitated Lockhart with me and made my way towards one of the many empty classes then threw him there with his wand after unbinding him. Next time he tries anything I won't be as nice.

I walked in a daze, not noticing where I was going until I reached the at the edge of the forbidden forest. At least I had the brains to make sure no one was around before transforming into my tiger form, I then sat infront of it waiting for their arrival.

I didn't know why I was doing this, I knew it was a bad idea considering who they were I knew they would immediately realize I was an animagus, for why would a white tiger a rare one at that be sitting in front of the shrinking shack so obediently?

I kept staring at the moon and the stars wandering if I had any right to feel betrayed.

My age makes me feel like a pedo but I knew I couldn't date someone older since that would make them look like the pedo.

I wondered if me being Rita was the reason why such a thing happened.

Was Olivia and Richard always meant to be? Was my meddling what got in their way of romance?

No wonder he never tried to kiss me he never loved me from the beginning. I know I shouldn't feel this way but I do cause ignoring the mental age gap. Richard was my first date, my first boyfriend and someone I have come to love and trust so learning I was nothing more than someone he used to get his crushes attention hurt, did I not mean more to him then that?

Couldn't he have asked for my help since the start instead of playing with my heart as well?

If it was under any other circumstance I would have been angry. I would have found a way to get back at them but this was different I didn't know if I had the right to, I thought is was karma for dating someone his age for somehow messing with the time line.

I have noticed how the marauders prank are harmless now, how lily didn't mind James pestering her  into dating him how she blushes when she thinks no one is looking while looking at him and all of this happened because of one big change I somehow made, the marauders never bullied Snape. They did prank him but they did it as equally as they did others.

Peter isn't as cowardly this time he his the best artist in school he had been the best in muggle arts so his taking magical art class now. His grades are good and his more confident.

Sirius is more tame, tho he was still the loudest of the bunch he was always good in grades so there was nothing to say. He wasn't a player another major change but something that I have noticed was how much skinnier he is after every summer break. How he smiles less everytime.

Remus is well I don't really know as much, he was quiet most of time always watching but always avoiding eye contact.

A howl jolts me out of my thoughts and I have to wonder how long i was lost in thought staring at the stars. I could feel tears down my cheeks getting soaked into my fur.

I glaced sideways and there stood a black dog that could be mistaken for a grim, a majestic sage  standing proud, surprisingly a badger who I guess was peters new animagus form now that he is personality has changed I am not surprised and finally a wear wolf but what was shocking was the fact that it didn't look like the wolf from the movies no this wolf looked like a normal wolf a really big one but a wolf non the less.

Was this also my fault? Did I somehow affect his change but that's impossible! How could I affect such a thing ? Maybe it was an Au. The first Au I have encountered but still.

The wolf started to growl showing his canines but I was relaxed I didn't know why but I wasn't as scared as I knew I should be. As the wolf got closer I made sure to lower my head made sure my neck was bared to show I wasn't a threat, that I didn't mean any harm.

I could feel his breath on my neck before I felt a his wet tongue on my fur. I jump at that not liking the wet feeling on my fur. He then starts to rub around my body which sort of felt nice. I placed my face on his brown almost golden furry back feeling how soft it was against my fur.

The other animals slowly approached me too, first was Sirius who sniffed me a bit before jumping on me, he then started to lick my face but I pushed him away, my poor fur.

The  sage came next, I wanted to have fun with him so I bared my fangs acting like I was the predator about to pounce on him, surprised James closed his eyes waiting for the blow only to to feel my pow pat his chest his head was tall for me to reach.

I could see the sage relax while the dog rolled on the ground it was strange but it looked like it was laughing.

Then peter came over and I grabbed him by my mouth before throwing him on my back. I could hear his squeak but I ignored it. I then walked back towards Remus feeling his fur against mine again.

You know that fluffy carpet in your room, the feeling of those soft fur underneath your feet. If felt like that, soft, comfy, safe...

That night I didn't want to think so I didn't I just spent the rest of the night playing with the marauders until we got too tired and curled up around each other falling asleep.

But there was one thing I could keep out of my mind. Was I meant to be alone forever ?

Enjoy :)

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