Year 3, 4 and summers

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At the start of my third year I was excited cause we will finally be able to choose our own electives. I had thought long and hard, just kidding , there was no way I was choosing Arithmancy I hated math or anything to do with it, muggle study's was out too I mean it could be an easy O but where's the challenge in that ? I would just be bored in class, I am not taking diviation too cause i most definitely don't believe in prophecys, in the end I decided to take study of ancient runes cause I want to carve runes for myself one day, I will also take, care of magical creatures even if it could get scary, finally and a surprising choice was dark arts I wanted to see what it's actually all about altho they said it's mostly theory and we were going to do grey spells and a few harmless dark spells which I didn't mind.

Something I discovered and forgot existed was the extra curriculums which we could take on the weekends and since it could be dropped at any time I went for magical theory so I could create my own spells, muggle arts I thought it could help me with ancient runes and I could always drop it when am good enough to take Arts class which is a magical version mostly focuses on how portraits work in short magical drawing and last I  joined the Hogwarts orchestra which is separate from the frog choir.

I will probably drop some of them if it gets too much but for now it could work as a good distraction.

Roa had chosen the same as me except for dark arts she chose Arithmancy and lius chose diviation instead of ancient runes.

Through out the year I had made new friends in every new class like Carter Richard and king Joshua, a Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw respectively we were the same year, and met in muggle arts class.  I am also partnered with Snape again in magical theory, I guess I now know how he created sectumsempra and it's counter curse probably not his only spells too, another person I met was Rakepick Patricia, vanity Emma both Slytherins and Martinez Wilkes Ravenclaw in dark arts class tho I always partnered up with lius I sort of started socializing with them too.

I was busy through out my third year but that didn't mean I didn't notice remus in my ancient runes class or  Sirius and James in magical theory class, even peter was taking muggle arts!!.

Remus always avoided eyes contact which hurt, Sirius didn't seem to notice my presence at all, which is much worse, peter would quickly walk away every time he sees me, making me feel bad, different from the rest James would always look me in the eyes until I turned and left. I felt a deep logging in me everytime it happened I knew I missed their company alot even when I tried to avoid them they were nice, I remember how Remus would get me treacle tarts between breakers, how Sirius would try to braid my hair, how James would start a water fight while we are by the lake and how peter would teach me how to take flower crowns or secretly give me the last piece of chocolate every time we shared, sometimes I would lay on my bed wondering if things would have been different if they did owl me before our first year, would things be the same?

When I got like that Roa and lius would always hug me, I would lay my head on lius shoulders as roa hugs me from the other side, we would sit like that for hours sometimes just quiet enjoying our presence around each other. At times I thought of them as my older siblings which would remind me of my dear Elliot, I sometimes sat on the chair wondering if my brother also go a chance to reincarnate into a different world, if he was here and I didn't even know.

It was hogsmade year as well since I didn't have parents my legal guardian was our head of house so professor Fitwik signed my slip for me. I was excited at the time we went to the three broomsticks, honeydukes, even the shrinking shack it was great we had lots of fun.

For yule I had staid over at Hogwarts like I always do, I had finally perfected my sewing skills so I had gifted roa a sweater with blue, black and sliver along with a neckless charmed to protect the wearer from any type of explosions, spells or harmful potions hopefully it will protect her in the future.

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