Year 5, part 3

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I woke up early next morning like I always did. The rest of the guys were still asleep in their animagus form, Remus seemed to have gone back to his human form. I quietly untangled my self from them before slowly making my way towards the castle.

I looked around making sure no one was around before changing back to my Beatle form, I then flew up the castle towards my room. Once inside I revered back to my human form, I am so glad we all have our own rooms.

It was a weekend but I didn't want to stay in bed. " Tilly ", I said hoping she would hear me.

A sudden pop was heard and my favorite elf appeared, " mistress be calling for me?".

" yes Tilly, were you asleep did I disturb you ?" I asked, I should have thought of that first it was too early.

" of course not mistress, we house elfs have our own shifts and it was my turn so I was already up ", she said quicky.

" oh, in that case can you get me my breakfast here I don't want to leave my room today", I said feeling apologic for adding more work on her but I didn't want to face anyone yet.

" of course, I will go get it", she said before popping away.

I stood up, took out a onesies I bought when ever I crave comfort. I then went into the shower took a quick bath to remove the sweat from last night.

I then changed walked into my room, a tray was already there with food waiting for me.

I picked it up walking towards the table I had by the window. I ate slowly in silence. It was bacon and eggs with a glass of orange juice. Once I was done I got bored so I turned towards a Beatle and flew towards the room of requirements.

I didn't transform back tho I just flew back and forth asking for a training room. Then the room created a small door for me to pass through,
Once inside I turned back, I walked towards the training dummy twirling my wand. I saw a book that had different spells so I used those to practice new spells, I also practiced their counter curse. I didn't know how long i spent there but soon I grew tired.

I lowered my self on the ground looked up at the ceiling. The room turned dark and every wall soon turned into the night sky. Lots of stars, galaxies, shooting stars flew around the floor I lay in suddenly turned into the same fluffy fur I felt last night I stated rolling around it.

Soon I grew tired and closed my eyes trying to escape reality a little while longer.

. . .

" Rita "

" R I t a "

" Rita wake up !"

I sprang awake wondering were I was, before my eyes met roa's blue eyes.

" what happened?", I asked confused.

" what happened? What happened was you have been missing all day!, I was so worried about you thinking something happened to you and you weren't there for breakfast or lunch we asked everyone but no one has seen you all day we almost killed Lockhart since he was the last person to see you yesterday for your shift, if we hadn't found you here we were ready to march up to the headmasters office to demand he searches for you immediately!", she said. Tears at the corner of her eyes.

I didn't know what came over me but suddenly I was crying big fat ugly waling tears. Roa was surprised asking me what was wrong but i didn't know what to do or say.

Roa put her hands on my shoulder asking if I was hurt somewhere but I just shook my head.

" R.. hic...roa...", I said feeling pain as I said his name.

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