Not From Here [Miraculous Rea...

By Pickle_142

23.1K 576 535

Y/n, the 16 year old, adopted daughter of Billionaire Tony Stark and Pepper Pots is sucked through a portal... More

Where Am I?
Ok then...
I Want to Stay
First Day Jitters
Plutonium Chase
I Want My Mummy
A proper introduction (NAC)
The Dreaded AN
Thank you, Phone Lady!
You're Not Bad
Where's my RoboDad?
Hearts Tend to Lie

Should've Expected This

315 10 2
By Pickle_142

"P.A.M could you be a doll, and put on some classical music? Trying to figure this out is straight-up, murdering my brain." I ran my hands against my scalp while stretching my back and arms. I've been trying to figure out what's been happening to my DNA.

 When I arrived here, my world was grim, dark, and unforgiving. Now that I've been in this cartoony, saturated,  and I've felt more alive ever since. Every day doesn't seem to drag on, everything's different, it's all...grand and like a commercial where stereotypes are happening left and right, whether the people I noticed were in the plot or not. It was odd.

I was in my lab staring at a holographic model of a 'before' and 'after' of my DNA's structure and the cells in my body. While thinking to myself I heard a 'fwooooosh', and the lights surrounding me turned off and flashed red. 

"Oh for-"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Stark but it seems as though the 'before' model has overloaded my systems again and my visual capacity. I apologize, but you'll have to re-enter the DNA's structure and model's of the cells manually. I'll begin working on the power issue." P.A.M informed me, I let out a sigh littered frustration. I dropped my head and let both of my hands rest against a near by table.

This is the 14th time this has happened. 

No matter what tweaks and adjustments I make to my models it overloads and nearly reboots my entire system. The first time it happened Morgan came running to me and held onto myside, something she hasn't done since she was into Yo' Gabba Gabba. 

"FOR GOD'S SAKE, STOP DOING THAT! IT'S SO ANNOYING!" I heard her annoyed voice yelling at me. I probably interrupted her afternoon tea (again). She's gotten into Japanese street fashion where she came across the term 'lolita,' ever since, she's been loving it.

 I'm glad she's able to get her phases out with a lot of resources, not a lot of people didn't get that. I know, It's hard to be a cosplayer when you didn't have a job in Queens.

"Sorry!" I let out a dismissive apology, and sit down. Letting many, many noises of annoyance out. I've been in here trying to figure out 'what's up' with my whack-ass DNA. I'm not stellar about being in the plot because I was afraid that it would involve me more. The more I'm involved, the more the world gets brighter, my world gets brighter.

This fact and the home sickness is actually getting to me. 

My old house was awesome, sure. I mean, I'm the adopted daughter of Tony Fucking Stark. No, it was the fact that it's so empty, there was no background noise to scoff at, no crumbs to sweep up after someone. No, no.... sign of anyone that lived there. It was basically just me, Mom was busy all of the time due to taking over Dad's companies, investments, finished creations, projects that can't get finished, and of course. Me and Morgan. 

Morgan was always with Mom because... Well, she's a child, and Mom is Mom and not Dad. Since she was a responsible, adult- woman, she decided she wouldn't let Morgan live with me. Instead she moved 'us' into a brand new renovated Condo in upscale New York.

 Without the both of them in my life, it basically became the boiled 'chicken' that white people make. 

I couldn't even bother Happy or any of my friend's. After the war and... Dad, she went into over protective mode. Unjustly, she let Morgan have friends as 'you can't make children into spies or assassins.' I was lucky, and every god was on my side when she let me babysit my cousin to 'see what the real world was like,' I think she forgot where I lived before. 

Mom let Happy retire early which meant he wasn't around either, he had a couple more years but, she understood what he was processing and it's not easy. 

Still isn't.


 I looked at the shiny reflection of my  (another inaccuracy) and saw more dark circles! I was staring at myself and it looked like I stayed up. Yes, my neutral skin back home but unusual here unless someone in the plot asks 'you look tired, did you get enough sleep?' 

Sure, they didn't have that much texture like skin usually has but it's better than the dewy, clear, and bright skin I had before. Not once in my life did I think I'd be grateful to look less appealing. (i love eyebags, keep 'em up babeh!!)

There's no way. 

Thinking about how crappy my mental state was is actually helping my mental state? I couldn't think straight; overwhelmed by all of these emotions at the slight break through, so I decided to get some snacks. 

"Momo! Going for a snack run! Want anything!" I ask her, using my run as an excuse to leave my cave and smell. 

"Why! We have everything?" She yelled back to me.

"Because it's good to-!" "Ah, fuck it." I ran upstairs; skipping every other step speeding up to Morgan's room trying to convince her to join my 'adventure.' "Because it's good to be amongst the peoples!" I explain my genuine smile popping out. 

Looking at her she had some amazing dark purple, eye makeup applied, a frilly dark dress with a cupcake silhouette. Accompanied with black flats with a strap and a non useful buckled. Shoe's you'd see a doll wear.  

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Nice dress Momo!" It really was, the most I can do is a cat eye and some pretty badly applied lashes. Being here I don't really need to put on makeup. 

"Why do you want to go outside?" she interrogated me, attempting to put one of her eyebrows down while keeping the other one up . 

"To get snacks, see the outside world that exists, you Gremlin, good air that didn't come out of your family members mouth or ass." I'm trying not to laugh, but damn it's hard. I bit my bottom lip to hold my chuckle.

"Fine, you weirdo. You're carrying the bag the whole trip!" Morgan dashed out of the room, the pats of her shoes echoing through our house. I let out a hardy laugh.

(i love laughing like this, I'm first nations so my peoples loooooooooooove a good laugh. Huah huah huah huah!)

"Man it's bright." I tried multiple things to try and block out the sun only to give in due to not wanting sore arms from weird arm positions. We got the snacks, Mo' said she had P.A.M make her some sweets inspired from trends currently in South Korea so she got a lot of savory and salty snacks. I got many wafer based chocolate bars; KitKats, Bueno, Reese's Sticks, and my faaaaavourite; Salt 'n' Vinegar. 

(I'm sorry but I'm NOT typing or putting in MY story (Insert your f/c or Fav Chips) just insert whatever. Sorry for making you hungry..)

Whilst finding out where to absolutely destroy the snacks purchased, we came across a fancy and honestly, kind of douchey dude who said he was robbed of his trench coat by some 'homeless, fat-ass with lame, circle, nerd, classes and weird belt.' The douche said the robber had to be fat because his stomps sounded extremely loud. 

Morgan and I found ourselves up in a 'in the works' construction site that seemed to be a shopping Centre, but considering it's 18:40 and everyone's either at the bar or with their bed. I ended up making a hammock out of web, strung in a large crane. We were sitting there, the sounds of crunching and some here and there burp helping quiet the uncomfortable silence of this afternoon. 

"Morgan." I grabbed a stack of chips and pop them into my mouth. 

"Yeah?" She replied to me, her voice garbled by whatever probably green tea flavoured chocolate she had in her mouth.

"Do you hear that?" I was going to ask her a rather stupid 'shower thought' when I heard this weird thudding noises, it sounded like metal on cement. Not a thin metal either, whatever was making this noise, it had some weight to it. I put my chips aside, now on alert. 

"No?" She pauses and then her expression changes. "Wait!" She was hearing it now too. 

DUNG! This sound repeated, like whatever it was, was walking toward was; it was getting closer. Each sound I focused my sights on a cylindrical draining system that was open on our side. That's where the sound was coming from. 

I stood up, a protective stance over the now aware Morgan. Finally seeing some movement I see, arms. Metal arms, with clamp like... hands? It seemed like they were living arms made out of metal, each arm with 3 'fingers'. I activated my Nano-Tech suit, greeted by P.A.M asking what's the issue was. 

Thanks to P.A.M and my upped 'senses' I saw him clear, it was a dude. He had brown, short, curly hair. Blacked out, circle shaped, shades that were rather small. A... A Brown, leather trench coat that seems to pristine for his other attire. 

"It seems like I can't get rid of you, Pest." I heard his say, it seems like he knows I can hear him despite the insane distance between us. Either that or he was talking to himself.

"P.A.M! Send a vehicle to pick Morgan up, now!" Within seconds he was rushing towards us, the clamps acting as extended, extra limbs. He was now meters away and getting closer, I grabbed Morgan, wrapping an arm around her whilst jumping off our 'fort.' 

 As soon as we exited the 'rib like' structure of the crane I heard a loud crash behind me. 
Morgan screamed into my ear, her arms wrapping tight against my neck, she latched herself against me. 

I attached a web to a nearby structure only to feel a bone-crushing force against my back, this forcing Morgan out of my arms and me down into the ground. My vision was obscured by another claw against my head, pushing me into the ground. I used my strength to push my head up, seeing Momo panicking in the air as she came closer to her possible death. She was now 15 meters close to the ground, her scream filling the night.

"Web Grenade!" I yelled to P.A.M an in milliseconds it was in my hands, I threw it in time for Morgan to stick to it at not meet the ground. With her not in any danger, I fought back. Kicking off the limbs and flipping back a bit. I moved my body so I was in Morgan's way, just incase this Nutjob tried anything. 

"Who the hell do you think you are." I ask him, distaste and anger riddled in my voice. 

"You wrecked it. If it wasn't for you, I'd already have my empire." His voice matched my tone which was odd as I don't remember upsetting this dude. I always remember the people I piss off, just in case, and this guy. Wasn't one of them. 

It was a stance, neither of us moved. The only visible movement being Morgan struggling to get off the cushion that saved her.

At this point the vehicle I got arrived for Morgan was here. With the safety of Morgan doubled I readied for what was to come, it seems like the man did as well. He starts to slowly lift himself with the arms. 

"Momo! Honey! I'm gonna need you to go to the vehicle that's here, okay?" I tell her, slowly taking backward steps as the dude raised. I hear a quiet, quivering 'okay' followed by the sounds of running. 

Starting it, I quickly attached a large piece of cement debris and flung it in his direction, it smashed into him, but his arms helped with cushioning the blow. In retaliation he grabs an equally sized chuck and threw it at me, it broke apart as it hit me and it felt like whatever was hit was on fire.

 From the power of the throw I crashed into a pile of metal trimmings, general debris and metal construction pipes. None were able to puncture, thankfully, but it did knock the air out of my lungs. 

I was on my stomach facing away from him, when I turned back he was already on my trail, in the air ready to smash into me like he tried before. I was able to get majority of my body out of the way, except my leg which he latched onto where he then threw me, full force into another in the works building. The smoke and smaller debris fly through the air, creating a large cloud.

Quickly picking myself up I swung back towards him, our fight beginning. 

At this point we gathered attention as that was made obvious from the helicopter above; circling the both of us. This guy's different, he's not here due to some silly emotion and some guy in an attic. I noticed it from how we were fighting, it was... real. He wasn't subconsciously afraid to cause actual damage to me like the other villains here. He's deliberately trying to hurt me. It was a cycle of dodging, jumping away, kicking and overall scraping to avoid a claw through or against the chest.

I was able to get the upper hand and push him into a wall, the force crumbling the wall behind him, unexpectedly. His arms came crashing through like a man made of Kool-Aid. Latching themselves onto my throat and torso where he pushed me away, throwing me up and out of the construction site and into a street with- shit. 


Picking myself up from the ground; a very noticeable dent and crack into the street, only to be met with a car thrown at me and screaming from pass byers. This man didn't care, focusing on me which was good and bad. He's ignoring everyone else, and was... ignoring everyone else. He didn't care if a car was going to smoosh and kid or about the people behind him recording. 

We continued, I threw a couple of punches, some landed, some were returned. This continued until he was able to grab me with a claw. It grabs onto my torso spinning me like a spider does to their pray. They wrapped against my torso, and wrists forcing them into my chest, he was applying a lot of pressure. I'm pretty sure I heard cracking, and not the satisfying ones where you feel like you de-aged 10 years afterwards, no. These ones seared, an unbelievable amount of pain forces my voice out, my scream sent shivers down the spines of Parisians'' that were witnessing.

He begins brutally pushing my body into anything he can think that'll cause me pain, and he guesses correctly. Buildings, cars, the street, I was being used as a stress toy for this Maniac.

 This continued until some metal pole or rod came and whacks him a couple of feet back his arm drops me onto the ground. 

"Need a helping paw?" Great. 

"Now's not the time Cat!" Double great. Two people I didn't want here as this is above their non-existent pay.

 I roll onto my back which hurt, I get up. Which hurts, I grabbed onto my shoulder and feel a hissing pain. Looking I see he was able to Knick a piece of my suit of and a chunk of my shoulder as well. The blood seeped down reaching all the way to my finger tips. 

"Suit compromised.' P.A.M's voice ringing through my ears.

"I got this, you two. He's beyond your level." My voice modulator made my voice sound deeper than normal. I look back to find him gone, the only trace being the amount of damage I'm gonna have to pay for. "Shit-lips." I let out a huge sigh and drop down to a knee. 

"I'm sorry, but what's that supposed to mean?" Ladybug asks me, offence clear in her tone and pose. I begin looking for the chuck of suit that's now missing, ignoring her question. Resting my head against my knee I try and calm her down. Spewing whatever they wanted to hear that would make them shut up and leave. Cat-man bought it, but her. She was more keen, seeming to notice the hint of bull-shitting I was doing, but ignored it otherwise. 

Later on, Ladybug admits since this wasn't an akuma attack she was unable to repair the homes that were damaged in the mist of this all. 

Those who didn't have a livable home were welcomed by Mayor Bourgeois into his Hotel until their homes were rebuilt. This caused his PR team to get a huge raise and for the Mayor to get some good press.

I was able to get home, it was difficult. Flashing of cameras and questions followed as people were wondering what was the attack and how was it not Akuma based. After the crowd of reporters turned their eyes on the iconic due, I peeled off, able to make it home. 

My landing wasn't perfect, I admit, it was rough. Once I saw my deck I dove and accidentally crashed through the glass door used to get up to the hidden deck. I heard P.A.M's voice saying something, I couldn't make it out. Instead it came out muffled. My head being dizzy I dropped it onto the ground, creating a small thud sound. After that my vision became spotty, and darker by the millisecond.


"Are you okay? Stinky-Butt?" Ah. Stinky-Butt, a name my dear sister Morgan called me after Dad had told her it was what loving and super- close family members do to one and other. She said it to me casually as a kid in conversation, and was a bit embarrassed when I eventually told her it's not a common thing for everyone to use 'Stinky-Butt.' She decided there that it was, and now whenever I hear it, it warms up my heart. 

This time though, the barbie themed heated blanket on my chest and pain meds are doing that right now. I was in a infirmary room we had in the house. Equipped with everything a level one hospital would dream of having. 

She seemed sad, her eyes were puffy, and red tinted, same with her nose. Her voice was more quiet than what I'm used to and it was more hoarse. She sat on my right side, her head resting on her arms.

"I'm fine, Momo. Nothing Spider-Womayne cannot handle." I pucker my lips and raise an arm. I tried flexing a muscle, but nothing happened. I looked at my arm and... it was flexed. "Woooowww." I'm amazing, I didn't feel it, but it's happening. 

'I think it's time for a nap.' My arm falls I think, or does it fall off? I can't feel, thankfully. 

I look down and notice bandages against my torso, a pale red blotch seeping through. 

"Howwww." I put a hand on my stomach and remember. "My lunch is in here." I pat my stomach and almost immediately after everything tunes out; black.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 stylez 


Doc Ock? Yessurrrr. I also changed it so homeboy doesn't want the power of the sun or something, like give it up for 2002 writers but, meh. I hate the sun, suns are terrifying once you know how they work. 

I POSTED OMG, it's going to go in the books. I'm sorry if the end doesn't cohere smoothly. I took a couple hits and I'm flying high in the sky. Living that snoop dog life. I hate having a uterus :( I want that red room removal yk? 


Already edited, it's only been like 5 hours.


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