✅ Calling You Mine Series: Bo...

By leehaera17

700 8 0

Acceptance, regrets and life in a blink of an eye. "Tell me how should I treat you then? "Just like the cont... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 18

22 0 0
By leehaera17

The morning came and both of you is still sleeping under a very warm duvet, you try to move your body, but it's looks like you are spending too much energy last night, that you are too sore to move, you reach your phone and looking at how much miss call and message you got from the group and the most is coming from Jimin, so you decided to call him first.

"Hey Jimin, sorry I wasn't aware of your phone call last night,"

[OMG! Finally, are you OK? Where are you now?]

"Oh, Honestly I don't know where I am, on the highest floor of a hotel?"

[with Taehyung?]


[Ah, I know where you are, well, JK would like to meet you, we will be coming to you shortly]

"Alright," you answer short and slow, hopefully you do not wake up the monster sleeping beside you.

With the smallest movement you are moving yourself and try to walk to the washroom to freshen up yourself, you look at the mirror and you can see all the bite marks and crazy hickey on your skin, and blaming the lion in him on this matter.

The knock on your door makes you run slowly to the entrance, and looking through the peephole at the face of the gentleman with a small cut on his lips, you open the door in one bite and are shocked as your eyes catch the look on each of the gentlemen in front of you, you cover your mouth with both of your hands and letting the 4 gentlemen coming in to the room.

"What is happening? Who did this to you?" You ask in a very sad tone, looking at the redness, blueish and scratch on his face, you move slowly to touch Jk's face and his eyes are just as sad as it is.

"Are you ok? Is anything hurting you?" he opened his lips with so much sadness in his tone.

"Me? How about you? Are you ok? OMG... look at this scratch, who did this to you?" you are asking him and his eyes are looking at something behind you with scared eyes, you turn your face and meet with half naked Taehyung standing in the door frame looking at you with a sleepy face.

"Did you do this?" you ask him upfront, and he turns his body and walks away.

"KIM TAEHYUNG! COME BACK HERE!" you scream and he stops his step and now puts his face down.

"Jimin-sshi, is that what he's doing?" you glare at his face.

Jimin is standing still with his head hanging low.

"May I know the reason for you doing this?" you ask Taehyung to put both of your hands in front of your chest.

His head hanging low, he remembers what happened yesterday, the day that needs to be remembered as he lost his temper and pushed his anger on all of his friends.

He was sitting in his office looking through the last file of the day, and he was looking at your picture on his phone and smiling, another day to pass without you and he is already missing you like you have been gone for years, a small whisper voice suddenly heard from outside his door and he is recognizing the voice outside his head.

He is wondering what is happening as he does not received any news from any of his friend that they are coming to have a dinner with him, he is standing up from his chair and walking towards the door which is already open to begin with, he can hear the 4 boys whispering and talking to each other, and keep mentioning his name and your name, he was thinking to open up the door suddenly but he want to hear everything from behind this door as well.

"Hyung, help me please... V will kill me," Jk almost cried.

"Well, first we need to find where is Y/N" Jimin replied,

"I don't know where she is, we try to go to V's house, and all over the campus, she is not there, and her phone is dead."

"Keep it down Eunwoo, he is just behind this door, I don't want any fight here," Jimin shushed Eunwoo down.

"Should we ask the police?" Jaehyung ask,

"Well, it's not 24 hours just yet, we can't do that," Jimin answer,

"Who the fuck is Joy anyway?" Jaehyun answered.

"She is Lia's step sister," JK answered, putting his hand on his head.
"What? Ah... that supermodel?"

"Not super, just a model," Jk again answering with no interest

"And why did she do that to Y/N?" Jaehyun ask

"Did what?" suddenly Taehyung voice heard all over the floor

"Tae-Taehyung..." Jimin try to make an excuse in his head

"All of you, Get in here, NOW!" Taehyung walked inside the office and a really big sigh was heard from all the boys standing still.

"Alright here is the plan, if you die, I'm gonna take your car," Eunwoo said to JK,

"Ya! It is not funny OK,"

"Guys, please behave, I need to find something to distract him,"

"NO! You are coming with us!" JK begging Jimin,

"Bitch, you think I'm not scared of him?" Jimin got angry.

"Let me think of something, we need to find at least something for him to calm down,"
"What the fuck are you guys doing?! Didn't I tell you to come in" Taehyung's voice made the boys jump from their place.

"Omma Appa... please bless your son," Jaehyun walked to the office slowly, and Eunwoo followed by pulling Jk with him.

"I'm not gonna die alone," Eunwoo mentioned and kept pulling JK with him.

3 of them without Jimin are standing in front of Taehyung who is sitting at his table while looking at his phone, he is looking at the position of your phone and he knows exactly where you are.

"Do any of you have an explanation?" They are all looking at each other, none of them can answer these issues.

"Taehyung... please... you should know that this is something we did not expect," Eunwoo is speaking from his deepest heart.

"And may I know what is actually happening?"

"W-we... kinda.. lost her.." Again Eunwoo speaking, feeling the air in this big office goes very heavy.

"Why is that happening?" Now Taehyung is putting both his feet down and holding his body by his arm on both sides of the table.

"Joy... bullied her..." Jk finally has the courage to answer the questions.

"Bully? How?" He is walking very close to JK and the bunny baby boy is just putting his head down.

"Well... I" he can't continue his word.

Taehyung grab JK collar and asking the question again,

"Can you explain to me what happened? Mr. Kookie? Because I might lost it any minute by now,"

"Tae! Calm down, we are trying to find her," Jaehyun took Taehyung's hand off the collar.

"You better start talking!" He growl

"I-I don't know what happen, but Joy was kicking her in he tummy and she was laying down on the floor with, with blood on her-"

The word got cut by a sudden hit on Jk's face and the fresh blood coming from his lips.

"Like this? She is bleeding like you do?" Taehyung lost it, and he swung his punch on JK's face.

Jk fall to the ground and holding his face, and Taehyung almost put another jab on JK's face if Jaehyun is not there,

"YA! Stop it!" Jaehyun holding Taehyung's body down.

"It's not his fault, he doesn't know about this as well!"

"Didn't we talk about this before?" He scream

"I'm telling you to look after her! She is fragile, she cant survive! Did I tell you this!" He lost his mind, he doesn't know what to do, he is so scared that you will be gone forever, even he can see where you are on his phone, but he is so scared that you will vanish into thin air.

"DON'T YOU DARE TO EVEN LOOK AT HER AGAIN!" Taehyung walked out from his office with hundreds of anger issues, and Jimin is just calling your phone non stop hoping you will pick up.


"Come here and say you are sorry to kookie! Now!" You scream.


"Y/N, it's my fault, I should have saved you earlier," JK said with his baby eyes.

"Oh.. Kookie... none of this is your fault, it's mine, I'm the person who makes things worse, you have done so much for me and I should be thankful for whatever you did," you are holding Jk's hand soft.

You are walking to Taehyung and pull him inside the bedroom.

"Tae... come on, this is not correct, you shouldn't do this to your best friend," you speak nicely to him and he is just putting his head down.

"Come on, say sorry to him, he is already helping me so much in Uni." again no response from the gentleman who is still rubbing his eyes.

"If you said sorry I will wear anything you want," he catches your eyes very fast and makes you shocked.

"Anything?" he asks in a smirk.

And you sigh, "Yes, anything, but please be a nice person Tae, I don't want to see any of this bullshit again,"

"You should keep your promise," he kissed your cheeks and walked out the room and stood in front of JK.

"I'm sorry bro, I lost my temper on you," Taehyung looked at his shoes.

"I'm sorry I cannot take care of Y/N, I should have known better about this,"

"No.. wait, that is not correct," you suddenly interrupted "Kookie, you do not have any responsibility on me, I'm a grown woman, I can take care of myself," you said straight to Taehyung.

"And look what they did to you, Hun, if Kookie wasn't there, I would need to prepare for your grave," Taehyung answered.

"No! Yeong Ji is with me," you stand your ground.

"And now? Just 1st day she is gone, they put you on your knee" Jimin mentioned,

"Not you too on his side," you answered Jimin with glare and you rolled your eyes.

"Those ladies are inhuman, they are not afraid of what comes after it, they just care about the things they want to do," Jaehyun explained.

"Why are you all saying these things to me, who they are, do you know who did this to me?"

"Come on Y/N, we have been in this business for so long that we even knows each other nail's color," Eunwoo said.

"Geez you rich people, I cannot understand" you are just leaving the area and sitting down on the balcony, trying to catch your breath and clearing your mind.

"Looks like she will pull out a cigarette and start smoking soon," Eunwoo kidding around

"Stop staring will you!" Taehyung spat.

"Alright, since Mr. Monster Tae Tae and Mr. Bunny Kookie are on good terms right now, I think we are done here, it's your job to explain the issues to your girl," Jimin explained, "and you sir! Please no more silent treatment, or I will burn down your house" Jimin growls.

Finally, the boys leaving the suites saying their final goodbye to Taehyung and exiting the room, you on the other hand just falling down on your deep thought, until you feel the swinging sofa that you have been sitting on start moving.

"This is all my mistake, I shouldn't have been pretending to be a capable person," you start to feel the urge to cry.

"Enough, I can't hear you saying this all the time," Taehyung frustrated

"But it's true, I should have known my place," you put your head up.

"And your place is right here beside me," Taehyung pulls your body on his hug.

"Uh! Good thing you are sexy, otherwise I will kick you in your balls talking like that,"

"Keep talking and my balls will smack the hell out of your ass,"

"I'm hungry, lets just go home," you looked into his face,

"No... I don't want to go home,"

"What? What kind of lie did you tell her this time?"

"Well, that's Jimin to take care of, I don't care,"

"Are you nuts? I don't want to marry a lier,"

"I'm not a lier, Ms. Kim, I'm just too busy to answer any stupid question,"

"Anyway, I don't want you to pay the price to stay in this luxury hotel, while our house is 20 minutes away from here,"

"Who paid?" he ask

"You?" you are now confused.

"I don't pay anything, this is mine,"

"How come? You don't own a hotel,"

"Who are you, my PA?"

"You know what? Own whatever you want, I don't care," Taehyung just laughing by himself and you are leaving him to get ready,

"Where are you?" Taehyung walk to the bedroom and couldn't find you,

"Stop shouting I'm here," you are standing in front of the mirror only in your underwear,

"What are you doing?" he bit his lips looking at your naked body.

"I'm getting ready, we need to eat, I'm hungry," he hugged you from the back as usual.

"We can just order in," he walked to the table to open a big menu book.

"What do you want to eat?" he ask again,
"Anything," you mentioned

"Anything ?"

"Yes, anything will do,"

"How about my dick?"

"Food Kim Taehyung, I'm not a cannibal,"
"Hungry you is scary,"

"Then Fucking feed me already!" you walk away from him giggling on your expression.

You open your handbag that was finally delivered by one young man dressed up like a prince from a tale, so you get things to wear and you can do your makeup, by the time you done with yourself you can see Taehyung is sitting down in his working table and start his morning duty and you make him a cup of coffee.

"Thanks, hun" he smiles at you and he taps his tight twice, you know what he want, and it's always to open his email while you are sitting on his lap, your eyes also now looking at his laptop's monitor, hundreds of emails coming in and the ding-ing sound is endless.

And you eyes catch something, so you move his hand and open 1 email that makes you almost jump,

"You got invited to the fashion week?" you cannot even believe your eyes.

"Yea, every year,"

"Every year! oh sorry that's too loud," you apologizing looking at his shocked face.

"Why? Are you interested?" he ask,

"OMG! Who doesn't want to attend the biggest fashion show in the world?"

"Me?" he answer

"Oh well, I have no money to fly to Paris anyway, what am I hoping for," you hissed.

The knock on your door makes you jump off the chair, you know food is coming, and you open the door in excitement, the gentleman pushing his trolley and starts serving the hot food on your dining table, and you start drooling over the food.

"BABY! Let's eat," you call him from the office

"What did you call me just now?"

"I don't know, you heard me," you sit down and flip your hair sassy and start eating.

"Keep being sassy and you gonna get smack," he kisses your neck and sits down with you to enjoy the food while you feel your cheeks getting red.


You are sitting down in front of him while he is busy working with his laptop and you are scrolling on your phone.

"Hello," you heard Taehyung answering a phone call and you can see his expression is not in his best mood.

"Yep, maybe tomorrow," he is busy looking at the screen

"No, I won't" he mentioned while tapping his finger on the table.

"I can't, I'm busy,"

"Alright bye," he closed the phone call.

"Is that Lia?" you ask

"Yeah.." he answer short,

"You should go home, Tae"

"No, I don't care about this birthday bullshit,"

"Who's birthday?"



"Eh.. Yeah?"

"Fuck me, why don't you say anything, when is it?"

"You want me to fuck you?"

"Answer me,"

"Like tomorrow,"


"So you still want me to fuck you?"

You give your hooded eye look at him.


You are back to your phone and text the group.


None of you are telling me his birthday is tomorrow?

Jeong Oppa

He never celebrate one either


Shouldn't you know about this already?


Sorry bestie...


How can I prepare something in less than 24 hours?

Jeong Oppa

Ah.. yourself?




Are you serious?




What does it mean?

Jeong Oppa

You know what we like...


I think V favorite color is red


Black will be nice



Jeong Oppa

Victoria Secret is just in front of your building 🙂


Shall we choose something for you?


You all gonna die if V read this


I don't have any choice anyway *sigh*

True, the only thing i could give to him is my body


I'm excited


Do you think that is enough?


More than enough

Jeong Oppa

Let me know how it goes


Then help me take him out of here, I need to get ready



Jeong Oppa

Superman to the rescue


Ayay Captain!


You smile at your phone and you start to look at the item that you can purchase, and something catches your eyes.

"What are you looking at?" his voice woke you up

"Oh.. nothing.." you give your best smile, "do you think red looks good on me?" you ask

"All colour looks good on you," he answered

"But I like your red lace panties," he smirk

"Yup you are 100% a pervert,"

"Just for you babe," he wink

"What do you need?" He answer his phone

"No, not interested" again he answered

"What the- he hang up on me"

"Oh Jimin Oppa," you answer your phone, and he is walking to you to take your phone away

"Do you need him?" you ask

"Sure, of course he is free," you answer

"No I'm not" he hissed while looking at you

"Yup, in 30 minutes, sure" you close the phone.

"Get ready Tae, they will pick you up in 30 minute,"

"What? No... I'm not going,"

"Gosh, what if something important comes up, don't you need to take care of it,"

"Like what? Nothing more important than me spending my time with you,"

"I'll be here anyway, you can just go out and come back,"


"Yes, you are going," you pull his body and put him in to the shower,

"Babe, I don't want to go,"

"I can't hear you," as you literally beside him and looking at him taking shower while biting your lips hard,


As Taehyung is finally out of your side, you are now busy doing something else, you are in a big lingerie shop just outside the hotel, and speaking to one of the ladies in front of you.

"So this is our new product called the birthday gift, it will include this lingerie, where he will need to unwrap you like a present and this fully handcuff, also this whip cream"

"Whip-whip cream?" you ask while looking at this wild stuff that is included into the package, while your face looks like a tomato.

"Is this your first time?"


"It's alright, there will be a guide inside the box, so you can read it before he came, so you can prepare yourself"

"Ow.. o-ok" you nod in response, and you tap your card to the machine to pay,

"Sorry Miss, your card got declined,"

Right, you literally broke, you are looking through your wallet and found the shining black card,

"Use this" you give it to her, I'm gonna pay it back.

She gave you the look that you assume that she probably thinks that you are a sugar baby of some crazy old bastard, looking at that black card on your hand, you roll your eyes and just focus on the item that wraps in a giant plastic bag.

You are going back to the hotel room and ordering couple of simple food and cake, while you are reading the instruction on how to use this lovely non covered cloth,

"Alright Y/N you can do this" while looking at the item inside the box, and you keep reading the purpose of each item, "wow, that..." you can't even imagine you are doing it to him, but those money needs to be spend well, so you decided to follow all the steps including things that doesn't make sense procedure.

The food is coming and the cake is also very pretty, you make sure to take a picture before it got destroyed, you take a good shower, makes sure everything washed clean to the inch of your body, and put some light makeup with a roses red lips, let your hair down and looking at the big bag that laying on the side of the bed.

"Right, let's just get this over with,"
You are opening the paper that should be read prior to your activity, well you have to wear the goddamn lingerie that consist of a giant bow tie on your back and couple of stings that needs to be tied down to your body so you look like a present that wrap into a sexy doll, you looking at yourself in the mirror and you really want to cover yourself from all eyes that you think is looking at you right now, the next thing is how to use the pleasure toy, the handcuff, the whip with pink feather at the end of it and you hold a bottle of the whipped cream on your hand, and you hope you have the courage on doing what the paper tells you to do.

You are sitting on the dining table, and telling Jimin that you are ready to go, another couple minute goes by as you looking at the video prep that should be telling you what to do, you heard steps coming to through the door and you put your phone in the table with a heart beat getting faster and faster, the door open with Taehyung standing on the entrance, while his eyes meet your eyes and the whole things in his hand drop down in a heart beat together with his jaws and maybe the things in his underwear. 


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