DragonBall Variant

By XrimsonCroc

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Dragonball, we're familiar with the story. The tale of Goku and company fighting to save their world and at t... More

Yerlec's Bio
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Yerlec's Bio V2
Interlude #1: Broly
Interlude #2: The Days in Between
Episode 10
Episode 11
Interlude #3: Countdown To The Cell Games!
Episode 12
Interlude #4 Pt 2: Homecoming
Yerlec's Bio V3
Episode 13
Oh my Kami...

Interlude #4 Pt 1: Aftermath of The Cell Games

293 8 9
By XrimsonCroc

It's been 5 years since the climax of the dreaded Cell Games, and numerous things have taken place during that time. One of the most stand out events was Vegessa giving birth to Vegeta V. A surprise to be sure, especially in the eyes of the Z-Team. Nowadays, he's just like his mother, in all his pride, albeit toned down thanks to his parent's guidance. Alongside him, present day Trunks, Vocado and Vendei have grown up a bit as well. They were a rowdy bunch, but a happy family all the same. Never a dull day in Capsule Corp. Speaking of which, deep in the lab, Yerlec, Bulma and Vomi stood in front of the present day Cell's pod. Numerous improvements were made in the given time frame, as well as an acceleration supplement to speed growth along. After a few more minutes of waiting, it happened. A beep rang out, and the pod opened up, the experimental liquids spilling onto the floor and into a nearby drain. While now on the side of the Z-Team, Cell took form once more.

Yerlec: There he is...

Bulma(Unnerved): Geez, I know he's on our side, but I still get shivers looking at him.

Vomi(Unnerved): I know what you mean...

Yerlec: Now then ... until we come up with a proper name for you, you will be known as Android 23. Understand?

23: I understand perfectly, Captain.

Yerlec: *Nods* Excellent. Now for step 2.

Bulma(Confused): Step 2? What are you talking about?

Yerlec: Simple. You must remember that this is his Imperfect Form. For him to reach his true potential, his Perfect Form is required. Thanks to tweaks made to his design, he no longer needs Androids 17 and 18 to achieve it. Rather an large abundance of bio-mass. That's where I come in. *Goes Super Saiyan 2*

Vomi: You're going to give him your energy?

Yerlec: Indeed. Just like his counterpart, the more energy he absorbs, the stronger he becomes. Since he's not going to roam around drinking people, I figured this would be the next best thing. I'll lead him outside, lest the equipment suffer the backlash.

Once outside in an open space, Yerlec powers up and summons a ball of Ki about the size of a Basketball, crackling with energy. He lets it float towards 23 as the latter absorbs it into his chest. The results were immediate. He threw his head back and let out a mighty yell, as his power sky-rocketed! A barrier of energy surrounded him, kicking up dust and debris all the while. Soon enough, the theatrics died down, and there he stood. Android 23 in his perfect form.

Yerlec: How do you feel?

23: *Chuckles* I feel great. I feel amazing! I FEEL-

Yerlec(Deadpan): Please don't say perfect.

23: ...killjoy.

Yerlec: Now that that's done, let us return home.

Once home, the trio of scientists ran tests on 23's Perfect Form to make sure everything was on the up and up. Once successful, Yerlec decided to call a family meeting and say something that's been on his mind for years. 

Yerlec: Glad to see everyone is here.

Bulma: What's going on Yerlec? It's not like you to bring us all in so suddenly.

Trunks: Yeah, what's up dad?

Yerlec: *Deep breath* There's no easy way to say this, so I'm not going to beat around the bush. ...I'm going to be leaving Earth for a while.

Vomi(Shock): Wh-what, why!? Is there something wrong!?

Yerlec: It's nothing bad, I assure you. I just ... I plan on visiting my home planet.

Bulma(Surprise): Wait, but didn't it-?

Yerlec: It did. That's why I plan on asking the Namekians to use their Dragon Balls and wish it back. There's things that I simply must know...

Vocado: How long will you be gone, pop?

Yerlec: That's ... a difficult question to answer, my boy. I'm not sure. It could be months. 

Vomi: ...will you be safe?

Bulma(Surprise): Vomi!? You can't seriously be considering-?

Vomi: I am. This means a lot to him, and I want him to be happy. I know you do too.

Bulma: I ... *sighs* no, you're right.

Vomi: *Holding Yerlec's hands* Promise me, above all else, that you'll come back home to us alive.

Yerlec: *Squeezing her hands lovingly* I promise, my dear.

Vendei(Excited): Will you bring back any cool space stuff, dad!?

Yerlec: *Chuckles* I'll see what I can do. Be sure to let the others know of my trip, I'll be leaving soon.

After some more prep time and heart-felt send offs, Yerlec boarded one of the Capsule Corp ships and took to the stars. With the coordinates for New Namek locked in and Planet Vegeta's previous coordinates on standby curtesy of Lord Cooler, Yerlec passes the time by training his body and indulging in the on board entertainment built onto the ship. As hours turned to days, then into weeks, something ... odd occurred. While Yerlec was taking a shower after a grueling training session, the ship started changing course to a nearby planet. When the ship landed, it was quickly surrounded by armed bandits who made their way inside the ship. Yerlec overhead the notification of landing on a planet he hadn't heard of and exited the shower to investigate. As he stepped out in naught but a towel, he saw the bandits inside the ship, brandishing swords, spears and blasters, and they were all pointed at him.

Yerlec: ...may I help you, gentlemen?

Bandit #3: Yeah, you can come with us quietly. Don't make any noise either.

Bandit #2: Stupid, that's what quietly means!

Bandit #3: ...oh yeah. Well, then be double quiet!

Bandit: Oi lads, look. He's got one of them tail thingies.

Bandit #2: Oh yeah. Oooh, they're gonna flip when we bring this one in!

Yerlec(Confused): "They"? 

Bandit #1: The sisters! You'll meet them soon enough, alongside your other prisoner buddies. *Cuffs him*

Yerlec: I could easily break these cuffs and kill these fools, but my curiosity is getting the better of me. Let's just see where this goes...

As Yerlec is escorted out of the ship and ordered to change into his new uniform.

He's then loaded into a transport carrier and drive off as night falls. After a while, they approach a massive city.

The inmates, Yerlec included, were in awe at what lay before them. To think that such a city existed on this planet. Once brought to the casino, the prisoners are led to a large cell with the others, then locked in for another time.

Yerlec: How quaint...

???: So you're one of the new ones, huh?

Yerlec turns to the voice and replies after sizing him up.

Yerlec: Indeed. 

???: Well then, let me welcome you to your new home. Name's Bojack.

Yerlec: Yerlec, charmed. What is this place?

Bojack: It's a cell, stupid. A cell in the city of Dragon's Breath, largest city on the planet. Owned by, "The Sisters". 

That's when Bojack noticed Yerlec's tail.

Bojack: *Chuckles* Oh, I see they they took you in. You're one of them "saiyans" too.

Yerlec: "Too"? ...I see. Why is everyone else here then?

Bojack(Annoyed): They have us fight every now and again to keep themselves and casino patrons entertained. Do a good job, and you get rewarded. Stuff like better food, a timed casino visit, stuff like that. That's why I'm not in that silly little prison fit anymore. Hope you know your way around a scrap, monkey boy.

Yerlec: How long have you been in here?

Bojack: What is this, 20 questions? Tch, 4 years. Got free from one prison just to get put in another, and after my crew betrayed me, too.

Yerlec: I see.

Just then, a few bandits came in and escorted some of the prisoners out, Yerlec included. They were brought into an open arena, with patrons already in their seats. On the far end sat three ladies, no doubt the sisters he had heard about.

Bandit Leader: All stand by for the glorious and beautiful sisters! Aspara!

Bandit Leader: Norc!

Bandit Leader: Rutaba!

Bandit Leader: Let's give them the attention they deserve!

A loud cheering rang out, as some of the prisoners were cowering and saying their prayers.

Bandit Leader: As for you lowly pigs, kneel and give them your respect!

All the prisoners quickly dropped to their knees. ...all except Yerlec, something the Bandit Leader took umbrage with.

Bandit Leader(Mad): Are you deaf or something!? I said kneel!

Yerlec ignored him and stared at the sisters, something they noticed. 

Aspara: Looks like one of them has a death wish...

Norc: A shame. He's a handsome one~ *Gives Yerlec a flirty wave*

Rutaba: It doesn't matter if he gives us respect or not. *Grins madly* Not for what we have planned for tonight.

The bandit leader was close to blowing a gasket, when he was ordered to silence himself and stand aside.

Norc: Alright you battle-hungry bastards! Who wants to see some blood-shed!?

The crowd goes wild with excitement, their cheering shaking the arena itself.

Norc: Well have we got a treat for you! Take it away, big sis!

Rutaba: This city has stood strong for the past 10 years, today marking it's 11th anniversary! As tradition, you know what time it is! Release, The Jester!!!

The crowd started screaming and chanting "Jester, Jester", nigh-infinitum. Just what was this "Jester"? Yerlec's soon got his answer, when out from a large cage came a large and fearsome dragon!

Yerlec: ...why the hell is it called "Jester"!?

Norc: Because he makes great entertainment! Alright Jester! Play time~!

With the command given, he sprung into action. Going on the offensive and attacking every convict in the arena. Swatting some into the walls and floor with his tail, blowing them away with gusts if wind from his mighty wings, striking them down with his powerful claws, and razzing the arena with burning hot vermillion flames. Yerlec stood back and saw the carnage and remained unphased, when Jester turned his attention to him.

Yerlec: Oh, so it's my turn is it?

Jester lunges at him, seeking to devour him as his mouth clamps down on Yerlec's location. Only for Yerlec to be on the opposite side of the arena. Slightly puzzled, Jester attack again. This time with his tail, swinging it into Yerlec like a club. Yerlec waited, then grabbed it, swinging it around and slamming him into the ground.

Norc(Excited): Oooh, this one's got some fight in him!

Aspara(Surprise): Hey, isn't that-?

Rutaba(Interest): A tail. He's a saiyan, like us. That explains it.

Shaking the pain away, Jester's anger flares gets in front of Yerlec and unleashes a massive stream of flame, keeping up the onslaught for several seconds. Once done, he took a few slight breaths of air, only for the smoke to be blown away by Yerlec's might. Flames such as those could never harm him.  ...but his outfit was another story.

Aspara(Blushing): !!! *Covers eyes while taking a small peek*

Norc(Blushing): *Nosebleeds* Ehehe~

Rutaba(Flustered): Impressive...

Yerlec walked up to Jester, his body radiating power, as the latter seemed to stay defiant. Yerlec flew up to Jester's face and glared at him. The glare fest lasted for a few moments, before Jester broke out into a nervous sweat. It slowly laid its head on the ground as a sign of submission and surrender, as Yerlec flew back down and patted his snout.

Yerlec: There's a good boy.

The crowd was in shocked silence, this guy not only survived Jester's attack, but tamed him as well! After a few more seconds of silence, they erupted into uproarious applause. What a display! 

Norc(Excited): Well that was unexpected, wasn't it!? The mighty Jester has been defeated, after 11 years! Bandits, give our super survivor some clothes and escort him to our chambers!

As the crowd disperses, Yerlec is given a replacement prison uniform and brought to the sisters' chambers, being told to be on his best behavior. 

Norc: There's the man of the night! Not too shabby out there, handsome!

Aspara: It's been a while since Jester got humbled like that.

Rutaba: Not since us, anyway. What's your name, stranger?

Yerlec: My name is Yerlec.

Rutaba: "Yerlec"...

She tested his name, giving a slight grin.

Rutaba: Well then, since you are tonight's survivor, we'll grant you one request.

Yerlec: Really?

Norc: Yup! Anything you want, just name it. Better clothes, good food, some time in the casino, me~

Aspara(Deadpan): Ignore her.

Norc: What can I say, he's a fine specimen~ So name your prize, ask for anything.

Yerlec: I want my freedom.

Norc: ...anything except that.

Aspara: Sorry, you're here until you die Yerlec.

Rutaba: That's right. No prisoner is allowed to leave. Not on our watch.

Yerlec: Hmmm, how about a wager? This is a casino after all, so that should be up your alley.

Rutaba: Go on...

Yerlec: You three versus myself. If I win, I go free alongside one other prisoner of my choosing. If you win, I stay here and be at your every beck and call. What say you?

The sisters get into a quick group huddle to discuss their options.

Rutaba: Fine. You've got a deal. We'll send someone for you in an hour. Now begone.

After being dismissed, Yerlec returned to his cell. There Bojack greeted him with a drink in hand, and a slap on the back.

Bojack: I heard you caused quite a stir up there! That damn lizard finally put in its place is something I thought I would've done it myself! Too bad I was never called in to get the chance. *Guffaws* Anyway, what did you ask for? *Takes a swig of his beer*

Yerlec: My freedom.

Bojack's eyes widen as he spits his beer out to the side, coating some poor sap in it.

Bojack(Shocked): Are you some kind of idiot!? No one just asks the sisters for freedom!

Yerlec: I know that now. Which is why I struck a deal. When I beat them, I, as well as another of my choosing, go free. 

Bojack: ...you're insane. Whatever, you're funeral...

An hour passes and a bandit came to collect Yerlec, escorting him to the arena where the sisters lie in wait.

Norc: Last chance to back out, Yerlec. We're pretty tough ya know.

Yerlec: *Cracks knuckles* Ready when you are. 

Aspara: *Sighs* Ok. It's your bones getting broken.

For a few seconds, nobody made a move and simply stared the opposing party down. As if a silent bell rang out, the saiyan sisters charged at him one by one, all attacking him at the same time. After everything Yerlec had gone through thus far, he could conclude that these sisters seemed to be more bark than bite. At least by his own standards. Ducking under a wide hook from Rutaba, he coats his arm in a deep orange ki and delivers a devastating uppercut, with  shout of "Brimstone Driver" sending her flying away. Sensing an attack from behind, he sidesteps out of the way, letting Norc and Aspara hit each other by mistake.

Norc(Annoyed): Hey! Watch where you're swingin' you klutz!

Aspara(Mad): You're one to talk!

Yerlec then slammed their heads together and threw them into an approaching Rutaba, sending them all sprawled in a heap.

Norc: ...ow. Just ... ow.

Rutaba(Mad): Get off of me, you idiots!

Aspara: We didn't do it on purpose!

Yerlec: *Clears throat* If you're quite done with your sibling squabble, I believe we were in the  middle of a fight, yes?

Rutaba: *Growls* You want a fight!? We'll give you a fucking fight! Girls, it's time!

Nodding to their elder sister, all three of them begin to power up. Soon, all three of them were bathed in a golden light. Yerlec's eyes slightly widened as the sisters stood before him as Super Saiyans!

Norc(Smug): Aw yeah, you don't know what you're in for now! It's too late to beg for mercy now!

Instead of seeing fear on Yerlec's face, the caught traces of ... pity?

Norc(Confused): Hey, what's that look for?

Yerlec: ...what did it take?

Aspara(Confused): What?

Yerlec: You transformation. What did it take? Was it stress? Sorrow? Anger?

Rutaba(Annoyed): Shut up.

Yerlec: Who did you lose? Was it a friend?

Rutaba: I said shut up!

Yerlec: Family perhaps?

Rutaba(Angry): Why won't you shut up!? What does it matter, anyway!? We're here for a fight, not therapy! Let's go girls!

The girls charge forward and lay into Yerlec, his body recoiling at every blow.

Rutaba: What would you know about anger!? What would you know about sorrow!? What would you know about loss!!!???

They knock him back into the ground then take to the sky in a triangle formation. They hold their hands in front of themselves and prepare a joint attack. Once their energy peaked, they fired!

The Sisters: Triad Dragon's Breath!

Three dark blue beams fired and spiraled into one large blast in the form of a dragon. Yerlec stared it down and fired back.

Yerlec: Volcano Cannon!

He retaliated with his own signature beam and blasted through their attack after little struggle. The ladies were forced to dodge the attack, as it zoomed passes them and dissipating into the horizon.

Aspara(Shock) That ... that our strongest ... there's no way...

Norc(Shock): Woah...

Rutaba(Disbelief): How!? How are you this strong!?

Yerlec: ...I too have experienced pain and anger. 

Yerlec's power grows before turning Super Saiyan himself, surprising the sisters.

Yerlec: But from I can see, I have more experience in battle. That made all the difference in this duel.

The sister's were in awe at his display of power. For years they had gone unchallenged, then this random saiyan humbled them.

Rutaba: ...we surrender.

Aspara(Shock): Sis!?

Rutaba: We're out of our league here. *Powers down* You win, Yerlec.

The other two sisters share a look and nod before powering down as, convincing Yerlec to do the same.

Rutaba: As agreed, you're free to go and bring one of the other sorry punks with you. 

Yerlec nods returns to his cell. Upon his return, everyone was stunned. This guy fought the sisters and lived!?

Bojack(Surprised): Well I'll be damned, you actually did it!

Yerlec: Yes, and as per our agreement, I'll be leaving this place.

Bojack: Heh, and on the same day ya got here. Some folks got all the luck... Whatever, don't get yourself killed out there. Maybe one day I'll win my freedom too.

Yerlec: The hell are you talking about? You're free as well.

Bojack(Shock): Wh-what!?

Yerlec: You heard me. I've chosen you as my other person to free,

Bojack: Why?

Yerlec: You said that you were abandoned by your old crew, meaning you're on the market as it were. Not to mention, I can sense that you're pretty strong. There's always room for strong fighters in my unit.

Bojack: Is that a fact? Well, far be it from me to look a gift horse in the mouth. You got yourself a deal!

Yerlec: Great. Enjoy your freedom, I'll check up on you every now and then. Maybe one day you could pay a visit to Earth with the rest of my unit.

Bojack: Then I'll be here in the city until then. The slots, the drinks, and the food are calling my name! *Guffaws*

After a firm handshake between the two of them, Yerlec made his way to his ship when he's stopped by none other than the sisters, accompanied by their entourage of bandits.

Yerlec: What are you three doing here? Not revoking my prize, I hope?

Norc: Nah, we just came to give you this!

Yerlec: What is this for?

Norc: Simple, you're the boss now, boss!

Aspara: Since you bested us, we figured that we'd make you our boss.

Rutaba: Yeah. Any assets gained in this city will be under your name. Come and go as you please. Take it with pride.

Yerlec: Very well,  thank you.  I'll be off then, I'll visit your , er, my city every now and again. Also, one last thing.

Rutaba: What?

Yerlec: You three may have lost someone important, but never forget you still have one another. Grow stronger together, and keep each other safe.

Rutaba: ...we will.

Norc: Yeah, count on it!

Aspara: We'll make you proud, boss.

With one final farewell, Yerlec boards his ship an blasts off into the wild yonder. Though momentarily side-tracked, he continued his trek to New Namek. Eventually, he touches down and takes in the scenery. After walking around for a bit, drawing the attention of numerous wary namekians, he decides to simply ask for the elder's location. It took some convincing due to them having never properly met Yerlec before, but once he gave his name, their demeanor took a much more positive turn. Seems like they others told them about him. They showed him the way to the house of the current Elder, Elder Moori.

Upon hearing his name from the others, he welcomed Yerlec in with open arms.

Moori: So you're Yerlec. We've heard about you from the rest of your friends. How wonderful to meet you for the first time.

Yerlec: Likewise. It's good to you all in good health.

Moori: Thank you. Though I must ask, what brings you to our planet?

Yerlec had the decency to look a little sheepish in his request.

Yerlec: I'm afraid I'm here for a rather ... selfish reason.

Moori was confused at first before his eyes lit up in understanding.

Moori(Realization): Oh, the Dragon Balls!

Yerlec: Yes. I wish to use them to restore my home planet so I can learn more about where I came from. I realize this may be-

Moori: Very well.

Yerlec(Surprise): J-just like that?

Moori: Of course. The effort and pain you and your friends went went through to save your lost comrades and avenge our race has touched our hearts. It's the least we can do.

Yerlec: I ... thank you Elder Moori.

Once the Dragon Balls were gathered, Porunga was summoned!

Upon being asked to state his first wish, Yerlec spoke up loudly.

Yerlec: Porunga, for my first wish, I wish for Planet Vegeta to be restored! 

Porunga: Very well.

His eyes light up and his power flares.

Porunga: Your wish has been granted. State your second wish.

Yerlec: I wish for the remains of the saiyans that died during Frieza's onslaught to be returned to Planet Vegeta!

Porunga: Granted. State your third and final wish.

Yerlec: I wish for those same saiyans to be brought back to life!

Porunga: ...your wish has been granted. The Planet Vegeta, as well as its inhabitants have been returned and put back in place.

Yerlec: Thank you so much, Porunga!

Porunga: *Nods* Fare thee well.

In a flash of light, Porunga returned to the Dragon Balls as they lay dormant. Now there's just one thing left for him to do.

Yerlec: Elder Moori, I cannot thank you enough for allowing me this selfish request.

Moori: Think nothing of it. Now, I imagine you'd want to get a move on. Safe travels my friend.

Yerlec: Take care, all of you.

With farewells from the namekians, Yerlec returned to his pod and input in new coordinates and his ship zoomed off into space once more.







Next destination, Planet Vegeta!

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