Reverie || Kit Tanthalos

By foxysaucee

11.4K 590 99

When Princess Verania Hastur of Galladoorn has to go to Tir Asleen to attend to her brother's wedding, she th... More

~01~ The Marriage Announcement
~02~ The Gales
~03~ The Journey Begins
~05~ The High Aldwin
~06~ Magic Lessons
~07~ Eckleberries
~08~ The Slaughtered Lamb
~09~ A Storm is Coming
~10~ The Cursed Castle
~11~ The Whispers of Nockmaar
~12~ The Ritual of the Thirteenth Night
~13~ The Wildwood
~14~ Thruth Plums
~15~ Prisoners of Skellin
~16~ Riddle Hour
~17~ A Mad Man in a Hut
~18~ Beyond the Shattered Sea
~19~ Down the Waterfall
~20~ The Immemorial City

~04~ The Mothers' Gate

579 35 9
By foxysaucee


Verania was woken up by her fiancé shaking her a tad violently.

Beware, my child, darkness is near. Follow the Chosen One and stop her from giving into the fear. Prevent the great war to come. Then, my successor you shall become.

The voice of the glowing woman from her dream echoed in her head.

"I'm awake, stop shaking me. What's going on?" She asked groggily.

"Sorry, but you're a really deep sleeper," Yan apologized. "Dove is gone."

Verania looked around, seeing that Yan was right. Dove and her white horse were both gone.

"Perhaps she decided to leave earlier. If you ride now, you should be able to catch up with her. If she didn't went home though, I suppose your excuse is gone."

"Maybe that's a sign, maybe I shouldn't go back."

"You're being irrational. You want to go, so go. It's now or never."

Yan sighed. "You're right, you're right. My mother needs me more than you do. Let me bring you to the Mothers' Gate at last, okay? I always wanted to see what's beyond. Just a little glimpse. I don't think I'll ever come this far out here again."

"If that's what you want," Verania shrugged.

They went back to the group and saddled the horses. It didn't take long until they reached the Mothers' Gate. It was an astonishing view.

The group went across the path and through the Gate, which was surprisingly unguarded.

"Where is everyone?" Boorman asked no one in particular.

"Armory's untouched," Jade observed. "If they fled, they went in a hurry."

"Guys," Kit said.

"They'd never abandon their post," Kase shook his head.

"Guys," Kit repeated, trying to get everyone's attention. "Look at this."

She took a step back to give them a better view. The wall was covered in letters of a foreign language. It was crimson red, just like blood.

"We stand at the threshold," Graydon translated. "We peer into the void. We bear witness to his glory. The Eternal One, the healer of worlds."
The ground started to shake, making the horses nervous.
"As he stirs from his deathless slumber deep below the surface, the Harbinger of the Wyrm will come," he continued and the ground shook heavier, then it just stopped.

"So this is what's beyond, huh? It isn't quite like I imagined," Yan mumbled.

"What did you imagine?" Verania asked. It was true though, she thought it would be more exciting to finally cross the Barrier. But everything just looked the same. Plain, wide grassland and a few trees, announcing the edge of a forest.

"I don't know. More. It looks so ordinary... Regardless, I should go now."

"Then go, no one's holding you back," Verania said. "I can tell them if you want."

"Thank you, but I should probably explain it myself. Besides, I want to say goodbye."

"Guys, I have to tell you something," he said a little louder, for all of them to hear.

"Unbelievable," Kit said.

"Gotta admire her persistence," Jade laughed slightly.

"No, she's gonna get herself killed," Kit argued, not finding this situation any funny. "Hey!"

Yan looked at Verania for help, but she just mouthed a "later" before followed the others. He really had the worst timing.

Dove waited for them as they approached her. "What did I say?" Kit uttered.

"You're not the boss of me, Princess. Not out here."

"I like her. We should keep her," Boorman stated his opinion.

"Nobody asked you, Boorman!"
"Shut up, Boorman!" They both said at the same time.

"Enough," Kase decided. "We don't have time for your bickering. Airk doesn't have time. I don't care if you like each other. We're all in this together now. And out here, in the world beyond, of you're not vigilant at each moment, I swear you will not survive-"

Kase was cut off by an arrow hitting him in the stomach before he fell from his horse. It was too quick for them to actually process what just happened, and then strange horsemen galloped up the hill towards them.

"Bone Reavers," Boorman said.

Verania send a quick look to Yan, questioning whether he'd go back or with them.

"They wouldn't follow you if you went alone. The Mothers' Gate isn't far, you can make it. Besides, you're unimportant anyway, you know that!" She shouted at him.

The look on his face was conflicted but he nodded. "I'm sorry, thank you for everything. I hope we'll see each other again!"

"I don't," she yelled. "Go!"

And with that the group took off and Yan parted from them, taking another direction, back to the Mothers' Gate.

Another arrow was shot at them but it seemed like there were only few archers in the group, so it wasn't too worrisome.

Verania took her own bow and aimed back at them, hoping her horse would follow the others as she wasn't guiding it.

She shot and hit, but had to turn back around because she'd otherwise loose her balance.

She had to gather herself again before she could turn back to take another shot.

This time, the Bone Reaver ducked out of the way. An arrow flew near hear head as she turned back around for the third time, but she managed to hit again.

"Why are you riding so slow?" Boorman shouted. "We're being chased!"

Jade took some Bone Reavers out with amazing throwing stars Verania wished she had too.

Boorman was riding right towards a cliff but instead of slowing down, he went faster and yelled, "Hsu-gala! Hsu-gala!"

The others screamed his name but followed him nevertheless, because they didn't have much of a choice. They imitated him and yelled "Hsu-gala", even though none of them had any idea what those words meant.

Verania looked back a last time, before her horse jumped over the cliff, her eyes searching for him.

Yan's gray horse ran alone over the meadow. Her fiancé's body lay a few hundred metres away, motionless.

"No," Verania whispered, realisation hitting her. She had sent him to his death. Even if he wasn't dead no, there was no chance the Bone Reavers wouldn't go back to finish him off.

"That was incredible," Kit said, not knowing they had just lost another group member. "How'd you get him to... I've never seen horses do that. What does hsu-gala mean?"

"It's an ancient Amgorian word," Boorman explained. "It means stop."

Kit looked at him dubiously.

"Wait, where's Yan?" Graydon asked.

They all turned around, looking at Verania who was standing there, comepletely wet from head to toe and her braid half open over her shoulders.

Her head was bowed down as she looked at her reflection in the water. She couldn't bring herself to cry. Perhaps she was still in shock, or perhaps she was just as heartless as her father.

"He wanted to go back. Actually with Dove, but when she left before sunrise he thought it didn't matter if he'd take a little glimpse beyond the Barrier," she said, still not looking at them. "I told him to go back to the Mothers' Gate. I thought he could do it, but-" her voice broke.

"It's not your fault," Jade reassured her and Kit nodded. "Yeah, it was his decision to go."

"But I told him to," Verania whispered. "His mother's sick, he wanted to be with her when she died. To say goodbye, to make sure she's not alone. He can't do that now. It's my fault he even came with us. If I had stayed back so he would've too."

"Don't beat yourself up, kid," Boorman said in his usual tone, showing no empathy whatsoever. "Guilt-trips don't help anyone and are completely unnecessary. If you really think about it, it could've been everyone's fault for some stupid kind of reason. What if's don't do you any good."

Verania just shook her head but didn't make a comment.

How could she not beat herself up about it? Of course she knew guilt-tripping was stupid, but she just couldn't help herself.

Now only to fifth, the group went on. Silently grieving for two of their fallen friends.

Verania told herself she could grieve later. They had other things to do now. But banning those pictures from you mind was harder than someone might think.

She heard Kit and Graydon talk behind her and was glad they made up. Boorman seemed rather annoyed.

They soon arrived on a small glade in the woods. Ruins of what seemed to be little iglu-like houses once roamed the place.

"Are you sure this is the same village my mother was talking about?" Kit questioned, eyeing the ruins.

"It's the only village in the valley." Boorman answered.

"Where did everybody go?"

"Ugh, Daikins. Terrific. Just what I need," a Nelwyn spoke.

"What happened here?" Jade asked.

"Plenty. And if you're not careful, it will happen to you too."

"We're looking for the sorcerer Willow," Kit said as she walked forward.

"Congratulations. You found him."

Verania scrunched her eyebrows. That was Willow?

"You're Willow?" Boorman said her silent question aloud.

"Yep," the Nelwyn made the 'p' popp. "That's me. Willow. But I'm out of the sorcery business now. I've retired. So jog on."

"My name is Kit Tanthalos," Kit introduced herself for a reason Verania could not pinpoint. "My mother is Sorsha." Oh, right, Kit's mother and this Willow were friends once. "She sent me here to come find you. She told me that once long ago, you stood together against the forces of evil and defeated them. The world needs you again. It needs your magic."

"It's okay," a voice said from behind the supposedly Willow. "She is who she claims to be."

"How do you now?"

"I read her mind." Another Nelwyn came from behind the ruins smiling brightly. "Kidding. Had you though, didn't I? I didn't read your mind. It's just, you remind me of your mother," he said coming closer.

Kit smiled at that. Hope was shimmering in her eyes. "My brother, Airk, was taken by-"

"The Gales," Willow finished.

"The what?" Jade asked.

"Your brother's alive. A prisoner of The Withered Crone, who dwells in the Immemorial City that lies beyond the Shattered Sea. The four who came to Tir Asleen are her servants," Willow explained.

Boorman looked at him nervously. "I'm sorry, did you say, beyond the Shattered Sea?" Willow nodded. "Okay."

"What?" Kit asked as Boorman turned to go.

"Princess, I've travelled all across the world, met some real magical marvins, but I never met anyone who crossed the Shattered Sea. That's where all the maps end."

"And that's where we must go. Beyond the edge of our world, into the unknown. It's the only way to-" Willow stopped mid-sentence, staring at Dove.

The blonde turned around, looking for someone behind her, coming up blank.

"What?" She asked as as Willow ripped down her sleeve. "What are you-" Willow laid his hand on Dove's arm and closed his eyes. His staff started to glow green as he spoke in a foreign language.

Why was everyone speaking in a foreign language? Perhaps Verania should've read a little more too when she was younger. Then she'd understand what he was saying.
That was the other sibling though.

When Willow removed his hand, a birthmark that hasn't been there before, graced Dove's arm.

"You shouldn't be here, but it's good to see you, Elora."

"Did he just say-" Kit started.

"No, you've made a mistake. That's not... I'm not... I'm nobody," Dove or, well, Elora stuttered.

"You are Elora Danan, Last Blood of Kymeria, future Empress, High Priestress, Semprum Sorceress of the Nine Realms, and the world's last, best hope against the evil coming to destroy us all."

With every word Willow said Verania's eyebrows went up higher.
That were a lot of titles, she didn't understand half of them.

"What?" Elora asked dumbfounded.

Damn, plottwist.


Oh my God, I did it! First episode is over. Hurray!

Was it necessary for me to kill Yan? Absolutely not!

Was it necessary for me to make Yan even come to existence? Same answer!

Did I still bring him into the story, made him an asshole for no reason and gave my oc about two seconds to connect with him, showing he has a kind side, before killing him off? Yes!

But come on, who didn't see this coming? That boy was nothing for the long run.

I thought about killing him when the Gales first attacked, but then there'd be really no time to connect with him at all. Perhaps, if he had saved Verania or something. Wait, why didn't I make him save her? Ugh, too late. I'm too lazy to go back and change that now, perhaps later.

I could've let him live a little longer and kill him off later.
Or I could've just let him live and go back to his mother.
Or I could've done whatever. I just wanted to get rid of him because I was getting bored. I think I should've explored his good side a little more though.

He was just for absolutely nothing, I don't even know why my mind came up with his character.

To give my oc a little more trauma?

I don't know, it doesn't really matter, his life/death has no impact on the story whatsoever.

A little guilt, okay, but honestly, who cares?

Well, never mind. He's dead now.

I am aware that this is a Kit Tanthalos fanfic but I had to build my own character up for a while. Perhaps I should've started the story earlier to do that, but for that it's now too late.

Besides, I love a slow burn. Don't worry, though soon you'll feel some chemistry there.

I hope you enjoyed the first episode. See you!

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