The Ministry Child: Phantomime

By IStoleTime

4.7K 232 361

After the death of her Father Albany is struggling with her grief, she had lost every single member family in... More

Take Your Time
Lockdown At The Ministry
Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan
That Ghoul!
Ghostly Encounters
Mystery Solved
Halloween With The Ghouls
Cluedo At The Ministry
A New Year, A New Routine
A Change Of Scene
Copia, What Did You Do?!
Times Of Change
He's Back
Papa Nihil
Revisiting The Past
Our Old Getaway
I Missed You
Breakfast At The Ministry
The European Tour
Another City, Another Country
An Outing With Two Papas.
Near The End
Los Angeles
Returning From Hellfest
Let's Play Ball!
A Day At The Beach
Training At The Beach
A Nightmare Revisited.
Jesus Is Coming
Glass Caskets
Father Jim DeFroque
Rude Awakening
Calling From A Land Down Under

Back To Business

106 5 17
By IStoleTime

Chapter Fourteen!

Back To Business

December 2021 - The Los Angeles Ministry

The next couple of months passed by quickly, the Los Angeles Ministry's doors were finally opened to it's employees. They still had to take precautions due to the ongoing situation beyond the unholy church, but things inside this sinister place were ticking over nicely.

Papa Emeritus IV had taken his rightful place within the Ministry, he had been given an office on the second floor over looking the mausoleum grounds. Copia was adjusting to his new given position and duties, but he was enjoying the authority that came with his Papa role. Sister Imperator had returned to the unholy church, she was guiding and supporting her prodigy throughout his working days. The Clergy had allowed Albany to become Copia's clerk, she had taken up the role she had been assigned with Papa Nihil.

The day was running smoothly, there was a few more hours left until the working day had been completed. Albany was busy typing up invoices and making sure the work diary was up to date with her Papa's future appointments for the next few days, he had an hectic work schedule ahead of him. Closing one file she took another from the pile, but she soon stopped what she was doing when she noticed she had the wrong folder. She began to search through the inbox tray, but the files she seeked were missing.

" Oh no!" She muttered.

Albany got to her feet and went through each file from the inbox, there was no sign of the burial accounts. Her gaze wandered around her desktop, she sat back down and checked every draw at her desk. Panic soon set in, she had no idea where they had gone. Someone clearing their throat from behind her caught her attention, her gaze was met by a face she was beginning to adore. Copia was standing not far away from her desk, he was watching his lover closely with a curious expression on his face. He waved his fingers at her before he approached the desk, his voice was soon heard.

" What are you looking for, baby?" He asked.

" The burial accounts." She replied while she went through some other files on her desk. " I could have sworn I left those files on my desk this morning, they need signing and delivering to the financial institution by this evening."

" Maybe you misplaced them, it happens sometimes." He said.

" I'll be misplaced if I don't fine them, they're really important!" She sighed.

" Okay, okay! Listen, listen..." He said, he slipped his hands over her shoulders and tried to calm her down. " Take a few deep breaths and relax, it's okay. Now why don't you retrace your steps and check the filing cabinets again. They couldn't have gotten too far, it's not like the files spouted legs and ran out of my office."

" You shouldn't say that with the ghostly incidents still going on around the Ministry..." She said before she glanced at her lover. " But you're right, they couldn't have gotten too far."

" You know I'm right, Albany." He said with a reassuring smile. " You need to not get stressed out over your new position, it's okay. I'm not stern like the old guy. Now breath, it's okay."

Albany took some calming breaths while her fingers slipped over her lover's hand, he tendely kissed the top of her head. Her new position with Copia was a little different from her old role with Papa Nihil, the workload was more serious since he was the frontman for the Clergy. Copia brushed some of her dark hair over her ear before he began walking towards his office, he told her not to worry about the files. His relaxed attitude was reassuring, but she knew the Clergy wouldn't agree with him. Getting to her feet she checked through the filing cabinet, she flicked through the folders and read the divided labels in turn. She let out of sigh of relief when she finally found the burial accounts, they must have gotten put back with the chapel insurance files. Albany took the files from the draw and checked through them, but her lover's voice soon caught her attention.

" Albany, do you have the tax returns?!" He asked.

" They're in your desk's draw, the top left draw!" She replied while she closed the file cabinet's draw. " You put them there last night for safe keeping!"

" Ah yes, I remember now!" He said.

Albany looked over her shoulder when she heard him click his fingers, she couldn't see him from where she was standing but she knew he had found what he was seeking. A smile graced her features when she heard him making a sound of achievement, she then went through the folder. She found the contracts Copia needed to sign while she aproached his office, she knocked on the door frame before she entered the room. Copia was sitting at his desk, his pen resting against his bottom lip their gaze soon met. Albany showed him the contracts and placed them on his desk, she pointed to where he had to sign on the document.

" Sign here and here, please." She said.

" They didn't sprout legs after all, huh?" He asked.

" Not today, sadly." She replied.

Copia licked the tip of his pen and signed the contracts in turn, he then dated them. He didn't really read the contracts through, he had been told more than once by Sister Imperator to check what he was signing in case there was something sinster written in it's context. Albany checked through the file and made sure there wasn't anything else he needed to sign, but her attention was caught when he took her hand in his own. Their gaze soon met, his lips brushing against her skin caused her to roll her eyes at him. He was trying to distract her from her workload, he sometimes did this when they were due a coffee break. A deep sigh escaped Albany's lips, they didn't have time today for hanky panky in the workplace.

" Copia, we still have work to do." She said.

" But it's almost break time, I'm thirsty." He said before he gaze up at her from her hand. " A little somethin' somethin' before our coffee break..."

A giggle escaped Albany's lips when his finger tips tickled her wrist, she shook her head at him in amusement. Since they had been reunited in the workplace her lover's old antics for a quick tickle on his office chair had returned, she was surprised they hadn't gotten into trouble yet over the sounds of pleasure they sometimes made in the office. Copia playfully kissed her hand, but a knock on the door soon ceased his playful desires. Sister Imperator was standing in the doorway, her arms were folded. Her gaze was fixed on the lovers, she didn't seem too impressed with their public display of affection. She looked quite menacing, her presence alone was unsettling. Copia's mismatched eyes settled on his superior, he broke the silence of his office.

" Sister, how are you doing?" He asked.

" I'm fine." Sister replied.

" That's good, very good." He said, he glanced at his lover. " Do we have a scheduled meeting?"

" Not yet, but we do need to talk." Sister replied, her gaze focused on Copia's grasp on his lover's hand. " There's going to be a few changes around here, and I'm not just talking about your work ethics."

" Oh?" He asked.

" I'm not against your relationship with Albany, but this affectionate display between you both while you're working is very unprofessional." Sister replied before her hands cupped together. " There's a time and a place for romance, and it's not on the work clock. It's time you both started acting like coworkers. Whatever you decide to do outside of your office hours is initially up to you, but this public display is distracting."

" That's fine, we can do that." He said.

" That's good to know, but if you would both excuse me I have something to arrange for New Year." Sister said.

" Are we having a party this year?" He asked.

" I haven't really thought about it yet, but there will be a reunion." Sister replied with an endearing smile. " Now let's get back to work, there's plently to do around the Ministry before the day ends. Albany, my dear. Can we have a quick word? I've finally heard back of my solicitor, we have news about your late Father's Last Will and Testament."

" Certainly, Sister." She said.

Albany's hand slipped away from her lover's grasp, she gave him a reassuring smile before she followed her superior out of Copia's office. They found a private place to speak in the hallway, they had a lot to dicuss. Albany was unsure of what Sister Imperator's solicitor had found out about her Father's Will, she didn't even know if it was genuine. Fidgeting with her fingers Albany waited for Sister to inform her about her Father's Last Will and Testament, it had been months since she last thought about it. Sister's voice soon broke the silence between them, her mood was quite pleasant.

" Well, it seems like the Will is genuine." Sister said, her speaking tone was serious. " Papa Nihil has left you hidden assets the Clergy had no idea about, it looks like you're sitting on a a mini fortune."

" Really?" She asked.

" Are you curious about your new found wealth?" Sister asked.

" Of course, I'm just surprised..." She replied, her gaze lowered to her hands for a brief second. " Papa always told me he was poor, he never let on that he had any form of wealth. He always said the Clergy were tight fisted, he insisted that he was on a low income."

" It seems like Papa Nihil deceived you, but he was always a good lier when it came to his children. You should know that more than most..." Sister said, she caressed the young woman's arm. " You may have not been his blood, but he loved your like you were his own. He even treated you better than his own Sons, it's kind of ironic when you think about it."

" I know." She said.

" You can do or go anywhere you want now, the world is your oyster." Sister said with a smile. " I'll get the paperwork sorted and sent over to Copia's office by tomorrow morning, the money will be transferred to your bank account in the next few days."

" How much money are we exactly talking about?" She asked.

" Sixty-five thousand, plus interest." Sister replied.

Albany's eyes grew wide at Sister's answer to her question, she was surprised at the amount of assets her late Father had left her in his Last Will and Testament. If it hadn't been for Phil it would have remained hidden, but she had no idea what she would do with her new found fortune.


Later That Evening

The working day was finally over, the hallways were now empty. Copia and Albany had eaten dinner together, they were now settling down in the family lounge in front of the television set. It was time for them to relax and wind down, they had another busy working day ahead of them tomorrow.

The lounge was decorated with unfestive decorations and the Krampus tree was sparkling with red fairy lights, the fireplace was burning brightly. Copia and Albany were watching a Netflix series together, they were drinking coffee and eating biscoff biscuits. Copia had chosen the series since it was his turn, it was a festive themed series about terrifying elves populating an island. Albany wasn't much of horror fantasy fan, especially when creepy looking elves were attacking people in the middle of a forest. Albany took a bite of her biscuit while her gaze remained on the television set, but when she went to take another bite of her delicious treat it was stolen from her finger tips by her lover. Copia had guided her hand towards his mouth instead of her own, he tenderly kissed her hand before he held it against chest. A smile graced her features while she rested her head against his shoulder, she felt comfortable and cosy in her lover's presence. It was nights like these that she treasured, but footsteps entering the lounge disturbed their intimate moment.

Sister Imperator had interrupted their night together, but there was blankets in her arms. She silently stood in the doorway, her gaze focused on the bungle of blankets. Their superior's features were affectionate, it was rare that she showed any form of affection unless it was directed at her little Cardi. Albany and Copia curiously eyed up the blankets, they had no idea what she was holding. Copia's voice broke the silence of the lounge while his lover's hand slipped from his own, he sat up on the couch.

" What's in the blankets, Sister?" He asked.

" I'm afraid to say someone has left a little girl on the Ministry's doorstep again. It seems like one of our Sister's of Sin may have had a little secret." Sister replied before she aproached the couch. " I need to inform the Clergy, but I was wondering if you could watch her while I made preparations for someone to take her to the nursery."

" Me?" He asked.

" I was thinking more of Albany than you." Sister said, her gaze was filled with amusement. " This calls for a woman's touch, but if you're lucky you may get to hold her too."

" Okay, cool." He said.

Albany immediately got to feet and placed her coffee cup down on the table, she then carefully took the baby from her superior's arms. She had no idea why she was being asked to take care of the little one, but she didn't mind that her night was being interrupted by something so adorable. Sister soon left the lounge, they were left alone with the unknown baby. The baby whimpered in Albany's arms, she soon soothed the upset child with kind words.

" Oh look at her, she's lovely!" She smiled while she cooed over the little bundle of joy in her arms. " Who would abandon you, huh? You're so precious!"

Albany lovingly gazed at the girl in her arms, she looked like a little doll. Fair hair and dark eyes, her skin was the colour of peaches and cream. She was dressed in the most adorable little green romper suit, the little one looked in the peak of health. Albany's thoughts wander for a moment, this little girl was entering the Ministry in the same way she did decades ago. But she didn't have a loving Father or Brothers to teach her some mischievous antics, she was truly alone in this unholy place. Her thoughts were disturbed by Copia joining her side, he tickled the baby underneath her chin. Albany couldn't help but smile when the baby wiggled with delight, she seemed to enjoy the affection she was being given. Her gaze returned to her lover, his features were soft. Copia hadn't noticed that her gaze was upon him at first, but when he realised she was watching him he looked startled at first. His hand rested against his lover's back before he moved closer towards her, he gave her a thoughtful look. She was unsure what was going through his mind, but his eyes remained on his lover.

" What?" She asked.

" I said nothing..." He replied.

" I know that, but you're giving me a thoughtful look." She said.

" I was just thinking about how much motherhood would have suited you." He replied before he caressed the baby's hand. " You could have had a family of your own and lived a happy life away from the Italian Ministry, but you decided to stay with your Father."

" Do you think if I returned to Los Angeles decades ago we could have had this?" She asked, her gaze lingered on him. " A family..."

" We could have had three or maybe four children." He replied.

" Excuse me?!" She asked.

" Would that have been too many?" He asked.

" Are you getting broody?" She asked.

" I ummmm, no..." He replied.

" I'm afraid to say I think I'm a little past my sell by date in the conceiving department, but I don't mind living without." She said.

" You still look very fertile to me." He said.

" I'm grateful you still think that, Copia." She smiled, her gaze returned to the baby. " I had my Father, he was like a child sometimes. He acted like one for a start, always complaining and yelling about things. Secondo was no better with his behaviour, but you witnessed his drunken mess long ago in Los Angeles. He ruined our coffee night, do you remember the chapel?"

" I remember the toys animals you use to sacrifice on the altar when you were a little girl, that was very cute." He said.

" I always remember Secondo throwing up in my room, it was an awful night..." She said.

" You shouldn't have had to look after Papa Nihil, he was old enough to take care of himself." He said before he tenderly touched both of her shoulders with hus hands. " Sister told be about your fortune, it's a great opportunity for you to spread your wings. You could get a down payment on an apartment by the coast, it would be very nice. I could visit you on weekends and spend more time with you away from the Ministry."

" What did Sister say to you exactly?" She asked.

" Sister said nothing, but if you want to go on a little spending spree I won't stand in your way." He said.

" I'm not leaving the Ministry just yet even if an apartment by the coast sounds tempting, but a little getaway sounds nice." She said with a smile. " We could plan another trip, maybe a weekend away before Krampus. Just the two of us, it could be our Krampus day. This year we will have a guest."

" Albany, would you like to try for a baby?" He asked.

" Excuse me?!" She asked.

" I said try, there's a big difference between having and trying for a baby!" He replied.

" I think it's time for your cold shower." She replied, her gaze returned to the child. " It's a good job she's fallen asleep, she's too young for your grownup talk."

" When Sister gets back I think it's time for an early night, it's getting late." He said.

" It's not even 9pm yet." She said.

" We can take our movie night to bed, it could be fun." He said before he nuzzled his face into her neck. " Me, you and those mischievous elves. You can hold my hand if you get scared..."

" How about just me and you?" She asked, her head rested against his own. " The elves can wait on Netflix, but first we need to make sure this little one gets to bed safely tonight."

" I hope Sister hurries up, there's a stinky baby ass smell in here!" He said.

Albany smelt the child, she hadn't noticed that the baby had soiled herself. Copia soon moved away from his lover and sat back down on the couch, he pinched his nose. She had no idea why he was reacting so dramatically, his toots smelt far more worse than the baby's diaper. Rolling her eyes at him Albany carried the baby to the doorway, she looked along the hallway and kept her eyes peeled for her superior. Sister Imperator was nowhere to be seen, she may have to take the little girl to the nursery herself to change and feed her before they turned in for the night.

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