ONE PIECE : Lighthouse Empire...

Autorstwa DCLGalloway

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Hello, my friends, and welcome to my ONE PIECE fanfiction! The Lighthouse Empire Arc takes place after the F... Więcej

Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode I
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode I
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 3
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 3
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 5
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 5
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 6
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 6
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 9
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 9
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 11

Lighthouse Empire, Episode 11

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Autorstwa DCLGalloway

The Battle of Tomb Aqueous Ends! Friends, Family and Sky's Heartfelt Final Blow!

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Lighthouse Empire, Usopp, Franky, Chopper and Brook continue their battle, faced with the sudden realization that more ships still remain before them. As the Navy vessels speed closer to their location, cannons blast and guns fire,  sending dangerous fodder through the air once again. The Straw Hats and the guard begin to gather and reevaluate their situation.

"Oh, crap! There' still more ships!" Usopp shrieks.

Franky observes them, shielding his eyes from the sun. "Damn! We totally forgot about the rest of the fleet."

"But why are they not being affected by Brook's song like the ramming ship?" Chopper wonders.

Franky utilizes his binocular eyes to zoom in on the crewmen, quickly discovering that all of them are wearing earmuffs. "Huh? They're all wearing ear protection!"

Usopp melts into a depression. "Oh, great! Brook is completely useless. What are we going to do now?!"

One of the guard steps toward Usopp encouragingly. "Don't say that, Captain Usopp! We know you'll find a way to save us!"

"Don't make it worse..." Usopp blubbers.

Franky faces the group. "Well, we have to think of something fast! There's no time left. In a few moments those cannons are going to be fully within rage, and then we're royally screwed!"

"But what can we do?!" Chopper yelps.

"We have to figure out a way to get them all hearing again."

"How? That's impossible!"

"We need a clear tactic. We can't rely on simple tricks and bravery right now--we need a solid plan!"

Usopp, who has been uneasily listening to the conversation, suddenly springs to life and injects himself into the conversation. "No!" 

The crew turns to him in surprise.

Usopp pauses for a moment to steady his nerves, then gulps and steps forward. "We can rely on bravery right now. Because it's the only thing we have."

Chopper turns toward him. "Wha--what are you saying, Usopp?"

Usopp faces the Navy ships and places his hands on his hips. "I'm's time to be brave."

Franky and Chopper share an approving smile.

"Yeah! That's our captain Usopp!" One of the guard exclaims.

"And look! He's even shaking his legs again to prepare himself!" Another calls out, pointing at Usopp's quivering legs. Many of the guardsmen gather around him and begin to copy his shaky movements again, as Usopp attempts to retain his composure. 

Franky steps in front of him. "But we need a plan, too! You can't just stand here and stare them down."

Usopp turns toward him with a confident, wry smile. "Fear not, my good Frankytronic! Your brilliant Captain Usopp has a plan!"

Chopper comes beside him happily. "You do?!"

Usopp nods and crosses his arms. "Another one of my patented tricks I've been saving for a special occasion."

"Wow! I can't wait to see it!"

"Get'em, Captain Usopp!" One of the guardsmen shouts from behind.

Usopp turns to Franky and Chopper. "But first, I'll need a little help--from both of you."

"Anything!" Chopper chirps.

"What did you have in mind?" Franky wonders.

Usopp pulls his giant slingshot, the Kabuto, from his back and places it in front of him. "Franky--can you attach this to your body somehow?"

Franky grabs the weapon and examines it. "You know it, brother! Just give me one second." Franky holds the weapon up, then unexpectedly arcs his head back and opens his mouth, sliding the long end of the weapon down his throat.

Usopp's eyes pop. "What the hell are you doing?! Don't eat it!"

"Relax! I'm just securing it." Franky assures, his speech muffled by the staff.

"That was really the best place for it?"

"Trust me!"

Usopp sighs. "Alright--fine! I guess that will work."

Chopper jumps beside Usopp. "What about me?"

Usopp faces him and gestures toward the fleet. "You'll be responsible for the direction of the ships, alright? Mount Muskers again, and when I give you the signal, use those mighty cat kicks to push as many ships as you can toward the city."

"Got it!" Chopper shouts confidently. He jumps atop Muskers once again and scratches the giant cat's ears. "Ready?!" Muskers yowls with delight.

Usopp shoots his thumbs up. "Alright! Looks like we're good to go."

"Ready to fire whenever you are!" Franky confirms.

Usopp strides toward him. "Let's do it, then!" He climbs up on top of Franky's robotic shoulders and crouches into position.

"What kind of ammo am I firing?"

Usopp stares at the sea and lowers his goggles over his eyes. "...Me."

"What?! You can't be serious!"

Usopp places his feet inside the sling and holds onto each side of his weapon. "Alright, Franky. I'm going to need you to pull the sling back as far as you can. Got it?"

"Oh man, he's serious...Okay, hang on buddy!" Franky grabs the back of the sling and utilizes his strong mechanical arms to ease the sling backward, until the bands of elastic are at their limit.

"It's now or never..." Usopp whispers to himself.

"Ready!" Franky calls out.


With a loud snap, the sling flies forward, hurling Usopp into the air at great speed. As the crew watches in wonder, Usopp soars over the sails of the Navy vessels, swiftly disappearing into the sky until he is nothing more than a tiny dot. 

When he arrives over the middle ship in the fleet, perfectly centered above them, he removes a small slingshot from his bag, along with a large orange ball. "Alright! Time for my show!" He places the orange ball into the sling and yanks it backward, carefully aiming at the fleet. "Special attack--SUPER BEETLES!" 

As the orange ball shoots downward toward the fleet, it begins to crack apart, as tiny legs and wings begin to protrude from the openings. Just before impacting the first mast, the ball explodes, as hundreds of small orange flying beetles burst into the air. 

The beetles immediately begin to cover the sailors, biting and buzzing around their heads, sending the crew into a frenzy. The fall over each other, desperately trying to swat the pests away, but to no avail.

"Go for the earmuffs, boys! Get them!" Usopp calls out from high in the air. 

Taking the order willingly, the vicious creatures continue to swarm the sailors, grasping the earmuffs and flying away, dropping them into the ocean.  

"Oh, no! My muffs are gone!" "Then cover your ears!" "I can't--OW! They're biting me!" The sailors cry out, unable to thwart the invasion. 

Above them, Usopp hovers in the air, proudly looking down on his chaos. "Ha HA! Now you see the power of Captain Usopp! None shall face me victorious. None shall pass! None shall survive!" He begins to laugh manically, until he suddenly realizes he is falling through the air. He screams in a panic as he begins to fall faster toward the ocean.

On board their damaged ship, Franky and Chopper catch sight of this. Franky spits the giant slingshot onto the ground beside him and runs to the railing. "Damn! Guess he didn't have a plan for his return."

Chopper giggles. "Luffy is having an impression on him!"

"Anytime you're ready Chopper!" Usopp calls to them sarcastically from his descent.

Chopper turns toward him. "Huh? Oh, right! Let's go, Muskers!"

"Do it, Chop-man! And pick up Usopp on the way!" Franky remarks. 

Chopper nods as Muskers yowls and leaps into the air. "Got it! On my way!"

Just as Usopp is about to impact the ocean, Muskers flies toward him and catches him in his mouth mid air. Now hanging from the huge teeth of Muskers like a baby kitten, Usopp continues to wail in fear as the giant cat leaps between the Navy ships, kicking each one off course, directing them toward the city.

Once in range of Brook's performance, the sailor's ears are quickly filled with the sweet melodies of the musical magic. Immediately, celebration begins to break out on the ships, as the sailors take each other's arms and form dance circles around the decks, swaying in motion with the music.

As Chopper and Muskers return to their ship, Usopp is dropped on the deck and quickly helped to his feet by the guard, dazed and bewildered. After taking a moment to compose himself, he runs to the railing where the rest of the crew watches the Navy ships sail away. 

Before long, the ships fall victim to their distraction, as one by one, they all collide with each other and sink rapidly into the ocean, the sailors still partying even as they are sucked under the waves. 

Cheers and cries of victory ring out over the deck of the Straw Hat's ship, as they and the guardsmen come together in a celebration of their own, reveling in their newfound victorious moment.

"You did it, Usopp!" Chopper exclaims, hopping up and down excitedly.

Franky smacks his back. "YOW! Now that's what I call a super victory!"

Usopp is shaken at first, processing the many emotions. But soon perks up and jumps on top of a nearby barrel, posing confidently with his hands on his hips. "...Of course I did! I told you--never doubt your fearless captain!"

"We knew he'd do it!" "Three cheers for captain Usopp!" The guardsmen call out.

The sounds of joy and excitement rise, as the Straw Hats join their faithful crewmates in a well deserved moment of celebration. This battle was theirs. 

Across the waves at Tomb Aqueous, the entire complex is now set ablaze, glowing violently with white flames. Below, the Straw Hats and the rest of Sky's crew can do noting but watch as the inferno rages on, helpless to act against the power of Fukitsu.

Atop the roof, Sky and Aiku hold on to each other tightly, as Sky tires his best to shield her from the white fire swirling around them. "Aiku, now!" Sky protests, continuing his attempt to convince his sister to cooperate.

Aiku clutches Sky's arms and shakes her head. "No, I can't! I won't!"

"You have to! I told you this may happen someday--remember? Now is that time!"

Aiku holds her words for a moment, until she overflows with emotions, her tears bursting. "...You'll die!"

Sky grabs Aiku's face. "Aiku, listen to me! We don't know that! But what I do know is that if we don't do something right now, everyone here is going to die! Me, you, our crew, the Straw Hats--everyone!"

Aiku drops her face to the ground, overwhelmed by the weight of her thoughts. "I...I know."

"Then stand up!" Sky lifts Aiku to her feet and places his hands on her shoulders. He lifts her chin and locks eyes with her. "This is your chance to show me how strong and brave you truly are."

Aiku's emotions begin to melt away, replaced by her resolve and dedication to her brother's love. Her tears thin, her nerves begin to settle, her mind calming. She knows her brother is right, as always, and now is the time to prove herself. To have faith in her actions. Aiku's face hardens as she shares an affirmative nod. "...I'm ready."

Sky studies her for a moment, then smiles warmly. For the first time, he sees not a little girl before him, but a young women. As strong and brave as their mother. Braver. "Alright. Make me proud." Sky holds his hands out, palms up, revealing two identical tattoos at the center of his hand, and pushes them forward in front of Aiku.

Aiku glances between him and his hands, then holds her hands out, placing her palms on top of his. When their bodies connect, a bright purple light begins to glow immediately, emanating and pulsing from their hands. The light quickly begins to spread across their skin, illuminating the lines in their tattoos, until every inch of them is radiating with sparkling light. 

Suddenly, a new fire erupts from the surface of the roof. Beginning under their feet, it explodes over their bodies and into the sky above, extinguishing any white flames around them.

Fukitsu, who had been watching confidently until now, recognizes the sudden shift in energy, and adopts a concerned expression. He steps toward them slowly, gritting his teeth and growling, utilizing every bit of strength he has left to intensify his flames.

Below, the Straw Hats and Sky's crew cover their faces again, as another strong wave of energy shatters the air around them. They grasp on to one another, looking to the sky in fear as they watch the entire complex glow with astonishing white and purple light.

As Fukitsu continues to step toward them, he fights against the power of their energy, as if attempting to stride forward through a vicious wind storm. "No! This day is not yours! You will not take this from me again!" 

Sky and Aiku ignore his exclamations, remaining focused on each other, motionless and confident in their abilities. They close their eyes and let the power flow freely around them, as plumes of purple energy cascade into the clouds.

Fukitsu plants his feet, unwilling to be moved or stopped by his foes, and slams his fist down into the roof. For a moment, his white fire burns brighter, but is soon extinguished once again before it can make an impact. With his determination beginning to crack, he too can do nothing now but watch and wait. 

As the complex rumbles and breaks apart beneath their feet, Sky opens his eyes and looks to his sister. "Can you feel that?!" He shouts over the tremendous wind. 

Aiku opens her eyes. "I've never felt energy like this before!" 

"This is our true power! The power of love. Of family! Remember this, Aiku. Remember me."

Aiku's pain floods her mind again. The potential loss of her brother stabbing into her emotions. She holds back her tears this time, choosing to remain brave confident in this moment. She bits her lips and stares into Sky's eyes. "...You'll come back to me. I know you will."

Sky nods once slowly, sharing a warm, comforting smile with his sister. Then he arches his head and looks into the air. "I'm ready. NOW, AIKU!"

Aiku closes her eyes tightly and gnashes her teeth, sending the brunt of her powers coursing through Sky's body. With once last burst of energy, the radiant light shifts to bright blue once more, as Sky rockets high into the air.

"NOOOOOOO!" Fukitsu yells in desperation.

His crew and the Straw Hats watch on from far below in shock and amazement.

As Sky reaches his apex, he turns his body toward the compound, spreading his arms and legs out wide, his eyes burning with ferocious light. He takes a deep breath as all around him goes silent. And when he is ready, his full power explodes through the sky like an erupting star. 

"SKY FALL!!!" He screams with all his might, his voice echoing over the waves like the Shandorian Golden Belfry. 

As his blue light slices across the air, cracks and fissures suddenly appears on the surface of the sky, as if the dome of the world itself was breaking apart. Soon after, massive pieces of the blue sky break off and begin falling toward the sea.

On the ships below, the Straw Hats run forward and crouch into fighting positions, instinctively reacting to the imminent danger.

Nami staggers backward, eyes wide at the sight of the sky falling toward them. "W-what the hell just happened?!"

"What are we going to do?!" Robin shouts.

Zoro draws his sword and steps in front of the crew. "Get back! Try and get this ship to safety!"

Tydal quickly comes beside him and grabs his arm. "No! It's alright."

Zoro looks to him, confused. "What are you talking about?! This is not alright, we've got to--"

"This attack isn't meant for us..." Tydal looks to the sky, calmly watching as the gigantic pieces fall.

On the roof, Fukitsu fights with all his strength to free himself from the blue flames, now holding him in place, freezing him to the roof. Sweat and blood drip from his face, his eyes bloodshot with rage as he frantically struggles to move.

With tears flowing down her face, Aiku remains still, standing tall and proud as she lifts her face to the sky. She closes her eyes and smiles as the slabs of sky approach the complex, moments from impact. She calms her mind, freeing her emotions, prepared to accept any conclusion, content with her decisions. Her will set, her faith in her family strong.

When the first piece of sky impacts the roof, it shatters the top of the complex with a loud boom, displacing the air and sending dust clouds across the sea. As if a hammer slowly impacting a nail, the sky pushes Tomb Aqueous downward into the sea until it strikes the ocean, bursting waves from the surface and rocking the ships below.

When the force of the waves subsides, Nami runs desperately to the railing of the ship. "Aiku!"

"No..." Sanji breaths in shock. 

Yet as the clouds of dust and waves disperse, the Straw Hats notice something. One tall piece of the complex still remains. A single sliver; nothing more than a long, thin line of rock rising from the surface of the sea, just wide enough to stand on. And at the very top, was Aiku. Ever still, her eyes closed and head angled toward the sky. 

Tiff runs forward and points into the air happily. "Look, there she is!"

"How?!" Sanji exclaims. 

Zoro steps forward in disbelief. "I don't believe it..."

Tydal looks to him proudly and smiles. "Told you."

Robin examines the remaining piece of the tomb. "A true miracle."

Nami turns toward them, a new thought abruptly entering her mind. "But where's Sky?"

Tiff and Tydal share a look of uneasiness, choosing to remain silent, unsure of their next words. The Straw Hats study their expressions, and join them in silence.

Beneath the ocean, Fukitsu drifts downward into the blue abyss, the last of his life finally leaving his evil body. As he falls into the blackness, the weight of the sea crushing him, flashbacks of his former life enter his mind...

20 years ago, a younger Fukitsu sits on a beach. His clothes torn and burnt, his body haggard and starved, skeletal and bruised. Before him, in the waves just off the coast, the remnants of a shipwreak can be seen protruding from the white caps. He stares out over the ocean in silence, his eyes sunken, his face gaunt, his skin pale.

A man approaches him from behind and offers him a plate of food. "...Mr. Fukitsu. Please take some food."

"No." Fukitsu responds coldly. 

"Then please, at least take some water. You haven't had anything in days." The man offers him a container of water.

Fukitsu bats it away. "And I won't! Not now! Leave me!" He staggers to his feet, struggling to maintain his balance, weak and exhausted. He strides toward the ocean, falling to his knees many times as he aimlessly wanders into the ocean.

As the man watches him go, a young girl approaches him, watching Fukitsu struggle. "...What's wrong with him? Why won't he eat?"

The man turns to her, then looks back out over the waves. "He's one of the men we helped escape from that shipwreck. He's been sitting on this beach every day since then."

"But why?"

"He lost his wife and new born child when the ship was sunk. And every day since, he has refused to leave this beach. He spends all his time looking for her. Refusing to eat, refusing to sleep, refusing to give up."

The young girl watches him go, unable to understand his pain, yet still sharing the grief he must be experiencing. "That's so sad. The poor man."

"Indeed. I pray I am never plagued with such tragedy. Imagine what it must do to you."

"Who was it that sunk the ship?"

The man looks to the girl, his expression darkening. "Pirates."

Now released from emotions, Fukitsu floats quietly into the deep maw of the ocean, the last of his memories fading into nothingness. As the sea fills his lungs, he finds peace once again amidst the beauty of the ocean. Once his enemy, his companion, and now his savior. At long last surrendering to it's grandeur, he disappears into the black, never to be seen again.

Above the waves, large pieces of the sky continue to fall into the sea, burying the last of the enemy ships, and covering the filth of Tomb Aqueous forever. On Lunya's ship, Sky's crew and the Straw Hats share a moment of celebration, realizing that although all my not be right, they can at least breath for the time being. They share smiles, laughs and embraces, attempting to return some levity to their dire situation.

Sanji examines the ocean, watching the pieces of sky sink below the surface. "Is that it? Is it over?"

"Seems like it." Nami confirms.

"Aw, it's over already?!" Luffy protests.

"You mad?"

"I didn't even get to fight that much! I was just getting warmed up!"

"Be serious! You were getting your ass kicked, Luffy!"

Zoro crosses his arms and looks to him. "Save your strength for the next fight, I'm sure you'll need it." 

Nami huffs and wipes her brow. "I'm sure glad that ordeal is over with. I don't know how much more I could take."

Sanji agrees. "I think it's fair to say that's the most intense situation we've been through yet."

Zoro glances at him. "Getting scared now?"

"Yeah, right--no way!" Sanji retorts.

Nami steps toward the railing and looks up at Aiku. "We need to get her down from there!"

Tiff comes beside her and smiles. "No worries! We've got this. Lunya?"

Lunya steps forward and happily holds her arms out, creating and ice slide stretching from the ship up to the top of the complex. 

When Aiku notices this, she opens her eyes and looks down at it. She sees her friends and the Straw Hats below yelling up to her. She smiles to them and waves. As she sits down on the ice slide, she glances to the sky once more, as if expecting to see her brother. Yet nothing appears. 

"Come on, Aiku!" Tydal encourages her from below. 

Aiku nods to him, then sends herself flying forward down the slide. Just before she reaches the ship, Chong comes forward and creates a large smoke pillow for her to impact with. She collides with it softy, then jumps to her feet and faces everyone.

For a long moment, she stands and stares at her crew. Her friends. Her family. People that have been and always will be so faithful to her and her life. As she opens her mouth to speak, struggling to find the right words, Tiff simply smiles and steps toward her, wrapping her arms around her tightly. Tydal follows, then Lunya, and Chong, and Bara.

"Hey, me too!" Luffy shouts happily, running forward and stretching his long arms around the entire crew and squeezing tight. Soon after, the rest of the Straw Hats follow, until every person on the ship is grouped together in massive embrace.

As her tears begin to flow freely again, Aiku is overwhelmed with new emotion. "...Thank you." She whispers. 

As the embrace slowly comes to an end, with watery eyes all round, the crew stands before Aiku proudly. Tiff grabs her by the face and caresses her cheeks. "You did it. He's proud."

Aiku nods, wiping her tears away. "I know. We all did it. All of us." She looks around to every person on the deck. 

"We're so glad your safe."

"Me too."

Zoro steps toward them. "I hate to break up this touching moment--"

Nami turns toward him angrily. "Then don't!"  

"--but we need to figure out how to get out of here."

Tydal agrees. "He's right. We need to leave immediately. We have to make sure the Empire is okay."

"It's fine! I know my crew can handle it!" Luffy interjects.

"Even so, we need to be sure. The most important thing now is having a home to actually go to."

Bara comes beside them. "That might be a slight issue. The ship itself is in good condition, but the paddle wheel is still heavily damaged. There's just no way to fix it. We don't have the tools or manpower, and with Aiku being so weak it's impossible to do anything."

"So what can we do?" Sanji wonders.

"HELLLLLOOOO!" A high voice suddenly calls out through the air.

As the crew turns toward the voice, they notice a distinct shape in the ocean coming toward them. The shape of a wine bottle.

"Is that--" Sanji stammers.

"I don't believe it!" Nami shouts. 

"It's Fromage and Basket!" Tydal proclaims, pointing in their direction.

As the giant wine bottle arrives beside the ship, the two eccentric figures pop out of the top and wave to the crew. "Didn't think you'd ever see us again, did you?" Basket sings.

Fromage locks elbows with her and gestures toward the sky. "Now that's what you call saving the day if I do say, and I do say!"

"FOOD!" Luffy yells with stars in his eyes.

Robin giggles. "Just when you think you've seen it all."

Tiff steps beside her. "Believe me, you've never seen it all with them!"

"Well, for once you're a welcoming surprise!" Tydal calls down to them.

"But how are we all going to fit in there?" Sanji wonders.

Fromage waves at him dismissively. "Don't be ridiculous, you don't need to!"

"Besides, we would never allow you in here--not dressed and smelling like that!" Basket adds.

"What?!" Sanji rages. 

"But never mind that, we can give you a tow!" Fromage declares. 

Basket agrees. "But we'll need some help, of course."

Zoro looks down to them. "What did you have in mind?"

Fromage and Basket smile at him deviously. 

End of Act I

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