My own dreamscape (one piece...

By zoiyale

3.6K 175 92

"oh why must i wake up?" in which the goddess of dreams and slumber has woken up from her 100 year nap, only... More

info before story
PT 1. only in dreams
PT 2. dream come true
PT 3. farewell strawhats
PT 4. the celestial dragons
pt 5. the whole gang
Part 6. the big brother
part 8. months of training
pt 9. almost time

part 7. are you strong enough?

277 20 7
By zoiyale

"click click! Click! Click click click!" The annoying sound of metal tapping metal rang in my ears

I pull my pillow over my head with a grown, trying to block out the sounds

The pillow is yanked out of hands, I my cover one ear with one hand, swinging my other at the annoying sound

A not so gentle smack to my head made me open my eyes in pain "oowww!!" I yelled

"Get up lazy" I look over noticing a certain sleepy head giving me an annoyed face

"Hi y/n... why are you in he-?" I get smacked again, this time with a metal spatula

"Up, get up, your training starts in 30 minutes, get ready, and eat, if your not ready in that time, you will punished" she teleported away, leaving me completely clueless

I rub where she hit me "rude" I mumble

Then what she said hit me, I jumped out of bed, rushing around the room, after, I ran out down the halls, reaching the kitchen in about 2 minutes

Breakfast was ready for me, I thanked moxie who sat in her own seat reading a newspaper, she hummed in response

I spent a few minutes devouring my food, then realized I don't know what to do after I eat

"Um moxie" I said

"Yeah?" She said looking over the newspaper

"Where do I go after this" she shrugged, then went back to her paper

I passed out after that, when I woke up though, I was being dragged down the halls "morning sunshine, I hope your ready for intense training" y/n looked down at me with a sinister smile

I shivered "um yeah, super ready" I mentally cried to myself

She dragged me up some stairs, for some reason not letting me walk

After the third flight of stairs I was really starting to wonder how big this place was

And what was she gonna have me do for training, moxie said she hopes I don't die or whatever so I'm slightly worried

"Um y/n, what is this training your gonna have me do?" I asked, praying for an answer

"Well first off, you make it sound like you have a Choice to train or not, but you don't, and second, I can't tell you yet" she hummed a little melody

I started mentally crying again, hoping I would survive whatever she has planned

6 staircases later, we reached a big door

after she opened it up, she threw me in "ow" i rubbed my head as i sat up

she walked over to some railing

i walked over and looked down, we are at the top of the palace

it suddenly got hard to breath, i ended up in a coughing fit

"you'll get used to it, don't worry" she said as she patted my back

after i calmed down a bit, she got on the railing "alright, for this, i want you to climb down to the bottom" she said while pointing down off the railing

"i'm sorry what" i said, that sounded unterly impossible, but here she was telling me to do that

"climb down, it should only take you a little more than a day to reach the bottom" she said again

"right yeah totally, i knew that" i say while walking over

she crouchs down on the railing to be at eye level with me

"listen ace, this is a dangerous task i'm asking you to do, even if it may seem like your just climbing down, there is plenty of weapons and traps placed all over the palace" she was very serious, not a single bit of any other emotions showed

"but if you make it, i will officially start your training, this is only a test, so if you end up quitting or not wanting to do it, i will bring you down, and you can leave my sky island if you wish" she stood back up

"what do you say ace? wanna try it?" she asked with a smile

i nodded "yeah, i'll give it a go, i have to be strong like pops" she gives me a warm smile

"good, all you have to do, is make it down to the bottom, a little ways down, theres a backpack, it has food, water, and supplies, its enough to hold you over until you make it down" she looked down off the edge

"i'll see you in about a day or two, good luck" she smiled before jumping off the side

i sigh 'better get to it' i hopped on to the railing

its so high up, that the ground is covered in clouds, i can't see how far up i actually am

and that backpack is nowhere in sight

i let out another sigh 'i swear if i die from this, i'm gonna kill her' i grab the railing and go off the edge, careful not to slip

i spot some places i might be able to jump to, but its risky

i decided to try to jump to a small ledge not to far from me

as soon as i made it to the ledge, i heard a sharp ringing noise coming from right next to me

i covered my ears, but when i did that i noticed a bunch of small bugs coming out of the wall next to me

they started swarming me, pushing me back, i couldn't really hear much now, because the ringing was so loud it hurt

i swatted at them, and eventually tried to burn them, but it didn't work, they were fireproof, and even if i hit them, they just got back up

and then, i lost my footing, my foot slipped off the ledge backwards, making me trip

i grabbed the ledge trying not to fall down, but it seemed useless, the insects attacked my hands, stinging me, and biting

my hands slipped, and then down i went, luckily i landed on another small ledge a good distance down, but i'm pretty sure i broke a few bones

i heard a machanical sound, almost like a machine gun, i got up and started running, dodging as many bullets as i could, several hit me, and they were sea stone

i jumped off the ledge, barely making it on a larger platform, a big spider started chasing me, it shot webs at me, and hit my hand, my fingers stuck together like glue

i turned my hand into fire to remove the webs, it worked, i shot fire at the spider, killing it in the process

i dropped to my knees "holy shit she is trying to kill me" i look up, noticing how i've barely gone anywhere

i feel a stinging pain in my side, and remember the bullet wounds

"shit" i mumble

i look around the area for something to patch this up, and thats when i spot a backpack

i put pressure on the wound, and start trying to walk over, as soon as i'm close enough i drop to the ground

i search the bag, hoping she put bandages in here, i sigh in relief when i found a first aid kit

'good thing marco taught me how to treat a bullet wound in a emergency like this' i pulled out the bandages and start treating the wound, though i wont be able to get the bullet out yet


i let out a small yawn as i lay in my favorite place in the palace 'he sure is taking his time' I had my thoughts on ace, wondering if he was strong enough

I look down to the ground far below, watching the wind softly blow the trees around, the butterfly's fluttering around, and the sun setting on the horizon

I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath 'it's been so long since I've relaxed like this' I sigh as I sit up

I sing my legs off the side of the ledge and hop off

Before I hit the ground I teleport away

"Come on, let's get you fixed up"  I grab his arm dragging him down the halls

"Uh, right!" He try's to walk along side me

"You did really good ace, I'm proud of you" I give him a small smile

His cheeks turn slightly pink, and he covers his face with his hand "thank you" he muttered

He suddenly puts his hand to his stomach and groans in pain "stupid bullet wound" he mumbles

I sigh "alright let me see it" we stop in the hall

He lifts up a bit of his shirt, showing me the blood stained bandages he wrapped on

I teleport to the infirmary "take off the bandages please" I asked him, I walked over to grab a pair of gloves

He carefully unwraps the bandages "done" he said

I walk back over "great, thanks" I put my hand on the wound, and the bullet shot out of his body, I caught it in my hand

"There we go" I show him the bullet

He scrunched up his face "I really hate bullets" he looked away

"Well to bad, your gonna get shot, it's how the world works" I put my hand on his shoulder, healing his whole body

"Thanks n/n" (nick name) he said while fixing his shirt

"No problem, and by the way, you passed the test, I'll train you" I said while throwing away the gloves I was wearing

He jumped up "are you serious? I'm gonna get stronger?" He asked eith stars in his eyes

"Yup, but I'm not gonna be nice with your training" I tell him while walking away

"Got it!" He had the biggest smile on his face

I still have to tell him about whitebeard, but i dont want to ruin his mood

"Come on ace, let's get you something to eat" I open to doors

He nods and runs out

'I'll tell him later' my smile disappears


So was this chapter enjoyable? I hope it was!

I can't get a good idea of how this story is going from your guys perspective, is there enough energy? Like wholesome energy? Or even a sad or mysterious type of mood? I can't tell from being the author to be honest

I hope you all are enjoying the story, and as always have a good day/night wherever you are!

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