sweet (W2S)

By bakarsbaby

61.1K 610 183

ꨄ sequel to falling in love ꨄ a little short book that shows you what days in Elora Martins life is like. mad... More

meet the characters
an updated famous birthdays
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
fourty one
fourty three
fourty four

fourty two

971 15 6
By bakarsbaby

eloramartin has added to their story

Harry, Ivy, and i are in Malta along with everyone else for a very special occasion.. Vik's wedding!

it's the night before the long awaited big day and i'm so excited, a little jet lagged but still very much excited.

Ivy is luckily asleep, on the flight she only cried once which i'd say is pretty good overall.

Harry is awake as well, we just got out of the shower and were currently getting ready for bed.

i do my skin care and put some pimple patches on, hoping they go down before tomorrow.

"can i braid your hair?" Harry asks after putting some shorts on.

i laugh and start brushing my teeth "yeah go for it"

"i'm really gonna try my hardest here-" he says, splitting my hair into three sections.

"whatever you do i'll leave it" i laugh.

after like 10 minutes of trial and error, he finally finishes the braid and ties it off with a hair bobble.

"it's uh- well- it's something" he nods.

i laugh and walk out the bathroom "you tried your best"

"and that's all that matters innit" he laughs and lays in the bed.

i change into some sleep shorts and put one of Harry's shirts on before laying down beside him, falling fast asleep.

*the next day*

eloramartin has added to their story

we woke up early and spent the morning getting ready for the big day, my excitement levels were absolutely through the roof.

Harry looked so good oh my god i wanted to eat him up.

we're at venue currently, everyone's sitting down and talking while waiting on Vik and Ellie to come out.

i was sat beside Harry, Tobi, JJ, and JJ's girlfriend. Ivy was sitting on Harry's lap.

the rest of the group were either in front or behind us.

out of no where, JJ gets up and goes to the mic "shh!"

everyone gets quiet and the band stops playing but Tobi and i were trying so hard not to laugh because we knew JJ was just bullshitting.

"oh she looks pissed" Harry whispers to me about JJ's girlfriend.

i laugh and JJ walks back over dying of laughter as everyone starts talking again.

soon enough, the ceremony starts and it's short and sweet. i cried so much, i couldn't help it. i've never seen Vik in such a state before where he was almost crying, it was such a special moment and Ellie looked so beautiful.

now it's time for the reception and everyone is slowly making their way to the area it's being held at.

some of the group and i stayed back to take some pictures and to see the newly weds.

"oh honey lemme help you" i laugh and fix up Talia's makeup a bit.

"thank you, i'm a mess" she laughs and hugs me.

i hug back "of course, you know i got you"

"you're the best" she kisses my cheek before being dragged away by Simon for photos.

Harry and i walk over to the balcony where the others were and he hands me Ivy.

as i hold her, i walk over to Vik and Ellie "such a beautiful wedding you lot, i cried so much"

they laugh "thank you for coming El, it means a lot"

"of course and Ellie you look absolutely breathtaking, i must say" i smile at her.

she smiles brightly before we exchange a hug "thank you so much"

"hi Ivy" Vik smiles and waves at her.

Ivy gives him the biggest smile.

we talk a little more before we go and take photos with everyone else.


we all make it into the reception area one by one and wow was it such a pretty sight.

"is that an XIX bar?" Harry says shocked.

i laugh "it looks like it"

"well i'll be right back- do you want anything?" he looks at me.

"yes please, just get me whatever sounds good" i smile.

he nods and walks towards the bar, i walk over to our specified table which was with the other sidemen.

i sit down and place Ivy on my lap, wrapping my arms around her and swaying to the music.

Freezy walks over with Chip and their girlfriends, he grabs Ivy and starts dancing with her making me laugh.

"aye she's a natural at dancing" Chip laughs.

"she's so adorable" Sabina, Chip's girlfriend smiles at Ivy.

i laugh "thank you"

"no for real shes actually so beautiful, she looks just like you" Freezy's girlfriend smiles at me.

i smile back as Harry walks over and hands me the drink he got for me "thank you"

"the drink choices are so good, Vik and Ellie really did their thing" Harry sits beside me.

i laugh "i like the sugar around the rim"

"me too! i've been going crazy on it" Josh says from across the table.

Freya nods "he really has been going at it, this is his 2nd one"

i wheeze "oh my- you're something else"

Freezy hands Ivy back to me "had to stop dancing with her, she's giving me baby fever"

i laugh "yeah she's good at doing that"

Tobi, who's sitting to my left reaches out for her "i'll dance with her"

i hand Ivy to him and he starts moving her arms around to the beat which makes her smile at him "To...bi"

i smile and start clapping for her "good job baby"

Tobi's face is just filled with pure shock "did she just- oh my goodness"

"HAH! she said mine first" Simon says trying to brag.

"okay minter, let Tobi have his moment" i joke.

they all laugh and Tobi's eyes fill with tears as he hugs Ivy tightly.


later into the night, majority of the people there were tipsy or drunk but they were the type of drunk where you could still function properly.

i was one of the sober ones shockingly enough, that one drink didn't affect me at all.

Tobi was on the dance floor with Josh teaching Vik how to do the electric slide before the song changed.

everyone else was also on the dance floor, i was dancing around with Ivy and Harry.

"she's killing it!" Harry says laughing.

i laugh "yeah she is"

Ivy just smiles and keeps moving her little body around in the cutest way to the music.

wroetoshaw has added to their story


liked by vikkstagram and others
tobjizzle: i think i'm looking more like an uncle everyday 😅
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liked by ksi and others
behzingagram: beautiful memories with my beautiful girls 💕
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liked by eloramartin and others
miniminter: big day so i thought i'd try something new 🙌
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liked by joinsidemenplus and others
vikkstagram: the boys 🫡
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i'm crying they all looked so good 🥹

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