Bound to the fae twins

By joannacass41

243 27 4

Juniper went to bed a normal human being. when she is woken up by intruders in her house. she thinks her tw... More

welcome to the human world Part 1
who's kidding who Part 2
New kid in town Part 3
Living her best life Part 4
Home is Where the heart is.... or is it. Part 5
The first night with 5 in a bed. Part 6
seen unseen the oracle Part 7
Their first Movie night. Part 8
The birthday party 9
Daddys home Part 10
Meeting the Fae Part 11
The awakening Part 12
Training the twins Part 13
4 Kings Gone Mad Part 15
Wake My Love Part 16
The royal council Part 17
The Fight Part 18

The New Queen's Part 14

4 0 0
By joannacass41

Waking the next morning. Juniper noticed two things. One all she had on were her underwear. Somehow, she had wiggled out of her shirt. And two four set of eyes were staring down at her. "What are you all looking at Goofballs." Juni said. But as she finished Speaking Her body started to feel hot. Her skin felt too tight and there was a curious tightening in her lower stomach. "Is she old enough for this." Banyon said. "It's too soon isn't it." Teak said. The men were discussing her she knew that, but the uncomfortable feeling was too much for her to pay attention to them. Juni felt like she was going to burn up from the inside out. She wiggled and squirmed on the bed not knowing what to do. Juni turned her head and looked at Teak. He thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Her eyes were glowing a strange green color like that of a cat when the light hits its eyes. Her skin seemed to glow as well with a shimmer from the sweat covering her body. Laying there in the bed completely nude aside from a tiny scrap of underwear she looked like a gift from the Goddess. Juni looked at Teak the pull to him was stronger than before she reached for him to help her. " Teak I don't know what's wrong with me Please help." She begged. Teak moved to her side pulling her into his arms." My love what you are feeling is normal. We haven't thought to mention it before because we thought we had more time." Teah whispered to her in a strained voice. " You are having your first heat love. The pull to mate will be impossible for any of us to refuse." Banyon said. Juniper tried to listen, but Trixie was loud in her head demanding she choose a mate and choose him now. Juniper kissed Teak he was the one closest to her. Teak kissed her back savoring the feel of her in his arms. Throughout the Next 6 days Juniper Stayed with one of her mates or another making love. Food was Delivered to the door, but no one dare come in. Banyon was informed by a mind link with Dev the Willow was going through the same thing. At the end of the 6 days the four Alphas and the luna were no longer shy around each other. 

Juniper woke up on the 7th day and walked into the bathroom. Crawling into the steaming pond she felt her muscles relax. Trixie who had stayed mostly quite over the last few days finally spoke. "Well, that was an experience."  Trixie laughed. It sure was Juniper thought back to her. "Care for a run today I need to get out." Trixie said to her. Juniper agreed and stepped out of the pond. Juniper had shifted regularly back home since the first time but hasn't shifted since they had been in the Fae world. Walking out into the bedroom her mates were just waking up. "Good morning beautiful." Aspen said to her with a lopsided grin. "Good morning to you too." Juniper said. "Trixie and I are going for a run." Juniper told the group. The guys looked worried. " We are coming with you." Teak said. "You don't have to do that really I will be fine." Juniper said. "Juni sweetheart we are going with you. With the threat of rogues in the area we can't leave you alone." Banyon said. " Besides our wolves need out too lovebug." Aspen said to her. Juniper agreed to let them go with her she really didn't mind the company any way. Juniper dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. She wasn't going to be wearing them long anyway. Juni planned to shift as soon as she could. The guys were ready in minutes following her out the door.

Faree The hills of the fallen:

"How are their powers unlocked." Gailen demanded. "It would seem the little imp and her sister found mates among the Lycan."  Elanor said to the Alpha rogue. Elanor kept looking around herself she hated this place. The Alpha rogue made his palace in a cave deep in the hillside. The cave was dark and damp with stalactites hanging like daggers from the ceiling of the cave. If that wasn't bad enough there was a stench like rotting flesh coming from the Rogues it was putrid and slick smelling. There were tunnels exiting the center of the large crevice they were standing in. From the tunnels came whimpers and Howels of pain.  Prisoners no doubt. The Rogue Alpha has been in Faeree for many years now capturing Fae born and running experiments on them. He made use of those who had abilities that fit his needs. The others he experimented on or killed Stright out. Elanor came upon him shortly after meeting the girls. He was looking for the Royal Fae mixed bloods. The King had hidden them away when they were children. Somewhere in time the Rogue Alpha discovered a book claiming to hold the secret to Fae powers. It was a human book ( Fae would have written it in scrolls) written in Fae text. The Alpha Rogue has had someone decipher part of the book. He now believes he has the ability to steal Fae powers. Elanor thought it was all cat whiskers to her. No man nor beast can steal a Faes power even after death the power goes back into the well and will reside there until a worthy barer is born.  Elanor had tried to befriend the twins when they were children. She didn't know who or what they were just that they held Fae blood.  Elanor suspected that the Rogue king didn't know who they were until recently. The power they poses are legendary they have Royal court fairy blood making them the new Queens over all Faeree and Water Pixie blood making them Princess's over Water pixies as well, Then add in that one is Luna to a powerful wolf pack. the other is Gamma of the wolf pack They are a mix that has never before existed. Water pixie, Royal court Fairy, Lycan, and human. Its a mixture of legend and myth. Some say that mix would make them weak, others swear it would make them stronger, but Elanor knew it was a game of chance and luck was on their side.    " How could they be fated to a Lycan." Gailen said angry over this new bit of information. "Well Your grace I do not know." The pixie said in a taunting tone. "Don't play with me fae I'm not in a very forgiving mood," Gailen said. Elanor knew he wouldn't hurt her he needed her. she had the ability to heal his wounds and his men. She could also slip into and out of the Kings court unseen. "Hello old friend." a voice called out. Looking in the direction of the voice Elanor seen Raldha Heading their way. He was a Dark elf he was full of himself. Drunk on the promise of power though he had plenty of his own he craved more. Raldha hide in the human world. In his human form he had slick sandy brown hair blue eyes and a tall athletic frame. in his Dark elf Form He had White hair shaggy and long pulled from his face tied with a leather strap. His eyes were almond shaped black as night with a strong jaw and full lips. He wasn't unattractive as far as looks go but his attitude and presents made him repulsive. He had a muscular build tall and strong, and he could weald a sword like no bodies business. "Ah I wondered when you would come back. What have you learned in the human world." Gailen asked him. " The mutts are set to fight. They are calling together troops of Epsilon as we speak. If we are to strike it should be soon. We have time as they are in the human world and time works on our side here. Don't laze around the Lilypad on this though." Raldha said. "Gather my Epsilon we need to form a plan of attack. I want the women brought to me alive." Gailen said. 

Ralda went to fetch the Epsilon for the Alpha Rogue. He Hated doing the bidding for those mutts but if the Stories were true he not only will have the Fae Mutt's power he would also have her in his bed doing his bidding.  He would make her pay for bedding the Wolf boys first though. "Heads up you guys. Get it together the Alpha has called us together." He said to the 30 or so men they had left. Both under fed and Sleep deprived these mutts weren't fully up to par but Raldha would fix that soon enough. he had men of his own to gather. His men have orders to follow the Alpha Until the Queens were captured then they were to turn against him and Join with him and over take him. Raldha has recently learned the location of the book and unlike the Alpha he knew how to read Fae script. The meeting didn't last long. The plan was simple catch the girls alone and take them. The problem was how would they get them alone. 

Faeree castle grounds:

Walking in the moonlight Juniper found a secluded spot and shed her clothes. A shiver of excitement went through her or was that fear. Juniper shifted often in the human world but hasn't since being in Faeree. Giving into her need to shift she let everything around her leave her mind and let her wolf out. within minutes her wolf was standing where she has just been. Lifting her head she scented the night air. the air was fresh and sweet joined by her mates Trixie took off in an all out run. Four wolves following close behind her joy exploded through her. " The land is beautiful. Two moons shine in the sky the birds stay hushed in the trees and the night flowers are in bloom." Trixie Said to her. Juniper agreed this was amazing. Running full out Juniper pounced at her first mate rolling him down a small hill. Yipping with joy Juniper headed over to another of her mates this was Banyon he had his nose in the air standing still as if sensing danger. Well danger he was in she stalked up to him and jumped landing directly on top of his large wolf. His wolf howled out and Banyon tried to send Juniper a mind link But everything turned into chaos.   Rogues jumped out and surrounded the group. Fighting the Quads were overtaken Juniper fought but something covered her mouth and dizziness over took her fast. Before she passed out Juniper seen Teak Fighting 4 Rogues then blackness swirled and she was out. 

Juniper woke colder than she had ever been. Her head was pounding and she couldn't move Opening her eyes didn't help even with her sensitive  eyes that could see in the night as if it were daylight she could see only darkness. A stench filled the air putrid and foul as if something was rotting close by. Moving her arms Juniper realized she was chained when the metal made a chickling sound around her. Opening her eyes as wide as she could didn't help panic set in. "Help." she began to cry remembering the sight of her mates when she last saw them. She was freezing, chained and had no idea where she was. crying out again she thought she heard a sound. Footsteps coming in her direction. There was a rattling sound and a pop and the heavy door creaked open spilling light with it. A man stood in the doorway she couldn't make out his features as the light was behind him but she could see he was huge. " Hush Mutt." The man said. He just called her a mutt what did he mean by that. Wh-where am I why am I here." Juniper cried. " Cease your whimpering do you want the Alpha to know your awake. you ignorant coward." The man said again. Walking over the man flipped a switch. Light exploded in the room around her. Blinded by the sudden brightness Juniper blinked a couple times to clear her vision. Standing before her was a man huge with muscle. His eyes were jet black there was no white to them. His hair a stark white His nose was almost a point and he had a chiseled Jawline. Dressed all in black the man smiled at her. "Queen Juniper it is so good to see you again." The man said. At her puzzled look the man responded. " Oh thats right you wont remember me in this form." The man said. As Juniper watched the man took on another form. Jeremy the jerk Stood plain as day in front of her looking as unruffled as always. "Jeremy Why are you doing this." Juniper said in disbelief. " Oh my dear girl we are about to have so much fun together." Jeremy said laughing as he motioned to a table of weapons. Whips, knives, syringes of some glowing liquid all lay on a dirty table. One of the whips had several straps attached with some kind of shiny metal on the ends grabbing that whip first Jeremy walked behind Juniper Raising the whip He said. " Finally i get that date I had planned," CRACK. A scream split the air disturbing the silence around them.

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