United Hearts

By Anymy325

128 4 75

The deviant cases have been rising, the police department has been stressed out. Y/N, a GJ200, designed to be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

18 1 0
By Anymy325

Y/N overheard some cops talking. Apparently, Hank, one of the lieutenants, broke the nose of the person named Perkins, who apparently works for the FBI and was supposed to get all the collected evidence handed over. But why would the lieutenant just randomly attack another person? And in the middle of the office? It was all so weird to them. They knew there was more going on, there has to be. They remembered him from the interrogation. It's not like he seemed or looked like the nicest person on earth, but they didn't think he'd be on the violent side like that. Was he trying to cover something up..? Y/N knew that he was originally leading the deviancy investigation, at least that's what he said before the interrogation. Now Perkins was taking over... Maybe he got into a fight with him out of spite? And where was Connor? Weren't they a team?

Y/N sat down for a while to think. It seemed like the entire police station forgot they were there. Forgotten and left behind, but why? And apart from Connor, who came to ask twice if they weren't hiding anything, nobody came to check up on them. There was something big going on, something that Y/N knew it put them last in line. And they didn't mind. Sure, sitting in a cell all day long is not the best thing to do, but it's better than being taken apart to see what went "wrong". Plus, they used all the time they have to think about what happened and the new feelings they have to deal with. And occasionally, Connor came back to mind.. Something about him seemed so interesting to Y/N. He was pretty too, but seemed so professional at the same time, and Y/N was sure that he could do tons of things to improve the police station in many ways. He's faster, doesn't feel pain, and can analyze everything and anything. In contrast to their own abilities, Y/N felt like they were boring. Technically, all they did was provide friendship. And becoming deviant, they felt bad for knowing that the provided friendship was fake. They just went by a script, according to what their owner said or did. It didn't feel right anymore. But it's not like they can change a thing about it. John was dead because of them.

While Y/N sat in their cell, thinking about everything and anything, Connor used the new lead and made his way to Jericho in a disguise to seem more human and more deviant to the others there. Just a gray sweater with a jacket, jeans and a beanie to complement the look. He was supposed to find Markus undercover, after all. The great leader of the deviants. Most of them looked up at him like he was a god. Saying you met Markus was probably something most wouldn't even believe at this point.

After connecting the evidence, he knew his next mission was to find Jericho. And Jericho he found. Upon entering, all he saw was what seemed like thousands of deviants walking around, talking or looking at the screens with the news. Violence was discussed, and the word 'deviant' seemed to be used in every second sentence. Connor decided to take a small look around. After all, up until this point, he didn't even know what Jericho was exactly. In a corner, he found a little first aid tent with what seemed like an android doctor taking care of someone else. There were a lot of blue blood bags stored in boxes, some scattered on the floor. Looking up, he saw that there was another floor, and he noticed a certain android. A woman with short blond hair. It was the AX400, who apparently beat up her owner and ran away with his child. That's when he realized how many of the deviants from his investigation must be here right now. Maybe the Traci's from the Eden Club? The deviant who was hiding in the apartment with the pigeons?

He had to take care not to be spotted. Head low, he walked around a bit more to maybe find a trace of Markus anywhere. He must be here somewherel. He wanted to walk up the stairs when suddenly he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, and he turned around to meet a very peculiar android. It was a woman, and she seemed to be broken. In such a state, it was a miracle—almost scary—that she was still working. There were wires coming out the back of her head, they almost looked like her hair for a moment. Her eyes were completely colored in a mixture of blue and black, but in the dim light, they almost looked like glass orbs. Her synthetic skin was not working properly, resulting in some parts of her brown skin disappearing for mere moments before coming back again. "You're lost," she said, breaking the silence, her voice extremely robotic but also gentle in a way. "You're looking for something.. You're looking for yourself". That's all she said before going back the way she came. Connor was confused, he looked after her for a few more seconds before reminding himself not to get distracted. Her words were nothing but randomness thrown at him, they meant little to nothing to him. His only mission was to find Markus. And he's going to stick to that mission, no matter the cost.

In the meantime, a knock caught Y/N's attention as they were sitting on the bench. Looking over, they saw two policemen, one of them Gavin, opening the door to the cell. "Out, now.", he commanded, his voice stern and full of hatred. Y/N knew this wasn't the time to piss this man off. And they don't think there was ever going to be a time when it's okay to do so. He grabbed them by the hand, twisting their arms around and behind their back, as he guided them outside. "You're going back to CyberLife. They're going to disassemble you to look for what went wrong", the other police officer explained in a more calm but still serious voice. This was what Y/N had to sit in for. Until CyberLife could take them back and prepare to take them apart. They were going to die because they were considered unworthy of being left alive. Everything leading up to this point was for nothing. Y/N gained the ability to feel and understand feelings, and not even days later they were going to lose that again. It can't be. 'rA9.. Think about rA9, rA9 is doing this for a reason..', they thought to themselves while being escorted out the building. While the second officer opened the door, Gavin pushed them inside. It was very obvious that to him this entire moment was an absolute waste of his time. Both men sat down at the front of the car, Gavin driving. Y/N had their arms in shackles, probably to prevent them from attacking because it was clear that to everyone else they were nothing else but a disgusting murderer.. Well, maybe not to everyone else. Someone talked to them normally. Someone had a look in their eyes towards Y/N that wasn't one of hatred, fear or disgust. And that someone wasn't human. They knew he was an android, he didn't feel anything and probably didn't do those things intentionally. But it was something that has been stuck in their mind ever since.

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