Twicepink one-shot

By chaenjen

31.3K 627 104

Twice and Blackpink one shots book All stories are converted Female reader (mostly g!p ) - Started: 06/10/23 More

mommy? sorry (J.K) [M]
wanted (M.S) [M]
punishment (J.K) [M]
beg (M.M) [M]
snowflake, I'll catch you tonight (M.S)
do you want a trophy or you wanna sport me baby? (L.M) [M]
maid (J.K) [M]
slut cafe (I.N) [M]
Sinbound (P.J) [M]
Remember, this is a punishment (M.S) [M]

crystal balling (J.K)

3.3K 99 52
By chaenjen

Jennie x g!p reader

synopsis: Jennie insults a fortune teller, who in return puts a curse on Jennie.

Not believing in any of it, Jennie returns to her dorm, only to realize that she actually might have been cursed, and that nothing but his roommate slash greatest enemy Y/l/n Y/n seems to be able to help her.


Kim Jennie isn't superstitious.

She doesn't believe in things like faith or karma.

Don't even get her started on supernatural things. There could be an object levitating right in front of her nose and she'd blame it on the wind.

Which is why, when her best friend Jisoo asks her to go with her and take part in a free tarot session, she feels less than thrilled.

"No," Is her response, expression bored, eyes never leaving the screen of her Nintendo Switch. She's about to set a new record. She can feel it in the tips of her fingers.

She's only been playing for five hours straight and her eyes may feel like they're about to shrivel up inside her head from how dry they are, but she's about to set a new record. Nothing else matters right now.

Especially not her best friend bugging her about some new trend that has popped on campus, turning boys and girls into self-proclaimed psychics.

By reading cards ans twirling stones around in their hands.

Okay. Sure.

"But please?" Jisoo whines, placing her chin on top of Jennie's knees, jutting her lower lip out to look like a kicked puppy. Jennie spares her a glance and surppresses a smile before focusing back on her game, nudging the girl away with her knee but Jisoo immediately clings to her again, whining some more.

"Knock it off, Chu. You're gonna ruin my run!"

"Say yes and I will leave you alone."

Jennie groans. "Why can't you go with Roseanne?"

"She's visiting her family this weekend."

"So wait for her to get back."

"But you don't understand. The session is for free. Jihyo is the best at this school. Last time she told a girl from my Communications class that she was going to receive bad news by the end of the week and the girl's grandfather ended up passing away."

Jennie pulls a face. "That's really sad, and also nothing but a coincidence."

Jisoo stomps her feet like a toddler. "Do you know how much a session usually costs? And it's only this Saturday. I have to go. Please. Pretty please. I will do your laundry for a whole week."

"Hell no," Jennie scoffs. "I'm not even letting you near my dirtiest pair of underwear and bra."

Not after the incident back when they were freshmen, and were lucky enough to be roommates, and Jisoo somehow managed to not only completely shrink her favorite white sweater, but also make it look like a cat peed all over it after washing it together with one of her mustard yellow socks.

"It was an accident?"

"I'm not going with you Jisoo. Now fuck off. I'm about to break my own record."

"You can set that stupid record later! You haven't left your room the entire day."

"Yes and I don't intend to until that pile of wombat shit gets back. Which could be any minute now, so stop distracting me."

She's talking about her roommate.

Whose name must not be-


Jennie's hair at the back of her nape stand up, and she almost snarls. "Who the fuck else."

Jisoo rolls her eyes. "You seriously need to grow up. Y/n isn't as bad as you make her out to be-"

"Don't you dare side with the enemy now."

"Jesus Christ," Jisoo mutters under her breath.

Y/l/n Y/n.

Twenty-two, Business major, rich, friends with everyone, also more than friends with half the student body because the other half isn't up to her standards and last but not least, the only person on this campus that can make Jennie feel like throwing up by doing nothing but simply looking at her.

Which is a bit of a dilemma, since they're roommates.

Which hasn't always been the case. Heck, up until the start of this semester half a year ago, Jennie didn't even know about Y/n's existence. She was happily rooming together with her best friend and she wasn't this old, bitter person she is today.

But then Y/n transferred to their school, and the administration staff decided it was okay to have her move in with Jennie and have Jisoo move in with their dorm neighbor Roseanne since her own roommate dropped out.

Jennie was absolutely livid when she got the news, all but stormed into their office the second she heard of it, and demanded to know why they couldn't just have Y/n move in with Roseanne, only to be slapped in the face with the information that both Roseanne and Jisoo had handed in a request for Jisoo to move in with her.

Because see, her best friend had secretly started hooking up with Roseanne behind her back.

Jennie was betrayed.

By her own best friend.

But she's known Jisoo her whole life, considers her her own sister, and she could never hold grudges when it comes to that girl, and the next logical thing to do was to do take out her frustration on Y/n instead.

And boy did Jennie take out her frustration.

Because the second Y/n walked into her dorm, all tall and beautiful and smelling of rich Gucci cologne, opening her mouth to give Jennie a friendly smile and introduce herself, Jennie said

"Don't talk to me."

Y/n's face fell and she slowly lowered her box of belongings. "What's your problem?"

"You are."

"I haven't even introduced myself."

"You don't need to. I know who you are and I hate you."

Y/n laughed incredulously, her brows ticking in irritation. "Are you high or something?"

"No, fuck off. Just don't talk to me. Ever."

Y/n stared at her like Jennie grew a second head before she muttered a curse under her breath, something about Jennie being crazy and how the hell she ended up here. She picked up her box and moved to her side of the room. "Nice to meet you, too. Asshole."

Which is how their introduction went half a year ago, and ever since, their conversations have consisted of nothing but throwing insults at each other and avoiding the other's presence as best as they could.

Not that that was a problem. Y/n is almost out all the time. If she isn't sitting in her classes, she's either out drinking or hooking up with girls god knows where. Jennie nearly ripped the girl's dick off when she got back to their dorm one day back when they'd just started living together, only to find Y/n balls deep inside a girl on Jennie's bed.

She made it clear that she would not hesitate to destroy all of Y/n's belongings if she ever dared to bring another one of her hookups back to their dorm, and the crazy glint in Jennie's eyes as she threatened her must've been enough to scare Y/n, because Jennie has never caught her in the act after that ever again.

But it's not only Jennie who's be the bad guy in this even if Jisoo likes to make it look otherwise. Her best friend doesn't even know about half the shit Y/n has done to Jennie. Small things, like accidentally breaking her favorite Playstation controller, smirking like an idiot when she apologized to Jennie and Jennie failed to hide her tears because the controller had been a present from her dad and it had been almost a year since the last time Jennie had seen her family so she'd just been very emotional, okay?

Or the time she played a prank of Jennie in the middle of the night, scaring her out of her sleep with a fucking red mask on her face that made her look like Satan, making Jennie burst out in tears from how much it had scared her.

Y/n had done nothing but laugh at her misery, because she was a demon, Jennie was sure of it.

Y/n's been talking shit about Jennie to others, too, saying she was impossible to live with, that she was a neat freak and calling her kind of hurtful names, which Jennie would never admit, but it still makes her chest feel tight whenever she remembers overhearing a conversation between Y/n and the girl she always hangs out with, Son chaeyoung.

"But why don't you just move out? Find yourself a place in the city."

"I would if my parents weren't so adamant on making me experience the true college life. They took away all my credit cards and there's no room in other dorms either. I check almost every day with the administration office. I'm stuck with that asshole."

"She can't be that bad, Y/n/n."

"She is, trust me. I've never met a more unlikeable person than that douchebag in my life. She could fall off a cliff and I couldn't care less."

If Jennie cried herself to sleep that night, well, no one needs to know.

Especially not Y/n. Stupid asshole. As if Jennie would care if anything happened to her either.

Good riddance.

Almost everyone at their school knows that they have some sort of feud going on, but no one really knows why.

Not even Y/n knows why, she just treats Jennie the way Jennie treats her, which is fair enough, but truth to be told, it gets tiring to be constantly angry and find new words to insult Y/n with but she can't get over herself and walk up to the girl to apologize.

They've been doing this for too long to suddenly just make up and be nice to each other. Even the thought of smiling at Y/n in a friendly way makes Jennie feel sick to her stomach.

So yeah, that's Y/n, and she will be back from whoever it is she has under her right now, so Jennie wants to enjoy her last few moments of freedom.

"I will tell your mom about the cookies."

Jennie's eyes widen at Jisoo's words, and her thumb presses the pause button, new record be damned. "You wouldn't dare."

"You know I've been waiting to tell her," Jisoo says, an evil smile tugging on her lips. "I just wanted you to give me a reason to spill the tea."

"You're supposed to be my best friend," Jennie mutters, setting her Nintendo down. "How many more times are you going to betray me?"

Jisoo rolls her eyes. "Stop being so dramatic and just move your ass to Jihyo's dorm with me. It's literally two minutes away."

Jennie grits her teeth together, glaring daggers at her so-called best friend, and she just knows that Jisoo isn't bluffing. She will actually tell her mom about the cookies, and Jennie can't have that. Not when they've kept that secrets for almost seven years.

Her mother still talks about her beloved carpet every Christmas dinner and Jennie always feels like a horrible daughter when she remembers the incident that involved her and Jisoo getting high on space cookies one of their friends sold them at school when they were sixteen, how Jennie ended up vomiting all over her white carpet and how they blamed it on their family dog to get away with it.

(Jennie was high for almost two days and still wonders what the hell that guy had put in those cookies that had her so fucked up.)

She puts her Nintendo down with a huff and gets up to pull on some pants, walking over to the door and grabbing her keys. "Are you coming or what?"

Just in that moment, the door opens, making Jennie stumble back as Y/n walks in.

She has this sleepy look in her eyes, lips red and puffy, hair all over the place.

She always looks like this when comes back from a hookup and Jennie thinks it shouldn't irk her as much as it does.

She always wonders who she was with this time, someone she knows, and her mind wanders even further, and then she remembers that she shouldn't care, and she wants to punch something.

Preferably Y/n.

Y/n looks up at her, the calm expression on her face morphing into a scowl as she takes in Jennie's attire which consists of baggy sweatpants and a worn out sweater that may be a size too big on her. "You look like shit."

Jennie's chest heats up. God, there's so much she wants to say but she holds herself back, not having the energy for another fight with her stupid roommate. "And you smell like it."

Y/n steps closer, smelling of that dark musky cologne she always reeks of mixed with sweat and something more sweet and floral, probably the perfume of her partner from earlier. Jennie's eyes catch the hickey on Y/n's collarbone, partially hidden behind the collar of her black shirt, and she suddenly just... deflates.

"Alright!" Jisoo exclaims, sensing the tension growing between the two and skipping over to them to throw an arm around Jennie's shoulders. "We were just about to leave, weren't we? Have a nice day, Y/n."

Y/n stares at Jennie for a moment longer before she drags her gaze away and gives Jisoo a friendly smile. Just like that, she's back to her charming self everyone here knows her for. Except for Jennie, because she tends to bring out the worst of the girl. "You too, Jisoo."

Jennie grits her teeth together and lets herself be dragged out of the room, making the mistake of looking over her shoulder before the door closes behind her, catching a glimpse of Y/n pulling her shirt off and her tanned torso that has Jennie bite down on her tongue, hard.

"I hate her so much. I really do, Jisoo."

Jisoo sighs. "I know. You remind me and everyone else every day."

"She's just... She's just-I can't stand her. I really can't."

Jisoo glances at her strangely, a look in her eyes that Jennie can't read. "Uh-uh."

Jennie sighs. "I really hope one of us can move out soon. I can't live with her for another semester."

"Don't think about that for now, okay? This is going to be really fun!"

Jennie hums. "Sure."

"You know you're the best friend in the whole world, right?" Jisoo squeezes her shoulders tightly, grinning at her brightly.

Jennie is about to snap at her, but then she sees the genuinely happy grin on her friend's face, and her shoulders deflate a little, her lips pulling into a fond smile. "I know. But so are you."

Jisoo grins even wider and pulls Jennie out of the dorm, steering her in the direction of where Jihyo is staying.

And straight towards what Jennie will soon find out to be one of the biggest mistakes of her whole miserable life.


The dorm looks like every other one from the outside is what Jennie thinks as they wait in front of it.

She doesn't really know Jihyo, only that she's a year above them and that she's considered one of the more popular girls of their school, her Instagram account having several thousand followers, which apparently is super important.

Not that Jennie cares.

She doesn't even have an Instagram account.

They have to wait for several minutes and Jennie is about to turn to Jisoo and tell her that they should leave since she's probably out, but then the door opens, and Jihyo's pretty face peeks out from the darkness of her room.

"Hi?" She says, looking at them with a bored look.

"Hey!" Jisoo almost shouts, making both Jihyo and Jennie flinch. "We're here for-"

"For a fortune telling session, yeah I know. Get in." She steps aside with a sigh, and Jennie gingerly follows her best friend inside her dorm.

The room's blinds are shut and thick curtains are covering the windows. There are blue and purple fairy lights hanging randomly from the ceiling, along with glow in the dark stars that are attached to it. There's a round table close to the windows, strange cards and objects placed on top of it, a few candles burning next to them.

It smells like lavender in there and it makes Jennie wrinkle her nose. The scent is way too strong. The whole set-up is ridiculous to Jennie. Does this girl really think she's some sort of psychic?

She can't believe people are actually buying into any of this.

"Sit down," Jihyo orders, so they sit down on the chairs at the table, Jihyo doing the same on the other side. Her hair is pulled up in a mess ponytail, revealing her pierced ears and the messy jewellery she's wearing. Jennie sees a bunch of stones and crystals. The whole room is covered in them, and there's big triangle one of the table, too. Purple and translucent. It's kind of pretty.

Jihyo kind of looks like a fairy in a way, big eyes and pink hair and rosy cheeks, but Jennie better keeps that thought to herself.

"I know I said on my Instagram that sessions today were free," She begins, fixing some of the mess on her table. "But people have been coming over nonstop since the morning, and I'm honestly exhausted."

Boo-hoo, Jennie thinks. No one is forcing her to do this. It's her fault she wants to be "famous" so bad, and by doing something as stupid and senseless as fortune telling, too.

"So?" Jisoo asks, sounding mildly disappointed.

"I will only do palm readings for free," She explains. "Everything else, you know, tarot cards, coffee reading, spirit communication... Twenty each."

"Twenty!" Jennie exclaims, laughing quietly. "You're crazy. Come on Chu, we're out of here-"

"We'll do the palm reading!" Jisoo interrupts. "Palm reading is fine."

Jihyo is still glaring at Jennie but sighs and nods her head. "Alright. Who's going first?"

"Me!" Jisoo quickly answers, smiling brightly. If she wasn't Jennie's best friend, Jennie would probably be embarrassed, but she's seen Jisoo walk home naked for a dare before, so this isn't really anything.

Jihyo nods and puts out her hand to take Jisoo's own. "Give me your dominant hand."

Jisoo places her right hand in hers. She turns it around a few times, the gems on her rings catching the colorful lights of the room as she runs them over Jisoo's knuckles for a moment before turning her hand around so her palm is facing up. She starts by tracing the lines on her palm, humming under her breath.

"Do you need to know anything about me first?" Jisoo asks.

"No," Jihyo dryly says, exasperated.

Jennie wants to laugh at how ridiculous all of this is. She can't believe people believe in this crap, let alone rob other people's money by pretending to be able to see the future.

"You have a typical air hand. See." She traces the shape of Jisoo's palm with her delicate fingers. Jennie rolls her eyes. "Your palm has a rectangular shape. Very protruding knuckles, too. It usually means you're a very curious person, very eager to learn. You tend to worry too much about things though and you don't like burdening others with your problems. You're actually great at communication but since you keep bottling everything up, it leads to conflicts in your relationships."

Jennie looks up at this. That actually sounds a lot like Jisoo. She rolls her eyes again. Jihyo might know Jisoo from before for all she knows, those aren't exactly secrets to the world.

Jisoo is nodding her head so fast Jennie worries she's going to give herself whiplash, and she watches Jihyo speak in childlike fascination.

"This is your heart line," Jihyo says next, tracing the top line on Jisoo's palm. "I can tell that you fall in love very easily and very fast, is that true?"

Jennie snorts and Jisoo blushes. "Yeah, that sounds about right."

Jihyo hums and tilts her head. "But you're in a relationship right now. You're content with that person. You're good at expressing your love for that person."

Jisoo's eyes soften. She's thinking about Roseanne, she always gets that look on her face when her girlfriend is mentioned. "Yeah, that's true."

Jihyo smiles for the first time. "You will be together for a long time, trust me." She touches another part of Jisoo's palm, tracing the middle line on her hand. "This is your head line. Again, I can tell you're a very enthusiastic and adventurous person. It goes downward, which means you're very creative and have artistic talent."

Jennie begins to feel mildly uncomfortable. Everything she's said so far are true. Jisoo is majoring in fine arts. When they were younger, she'd always come up with the craziest story ideas they could play out. Jennie doesn't know anyone that's as creative as Jisoo.

But again. Jisoo said Jihyo and her had shared a class before. She might simply know these things about Jisoo. Nothing about this is impressive.

"Let's move on to your life line," She mumbles, trying the middle line running to the bottom of Jisoo's palm. "You get easily tired, don't you?"

Jisoo's eyes widen at this. "Uh, yeah. I have low iron levels, so."

"Mhm. Knew it," Jihyo says and Jennie snorts, which makes her shoot a glare in her direction. "You will meet the love of your life at twenty-When did you meet your partner?"

"When I was twenty," Jisoo shyly says.

"You're going to be with them forever," Jihyo says. "And, if you want to know, you will have two children."

Jisoo splutters at that. "What? Seriously?"

"Yes, but... you will go through suffering. Both of you. You might break up at one point."

Jennie hears Jisoo suck in a breath and she immediately gets concerned. Jisoo loves Roseanne more than anything. Who is this person to come and tell her that she's going to break up with her girlfriend?

"Oh come on!" Jennie throws her hands in the air. She's had enough of her bullshit. "Are you seriously believing what she's saying?"


"Kim Jennie. Biochem major, right? What's your problem?" Jihyo asks her, letting go of Jisoo's hand. "Why did you come here if you think I'm a liar?"

"I came here for my best friend but all I see is a money-greedy bitch-"

"Jen! Stop it."

"What did you call me?" Jihyo asks, her voice calm, her eyes glinting dangerously.

"I called you a money-greedy bitch who takes advantage of desperate people. Yeah. Cause that's what you are. Acting like Sabrina the witch here, come on. How the fuck would you know if she's going to break up with her girlfriend? Fuck off, seriously."

Jihyo stares at her for another moment, before chuckling quietly. "So you think I'm a swindler. You think I don't know what I'm doing. I can prove you wrong, if you want."

"Please do, oh my god." Jennie rolls her eyes.

Jihyo shakes her head. "Don't come running to me once it's done, though. I won't help you."

"You gonna do something? I don't have all day."

Jihyo smiles. And okay. That Jennie is maybe kind of scared of. Her smile is so dark. She closes her eyes, and mutters something under her breath, before opening them again and basically staring right into Jennie's soul.

"Hey," Jisoo nervously stutters. "You're not, like, putting a curse on her, are you? Look, she doesn't mean it. She's my best friend, she's actually a pretty decent person, she just has no filter and her brain is... well, weird but I'm sure she didn't mean to call you a bitch-"

"It's already done," Jihyo says, shrugging her shoulders. "No turning back now."

"Huh? What's done?" Jisoo anxiously asks.

"The curse."

It's silent for a moment, before Jennie starts laughing. "The curse," She mimics her. "Now you just sound pathetic."

Jihyo sighs. "I think you guys should leave. And you, dickhead, don't say I didn't warn you. You're lucky I didn't do anything worse to you."

"You can stop with the act, sweetheart. I don't buy into your bullshit." She pushes her chair back and leaves, an anxious Jisoo following close behind. "Fucking hell. Did you hear her? You're lucky I didn't do anything worse to you. What is this? Fucking Harry Potter? Get outta here."

"Jen! Are you sure you're okay? You don't feel anything weird?"

"Of course not. I'm completely-" There's a sudden, sharp pain at the back of her head. Like a needle is being stabbed into her skull. She sucks in a breath, her hand shooting up to hold the spot. She's had those pains before, years ago, back when she used to get migraines on a daily basis. "Fine," She mutters through the pain. It lasts for a few seconds and vanishes completely.

"What is it?" Jisoo asks, stopping her. "Are you okay?"

Jennie nods her head but feels a numbing sensation inside her head. Like a pressure behind her eyes. "It's just migraines, don't worry."

Jisoo frowns. "Wait, I thought you didn't get them anymore?"

Jennie forces a smile. "I probably just didn't drink enough water today. Let's go. I'm tired."

"You sure you're okay?" Jisoo asks once they arrive at their dorms. "Please don't lie to me. Jihyo kind of freaked me out back there. I've heard weird stuff about her and the things she does to people, you know?"

"And you're only telling me this now?" Jennie asks, but smiles when Jisoo looks even more concerned. "Chu, I'm peachy. None of that is real, okay? She's just out for people's money."

Jisoo finally gives in and nods. "Okay, but tell me if anything strange happens."

Jennie rolls her eyes and goes inside, ignoring her best friend's protests. She's rubbing at her temples, hoping to get rid of the pressure.

When she looks up, she finds Y/n lying on her bed, her laptop on her lap, probably Netflix on.

The sight of her roommate should make her headache worse, but she finds that the pain is ebbing away just as fast as it came when Y/n looks up and their eyes lock.

"Why're you staring at me, four-eyes?"

"I'm just always taken aback by how ugly you are," Jennie responds.

"You should consider yourself lucky to be my roommate, you know," Y/n mutters as Jennie starts to get ready for bed. "Some of my good looks might rub off on you. Maybe that way you'll finally get laid, huh?"

"Fuck you, Y/n."

"Yeah, you wish," Y/n mumbles from her side of the room. "I wouldn't even touch you with gloves on."

She knows that Y/n probably doesn't mean those things. Jennie doesn't mean it when she calls Y/n ugly. She has eyes, even if they suck and don't do their job so she has to rely on glasses.

Y/n is stupidly attractive.

Either way, the things Y/n sometimes says to her, they hurt.

And Jennie hates it. She's not in high school anymore where she cried herself to sleep almost every night because of the hurtful things her bullies were throwing at her every day. She grew a shell, doesn't care what people think of her.

Or at least that's what she thought, because for some reason, Y/n still gets to her.

Jennie is so tired of this, but she knows she's the one who started it, so she should probably also be the one to finish it.

But there's this thing called pride.

Yeah, Jennie's is way too big for that.


The next morning she wakes up early. She doesn't have morning classes on Thursday's so she always sleeps in, but it's barely seven in the morning when she blinks her eyes open, and she's confused as to what rose her from sleep so early today.

She gets her answer as soon as she lifts her head from her pillow.

Her head feels like it's going to explode.

Jennie groans and falls back on her bed, hands shooting up to clutch both sides of her head.

What the fuck?

The pain is almost unbearable, it's almost like her brain is under too much pressure, pulsing against the insides of her skull, trying to crack open the bone to let out some of the tension.

Her eyes feel like they're about to pop out of her head, that's how much everything hurts.

She used to get pretty intense migraines back in her freshman year of college, but she got it somewhat under control with pain killers and some vitamin combinations and one day, she just stopped getting them.

Maybe it's because so much time has passed since her last one, but Jesus, Jennie doesn't remember them to be this painful.

She honestly feels like dying.

Jennie gets up on shaky legs, unable to swallow down a pained whimper as she stands because her head seems to weigh a ton and she feels like passing out from the throbbing pain inside her skull. She walks over to the bathroom, searching for painkiller with shaky hands.

It takes her a while to find any because Y/n always uses them for her hangovers and never puts them back in their place. By the time she spots the box, her eyes are filled with tears.

What the hell is going on? She's never cried because of something as stupid as a headache before, but it hurts so fucking back, she doesn't really care if she looks pathetic or not.

She swallows down the pill dry and just sits down on the cold bathroom floor, holding her head in her hands, taking deep breaths and waiting for the pill to work.

She remains in this position for nearly half an hour, the pain not subsiding the tiniest bit, and she's about to just ram her head into the ground to get rid of it when the door opens and a sweaty Y/n walks inside, coming back from her morning run.

She's still panting softly, her hair spiked from the sweat, and furrows her eyebrows when she spots Jennie sitting on the bathroom floor dressed in nothing but her shorts and sports bra.

"What are you doing?"

Jennie is about to snap at her, not able to deal with her when she's in so much pain, only to realize that the pain is-

It's gone.

She lifts her head, breathing in deeply in relief. The painkiller must've finally kicked in. It's still there, but it's numbed, much more bearable than before. Now it just feels like the migraines she used to get back in the days, nothing she can't handle.

But that before? No thanks. Never again. For a second Jennie honestly thought she was going to die, what the fuck.

"Are you okay?" Y/n asks, cautiously stepping closer, and huh, is that... concern in Y/n's voice?

Jennie cracks open her eyes and looks at her roommate, swallowing at the sight of her shirt clinging to her toned body. She can count Y/n's abs through her shirt. "Careful with that tone, Y/l/n. I might get the impression that you actually care."

Y/n scowls immediately. "Yeah, you wish. I was just wondering if you finally lost it for real. Would be a valid reason to get a new roommate, you know?"

Jennie gets up from the floor, wincing at the mild in pain in her temples, and places the painkillers back in the cabinet. Y/n follows her movements carefully.

"Are you, uh. You in pain or something?" She clears her throat, looking away awkwardly when Jennie looks up at her.

"I'm okay."

She walks past Y/n, her knees feeling a bit weak when she catches a whiff of her musky scent, feels the intense heat radiating off her.

"Put something more on, will you? I don't wanna feel sick this early in the morning," Y/n mutters behind her.


Jennie winces at Y/n's words. Is she usually this hurtful towards the girl, too?

Jennie doesn't... she doesn't think she is. Or is she?

And if she is, does it hurt Y/n as much as it hurts Jennie?

"You know, you really should learn when to shut your mouth, Y/l/n," She bitterly says, turning her back towards her roommate as she rummages through her closet.

Y/n snorts behind her. "That's rich coming from you, Kim."


Jennie's tired of this.


Her headache is... okay for the next few hours. Y/n and her both quietly work on their laptops, earbuds in, ignoring each other's existence, until Jennie has to get ready for her class. She quietly collects her stuff and remembers to pack some painkillers, just in case, and then leaves.

The pain-


Almost immediately.

By the time Jennie arrives at the lecture hall, the pain is almost as severe as it was when she woke up this morning.

Jennie finds a seat at the back of the room and sits down shakily, immediately swallowing another painkiller, fighting the urge to throw up from how bad the headache is. She's sweating from how hard she's trying to hold herself together when all she wants to do it crack her head open to make the pain stop.

She makes it through twenty minutes of the class before she collects her things and rushes out of the room, tears gathering in her eyes the moment she's out of the lecture hall.

Y/n doesn't have any classes on Thursday's so she can't even go back to her own room and sleep the headache off in peace but she doesn't have another choice. She doesn't want to worry Jisoo for no reason, either.

Her roommate looks up when she walks in and gives her a confused look.

"Don't you have a class?"

Jennie drops her stuff by the door and walks over to her bed, sitting down and clutching at her head.

She hears some shuffling on the other side. "Jen-"

"Leave me alone."

"Okay, but you look like you're going to pass out."

Jennie takes a few deep breaths and almost cries in relief when she feels the pain ebbing away, slowly but surely. She blinks her eyes open and looks at Y/n, who is now sitting on the edge of her bed, too, failing to hide the concern in her eyes in time. She must've hit her head or something, because this is the same person that said she wouldn't care if Jennie possibly died.

"Migraines," Jennie explains.

Y/n furrows her eyebrows. "You get migraines?"

"I used to," Jennie feels weird having a civil conversation with Y/n. Can't even the last time they talked without the end-goal being to either hurt or annoy the hell out of each other. "But I think I'm getting them again."

Y/n stares at her for another moment, looks like she's going to say something, but ends up just nodding her head before going back to working on her laptop.

Jennie considers going back to the lecture but her headache is still there, even if much more bearable, and she's not really interested in that course anyway. She's never missed any classes so far, and she's doing good in terms of grades, so one day off won't hurt.

She decides to take a nap, and when she wakes up a few hours later, Y/n is still typing on her laptop, but the room is significantly darker.

Y/n had shut the blinds.

She never does that. Usually even gets mad at Jennie for keeping their room always so dark, asking if she's a vampire because she seems to dislike daylight so much.

Everyone knows that darkness helps with migraines.

Jennie is probably just reading too much into it, so she shrugs it off, and goes back to sleep.


The next few days go by in a similar manner.

The headaches come and go sporadically, and they always vary in severity. Sometimes they're so bad Jennie starts crying, which luckily hasn't happened when anyone was around to witness it, especially Y/n, who wouldn't ever let her live it down if she saw her in that state.

Jisoo's been urging her to go to the doctor because headaches like that can't be normal, but Jennie was in and out of several doctor's offices back when her migraines started, to check if there was something more severe going on inside her head but the doctors couldn't find anything, no matter how many scans and tests they took.

Jennie doesn't see the point in going through all of that again only to be given the same diagnosis.

They're migraines, and that's it.

At least that's what she tells herself, until one faithful Saturday night, the week after Jennie and Jisoo visited crazy Jihyo.

Y/n is currently getting ready for some sort of party that's going on in a town further away, and Jisoo went on a trip with Roseanne for the weekend, which leaves Jennie to spend her night in alone.

And no signs of migraines.

It's perfect.

She's going to do nothing but play Fortnite. All. Night. Long.

"You staying in?" Y/n asks, walking out of the bathroom, dressed in black from head to toe except for her white Gucci sneakers and the golden Rolex hugging her wrist. Did Jennie mention Y/n's family being rich? Well, they are. Which leaves Jennie wondering each day why on earth they would have their daughter stay in a crappy dorm when they could easily afford to buy her a high-end apartment in the middle of the city.

She looks way too hot, and Jennie finds herself blushing, having to avert her gaze before Y/n can see.

"Why do you care?"

Y/n sighs. "Why do I even bother asking. You're not capable of giving normal answers, are you?"

"Just leave so I can be in peace. You're one of the main reasons for my migraines, you know?"

Y/n scoffs and walks to her desk to grab her wallet and keys. "Don't wait up for me, babe."

"Don't bother coming back!" Jennie shouts after her, flinching when Y/n slams the door shut with too much force.

Jennie sighs happily and leans back, getting ready to play when there's that sharp pain in the back of her head again.

It's like smoke, the way the pain spreads.

"Well, fuck," She mutters.


She was hoping the pain wouldn't be as bad tonight, so she could relax a little, but it gets gradually worse, worse than it's ever been so far, and by the time the it's Midnight, Jennie is curled up on her mattress, sobbing to herself after having taken three painkillers that have done absolutely nothing.

The pain is absolutely relentless.

Though it stops worsening at one point, it just remains as painful as it is, making her skull throb and her eyes burn and her temples pulse. She's sick to her stomach and her vision is blurring, not only from the tears but also from how intense the pain is.

She thinks she can endure it, if only she'd manage to fall asleep the pain would stop, but she can't. It's too much. It hurts too much.

This isn't normal. No migraines can be this bad, it just can't. Jennie feels as if she's about to die any second.

She knows she shouldn't, hell, she'd actually rather die than ruin Jisoo's weekend with Roseanne, but she's so scared and the pain is too much, so she ends up calling her best friend, who almost starts crying on the phone when she hears Jennie's pained sobs.

"Jennie! Please calm down. You'll be okay. Call an ambulance-"

"I can't call an ambulance o-over some headache, Jisoo."

"No, fuck that! If it has you crying, you, then it's not just a headache. Fuck, Jennie please, I'm going to lose my mind. I'm coming back, just, uh, give me four hours-"

"No!" Jennie sobs. "No please, Jisoo, no. I-I just called you because I have no one else to talk to and I'm scared b-but I'll be fine. I just have to... have to sleep it off."

Jisoo curses again and Jennie can hear Roseanne's concerned voice asking what's going on in the back. "Jen, please, go to the hospital, tell Y/n to take you to there!"

"S-She's not here."

"Where the fuck is she?!"

"Party. I-I think."

"Fuck!" Jisoo swears some more on the other end. "Wait a second." And then she hangs up, and Jennie whimpers, dropping her phone to clutch at her head again.

A few minutes later her phone rings again but Jennie can't bring herself to pick it up. She just sits on her bed, tugging on her hair, hoping the pain will overpower the one inside her head, but there's no use.

Maybe she is actually dying.

Fuck. Fuck, she's not ready to die.

Her phone rings again and Jennie takes a glance, sees a few missed calls and some messages from Jisoo and then, Y/n. She ignores them, and closes her eyes again, digging her knuckles into her temples in a pathetic attempt to squeeze the pain away.

Jennie doesn't know how long she sits there, whimpering and crying to herself, the pain so intense she's starting to feel numb from it.

She barely notices the door swinging open, the relieved sigh, the rushed footsteps, not until she hears her name being called.

"Kim, what the actual fuck is going on? Why did Jisoo call me and yell at me to get back here? I was at a party-"

Jennie slowly lifts her head and sees Y/n crouching in front of her, still looking as beautiful as she looked when she left hours ago. Her cheeks are a bit flushed, and she's panting, like she ran here.

Y/n sucks in a breath once she takes in Jennie's state. Her eyes frantically run over her flushed face, the tears on her cheeks, her pained eyes and then over her whole body, like she's looking for an injury.

Jennie is about to answer when she notices how the pain is starting to ebb away. Like someone opened a window to let the smoke out. She gasps and lurches forward, Y/n catching her by gripping her shoulders. Jennie starts to cry again, not caring anymore at this point, because she's basically been through hours of torture and suddenly the pain is just gone and she's nothing but exhausted.

"Woah, Jennie," Y/n mutters. "Hey, what's going on? Are you hurt? Why are you crying?"

Jennie sniffles pathetically. Y/n's presence feels cooling on her burning skin, her throbbing head calming down the more she leans into the girl. "M-My head."

"What is it? You're scaring me." Y/n suddenly cradles Jennie's face and fuck, all the remaining pain rushes out of Jennie's head with the simple touch. She whimpers and leans into her touch.

"I don't know... I don't know what's going on."

"Did you take something?" Y/n asks. "Are you high? Hey Kim, come on, look at me." She gently pats Jennie's cheeks until Jennie's focuses on her face.

"I'm not high you idiot," She mutters tiredly. "My head's just killing me."

Y/n blinks at her for a moment, her face illuminated from the lights outside but otherwise bathed in shadows. "Is that why I left that cute girl at the party and drove all the way here and ran all across campus? Because you... had a headache?"

Jennie starts to come to herself again and she realizes how close they are, how needy she's being, pushing her cheek into Y/n's large palm, clutching her arms. She sniffles and pulls away, a frown appearing on her face. "I didn't call you here. I don't fucking need you. You can go back for all I care."

"You were crying just a second ago."

"Fuck off if you're going to make fun of me for it."

"I wasn't going to, but maybe I should, since you can't even say thank you." Y/n scowls at her, running a hand through her hair, seemingly not caring if it gets messed up or not. "Thanks for ruining my night, asshole."

She pulls away from Jennie, who panics and instinctively reaches out, only to stop once she realizes what she's doing.

She's being stupid. Y/n's presence has no correlation with Jennie's headache. It was just a coincidence that it stopped once the other girl arrived.

Jennie bites her lip and watches her roommate walk away and disappear inside their bathroom, closing the door with more force than necessary. It makes Jennie flinch.

She feels bad because Y/n obviously rushed here, thinking Jennie was dying or something, only to find nothing wrong with her. The fact that she actually did leave the party just to check up on Jennie is more than Jennie would've ever expected from her roommate.

She's about to pick up her phone and tell Jisoo that she's fine, that there's nothing to worry about, when the pain comes back.

Not as bad as before but it's there and it scares Jennie so much she jumps to her feet and holds her head. "Please stop. Please stop," She whispers, the dull ache making her whine in frustration.

When Y/n emerges from the bathroom a moment later, looking annoyed and exhausted, she finds Jennie sitting on the floor with her head between her knees, rocking herself like a baby.

"Kim? What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you need me to take you to a hospital?"

Jennie looks up at her with teary eyes. "C-Can you..."

"Can I what?"

"Come here?" Jennie asks, embarrassed about being so weak in front of the only person on this planet she resents more than anything. But she can't deal with this any longer. It's only been days but she can't handle the pain any longer. "Please?"

Y/n stares at her for a moment before letting out a sigh and approaching her. "I'm here. Now what?"

Jennie reaches her hand out, gripping Y/n's wrist and pulling her down. "I just... want to see something."

Y/n almost loses her balance but manages to sit down in front of Jennie without falling, cursing under her breath. "It's two in the fucking morning. What the fuck. You sure you're not high?"

Jennie gulps and takes Y/n's hand, guiding it to her cheek, and closes her eyes in relief because the pain ebbs away instantly. Again.

"Uhm." Y/n clears her throat and when Jennie blinks her eyes open, she finds that her roommate looks slightly flushed. "What are you doing?"

"I don't know," Jennie truthfully says. "My head's killing me but you- it stops when you're here."

Y/n blinks at her like she just spoke another language before letting out a dry laugh. "Alright. Sure."

"I'm being serious."


"Fuck off."

"Okay." Y/n moves to stand up but Jennie gasps and grips her arm, keeping her close, and Y/n frowns at her in confusion because the panic Jennie feels makes her tear up.

That's how scared she is of the pain coming back.

"Wait, Kim. You're serious?"

Jennie gulps and nods her head. "I don't know what's going on either."

"You should go to a hospital. You honestly look like shit. More than usual."

"No hospital. My mom will just worry, and we can't pay the bills."

Y/n's eyebrows twitch at that. Someone like her could never relate. "You know, if you want to touch me so bad you could've just asked. No need to come up with stupid shit like this."

"Seriously, fuck you, Y/n," Jennie mutters. "I never asked for this."

"Neither did I." Y/n shakes her head. "I think you're high. I think you're having a bad trip or something."

"I'm not-" Jennie pauses before she can start yelling. That's how riled up Y/n gets her. "I'm not high, okay? I'm not."

"Alright, so what? Am I supposed to keep touching you? That's just ridiculous. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. I could've gotten laid tonight and instead I'm here sitting on our dirty floor touching you."

Jennie looks away, feeling Y/n's words like stabs in her chest. Y/n said the words like Jennie was something nasty, like the mere thought of touching was repulsive.

Jennie nudges Y/n's hand away, the sudden lump in her throat blocking her airway.

"I'm sure you'll survive one day without sex," Jennie mutters under her breath. "But I'm sorry for ruining your night." She's about to get up and go back to bed when Y/n curses and reaches for her, holding her back.

Y/n's face falls when she sees the hurt in Jennie's eyes. "I shouldn't have said that," Y/n mutters. "I'm sorry, Jennie-"

"Fuck you." She swats Y/n's hands away. "You've never bothered to apologize before. Don't start now."

Y/n starts frowning. "What do you mean?"

"I mean this isn't the first time you're being a complete asshole for no reason!"

"Are you serious? You're the one who started this! You acted like I- fucking killed your puppy or something the second I walked inside this goddamn dorm. You've been making my life a living hell every day for the past six months! You can't expect me not to treat you the same. Don't act like I'm the bad guy here."

"Yeah but I never- I never say shit like that to you. You don't realize how hurtful-" Jennie stops herself, biting down on her lip when she feels another wave of tears coming.

Y/n looks beyond confused and her face falls at the sight of her roommate crying in front of her. "What-"

"Just go back to your stupid-" The sudden sharp pain in the back of her head makes Jennie's breath falter and her hand shoots up immediately. "Shit."

"Come here," Y/n mutters, ignoring Jennie's protests and pulling her to her feet to guide her to Jennie's bed. "You should sleep. You'll probably feel better tomorrow."

"Don't leave," Jennie says, blushing furiously when Y/n's head snaps up at her words.


"Just... please. For tonight. I'll go get it checked out tomorrow b-but, just..."

Y/n stares at her for a few tense seconds, and maybe the haze of the pain is making Jennie delusional, but she thinks her roommate blushes, the tips of her ears turning red.

"Okay," Y/n quietly says. She gets up to change into a pair of sweatpants and a soft looking shirt before approaching Jennie's bed again, looking smaller than she ever has. Y/n is the hot daughter of a rich CEO that everyone at this stupid school would drop to their knees for in an instant.

This is strangely like the first time Jennie saw Y/n when she walked into the dorm, a friendly look on her face, a little nervous since it was her first day, before Jennie decided to be a complete asshole for no reason and extinguish any chances of them becoming friends.

"You're going to have to move if you want us both to fit," Y/n mumbles quietly. "I'm a big girl."

Jennie can't help the way her lips tug into a soft smile, and Y/n fails to hide her own grin, shy and sleepy, and Jennie is pretty sure this is all just a dream.

Y/n and Jennie being somewhat civil, smiling at each other.

Sounds fake.

Jennie shuffles over until she's almost pressed against the wall and lifts the sheets so Y/n can slip in next to her. It's so weird, all of this, but her mind is pleasantly numb, no traces of any pain whatsoever, and Jennie is just about ready to do anything for it to stay that way.

Her heart is racing with Y/n so close like this, still smelling a little of booze and smoke but otherwise just very Y/n, her familiar cologne and body wash that Jennie has gotten so used to over the past few months.

"You good?" Y/n whispers after turning off the light on Jennie's nightstand.

Jennie nods before she remembers that Y/n can't see her. "Yeah. You?"

"Mhm," Y/n hums, shifting next to Jennie, who holds back an embarrassing sound when their legs brush, like a prepubescent teenager, and this is Y/n for god's sake. Jennie doesn't like this person. She hates her, even. There's no reason for her to freak out like this. "I would feel better if I could hold something though."

Jennie knows that. Y/n always sleeps holding a pillow in her arms, and if not that, she's probably spooning a pretty girl after having sex with them. "You want a pillow?"

"Nah. Can I hold you?"

Jennie's heart almost jumps out of her chest.

Tomorrow, she will blame it one the pain.

But she takes a shaky breath and mumbles a quiet "Okay", shifting to lie on her side when she feels Y/n move next to her and then she feels the other girl press up against her. Her chest aligning with Jennie's back, warm and secure, and Jennie shudders a bit, her stomach tingling nervously as she tries not to press back into Y/n's warmth.

The girl casually slings her arm around Jennie's waist, just keeping her there, like this isn't a big deal, like they didn't just go from constantly being at each other's throats to cuddling together in a bed. "You okay?"


"No headache?"



"This doesn't change anything," Jennie whispers, swallowing thickly. God... Y/n feels so good against her. Jennie wants to cry a little because she shouldn't feel like this. She hates Y/n. She hates her a lot.

"I know," Y/n whispers, her breath hitting the sensitive skin on Jennie's nape. "I'm just doing this so you'll owe me in the future. I still can't stand you, Kim."

Jennie sighs and closes her eyes, remembering how exhausted she actually is. "Me neither, Y/l/n."

She feels Y/n shift behind her, almost like she's moving closer, and her arm tightens around Jennie's waist for a second before relaxing again."But I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I was an asshole."

If Y/n can hear Jennie's quiet sniffles, she'll hopefully think it's from the pain in her head.

That's what Jennie tells herself, too, because anything else would just be ridiculous.


She's not surprised to find Y/n gone the next morning, neither is she surprised by her headache that's decided to come back.

Jennie groans and presses her head into the mattress, hating the fact that her day is starting like this. The pain just keeps on growing and Jennie craves nothing more but the soothing feeling of last night when Y/n was pressed up all against her.

She manages to drag herself out of bed slowly and as soon as she stands, the pain intensifies by tenfold, and her knees buckle under her. Jennie curses and digs her forehead into the ground, hoping that maybe she'll just pass out so she doesn't have to deal with the pain any longer, when the door opens.

She hears Y/n curse and rush towards her, helping her up into a sitting position. Jennie blearily blinks her eyes open, looking at Y/n's concerned and sweaty face. She must've been on her morning run again. "Why do I keep finding you on the floor, huh?"

"Hurts," Jennie manages to mutter out. "Don't leave me anymore, fucking hell-"

"What do you want me to do?" Y/n asks, sounding frustrated. Her eyes flicker over Jennie's face in concern and it's all too much, the pain, Y/n panting in front of her, looking so hot and cute and Jennie wants to die, okay- "You're telling me my presence makes the pain go away? That's just insane, Jennie, what the hell?"

There's a sound coming from their door, and it's only then that Jennie realizes that Y/n left it open in her hast to get to Jennie.

She doesn't expect Jihyo to stand there, a curious expression on her face as she peers inside their room. She's all dressed up, her pink hair up in two space buns and she's wearing a short purple skirt with black stockings and platform boots, looking like she's ready to attend a party, but Jennie guesses that's just how she always looks.

She takes in the whole scene for a moment before smiling a little. She looks strangely pleased. Jennie glares at her. "How's your head, dear?" She asks, and Jennie is sure she goes as pale as a ghost.

"You-" She starts, her breathing a little shallow at this point. "What the fuck?!"

"I warned you, didn't I?" She tilts her head, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Jennie grits her teeth together. "No way. No way you did this to me."

"You tell me." She grins even more, shrugging her shoulders in a way that would be cute if she wasn't the person that- that seemingly put a fucking curse on Jennie.

"What's going on?" Y/n asks, looking adorably confused, her hands still on Jennie's shoulders.

"Make it stop," Jennie spits out. "This isn't funny. Make it fucking stop or I'll-" She moves to get up and maybe attack her but Y/n firmly holds her back, looking worried and mildly weirded out by all of this.

"Oh I would, if I could," She says, raising an eyebrow at her. "But you're the only person that can make it stop."

Jennie falls back on her ass, breathing heavily. "What do I do, then? This has been going on for over a week and nothing helps except for-" Her gaze settles on Y/n, her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach as she stares into her roommate's confused eyes.

"Oh?" Jihyo raises a perfect eyebrow. "Seems like you already know the answer, honey."

"I don't! I don't know how to stop it!"

"I'll give you a hint," She sighs and rolls her eyes. "Stop lying to yourself. That will lift the curse."

"Stop lying to myself? About what?"

"Aw, where's the fun in me telling you?" She pouts. "Good luck sweetie! See you around Y/n." She blows her a kiss and with that skips out of the room, leaving a perplexed Y/n and fuming Jennie behind.

"What in the actual fuck is going on?" Y/n asks after turning back to look at her. "Jennie?"

Jennie sighs and closes her eyes, deciding to just tell Y/n what happened the week before since for some reason, Y/n seems to be the only thing that keeps the pain away.

Y/n is looking at her like she's batshit crazy by the end of it. "So, wait. You're telling me Jihyo put a curse on you, which is giving you these headaches, and you don't know how to get rid of it, but my presence or, uhm, my touch, makes it stop?"

Jennie pulls a pained face because it does sound impossible. "I know it sounds crazy, Y/l/n, I'm not making this up-"

"So we have to figure out how to get rid of it," Y/n says, shrugging her shoulders. "She said something about you having to stop lying to yourself. So what are you lying to yourself about?"

"Huh?" Jennie raises her eyebrows at her. "Wait- you believe me?"

"Sure, I mean. I've heard stuff about Jihyo before. And I kind of, uhm..." Y/n laughs awkwardly, getting that dopey look on her face that makes Jennie's insides churn uncomfortably.

"Oh my god!" She hisses when she understands what Y/n is saying. "You slept with her. I don't even know why I'm surprised. You're disgusting."

"What? Why? She's cute-"

"She cursed me!"

"I didn't know that!"

"Whatever." Jennie crosses her arms in front of her chest.

Y/n scoffs at her. "Why are you so angry? It's none of your business who I fuck, Jennie."

It makes Jennie flinch, which doesn't go unnoticed by Y/n, because her eyes soften the tiniest bit. "Right. I don't care. Couldn't keep up with it, anyway, could I? It would probably be easier to see who you haven't slept with at this school."

The soft look in the girl's eyes is gone as quickly as it came. "You think you know me so well, don't you, Kim?"

"I don't just think so. I do know you. Everyone does."

Y/n smiles but it looks so wrong, so fake, and Jennie hates causing that look on her face but it's the only way she knows to talk to Y/n. "Let's just figure this shit out so I don't have to be close to you anymore."

"You don't have to do anything. Since you hate me so fucking much, why not just let me suffer, huh?"

"Because I'm not a complete asshole, unlike you."

"Fuck you."

"You wish."

The curse, or whatever the hell it is Jihyo did to her, doesn't seem to like their bickering all too much, since the sudden sharp pain from earlier makes the harsh words she wants to spew at Y/n die on the tip of her tongue. She gasps and mutters a small "Ow", squeezing her eyes shut and waiting for the pain to wash over her.

Y/n's gaze wavers and she awkwardly clears her throat. "You... okay?"

"I'll be fine." Jennie takes a deep breath and starts thinking what the hell she's supposed to do to make this pain stop, and why only Y/n's presence seems to help. "When did you leave for your morning run today?"

Y/n seems confused by the sudden change of topic. "Uhm, I think at six?"

"What's the time now?"

Her roommate fished out her phone from the pocket of her sweatpants to check the time. "Half past seven."

"Okay so... I was fine sleeping until now. A little more than an hour after you left. Before the pain woke me up again."


"So I'm thinking that maybe I'm fine being away from you for a little while?"

Y/n purses her lips. "Or maybe it has something to do with distance."

"You think so?"

"Cause I remember you told me to come back when I went to the bathroom the other day."

"Oh. But you can't constantly stick to my side, can you?"

"Hell no," Y/n huffs. "So you better figure this out fast."

"I'm trying," Jennie mutters. Y/n sighs and gets up to fetch her towel and Jennie winces as her head starts prickling.


Yeah, Y/n might be right.

"So I was right?" Y/n asks from where she's standing in front of the bathroom. "You look like you're in pain."

"Yeah," Jennie manages to say, frustrated and tired.

"I'll be quick, okay?" Y/n's voice is so soft Jennie wants to tell her to stop. She needs Y/n to be an asshole to her all the time. She can't handle this sudden change of attitude.

By the time Y/n comes out again (in record time what can only be four minutes tops), the pain is much more prominent, but still bearable. Jennie is sitting on the ground, her back leaning against her bed and her palms pressed against her eyes, hoping to ease some of the discomfort inside her brain.

Luckily it's a Sunday and there are no classes today. She doesn't think she could make it through the day in this state.

"Hey," Y/n mumbles quietly and there's a fleeting touch on Jennie's knee. "What do you need me to do?"

Jennie blinks her eyes open to look at her. "I don't know. Just... Stay close?"

Y/n nibbles on her lower lip, looking like she's thinking hard for a moment, and then moves to sit next to Jennie. "This okay?"

Jennie nods as she feels their sides press up against each other. Y/n feels warm next to her and smells fresh of soap, her hair still wet because she hurried up so much.

For Jennie.

It doesn't really make sense.

Y/n caring for Jennie and helping her out like this doesn't make sense.

Jennie liking Y/n's attention so much doesn't make sense.

Someone having actually fucking cursed her doesn't make sense.

If Jennie only would've kept her mouth shut, if she didn't call her a bitch, none of this would've happened.

"You good?" Y/n murmurs.

Jennie closes her eyes and leans her head back against the bed. "Stop being nice to me. It's weird."

"Just trying to help, Kim."

"I know," Jennie mumbles, then swallows heavily. "... Thank you."

"Wow," Y/n breathes, eyes widening a little, and Jennie should find it stupid, instead the only thought that comes to her is cute. "You're right. Please insult me or something because this is too weird."

Jennie smiles a bit and opens her eyes, turning her head to look at Y/n. They're sitting too close together, so when Y/n mirrors her position, their faces are only a breath apart. Jennie gets lost in Y/n's pretty face and her heart thuds against her ribs painfully.

Stop lying to yourself.

"You think we could be friends? In... another universe, I mean. Cause I can't stand you in this one. Obviously."

Y/n smiles a little more, and Jennie feels breathless. She can understand why everyone wants Y/n, even if most people just see her as this rich, popular heir.

Jennie wonders if these people know how annoying Y/n gets when she's sick, how she never cleans up after herself, how she sometimes talks in her sleep, how she starts whining about bleeding to death when she accidentally cut herself, how she always puts empty milk cartons back in the fridge so she doesn't have to be the one to throw it away, how she forgets to take her vitamins and how Jennie puts them on her nightstand without the girl noticing because she can't have the other think Jennie actually cares about her.

Because she doesn't. She would never.

"I don't know," Y/n mumbles, shrugging her shoulders. Her bangs fall into her eyes, and her skin glows from how clean it is, her lips red and so- "You tell me, Kim. You think we could be friends?"

"If you weren't so ugly, maybe."

Y/n laughs softly, and Jennie grins back, and they just stare at each other for a moment, Jennie's heart racing so fast and Y/n's eyes seemingly taking in every feature of Jennie's face.

There's always been some type of tension between them, but it was mostly due to their heated arguments, never... never this.

Y/n shifts, moves closer, licks her lips, and Jennie holds her breath. "Does it hurt?"


"Will you tell me if it does?"

Jennie nods, and she just can't look away from her. Jihyo must've put some other curse on her. She's never like this. Never this weak.

"You're really something else, Kim, you know that?" Y/n whispers, and Jennie lets out a deep breath, nodding her head before she closes her eyes.

She falls asleep sometime after that, and that's how Jisoo finds them when she gets back from her trip later that day.

Both Y/n and Jennie sitting on the floor, leaning against Jennie's bed, Jennie's head resting on Y/n's shoulder and Y/n holding her close.

"What is happening?" Jisoo whispers to Roseanne who's peering over her shoulder curiously.

"Did we... end up in another dimension?"

"Maybe we should... walk out and come back inside?"

"Yeah maybe-"

"Be quiet you morons," Y/n mutters and blinks her eyes open. She looks down at Jennie's sleeping form, her cheeks turning a little red when she notices their position, her arm around her roommate's shoulders. She keeps staring at Jennie, ignoring the other two girls watching them with wide eyes. "Don't wake her up."

"Jisoo, I'm scared," Roseanne says.

"What did you do to her?" Jisoo wants to know, walking closer. "I asked you to check up on her, that's all! Did you drug her or something-"

"What are you being so loud for?" Jennie groans when she's rudely woken up from her peaceful slumber. She snuggles into the warm shoulder, her hand sleepily reaching out to touch a broad chest, and whoever this is smells so damn good Jennie has to suppress a moan-

"Uhm." The chest rumbles as the person speaks, and Jennie's eyes snap open once she remembers who this is, what she's doing.

She pulls away and looks up with wide eyes, her heart fluttering when she sees that she's not the only one blushing. Y/n's eyes look a little puffy, like she was napping too and she awkwardly clears her throat and looks at the ground and she's so damn cute Jennie wants to punch a wall or herself.

"Will someone please explain what's going on before I actually call 911." Jisoo looks at them, her hand already on her phone, and Jennie sighs, sagging back against her bed before she tells her friends the whole story again.

And while Jisoo keeps apologizing to her for getting her into this mess and Roseanne tries to figure out what Jihyo could've meant by saying she needed to stop lying to herself, Y/n keeps staring at her throughout all of it, and when Jennie looks up and meets her roommate's intense gaze, she decides that they need to find a solution asap, because she can't handle these tingling feelings inside of her any longer.

She needs to go back to despising Y/l/n Y/n's existence.


This is what the next couple of days look like: Y/n keeps checking on Jennie, asking if she's in pain, if it's okay for her to leave for her classes and even if Jennie couldn't even begin to describe the amount of pain she's in whenever Y/n distances herself from Jennie for more than three meters, she lies to her roommate and says she'll be fine.

None of this is Y/n's fault. She can't expect someone she's treated like shit for the entire time they've known each other to just put her own life on standby to make sure Jennie feels okay. But Y/n hasn't been going out as much, which Jennie tries not to read too much into.

So Jennie ends up missing a lot of her classes, or just attending them for a while before the headaches get too intense to deal with without turning into a sobbing mess. Jisoo and Roseanne help her out wherever they can, making sure she can get the notes from the classes she's missed, and Jennie is eternally grateful to have friends like them, even though she's pretty sure she doesn't deserve them.

Most of the time she's just holed up in her dorm, hiding away in the darkness and crying like a baby until Y/n gets back and she can finally breathe normally again.

She's memorized the girl's schedule a long time ago, so she knows when to get ready and stop crying so Y/n won't worry about leaving her alone (not that Y/n would worry but they haven't been fighting anymore lately so Jennie isn't as sure anymore).

It's Thursday, around four in the afternoon, and Jennie is rocking herself on the floor again, digging her fists into her temples in a feeble attempt to chase away the pain. Y/n should be back any minute now, which is the only thing that stops her from losing it.

There's a knock on the door and even that is too loud for Jennie, who wants nothing more than to just ignore it but it doesn't, so she's forced to crawl out of her bed and walk over to answer it.

There's a pretty girl standing in the hallway, looking surprised to see Jennie, especially in the state she's in. Oversized tacky pyjamas, messed up hair, red face, tear tracks on her cheeks. She pulls a face, giving her a small smile.

"You okay?"

She's dying.

"Just peachy. What do you need?"

She peers inside the room before looking at her again. "Is Y/n not here?"

"No," Jennie answers bluntly. She can't really talk right now. She just wants- no, no she needs Y/n.

"Well... She forgot her sweater at my place last night." She holds out a navy blue sweater for Jennie, who takes it with a sinking feeling in her stomach. "She doesn't ever check her phone, does she? I've been texting her the whole morning already."

"Uhm, yeah. She tends to forget it at the dorm when she goes out. I'm sure that's why she hasn't replied." Jennie feels a lump form in her throat. God, she's so stupid. All of this is just so stupid. She nods, trying hard not to break out in tears again. It's the headache. It's just the headache. "What's your name? I'll tell her you were here."

The girl smiles at her. She's so pretty and seems so kind. Jennie wants her to go away so she can drown herself in her misery and tears. "It's Lisa. I have to go now but thank you, you're a sweetheart! I hope you feel better soon."

"Thanks," She mutters, and closes the door, throwing Y/n's stupid sweater on her bed before sitting down on the floor again. "Stupid Y/n. Asshole. I hate you. I hate you so fucking much," She mumbles to herself, her head throbbing more and more.

And then she starts crying again.


"Jennie?" Is the first thing Y/n says when she comes back half an hour later. "Shit, Jennie-"

"Just shut up and come here," Jennie mutters, turning around on the floor, looking up at Y/n with teary eyes. "Please, please come here Y/n-"

Y/n curses and drops her bag, not even bothering to kick off her shoes before she's right there in front of Jennie, kneeling on the ground, and her hands hover around Jennie's form awkwardly. "What happened? Why are you crying?"

She looks so worried, so concerned for Jennie that it has her chest bursting with irrational fear and anger, not towards her roommate, but Y/n is on the receiving end as always.

"Because it hurts!"

"But you said-"

"Fuck what I said!" Jennie's shoulders are shaking from the pain and she can't help but reach for Y/n, trying to pull her closer in hopes of getting the pain to stop, her shaking fingers curling into her roommates shirt. "And fuck you, Y/n! Your little girlfriend dropped by earlier! You forgot your sweater at her place. First of all, she's way too pretty for you and deserves better and second of all, fuck you! Fuck you for going and having sex when I'm here in so much pain-"

"Woah, Jennie!" Y/n stops her. "You told me I was okay to leave. You told me that. Don't pull this jealous girlfriend shit on me-"

"Jealous? Who the fuck said I was jealous?!"

"Then why are you so angry right now? I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know you were in so much pain! If you would've just told me I wouldn't have-"

"Would've what? Would've missed out on the opportunity of getting your dick wet just to stay with me? That doesn't sound like you." Jennie laughs but it turns into a whimper.

Y/n recoils a little from her words, hurt flashing in her eyes. "Do you really think that lowly of me?"

"You've never given me a reason to think otherwise."

"You never gave me a chance to make you believe otherwise, Jennie!"

"I don't care. I know how you are, I'm not suddenly going to change my mind."

Y/n shakes her head, looking tired. "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Messing things up again between us," Y/n mutters. "We were doing fine. I honestly thought we could be friends but then you go ahead and act like a complete bitch for no reason other than to just make my life miserable."

Jennie doesn't even have the energy to fight back anymore. She's an asshole. She knows that. She wishes she wasn't, but what else is there to do? She's going to get hurt if she lets her walls down. And Y/l/n Y/n is the last person on this planet she's going to get hurt by. She'd rather cut her own nerves off before allowing this person to break her heart.

She lifts her head weakly, sniffling as she can feel snot running down her nose.

"It still hurts," She whispers pathetically and watches the scowl on Y/n's face turn soft until it fades completely.

"Come here," Y/n says, shuffling back until she's leaning against the bed again. She spreads her legs and pats the space between her thighs, waiting for Jennie to sit down there and lean her back against Y/n's chest. Jennie sniffles and leans her head on Y/n's shoulder, not thinking beyond the pain her head. Y/n moves them around until Jennie is comfortable. She's so warm and gentle even though Jennie doesn't deserve this sort of treatment. "We need to figure this out, Jennie. You can't keep going like this. Do you really have no clue what you can do?"

Jennie weakly shakes her head. "I don't know. I'm so tired of this."

Y/n slowly wraps an arm around Jennie's middle and Jennie hopes she doesn't hear the hitch in her breath. "I will talk to Jihyo tomorrow. She can't do this to you."

"Don't," Jennie mumbles. "You don't have to. And I doubt she will tell you anything."

"I have my ways to get information."

"Don't sleep with her!" Jennie says so fast she doesn't even register her words until Y/n freezes up behind her.


"I- I mean... don't..." Jennie flushes brightly.

Y/n's chest heaves with her slow and steady breathing and Jennie closes her eyes when she feels the girl pull her closer with her arm, her lips brushing over Jennie's neck. "I wasn't going to."

Jennie squeezes her eyes shut even tighter, her heart beating faster. "Was Lisa your... Is she your girlfriend?"

"No," Y/n says, squeezing her middle. "I don't do relationships, you should know that by now."

There's a hint of a smile in Y/n's voice but Jennie doesn't find it amusing.

The information somehow hurts more than if Y/n would've admitted to having a girlfriend.

She doesn't know why. She doesn't know anything anymore.

"I'm tired of fighting," Jennie mumbles after a while. "I'm sorry that I'm so insufferable. I'm sorry you got me as your roommate."

Y/n stays quiet for so long Jennie thinks she's not going to answer at all, but then Y/n turns her head until her mouth is right on Jennie's ear, her voice sending shivers down her spine. "I don't want to fight anymore either, Jennie. But I'm not sorry about you being my roommate. Not at all."

"You're not?" Jennie asks, gnawing on her lower lip. Her headache's almost completely gone and she's so happy she wants to throw herself at Y/n and hug her, that's how grateful she feels.

"You know... you might be kind of a nightmare to live with sometimes, but my life would be kind of boring without you in it."

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," Jennie mumbles, smiling to herself.

"Now's your turn."

"No chance."

"Come on, Kim." Y/n whines a little, making Jennie's smile grow even more. "One nice thing. I can't be that bad."

"You're not," Jennie admits. "You're not that bad."

"Then why do you hate me so much?"

I don't hate you. It's the exact opposite you idiot-

Jennie sighs, at a loss for words for once.

Y/n squeezes her middle, pulling her more firmly against her chest. "No answer ready, Kim? That's unusual."

Her voice is so close and deep Jennie can't help but shudder, convinced that Y/n felt it, too. "I don't hate you."

"No?" Y/n sounds genuinely surprised.

Jennie shakes her head.

Okay so maybe, that passionate hate she's had for Y/n wasn't exactly hate, but something else, and it's just been easier to pretend to dislike the girl because everything else is just way too scary and Jennie is a complete idiot and coward when it comes to these things.

She could never-

This is Y/n.

Y/n who has said time and time again how much she dislikes Jennie, how disgusted she is by Jennie, so Jennie would never ever even think about letting her thoughts and feelings wander in that direction, even if Y/n is currently doing strange things to her heart.

Jennie awkwardly moves her hands, the tips of her fingers running over Y/n's arm that is gently wrapped around her stomach. Y/n tenses up a little behind her and Jennie feels somewhat comforted by the fact that she isn't the only one so nervous about everything that's happening.

She trails her fingers down to Y/n's wrist, holding her breath as she touches her soft skin, and Y/n hesitates for a moment before turning her hand around, touching Jennie's fingers.

They don't speak but Jennie can feel Y/n's heart thudding against her back.

It's beating so fast, and that fact makes Jennie's own heart race even more.

"You're being strangely quiet," Y/n mumbles as they both look at their hands. "Are you plotting my death?"

Jennie can't help but laugh, not really knowing what she's doing when she slides her fingers through the spaces between Y/n's own. Y/n's skin looks healthy, golden, sun kissed, while Jennie is as pale as a ghost. It makes her cringe a bit but Y/n doesn't seem to mind since she firmly holds Jennie's hand in her own, thumb brushing over the back of Jennie's hand.

"If I wanted you dead I would've taken care of it a long time ago," Jennie says.

Y/n hums behind her. "If that's supposed to reassure me you're doing a shitty job."

"I wouldn't hurt you."

"You wouldn't?"

"I couldn't hurt a fly," Jennie mumbles quietly.

"Well, I suppose that's true," Y/n answers. "Remember that time you started crying because I killed that fly-"

"Shut up!"

"It was kind of cute." Y/n laughs softly. "Kim, you're kind of cute, you know that?"

Jennie closes her eyes at the words, her heart swelling in her chest, before her feelings are clouded again.

"I thought you wouldn't even touch me with gloves on," Jennie can't help but say, sounding bitter and hurt. "What happened to that?"

Y/n makes a strange sound behind her, hand tightening around Jennie's. "Do you really think I meant that?"

"Why else would you have said it?"

"Did you mean everything you said to me since we met?" Y/n asks, sounding mildly upset now. "Every insult you threw at me? Every nasty name you called me?"

"Of course not! Y/n-"

"So why do you think I meant that? Jennie you're so... so fucking stupid."

Jennie grits her teeth together, pulling away from Y/n's hold, instantly missing the warmth of her hand. She turns around to snap at the girl, but the words die in her throat when she looks into Y/n's eyes.

She looks hurt and Jennie hates it, wants to make it go away, but doesn't know how.

"Y/n," She starts, swallowing dryly before reaching out to-

The door bursts open in that moment, Jisoo casually walking inside but stopping once she sees them on the ground, their position.

"I don't think I can get used to this," Jisoo mutters. "Jennie, we seriously need to get that curse off you."

Jennie blinks at Y/n who's now avoiding her gaze, and feels her heart grow heavier in her chest.

"Yeah," She mumbles quietly.

The sooner they figure it out, the better.


As good as things had been between them in the previous days, after that night, it gets awkward.

They both just don't really talk each other, and when the pain comes back, Y/n notices by the frown on Jennie's face, and just quietly crosses the room and pulls Jennie into her bed to spoon her for the rest of the night.

A part of Jennie wishes they could just go back to hating each other's guts, because having Y/n so close to her yet treating her with nothing but silence almost hurts more than any of the insults Y/n used to throw at her.

It always takes Jennie a long time to fall asleep, with her back pressed against Y/n's chest, her roommate's arms circled around her middle, her soft breaths fanning over Jennie's sensitive nape making it hard for her to focus on anything else.

Sometimes, when Jennie's one hundred percent sure that Y/n is fast asleep, she will place her hands over Y/n's, just to feel her soft skin and pretend this is something she can have with the other girl.

Y/n still goes out at night, but Jennie figures she doesn't leave the building so it won't be as unbearable for Jennie, meaning she must be sleeping with someone from their school, and the thought just flat out hurts.

And then Y/n comes back, and quietly climbs into Jennie's bed, and Jennie pretends to be asleep and pretends it doesn't break her heart, knowing Y/n was in someone else's bed only minutes earlier, wondering why Y/n does it, why she can't see that Jennie is right here.

Because Jennie is not good enough for Y/n, probably.

Y/n doesn't find her hot and desirable. She's treating this whole thing as nothing but a charity case.

Jennie just needs to stop deluding herself into thinking their daily cuddle sessions mean more than that.


"I'll be back in like an hour," Y/n mutters after checking her phone, pulling a sweater over her head, the same sweater Lisa brought back earlier this week. It's a few days later after things had started to grow tense again between them, and they never bothered to continue their conversation from that night when Jisoo interrupted them. Jennie gulps and watches her get ready, fighting the urge to ask the girl where she's going so late. "Call me if gets too bad."

It must be another booty call.

Jennie's heart hurts.

"Okay," She answers quietly, making Y/n glance at her for a moment before her roommate lets out a sigh and leaves the room.

As soon as she's gone, Jennie reaches her hand up to touch her chest, willing the pain there to go away, because her head is already killing her, she doesn't need another thing to deal with right now.

Jisoo comes over after Jennie texts her that she's having a heart attack, looking only mildly worried when she walks in.

"I don't see a heart attack happening."

"My chest hurts."

Jisoo raises her eyebrows. "Which side?"

Jennie pats the part right over her heart and Jisoo looks like she's holding back a laugh. Her best friend sits down next to her on the bed and remains silent for a good minute before turning to face her.



"Who is it?"

"Who is what?"

"Who's causing... the heart attack."

"Why would someone be responsible for that-"

"Oh for god's sake Jennie. We both know this isn't a heart attack. Who's making your heart hurt?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I called you here for support but I'm being attacked like this."

Jisoo rolls her eyes. "You've been acting strange lately," She mumbles. "I know you're having a hard time with the curse and all, but I mean. I feel like it has something to with a certain person whose name starts with an Y and ends with N." (please just think that "Y" is the first letter of ur name and the "N" is the last letter of ur name)

Jennie gnaws on her lower lip, hating how well her best friend can read her. "That's not true."

"Then why the hell are you blushing? Jesus, I haven't even properly said her name."

"I'm not blushing!"

"Yes you are, just look at your cheeks-" Jisoo stops then, her lips parting until her mouth is forming a perfect O. "It's Y/n? She's making your heart hurt?"

Jennie chokes on her own spit and watches Jisoo's eyes widen comically. "No! What the fuck are you even saying? She could never-I would never-"

"Oh. My. God."

"No, Jisoo stop!"

"Oh my god, I think I'm going to have an aneurism," Jisoo exclaims. "All this time, you were acting like a pre-schooler, and made us believe you hated her when really-"

"Stop right there, Jisoo, I'm warning you! It's not like that." Jennie stresses with more force this time, her voice shaking and eyes getting misty for some unknown reason. She feels like she's going to be sick, and her headache isn't helping, either.

Jisoo's eyes soften in a silent apology and she shuffles closer to Jennie on her bed. "Jen-"

"You don't know anything. I don't-I don't like her. I don't."

Jennie likes her.

Jennie likes Y/n.

Jisoo sighs and wraps an arm around Jennie's shoulders. "Why are you acting this way, huh? Would it be so bad if you did? Y/n is a nice girl, you know. You're just trying so hard to make yourself believe otherwise."

"Because it's Y/n," Jennie whispers. "She's... She hates me."

"I don't think so." Jisoo looks like she's thinking hard. "Wait... is this what Jihyo was talking about? When she said you had to stop lying to yourself? And why it doesn't hurt anymore when Y/n is close to you?"

"No," Jennie quickly says, ignoring the pang in her chest, the flash of panic. "No, that's not it, because I'm not lying to myself."

Jisoo shakes her head. "Not everyone is out to hurt you, Jen. I've wondered before, Roseanne, too, if there wasn't anything between you two. The way Y/n looks at you sometimes when she thinks no one's watching is-"

"Please," Jennie interrupts, holding her head as it throbs in pain. "Stop."

"Look, if you want to keep living with your headache for any longer then suit yourself. I think we both know how you can make it stop. Don't be such a coward, Jen. You've got nothing to lose."

Except she does.

Her heart.

Her heart is on the line.

And Jennie doesn't think she could survive getting her heart broken by Y/n.


Later that night, the headaches grow relentless again, and Jennie curses her stupid roommate for leaving the building.

Nothing helps, no amount of massages or balms she rubs into her temples; nothing except Y/n's calming presence will help.

So, desperate as she is, Jennie climbs into Y/n's bed, hoping that her roommates lingering scent on the sheets will somewhat help her until Y/n gets back.

She grabs one of Y/n's pillows and hugs it close to her chest, smiling a bit because it really does smell of Y/n's body wash. It's not a distinct scent, but something she instantly associates with her roommate, and maybe it should scare her how much it calms her down, and how comforting it feels.

Jennie didn't mean to fall asleep; she was meaning to get back up and go back into her own bed so Y/n wouldn't find her curled up on her own, but she does fall asleep to the sweet scent of Y/n's body wash, and unfortunately, it's how Y/n finds her later.

"Oh, uhm, I'm sorry-" Jennie stammers, sitting up, completely disoriented. Y/n is sitting next to her, staring at her calmly. "I thought maybe it would help with the pain, I'm really sorry-"

"Jennie," Y/n interrupts with a gentle shake of her head, her eyes never leaving Jennie's face. "It's fine."

Jennie clears her throat and stares down on her lap, feeling nervous with how she can feel Y/n staring at her. Her roommate shuffles a bit closer, and slowly reaches her hand out until it's resting on the mattress next to Jennie's hip.

"I ran into Jihyo earlier," Y/n speaks, her fingers fiddling with the hem of Jennie's shirt.

Jennie licks her lips. "Ran into her?"

"Uhm. More like I went to her dorm."

"I told you not to."

"Well, I don't like following orders, Kim." Y/n hums. "I told her to lift the curse off you."

"Let me guess," Jennie mumbles. "She said no."

"She said no."

"Told you."

"But... she told me something else instead," Y/n continues and Jennie's already dreading what's about to come. Y/n's gaze has turned so intense Jennie starts to feel hot.

"I, uhm, wouldn't necessarily believe anything she says."

Y/n looks for another second before chuckling. "Yeah. That's what I thought, too. I mean, there's absolutely no way, right?"

Jennie gulps because the smile slips from Y/n's face, and her roommate looks so nervous all of a sudden.

"But I thought-" Y/n clears her throat, avoiding Jennie's eyes. "I thought I'd still check with you. Just to be sure."

"Sure about what?"

"Jihyo said I was the key to lifting the curse."

Jennie panics. No. No, this isn't happening-


"I think," Y/n continues, not listening to her. "I've been thinking about it. I think I know what she meant."

"You're wrong."

"You don't even know what I-"

"I don't care. You're wrong."

"So you don't like me?"

Jennie sucks in a breath, hands curling into fists in her lap. She laughs even though she wants to cry more than anything. "That's ridiculous."

"Is it?" Y/n gently asks. Jennie stares at her chest, her cheeks burning in humiliation, waiting for Y/n to tease her, to make fun of her, but none of that happens. "I was hoping you'd say I'm right."

Jennie's head snaps up at that, and her heart stutters at the nervous look in Y/n's eyes, the blush on her cheeks. "Huh?"

Y/n licks her lips. "You don't like me, Kim? Not even a little bit?"

"Why do you care?" Jennie asks, trying to sound casual when she's kind of having a breakdown on the inside. "So you can make fun of me?"

Y/n's eyes flash with hurt. "I wouldn't do that."


"Jennie, fuck, are you really that dense? Or are you just pretending to be?" Y/n shifts closer and Jennie holds her breath, leaning back.

"Don't," She stutters when Y/n leans in more until their faces are inches apart, Jennie's chest heaving as she's struggling to breathe. Y/n is so close, she's so close Jennie can smell the iced peach tea she always drinks and keeps leaving the empty cans lying around in their dorm. "Please."

"Do you want me stop? I will, if that's what you want," Y/n says, her gaze lowering to Jennie's mouth.

The room silent save for the sound of their breathing, and Jennie feels heady as her own eyes drop to Y/n's pink lips. She has to suppress a desperate whine from how much she wants to feel them on her own, and it feels like they're being pulled together by an invisible force.

She's too weak to resist, so when Y/n places her hand on Jennie's cheek to tilt her head up, all Jennie does is suck in a nervous breath and close her eyes.

She feels Y/n's breath on her lip before there is a soft pressure on her lips.

Y/n is kissing her.

She presses their mouths together in a gentle peck, and Jennie shudders at the feeling, her heartbeat loud and rushing behind her ears.

When Y/n pulls away after a few seconds, Jennie's hands shoot up on their own accord, curling into Y/n's sweater, not wanting her to go away.

Y/n blinks at her, her cheeks slightly flushed and eyes noticeably darker than before. "Kim," She whispers, brushing her thumb over Jennie's cheekbone so gently it makes Jennie close her eyes and lean into the touch. "You might not feel the same way, but god, I like you so fucking much."

Jennie's insides twist and turn at the words Y/n breathes out, and she blinks her eyes open, hands tugging on Y/n's shirt. "How long?"

Y/n moves closer, the shifting of the mattress and rustling of their clothes so loud to Jennie's ears. "Long enough for it to break my heart whenever you push me away."

Jennie takes a deep breath when Y/n brushes her thumb over her bottom lip, almost in a loving gesture, her eyes so gentle and longing that Jennie can't think straight anymore. "But... you've been- you still see other people-"

"I haven't slept with anyone in weeks, Jennie," Y/n quietly says, and when Jennie looks at her with wide eyes, she knows she's telling the truth.

"But- But Lisa, and you kept leaving-"

"Lisa is just a friend." Y/n sighs. "And I left because I finally got my head out my ass and admitted to myself how I felt about you. But it hurt being around you all the time cause the only reason we would hug or sleep together was the curse and not because you actually wanted it. So I kept making excuses to leave."

Jennie feels so dumb.

Jennie feels like such an asshole.

Everything she kept throwing at Y/n's head, how much she must've hurt her with her words.

She wants to cry.

"Why didn't you ever say anything?"

"I didn't want to make a fool of myself. I always thought you hated me," Y/n mumbles. "I still don't know how you feel about me." She licks her lips and slowly looks up, her eyes nervous and so adorably full of hope Jennie doesn't know what to do with herself.

Jennie decides that it's time to man up. She's been a coward for way too long, and she's tired of treating Y/n so unfairly, of hiding her feelings. "I think I've been too scared of how I feel about you. It was easier to hate you than to admit that I actually... that I like you."

Y/n blinks at her, and then her lips tug into a brilliant smile, one that takes Jennie's breath away. "You do?"

Jennie bites down on her lip, trying not to smile, but it's impossible. "Yeah, you idiot."

"I really want to kiss you again," Y/n whispers. "Can I?"

Jennie gulps dryly and nods her head, her eyelids falling shut when Y/n pulls her in and kisses her again. Their lips slide together gently, smooth and warm, and Jennie's hands move up to Y/n's shoulders, linking together behind her neck.

The innocent kisses slowly start to make Jennie's insides warm up, until her skin is tingling and she wants to have Y/n closer, especially when Y/n starts to kiss her more deeply, causing the air between them to shift, to grow hotter.

Jennie cards her fingers through the back of Y/n's hair and gently, the other curling into her collar, and Y/n moves her own hands to Jennie's waist.

Their lips part, and Y/n's tongue runs over Jennie's lips, making her shudder violently. Jennie's eyebrows furrow as heat starts to pool in her stomach, and she suddenly needs Y/n closer. A whole lot closer.

Without breaking the kiss, Jennie swings her leg over Y/n's thighs and sits down on her roommates lap, who groans into the kiss and wraps her arms around Jennie's waist, pulling her in until their chests are pressed together.

Jennie feels so hot she swears she's about to start shaking from Y/n's kisses, only now realizing how much she's wanted this, how many times she's dreamt of Y/n touching her and kissing her and how much pent up tension there was between them.

"You good, Kim?" Y/n whispers, kissing her cheek way too sweetly considering the fact that Jennie is starting to ache a little between her legs.

Jennie nods and bites down on her lower lip. "I like kissing you."

Y/n, whose lips are red and puffy and her hair is disheveled from Jennie's hands (Jennie thinks she's never looked better than right now) smiles at this, pulling Jennie closer as if that's even possible at this point. "You're so fucking cute."

Jennie tilts her head back when Y/n starts pressing open mouthed kisses along her throat, sucking and biting until Jennie is a squirming mess on her lap. She feels Y/n slips her hands under her shirt, running along her spine, and Jennie shudders when Y/n bites at her collarbone. She blindly reaches for Y/n's hand, slowly guiding it between her legs. Y/n's exhale is shaky against her clammy neck when she slips her hand under her sweatpants and touch Jennie through her pantie.

"Still cute?" Jennie asks, gulping nervously, her pussy twitching under the pressure, slowly getting more wet.

"You'll always be cute," Y/n roughly says before leaning in to catch Jennie's lips with her own, pressing down with her hand at the same time. Jennie shudders and pushes her hips into Y/n's palm, a moan slipping past her lips when Y/n starts to rub her through her pantie.

Jennie tilts her head back, unable to focus on moving her lips when her pussy is so wet and being touched by the woman of her dreams. "Y/n." She's whining a bit, rolling her hips into Y/n's palm to get more friction.

"What do you want, baby?" Y/n asks, sucking on Jennie's neck, making her see a whole other galaxy. "Hm?"

"You- You too," Jennie breathes out. "Please."

Y/n stops touching Jennie for a moment, leaving her wet pussy twitching and throbbing and Jennie can't stop herself from reaching into her pants and touching herself, moaning weakly at how sensitive she is. "Fuck, Jennie. Look at you." Y/n bites down on her lower lip, slowly pulling her own pants down and out of the way before doing the same for Jennie, who weakly gets up on her knees so they can get rid of their pants.

Jennie sits down again on Y/n's lap, a lot closer this time, circling both arms around Y/n's neck and hiding her face in her roommate's shoulder. She's shaking from how aroused she is but also from nerves; it feels too intimate like this, and she feels vulnerable, exposed to Y/n's eyes.

She knows what they said to each other in the past most certainly didn't mean anything, but she can't help but think of all the times Y/n told her how she didn't want her, how she wouldn't even touch her for money, how scrawny Jennie-

"Hey," Y/n whispers, guiding Jennie's face back up so they can look at each other. "Why are you hiding?"

Jennie can barely meet Y/n's eyes. She likes this girl so much, and her heart hurts with how fast it's beating right now, and Jennie isn't usually this insecure but she's just scared that Y/n is going to change her mind and leave her. "I'm a bit nervous."

Y/n strokes her cheek. "Why? It's just me. Your annoying roommate of six months."

Jennie chuckles a bit. "I'm just... I guess I'm scared? It's scary. I really don't want my heart to get broken."

She hears Y/n sigh, and then her lips are being kissed again, so sweet and softly Jennie's eyebrows arch up in the middle, leaving her breathless. "Relationships are scary. But I promise I will do my best to never break your heart. I'm going to make up for all the shitty things I said to you, and how badly I've treated you. I'm kind of head over heels for you, Jennie, if you didn't know," She adds after a pause, making Jennie blush furiously and smile.

They lean in again, kissing the breath from each other's lungs, hands wandering over clothes and over whatever exposed skin they can reach. It doesn't take long for their breathing to turn hasty, the blood rushing south, making Jennie writhe on her lap, her vagina throbbing from the lack of attention.


"I got you, baby," Y/n breathes against her lips, and a second later, she hikes Jennie up more on her lap so she can give attention to her throbbing core more.

Jennie whimpers. She can feel the throbbing heat of Y/n's length pressing against her, overwhelming and so hot. Her head falls forward on Y/n's shoulder weakly as she watches Y/n draw her hand up to the top, squeezing around the head, making Jennie shudder at the feeling.

"Y/n/n," She mumbles shakily. "Feels so good."

She pushes hips up to get more of the feeling, and Y/n roughly kisses her cheek. "Yeah? Do I make you feel good, baby?" Y/n asks, her voice rough and so deep and the baby. Fuck. Jennie didn't know she had a thing for the pet-name until she heard it coming from Y/n's lips.

Jennie just nods her head and turns to kiss the fluttering pulse on Y/n's neck, her skin soft and warm. She moves her hand to curl it to pump her erection, and muffles her moans when she felt the skin getting slick with precum.

She digs her thumb into Y/n's head and stores away the moan it rips from her roommate's throat, the hushed "Oh fuck" she breathes out before moving to kiss Jennie again, more desperate and heated than before.

Y/n speeds her fingers up and Jennie can't do anything but feed broken moans into her mouth, feeling Y/n's cock throb against her hand.

"I'm close," Jennie manages to breathe out, lips moving against Y/n's, both of them too far gone to kiss anymore.

"Me too," Y/n breathes, pumping her two fingers inside Jennie in a fast pace.

Jennie can't quite stop the moans that escape her mouth at this point, her arm that's curled around Y/n's neck probably squeezing too hard, but all Y/n does is fit their bodies closer together, breathing curses against Jennie's shoulder when she starts thrusting her hips into Y/n's fingers, chasing her orgasm.

"Oh shit, Y/n... keep going, please-" Jennie squeezes her eyes shut tightly and her mouth goes a little slack when her body starts to lock up with her upcoming release. "Oh fuck, fuck I'm gonna-"

Y/n fasten up her pace more until Jennie's pussy starts pulsing and all the tension from her body releases at the same time as she comes over her hands. She keeps thrusting her hips into Y/n's fingers, remembering to help Y/n out until her roommate lets out a choked moan and stills completely as her cock throbs and spurts out cum over her hands and Jennie's thighs.

Y/n hides her face in Jennie's neck, her hands milking them dry until Jennie is whimpering from oversensitivity. She cards her fingers through Y/n's sweaty hair and kisses the top of her head, both of them panting and trying to catch their breaths as they come down.

"You good?" Jennie whispers, because Y/n is still clinging to her and hiding her face, mouthing at Jennie's neck lazily as her palms slide under Jennie's shirt to run over the clammy skin on her back.

"I'm perfect," Y/n whispers. "You?"

"I'm great."

"I'm glad." She can feel Y/n smile against her skin and her heart flutters. "I'd feel even better after a shower."

Jennie pulls back and smiles down at her roommate. "So go take a shower."

"I just wish I had someone who would wash my hair for me. I'm really tired."

"Are you asking me to shower with you, Y/l/n?"

"Depends... are you going to agree, Kim?"

Jennie feels so giddy, she just can't stop smiling. "Just because it's you."

Y/n blushes adorably and looks dazed when Jennie leans in to steal a kiss. "I'm crazy about you, Kim."

And then it's Jennie's turn to blush. She quickly hops off Y/n's lap and holds her hand out, grinning when Y/n laces their fingers together and attaches herself to Jennie's back.

Jennie laughs and tells her to stop, but they end up penguin-walking to the bathroom, and they waste a lot of water which Jennie feels bad about, but it's hard to think about the environment when Y/n pushes her up against the wall and kisses her like there's no tomorrow.

They end up ordering Pizza after and watch documentaries on Netflix, making each other laugh, or smile by teasing the other, or blush by holding hands, exchanging kisses, unable to focus on the laptop, really, because they're kind of making up for lost time.

"I'm really sorry, Y/n," Jennie whispers later, her body feeling sated and melting against Y/n, her head resting on her roommate's chest. "I know I apologized before, but I really mean it. I never gave you a chance, and treated you like a dick for no reason. This... was all my fault."

"Hey," Y/n mumbles after a long few seconds. "Don't, Jennie. Things happened, that can't be changed. I don't hold it against you. I could've tried to fix things between us, too, you know? The only thing that matters to me is that I got you in the end. And how we treat each other from now on, yeah?"

"I want to make you happy," Jennie mumbles. "Cause I haven't done a good job of doing that so far."

"Well..." Y/n makes a tiny, cute sound. "First of all, I want to make you happy too, Kim, more than you, don't fight me on that. And tonight already made up for all the suffering you put me through the past few months. I'm not a high-maintenance guy, you know? You just gotta touch my dick a little and I'll be-"

Jennie hits Y/n's chest a few times until they're both laughing. Y/n catches Jennie's hands and waits for her to look up at her, and when their eyes meet, Jennie feels like her heart swells in her chest, Y/n's eyes sparkling with the reflection of the laptop screen. "I take it back. I can't stand you."

"You're lying, Kim," Y/n mumbles, her smile widening.

And Jennie feels her breath falter, remembering what Jihyo told her.

Stop lying to yourself.

Jennie grins at Y/n, reaches up to brush some of her hair out of her eyes.

"Yeah, I was lying."

Y/n kisses her, and they're both smiling, and Jennie falls asleep with Y/n spooning her, their hands and legs tangled together, and Jennie pretends not to notice Y/n kissing her nape a few times when she thinks Jennie has fallen asleep.


"Okay," Y/n mutters after lacing up her shoes and pulling her hoodie over her head. "I'm... I'm just going to run a few laps around campus. Just a couple. I have my phone with me, so if it- if it starts to hurt you call me immediately, you hear me Kim? You better call me-"

"Jesus, Y/n," Jennie mumbles, rubbing at her eyes and fighting back a yawn. When she blinks her eyes open again, Y/n is still standing there, pouting a little and looking so worried it warms her heart. It's raining outside, the raindrops patting against the windows in a way that comforts Jennie. She likes the rain. Y/n hates it. Thinking about it, Jennie and Y/n are so incredibly different from each other, Jennie worries how they're ever going to agree on things without wanting to rip each other's head off, but then she looks at Y/n, standing in front of their door and looking so adorably concerned for Jennie's well being that none of it really matters. "Positive thoughts, okay? I'll be fine. You go do your morning run."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

Y/n takes a deep breath and nods, then bites down on her lower lip and curses, crossing the room to press a sweet kiss to Jennie's forehead, a gesture that makes Jennie's heart ache in the best way possible and causes the apples of her cheeks to turn rosy. Jennie weakly pushes her away, embarrassed and overwhelmed, and Y/n reluctantly leaves the room.

The door falls shut, and Jennie holds her breath, fingers curled around the sheets covering her lap.

And then she waits, squeezes her eyes shut, as if to prepare herself for the inevitable pain inside her skull-

No pain.

Even after Jennie opens her eyes and silently waits the next few minutes, her head doesn't hurt.

The curse is... gone.

It took Jennie six months to admit the truth, which is that she doesn't actually hate Y/l/n Y/n's guts - she never has - it was just that she'd fallen for the girl the second she'd laid eyes on her, but had been too scared to cross the line.

The door suddenly swings open and Jennie looks up to find Y/n stepping in, panting heavily, her hair a little spiked from the rain outside.

"Please tell me it worked."

"It's only been five minutes, what are you-"

"I only ran one lap," Y/n rushes out. "Are you fine? Is the headache- is it gone?"

Jennie blinks at Y/n, feeling more than just touched by the genuine concern in her roommate's eyes. And more than that, she feels sad, because Y/n sounds so anxious, like she expects Jennie to change her mind and push her away.

"It's gone," Jennie states, and watches Y/n's shoulder sag in relief, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.

"So it's true? You really- You like me, Kim?"

Jennie gently smiles up at her, shaking her head. "Were you still doubting that?"

Y/n licks her lips, lowering her gaze. "It seemed to good to be true, to be completely honest."

"I like you, Y/n," Jennie says. "Curse or no curse."

Y/n looks up, stares at her for a few seconds, and then starts beaming and before Jennie knows it, Y/n tackles her to the bed, pinning a laughing Jennie down on the mattress and just starts kissing her, kisses her until Jennie deflates beneath her, melting into the mattress and wrapping her arms around Y/n's neck to pull her closer.

She feels like she could get addicted to the tase of Y/n's mouth, her sweet lips, the way she maps out Jennie's skin with her warm hands, gentle and slightly possessive.

A shrill shriek makes them jump apart, Y/n turning to glare at whoever it is that interrupted them, and Jennie leans up on her elbows to look over Y/n's shoulder, too.

Jisoo is gaping at them, her finger pointing in their direction, and her eyes are comically wide. "Huh? W-What is this? Is this real? Am I dreaming? Holy shit, why are you kissing- Why are you two kissing?!"

Jennie can't help but grin and Y/n pulls back with a sigh, helping Jennie sit up. "The curse is gone, Jisoo."

"Huh? What? How!?"

"You were right," Jennie says and shrugs. And then, just to make it more clear, she leans in and kisses Y/n's cheek, smiling when Y/n blushes and gives her a dazed look.

"Oh my god," Jisoo breathes, her thin eyebrows furrowed.

"I'd like to make your best friend my girlfriend. I hope that's okay with you, Jisoo." Y/n turns to speak to Jisoo who laughs awkwardly.

"Oh my god," She repeats, still laughing. "I mean- I know I wanted this but it's too early to deal with this. I'm... going back to bed. Yes, yes, that's what I'll do. You two go back to sucking faces. Holy fuck."

She turns around, and then looks back as if to make sure her eyes aren't playing tricks on her, and then she mutters something under her breath and slips out of the room.

Both Jennie and Y/n laugh at the reaction, even if Jennie feels mildly worried, because if her best friend is reacting like that, she doesn't want to know how the rest of the school will take the news.

"She'll come around," Y/n mutters, like she can sense Jennie's concern, and nudges their noses together.

Jennie gnaws on her lower lip, running her palm over Y/n's as she looks into her yes. "Were you serious?"

"About what?"

"About... making me your girlfriend." Jennie clears her throat nervously.

"Of course," Y/n answers, like it's obvious, like they didn't particularly go from detesting each other to... this. "Eventually."


"I'm going to properly ask you out. Gonna take you on dates. Hold your hand around campus. Prove to you that I'm girlfriend material."

Jennie laughs and shakes her head. "You don't have to do that, Y/n/n."

Y/n smiles. "I want to. How about we go grab some breakfast right now? We don't have classes until after lunch anyway."

"You already asking me out?"


"Okay," Jennie mumbles. "Sounds good."

Y/n grins and kisses her and Jennie falls into it, and they don't get out of bed until an hour later, but it's okay.

They wasted a lot of time hiding their feelings, so they've got a lot of catching up to do.

And later when they're eating breakfast, their legs tangled together under the table and Y/n grinning at her from across the table, Jennie reminds herself to go find Jihyo later.

She figures she should probably thank her.

No way it took me months to make this book and two days to publish.

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