Under Kronos's Belt -A Perc...

By Adri-Pearl

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Please be advised that this story may contain content which could be upsetting to some readers. ... More

-Author's Note and Disclaimers-
-Basic Explanation-
1. An Eventful Dinner
2. The Bacchus Bar
3. The Aftermath
5. Gunshots and Rain
6. The Poker Game
7. Running is useless
8. Chocolate bars
9. Pepper Spray
10. Gym and Goodbye
11. Moping around

4. The Proposition

762 22 166
By Adri-Pearl

"Crystal," Percy nodded. Regret already crept through him. What had he gotten himself into?



Under ordinary circumstances, Percy would have never considered Luke's proposition. He wouldn't have even taken the centurions meeting.
But he was in a precarious position. He'd turned against his praetors, and they would no doubt seek revenge. He was a lowly probatio, having no rank or even barrack to protect him from their wrath or resources to protect his family.

Percy wanted to hate himself for getting involved in the fight, but he couldn't make himself do that.
Yes, it was a foolish, reckless thing that could've gotten him killed, yet he'd felt no fear as he fought alongside the mystery girl. As if fighting with her was the most natural thing in the world.

Gods...one look into her stormy eyes and Percy knew he had to jump in. Every instinct in him screamed at him to help, despite his head warning him to run.

Hell, he wasn't even in the bar that night. He despised the place, and that whole barrack even more. Yet he had some indescribable urge to go there last night as if some fate was pulling his strings.

The second he'd seen the brawl, he knew what he had to do. He wouldn't have allowed those men to hurt a woman either way.

Perhaps it was fate, Luke had just offered him everything he could possibly need. A role, a barrack, protection and income.

All in exchange for who he learnt was Annabeth Chase. Not that she needed the protection, she was an exceptionally skilled fighter. Not everyone could take on a gang and live to tell the tale.

Sure, it stung now she'd treated him after their altercation. But he could definitely guard a stuck-up mafia princess. For his family at least, he owed them that much.

"Alright, I'll do it," Percy nodded, shaking Luke's hand. It had splotches of blood across it, and though it hurt Percy's sentiments, he kept his grip firm and didn't let go.

The Bacchus Bar remained stagnant. Patrons spoke in hushed tones, glancing over to Luke and the corpse lying a few feet next to him. Death was common in their world, no one usually batted an eye at corpses or guns.

So Percy figured that it was Luke's presence that was the cause of unease. He was the first and only centurion with two barracks under his command.

Percy couldn't imagine the amount of bloodshed that must have gotten him that position. He looked like an evil male model, showing off what the fashionable college-age villain was wearing to Harvard this year

Luke let go of Percy's hand, nodding in approval, "Smart kid."

He gestured something to his men, the alive ones, and stalked out of the bar, motioning Percy to follow.

"You can start now," he said.

It was not a question, but Percy nodded anyway.

They passed through an alley, and faint whispers of music spread across its stale air. There was a club parallel to them, right behind the Bacchus Bar.

It made the alley a perfect place for crime to fester. The music was loud enough to mask conversations and the stench of alcohol and garbage kept the normal people away.

Luke faced Percy. He seemed to hesitate for a second, swallowing hard, "Percy...Annie...Annabeth is my whole world. She is the only family I have left. I need you to keep her safe-"his voice was sincere, but not soft.

"-I know you helped her yesterday, that's why I chose you for this. She's stubborn at times, but as her bodyguard, it's your job to make sure she doesn't try to do anything stupid. If she's ever in danger, it's your job to protect her. Or die trying-"
Luke paused, taking on a hard edge, "If anything happens to her, it will not end well for you. Rest assured, I will hunt you myself. Am I clear?"

"Crystal," Percy nodded. Regret already crept through him. What had he gotten himself into?



Percy gaped at the mansion. It made Octavian's estate look like dog-shit in comparison. This one was grand, not ornate. It was large, rectangular, with pathways entwining around a massive fountain.
Streams of people poured in and out of the building.

The property was surrounded by massive gardens, thick with foliage to cover any unlawful bodies buried under its leaves. Miniature rooms were scattered around the main mansion, for staff and titans alike.

Luke stalked up the stairs, Percy in tow. People stilled as he passed by them, rushing to look busy.

The interior of the mansion was fairly simple. Rows of rooms all appeared the same, probably to consider any outsiders. There were not many decorations around, simply a few sofas or cupboards. A stark contrast to its exterior.

Luke paused in front of a door, which like all others was gray.
There were weird etchings around the doorframe, which Percy soon realised was a height chart. It seemed to have begun at the age of 7, all the way to 18, his age.

Luke knocked four times, "Annie it's me, open up," he called.

There was a small peephole on the door, so Percy assumed she'd know anyway. He stepped away from its line of vision, just in case she came out swinging.

"I have nothing to say to you!" A voice shouted back.

"Great! Listen for once," Luke rolled his eyes, knocking again, "you have until the count of three"

Annabeth came out by the count of two. And Percy almost forgot how to breathe.

He knew she was pretty, but he'd only gotten momentary glances at her. He didn't have any time to observe amidst the brawl.
He'd glimpsed at her face then, contorted in a flurry of fury. She didn't even face him on the rooftop.

But here she was, looking like a princess. Blonde curls bounced across her shoulders, cascading like a waterfall. Her eyes were dazzling, a deep hue of stormy grey.

"Honestly Luke, I'm not a toddler anymore," she rolled her eyes, stepping out of her room. She had a purple bruise along her jaw, covering most of her cheek.

"You still came out," Luke observed, voice flat, "And you're acting like a baby."

"No, I'm not," Annabeth snapped," How many babies do you know that can punch or kick or..." she trailed off, her tempestuous eyes meeting his sea-green orbs.

She looked as if she'd been slapped across the face by a baby she didn't suspect. Her eyes were vibrant, and wide as she tried to connect the dots.

After almost a minute, she spoke, "What is he doing here?" she asked Luke.

Percy knew she recognised him because she avoided his gaze like the plague.

"He's your new bodyguard," Luke replied cooly.

"I don't need a babysitter," she countered.

"Percy Jackson," Percy chimed in, extending his hand towards her.

She stared at his extended arm and shook her head as If the gesture was alien.

"I do not need a babysitter," she repeated.

Percy tucked his hand away. He would find someone to shake it later.

"I saw the security footage, Annie," Luke pinched his temple, eyes fluttering shut in agitation. It made his scar more prominent.

"I thought you were smarter than picking a fight with a Praetor," he remarked.

"And I thought you wouldn't sell me off," Annabeth retorted, "But here we are."

"For God's sake," Luke's voice was strained, "Get over it. It was a good arrangement before you smashed their faces."

"They were hideous anyway," she quipped, "I did the world a favour."

Percy tried to hide his smile before she caught him, and failed miserably. She blinked in surprise at his amusement, before continuing.

"I can keep myself safe, Luke," she sighed, voice defiant yet lacking its previous fire.

"But that's my job," Luke said quietly.

"You taught me well enough, take a break," she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"No,you don't get it," Luke opened his eyes, a staunch blue.

"Explain it to me then," annoyance crept back into her voice.

"Octavian put a hit on you," Luke said, shouting in a whisper.

Annabeth blinked, all tenderness gone from her face, "What?"

That was exactly Percy's reaction. What?
This would've been great information for Luke to have mentioned to the man literally entrusted with protecting Annabeth.

Percy's heart picked up its pace. And he cursed it. Why did he care about a girl he just met?

"You heard me," Luke replied, "He put a hit on you."

Annabeth didn't say anything. Her eyes passed over Percy, taking him in, before she dashed into her room, slamming the door.

"She can be nice when she wants to be," Luke sighed.

"I'm sure," Percy agreed, unsure of what to say.

Luke walked away from the door, and Percy followed. A deep feeling of unease settled into him.

They entered a large study. It was black, save for the electric blue wall that assaulted one's eyes the second they walked in. Like all the other rooms in the house, this was one simple. There were no decorations, save for the showcase filled with books and similar trinkets.

Luke sat behind a mahogany desk, with only what appeared to be a child's drawing of an owl on it.

The blue wall housed a cow skull, mounted directly behind Luke. It made him seem as if he had horns.

Percy wondered if it was intentional, and probably was. He should've signed a deal with a sea witch, instead of the devil himself.

Luke explained Percy's duties, the terms and conditions which followed his tenure as Annabeth's bodyguard.

But he was not able to sit still. He couldn't shake this aching sense of dread that filled him. He could barely pay attention to what Luke was saying, his eyes firmly on the framed picture on the desk, soaking in every splattered hue of colour on the owl, which seemed more like a chicken on further examination.

"What is your problem," Luke snapped, annoyed with Percy's restlessness.

"Something's wrong," he answered honestly.

"Extortion? Really?" Luke raised his eyebrows, "what more could you possibly want?"

"No..not with whatever you're saying...I mean with Annabeth," Percy shifted under Luke's gaze.

"What about Annabeth?"

"Something's wrong...I can't explain it...it's a feeling," he tried to explain. He realised he sounded like a maniac. He'd just met her.

"She's not dumb enough to put herself in danger," Luke stated.

"Right...but she's impulsive."

Luke's eyes narrowed, "Are you claiming you know her better than me?"

"No..not at all. I just feel like something's wrong. It's what you hired me to do, to trust my gut. And my gut is saying something is wrong."

"Then take a probiotic," Luke hissed.

"I'm telling you, something's wrong," Percy frowned, "Come with me. If I'm wrong, you can fire me."

No no no, you idiot! Percy's inner voice screamed. And he was included to agree with it. What the hell was he doing?!

Why was he betting the best chance of employment he had on a chance?! He was never prone to betting...and this felt like one. He was staking his entire future on a girl.

He should've just become a car salesman.

"Alright," Luke's chair screeched as he got up.

They left the room, and Percy had struggled to keep his footsteps casual, despite wanting to run to her room.

The second Percy reached for her door handle, Luke slapped his hand away.

"What did I say? Never enter her room, unless she calls you herself," he exclaimed.

He proceeded to knock again, "Annie I'm giving you a minute, open up."

A minute passed, and there was no response. Even Luke struggled to keep the worry away from his face. His scar twitched.

"I'm coming in," he said, to air at this point, and opened the door.

A cool gust of wind greeted Percy as they stepped into the empty room. There was no sign of Annabeth anywhere.

Only an open window.


Late post I know! But I posted anyway and I've been kinda busy, I'll try to post regularly every week but sorry in advance If that doesn't work out. Can I just blame my ADHD? I think I'll do that

Shameless self promo-
If you wanna see what happened when Percy actually made a deal with a sea witch-
Check out my story "The Merman and The Princess'

Any suggestions for the story? Where on earth did Annie go? Or was she kidnapped??

(Posted- 6/10/2023 - 11:52 am)

Stay tuned!!

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