Mr & Mrs Carmelo

By HopeCrazyReader17

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Daisy has been a stripper all of her life against her wishes. With an annoyingly genius brother to take care... More



693 34 9
By HopeCrazyReader17


Everything felt numb.
My arms and legs had gone numb, and my throat felt dry. I barely dared to sit up but I did and as I tried to stand up, the floor pulled me down. My body ached badly.

Why the hell do I feel so drowsy? Was it that Korean alcohol I had last night?
What time is it?
I need cool water for all this to go away.

With the help of the bed, I stand up and take baby steps towards the door.
I grab the knob but I didn't need to open the door, it was already ajar. I always keep my door locked.

With a deep breath or two, I feel a presence between me. I hear breathing. I was not alone.
Before I could pull the door open and scream for him, I'm pulled back with my hair, a hand on my mouth. A thick rope tightened around my neck as I beat my palm on the door for noise and hooked the fingers of my other hand under the rope. My heart panicked in my ear and my eyes went up as I heard a voice but I couldn't make it out what it said. My skin burning.

I'm pulled back further from the door and I whip my head back, hitting someone behind me that makes the person lose his grip on the noose and I make a run for it with a cry but he still held the ends of the rope in his grip. I gagged and no sound came out, and I tackled on the floor. A heavyweight straddled my waist and pinned me down, hands around my neck, applying pressure at the middle of my throat that I couldn't breathe. I felt all the blood rush to my head, feeling my life slip away from my grasp.
My face turned numb and my lungs burned. And suddenly, the weight was gone. I coughed my lungs out on the floor, gagging again.

I crawl out of the way and barely got myself to the corner of the room. All I could see were blurry shadows, I don't know who was who. I hear a grunt and I knew it was him. He yelled, "Who sent you?!" Another grunt and I hear something break.

When someone crouched near me and touched my face, I screamed until his voice came out calmly, "It's me. Are you okay?" His scent was the only thing that made me stop screaming, "Y-you... t-think?" I couldn't even speak properly, my voice was too hoarse. I held onto my throat as I experienced the pain of swallowing. He instructs, "Stay here, Daisy." And he's off to god knows where.
I hear him grunt again and I hear a another crash. The other guy stumbled because of the nightstand, taking down the ceramic lamp with him. But suddenly, he gets up and jumps out of the window, breaking the glass.

Carmelo doesn't even go after him. He gets the lights and slides down on his knees near me. Not injured in any way. My eyes met the mirror behind him and I saw the marks of the rope at my throat, my face red, almost near blue. My shirt tore at the shoulder, even my shorts at my left thigh. He grabs my face, forcing my eyes on him, "Look at me. Sweetheart, look at me." His voice calm and collected, his touch warm and soft. Worry for me weigh down his brows.
I looked down and I noticed that I was bleeding. And then I was losing it.

Then I was down.


Things did not feel right.
Business was getting slow which was unusual for me. Clients that once begged me to partner up were backing off. And I had this feeling that we were being watched.
Did an inspection late at night around the house after she was asleep, no traces of anything.

How can this even happen? I had strong security in my house, I made sure the kid did everything right.
He picks his phone up on the second ring, "Yellow!" I grit my teeth, "What did you do? You said my security was stronger than anything."

"It is. No one can find you. I made sure."

"Your sister was attacked in her room last night. You sure about that security now?"

"Oh shit! What? When? Is she okay? Put her on the fucking phone!"

"She's down. Whoever it was, injected her with something. She had a needle bruise."

"Is she okay?"

The worry in his voice spoke volumes. Panic set into it real quick. He sounded like on the verge of crying. "Is-is she okay?" I nod, "Drugs in her system. She was injected with something, but she is fine. You better check who it was or what's wrong. I need answers in two hours or I swear to god, it won't end well for you. Find out who did this to her!"
He stutters, "I'll hack into your security. I'll find out. Promise."


"What- what is this?" I turn around and find her trying to sit up. I grab my sweater and put it on, running to her side in seconds and try to push her back to lay down. Her eyes are on the needle on the back of her hand, "What- why?"

"Daisy, you need to rest."

"What- the fuck happened?"

"You need to-"

"I will fucking murder you! What happened?!"

She doesn't listen as she tears out the IV, getting to her feet but can't take a step. She falls and I catch her before she can bang her head on the floor. She was in my room now. I couldn't keep her in hers.

I just couldn't.

"Are you gonna fucking speak?!" She's pissed but when I don't answer to her in the next three seconds, she stumbles out the door and I'm hot on her heels, "Wait!"

"Fuck this. Fuck you. Fuck the contract." She screams every word as she walks down the stairs, stumbling after every stair. Couldn't even stand up properly so she had to hold the railing to get down. "You annoying fuck!" I don't reach the last stair when she abruptly turns around and points a finger at me, "What happened was your fault! You promised to protect me. I'm done! My brother is not your servant anymore!" Her voice goes louder, "We're done!"

"Listen to me-" she suddenly pushed me with hands on my bare chest, "No! You listen to me." She pushed me again, "You're a douche!" She pushed me the third time and I caught her wrists, "Listen to me!" My voice going louder than I ever intended it to be. She presses her lips in a thin line, letting air out harshly through her nose, standing still. I looked into her eyes and that's when I realized, anger was the outcome of fear.
She was scared.

Do I blame her for being scared? No. Never.

I don't miss the little wince she does when she swallows and I instantly feel bad. I did promise to protect her even if it was for my gain, I promised her.
Her voice is raw with agony, "Aren't you gonna talk?" My eyes locked on the bruise around her neck, "Yeah," I pulled her with me to the kitchen island, "Stay here." She raised her brow with sarcasm, "Woof." I shake my head and grab a bag of frozen tteokbokki from the freezer. She looks down at my hands, "Are you seriously considering making a snack right now?" With full intention to slap me this time. I sighed, knowing it would be a waste to talk her into it, grabbed her sides, and hoisted her up on the island. She gasps but grabs the edge as soon as I settle her down and take a step in right between her legs, holding the frozen tteokbokki to her neck that she hisses and whips away, "It's cold, asshole!" But I grab the back of her neck and make her sit still.

"You seriously need to reconsider your colorful vocabulary sometimes, sweetheart." My voice was calm, my attention on her neck. She winces again when she swallows, "I can do it myself." I scoff, "I know you'll throw this at my head and run up the stairs." Her eyes widen as if I perfectly predicted her plan but I add, "I would be disappointed in myself if you didn't. I have figured you out, Mrs Carmelo."

"You haven't. And don't call me that."

I look down at her left hand and she's still wearing the ring. She hasn't taken it off since I gave it to her even though it's a fake. I sigh, "I take full responsibility for what happened tonight. I don't care how much we hate each other or how petty we can be, I made a promise to protect you even if it was for my gain." She quietly listens as I change the bag to the other side of her neck. She winces again tilting her head so I can ice it better. "I'm gonna be honest here with you, Daisy. I don't know why you were attacked and I don't know if this is connected to what we suffered in your apartment. But I will protect you no matter what. I'll find him. I may be a douche but I don't break promises." She retorts, "Nope, you find loopholes around them." The corner of my lips lifts. She's quick to comment, "Don't smile at me, asshole."
I leave the bag on the counter and put both hands on either side of her, trapping her in, "We need to do something about your vocabulary, rainbow-mouth." She leans closer, her voice low and sultry, her breath on my lips, "Suck my dick."

Her eyes are so green with a little bit of gold and fire in them. There is a faint dot on the tip of her nose. Her lips are plump and pink.

So plump and pink.

I take a deep breath and take a step back, rubbing the back of my neck with a groan. She stays there all quiet, racing her eyes all over me. "Since your room is trashed, you can sleep in mine." She doesn't answer with a sarcastic remark thanks or even a hum because her eyes never leave me or my chest. I trail my eyes down to her thigh, right on that scar. Curious to my core about that and the one below her navel. "How'd you get that scar?" I ask, my eyes locked on her thigh. Her brow raises, her nose scrunch and a sarcastic smile plasters itself on her lips, "Suck my dick."

She gets down from the island and walks away and up the stairs all too quietly. When she walks up the stairs, I ask, "No thank you?" Doesn't even turn around or stop but says out loud, "Fuck off, Carmelo." I couldn't help the little smile on myself.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take the call, a voice I haven't heard in ten years, "Anneyong, hyung." I could hear a smile of satisfaction. "Nae seopeulaijeuga ma-mum-e deul-eossnayo? (Hello, big brother. Did you like my surprise?)"
I took a deep breath and said with my voice low so that she couldn't hear me, "Igeos ttaemun-e neal jug-il goya. (I will kill you for this.)" I hear him laugh in my ear and it brings back all the dark memories.

I hung up and called Kevin the next moment. He picks up the call, "I was about to call you-"

"I know who it is."


"Doesn't matter. Make sure no one can track your sister. No one. Put a block on her phone now!"

"Okay, okay, but I need to know why."

"She's in danger. And that's all you need to know."

I hang up on him too.

Ten years of hiding went down the drain.

I feel a headache forming in my temples and I make my way upstairs to get some pain meds from my room. She's fast asleep under my blanket, on my pillow, snuggled close to the other pillow beside her, held between her arms. I take out the meds from my nightstand and take one pill instantly, dry swallowing it down as my gaze won't leave her.

I can't believe this is happening. All the blood rushed to my head, making everything around me feel heavy. My chest hurt, my hands felt swollen as if I couldn't sense anything anymore. I felt so dizzy that I had to sit at the edge of the bed for a couple of minutes, with my head in my hands. I went through every move I made in the last ten years. Where did I slip? Where did I make a damn mistake?
I haven't. I know I haven't. My trails are perfectly covered up, can't even blame the kid because it's all ironclad.

What did I fuck up?
When did I fuck up?

I thought back to every deal I've made, to every seller I've pissed off, including Zane Black or Carter Romano, but that can't happen. Zane Black is a possibility but I doubt he would care that much to deep-dive. Carter Romano wouldn't do it either because he's happy with the services I've been providing him all this time.


I sigh and lay down, looking up at the ceiling. She stirs in her sleep, curling herself into a ball, her hand lying right beside my head. I could feel the phantom touch of her knuckles at my cheekbone. Couldn't keep my eyes open, and then I was down.


I hated how every bone in my body ached. My neck felt like it was on fire.
I love his bed. It's so soft. His sheets are nice to my skin, warm and cozy. His pillow... It smelled like eucalyptus. I smiled to myself because I knew I could stay in this bed forever. Eat, sleep, and die on this comfortable mattress.

Finally opening my eyes, I groaned. Too sunny in this and I need to do something about that. I hate sunny rooms. I pulled the blanket up to my neck and snuggled in, bunching it between my legs and I heard a groan.

A groan? His bed is alive?

I looked down and he was staring up at me, half laid at the bottom of the bed as if he had just woken up, my leg draped across his chest. I feel his chest rise and he lets out a breath through his mouth, "Can you please get your leg off?" I had goosebumps when his breath fanned my knee but I pushed my leg up, choking him. My knee was right at his throat. He coughs and taps my leg, "Get off!" I smile, "How does it feel to be choked right as you wake up, sweetheart?" He pushes me and gets to his feet instantly, groaning as he runs his fingers through his messy hair. I don't know why he's even in the same room as me. "I thought you'd be sleeping on the couch?" He doesn't answer or even look at me. I watch as he grabs the hem of his sweater and takes it off, scrunching the material to a ball in his big hands, and shoots it right at the hamper against the wall beside the big screen TV. A perfect shoot.

He was aiming for the bathroom but I sat up, "Wait!" He stops and turns around, "What?" His eyes pinned to my neck, on the bruise. "Make me breakfast." He raised a brow, "You can make your own." I crane my head back and point at the bruise, "This is all your fault, so you should take care of me. Unless you don't want me to sue you for breaching the contract-" I hear him hiss under his breath and murmur to himself, "Dangsin-eun jjajeungna. (You are annoying)" I shrug, "I don't know what you said but I'll take anything you're gonna cook with a smile on my face." And I smile so wide that my cheeks hide my eyes. He clicks his tongue and walks into the bathroom, banging the door close.

I took my time to shower and change into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and then made my way down to the smell of food.
He cooked, one hand moving the pan and the other stirring something in a black pot. God, it smelled so good that I just wanted to moan.

Sets of blue plates, bowls, mugs, spoons, and chopsticks set on the island. He sighs without even looking at me, "I'm only doing this to be nice, so make sure you remember this and be grateful forever." I snort, "No." A glance at me and he's back to flipping something in the pan.
I take my seat right on the high barstool and watch him cook. He dressed in a gray baggy t-shirt and black cargo jeans. His hair is wet and brushed back with the occasional strands that always kiss his cheeks.

Not even five minutes and he's setting the pan on the island and the black pot too. He served me the contents in the black pot in the bowl and then the contents in the pan on my plate. I'm salivating.
He pours hot water in my mug with a teabag, and suddenly I smell lavender.

Lavender tea?

I grab the spoon and say, "I have no idea what you cooked but I'm digging in!" I scoop a good amount of food in the bowl, blew on it gently, and took it in. Moaning. I tasted oats and chicken. He clicks his tongue again, "Slow down, you don't want to get an indigestion." Then he slides the mug closer, "Here, drink this. It'll help you with the neck pain." I ignore him completely and take a bite from the contents of the plate. I've had this before but I couldn't tell what it was and as if he knew what I was thinking, he answered for me, "That's chicken porridge." Then he points to the plate, "That's kimchi-joen. Kimchi pancakes." The pancakes were salty and savory, the porridge was sweet and creamy. They complimented each other perfectly.
I sipped the lavender tea and it was the perfect breakfast I've ever had. Better than my PB&J every day.

How dare I even compare this to PB&J! This is breakfast heaven.

He walks to the corner of the counter and settles a mug under his expensive coffee machine, popping in the capsule and waiting for his cup to fill.
When it's done, he takes a sip before he sighs relief, and then makes his way back to me, a hand on my wrist as I'm bringing the spoon to my mouth. I stop and raise my brows at him, "What?"

"Slow down. It's not going anywhere."

I roll my eyes, "Bitch." And did as he told me to. I slowed down on eating. He takes another sip, "How can you eat without even knowing if poisoned it or not?" I stop, "Did you?"

"I could."

"Did you?"

"I would."

"Did you?"


"That's enough assurance for me, baby."

And I dig right back in. I took another kimchi pancake from the pan and noticed that he wasn't eating. Did he poison this? "You're not eating?" He shakes his head, "I don't like having breakfast." Taking another sip of his coffee. "This is all mine?" I point to the food. He nods, rubbing his temple with two fingers, narrowing his eyes at me, "Knock yourself out." And a smile grew on my face.

He was working and I was bored to death.
At the club, I took my bike and went wherever I wanted to go for a couple of hours. Here, I don't have a bike or anything.

I go upstairs, grab some cash and my back, and come down. He walked out of his office with an empty cup, as he spoke to whomever he was talking, "Yes, it was great doing business with you again, Mr. Romano. I assure you that you'll get the shipment in four days. My guarantee." He stops and narrows his eyes at me. First glances at my bag and then takes me in wholly. I don't miss the clench of his jaw, "Yes. I'll make sure." He takes a second pause and then says, "What the hell are you doing?" I blink once and twice, "Oh, you're talking to me?" He crosses his arms on his chest and stiffly nods. I strap my bag to my body, "Oh, I'm going to- none of your business, Carmelo." I add with a smile, "Suck my dick." And make my move towards the front door. He's quick to grab my arm, "Are you crazy? You think it's safe to go out there after what happened last night?" I look down at the grip on my elbow, "Don't touch me without my permission." He softens his grip first and then drops it. "It's not safe out there, Daisy."

"It never is. But I will not be caged like a dog in this house."

"It's for your good."

"I don't give a fuck. I'm going out. See ya!"



I grab the handle of the door, pull it down, and then he says, "Can you wait five minutes?" I sigh and turn around, "Carmelo, the reason I'm going out all alone right now is so that I don't have to see your face. You're not coming."

"You can't stop me."

"Then I'm not going."

"Fine by me, sweetheart."

"You would prefer it that way, wouldn't you?"

"Easy as pie."

I pull the door open and I'm walking out, "Peace, bitch!"

He came with me. That fucker!

I got in the first cab I saw and he was pushing in through the other door of the cab. I can't outrun him no matter what.
The hour car ride, he was on his phone, texting.

The cab comes to a halt and I'm out the door in seconds, "He'll pay for it!" Smiling to myself I gave him no chance to yell as I made my way into the mall. I needed some things for myself. I barely had clothes, I was in shorts all day and the nights were getting pretty cold around where he lived.
I ran into the first store I saw, getting pajamas, sweatpants, t-shirts- all necessary items. Paid for them in cash and walked out as the man at the cashier gave me a bad look.

He finally caught up to me, "Don't leave my side." I narrow my eyes at him, "Want me to tie a scarf around my neck and hand you the other end so you can use it as a leash?"

"Don't tempt me."

I rolled my eyes and began walking to the lingerie store, walking in without a glance at him. I'm in the bra section when a saleswoman approaches me with a sweet smile on her face, "How may I help you?" I smile back, "Oh, I'm good, thank you." She sweetly nods but her smile falters when her gaze lands on my neck.

I smile wider when a plan forms in my head, "Well, actually, you could help my friend out there." I point to him, standing outside the store, texting again. "He wants a push-up bra but he's a little shy." She asks, following my gaze, "For his wife or his girlfriend?" I shake my head, "For himself. He's into this kind of thing. Get him something pink- preferably, Barbie pink with lace." She doesn't hesitate to approach him outside the store.
They exchange smiles- I think those lips set in a thin line on his face was a smile- and she's the first one to talk. His brows furrow, then his eyes widen, his cheeks turn pink, and then his jaw clenches. I giggle to myself as he pockets his phone and walks into the store, making a bee-line to me. "I'm into Barbie-pink lace?" I snort, "It suits you."
I grabbed the first bra near me and held it to his chest, it was neon green with black lace on top, "Or maybe green is your color?" He hisses, "Stop." I grab the pink thongs from the other side, "I think you'll look great in this set." He takes three steps back from me. I snort again. He was uncomfortable in this section.

He can throw knives, put an act in front of an illegal club owner, and smuggle military weapons to sell, but he can't stop blushing in a lingerie store?

I shook my head, ignored his dagger-throwing eyes, and began grabbing a bra my size. Wire bras, push-up bras, sports bras. Next up was panties.
I took the bunch up to the cashier, the same saleswoman behind the counter. When her eyes lay on Carmelo, she blushes first as he starts ringing up my items. Carmelo looks everywhere but at her.
She puts the items in the bag and asks, "Cash or credit?" I point at him, "He's paying." His head whips at me as if I grew horns and grit his teeth, his voice low, "You'll pay for this." As he extends his phone to the machine. I hear a tick and all my things are paid for. The woman looks at my neck again then Carmelo and then my neck. Something suspicious in her eyes. He mutters something under his breath and grabs a neck scarf on the closest mannequin he sees, "Ring this up too."

"Oh, sir, that's not on sale. It's just for display."

"I'll pay 50 dollars for that. Cash."

She doesn't argue. He takes out his wallet puts a 50 bill on the counter and pulls me out of the store with the scarf in his fist.
He stops right outside and puts the scarf around my neck, I jerk a little at his warm hands but I calm down. He ties a neat knot at my neck, "Couldn't you cover that up? Everyone is looking at us weird because of that."

"Well, it is your fault."

He takes a deep breath, "It wasn't."

"The break-in was in your house, I was staying in the room you gave me, a little tipsy from the Korean alcohol you made me drink- your fault."

"You're a lightweight when it comes to alcohol?"

"Not the point, Carmelo."

After a pause, he asks, "Are you done now? Can we go home?" I shrug, "I need shoes." He looks down at my feet, "You already have shoes."

"I need a new pair so I can easily run away from you."

He scoffs, "Sweetheart, we both know you can't outrun me." I nod, "No, but at least my feet will look cute."
I made him buy me the most expensive pair I could find, and they turned out to be the most comfortable. They were white with black lines.
He asks outside the store, "Can we go now?" I rub my tummy, "I'm hungry." I don't let him get out a word when I'm on the escalator, going up to the food court.

With a glance back to make sure if he was following or not, I crashed into someone and we fell. I groan, "Watch where you're going!" I hear a manly voice, "I'm so sorry." And my eyes find the hottest man I've ever seen. In a suit. Blue eyes. Tall, buff, sexy man. He helps me put my scattered clothes back in the bag and picks them up for me, holding out his hand. I take it and he pulls me up to my feet. Handing me the bags, "I'm sorry." I smile, "Oh, it's okay. I didn't see you coming either. So clumsy of me."

Ask me for my number, please!
Or give me yours!

No ring in sight in his fingers. Not married. Could be in a relationship though. Expensive watch and, an expensive black suit with a green tie. I squint and it was a uniform. And then I noticed the tag. An air steward.
Mason. Oof. He couldn't be more sexier.

Ask me my damn number, man!

He smiles and I almost gasp at his perfect teeth.

Please don't be gay.

He says, "Anyway, I should get going. Sorry again." I shake my head, "Oh, no worries. Thank you." And he walks away.
"Had your fun?" I squeak and turn around to him standing too close to me. He looked down at me with hands in the pockets of his wrinkly pair of pants. "Your oogling looked desperate." He said. I bite back, "And you look like a bitch." He nods, "Yes, the bitch that paid 500 dollars for your things." I get on my toes and pinch his ear, "Good doggy. Want a treat?" He leans his head back so I won't touch him anymore. I settle back on the balls of my feet and turn to walk to get a burger.
I'm next in line to order when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn, thinking it was Carmelo but it's not. It's the sexy air steward Mason. "I don't do this, but I had to run back up to give you this." He holds up a card and smiles, "I think you're really pretty."

Ladies and gentlemen, the man is not gay.
And I might not be single anymore.

I take the card, "Thank you." He nods, "I would love to stay and get to you know but I have to run. Text me, okay?" I nod, "Definitely." And he's running to the escalator.

I shove the card into the case of my phone, gritting my teeth to hold in an excited scream. I would never think to date at the club but I was a semi-free woman here. I could date!
"Cards get you excited?" The buzz-kill was standing right behind me. I eye him with a bored expression, thinking of strangling him in two thousand ways. "Keep your nose outta my business, Carmelo." His jaw clenched and he cuts in line and pushes me back. Ordering. "Two burger meals, large. She'll pay." And walks away with his hands inside his pockets. I don't miss the slight lift of the corner of his lips.


I pay for the food and I bring the trays down to the table where he's waiting. Before he could even take a fry, I grabbed it, dumped half of his fries on my side, and left the other half for him. "My money, my rules." He scoffs, "Do I get my rules?"

"No. Eat."

He shakes his head and I watch when he grabs his burger. Why his hands got to be so damn big?

My eyes caught the bag full of clothes and my heart fell to my stomach. The last time I went shopping... it was not a good day. One of the worst days of my fucking life.

We eat in silence.

I drizzle ketchup all over my fries while he squeezes his on the side, dipping each fry before eating it.
I take off the wax paper off my burger completely but he uses his to eat neatly.

"Did you find who it was last night?" I break the silence and notice the second pause he does before acting like everything is normal, "No."

"You got any leads."


"Anything related?"


"Is that all you got to say?"


♤ ♤ ♤ ♤ ♤

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Love, Hope

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