Find You || Kirishima x Reader

By crownedcupid

41.4K 960 500

"I'm going to find matter what it takes..." Finally getting your quirk is supposed to be exciting, r... More

!Not A Chapter!


1.9K 52 11
By crownedcupid

⚠5000+ words
A lot of it is the fight with Overhaul, only a few minor changes here and there, You can skip it if you'd like!

~Y/n's POV~

~A week later~

'Ugh...My head is killing me..' I cough as blood drips from my head onto my cheek under my mask. 'My mask is all ripped up..I'll have to point that out next time..he'll probably go insane if he sees my face, even if it's not my fault..'

It's been a while since I've been in this room...I don't really have anything to tell me how long it's been...

I drop all my body weight as I try to sleep before my next training but it's hard...Every time Eri is dragged to the room, I hear her pleads...Her screams to be let out...I hear it all, the walls are thin.

I try to be quiet during punishments, I don't want to worry her...but I'm sure when we get out, she'll notice all the cuts and open wounds on me...It's not exactly easy to hide with this..dress thing..? I never really knew what it was, but seeing how Bir-..Overhaul is obsessed with the doctor idea, I assume it's something related to a hospital.

The punishments have gotten worse. Overhaul seems...restless. maybe something is stressing him out...' Did the heroes find the base?!'

I softly smile behind my mask as I hear the chains locking my room being fiddled with...I guess it's my time...


~Eri's POV~

I shake as I'm brought back to my room...I want N/-...062! I want to see her in my room, waiting for me! I silently start to cry as the guard pushes me to walk faster.

"Watch it!" I hear overaul say behind me. "She's not the damn brat, she's valuable!" Overhaul looks down at me and sighs. "What are you crying about now? We're not even doing any experiments!"

His raising his voice makes me shiver as I start to sob. "I want 062 back! I want my big sister!"

He looks at me in anger and growls. "It is not your sister!"

Suddenly, I heard a yell from behind me, "Eri!!" My eyes widened as I realized it was 062 calling me. "062!" I quickly turn and see her being taken by guards in the opposite direction. I ran to her as fast as I could. 'Why does she have chains around her?! Why is she so injured?! I have to heal her!'

Overhaul reaches for me but I quickly dodge as I make my way towards 062. I saw 062 attempt to run after me but was grabbed by the guards. I tried to make my way over but I felt my hand get yanked back.

"Eri!" 062 yelled as she was hit onto the floor and dragged by her hair away. "062! No! Let me go!"

She gets taken as Overhaul yanked me backward. "What do you think you're doing?! Do you want me to punish you like I do to it?!" I look up at him as he drags me back to my room.

We make it the whole way there with me staying silent. I get pushed into the room as Overhaul slams the door shut. 'She had so many wounds...She can't heal herself...Why...Why did they separate us?!' I started to cry again as I fell to the floor.

~Time Skip~

~1 week later~

~Izuku's POV~

Today's the day! The day we save Eri, and whoever else is in there! We have everything planned as all the heroes are waiting outside of the facility where they're being held.


From Here On Out, I Will Be Using The Actual Story, All Until They Meet Eri! I Apologize If It's Not The Way You Wanted It To Be!

Katsuki Will Still Not be Participating In The Fight, But I Have Something Planned For Later!


We waited for the signal, meaning they were warned about the warrant, so we were legally allowed to go in. The second we were told we were good to go, we rushed in all at once.

Luckily, Nighteye explained to us the layout of this place, so as long as we stay on track, we'll find her!

Aizawa explains that Overhaul must be in a basement, trying to hide everything, that includes Eri, and whoever else is here.. He pushes back a vase and it opens up a door, leading to a basement. We fought off the members who were in the way as we ran down the stairs.

We ran down the stairs and down the hallways until there was a sudden wall in the way.

I look around the room as Mirio fades through the wall. I look at Kirishima and we both nod at each other.

We backed up and both ran at the wall. "Full Cowl!" I kicked down the wall as Kirishima punched the wall down with his hardening. The wall shattered as our eyes widened.

The walls and floor were distorted and mixed. Mirio decides it's best if he goes forward to try and find a way. Since Aizawa Sensei can't see the one making the walls distort, he can't disable their quirk.

As Mirio disappeared, the floor opened up and we fell in. More of Overhauls' members were here, ready to fight us. Aizawa Sensei, Tamaki, and Fat Gum decided to fight this battle themselves. As me and Kirishima were about to help, Tamaki told us to go on without him, saying the members were just distractions so Overhaul could get away.

We all agree to leave Tamaki on his own to fight. We run away as Fat Gum has to reassure me and Kirishima that Tamaki will be fine.


From this point, go to ! It will tell you what happens before they meet Eri!


~2nd person POV~
~(Includes thoughts)~

Mirio rushes as he finally finds Overhaul. Overhaul has Eri in his arms as you are being dragged by the hair by Chrono.

"Ah...You finally made it? I'm surprised you were able to..." Overhaul greets him as he sees Mirio standing a few feet in front of them.

Mirio's widens as he looks at Eri, her arms are bloody and her legs are wrapped in blood-stained bandages. Then at you...Your body is bloody and beaten. This was because when they infiltrated the base, Overhaul was in the middle of both Eri's and your punishments.

"Of course I found you! And I'm here to take both these girls to safety!" 'What happened to them...He truly is a monster!' Mirio thought as he clenched his fists, turning his knuckles white with how tight his grip was.

"I can assure you...Eri is here for her own good, I'm giving her purpose. 062 here-," He gestured his head to the side, where you were, "-is her protector. I'm sure it won't leave without Eri."

"I'm not leaving them here!"

"Tch, you 'heroes' are annoying, there's no use talking to you." Overhaul turns as he starts walking away. Chrono dragging you by the hair as you wince, trying to rip his hand off of your hair. You stare at Mirio with pleading eyes, your dull eyes telling him everything he needs to know.

Mirio charges at them as his balance is suddenly gone and he feels hazy, falling to the ground. Deidoro Sasaki, a member of Overhaul's team, is responsible for it. Another member, Shin Nemoto, comes up, shooting at Mirio, which phases through him. When asked about his quirk, Mirio quickly responds, unable to stop himself. Mirio realizes that Shin's Quirk lets him force people to talk.

Shin comments that he is different from the other members, as only he is privy to Overhaul's ambitions, although Mirio rhetorically questions Overhaul's abuse of his daughter.

Shin replies that compassion is unneeded for progress to smoothly flow and Mirio should understand as well, referring to him overlooking the incident when he first encountered Eri, to which Mirio says that he is correct, which shocks Mirio as he didn't want to say that.

Shin Nemoto's Quirk forces his opponent to answer his questions with their true feelings. You squint your eyes at Mirio, now knowing how he feels... "He overlooked it..? It's pretty obvious by her bandages that the situation was serious.." You thought, not understanding how he could overlook someone so obviously looking for help...

"Come on kid, be honest with me, you're only looking to save them to make yourself feel better, right~?" Shin teased but stopped seeing that Mirio was distracted. Overhaul was now leaving with Chrono by his side. "Ah~ sorry to wrap this up so quickly, but I really need to get back to them."

Shin fires his bullets and Deidoro throws his knives at Mirio. Suddenly, Mirio uses Phantom Menace, knocking down both Shin and Deidoro.

"I let her go once, I won't let her go back to despair again!" Mirio quickly strikes Deidoro and Shin again and charges toward Overhaul. "I can't stand to see them so emotionless!"

Mirio appears before Overhaul and attacks simultaneously. Mirio strikes Overhaul with a backhanded smack, which Overhaul avoids, but he still manages to leave a mark on Overhaul's face while kicking Chrono.

Mirio avoids hitting Eri thanks to his Permeation and strikes Chrono down with his kick. Chronostasis falls back as Mirio grabs hold of Eri and catches Your head before it slams onto the ground. 

"N-No! You need to run! He'll kill you if you don't!" Eri cried as she tried to push him away.

"No, I made a promise to myself, and now I'm making one to you too. I promise I will never let you two be sad again! Everything will be fine because I'll be your hero!" Mirio yells out as he pulls you closer to him.

Overhaul begins wiping off the mark Mirio left on his face. "062, bring Eri back to me now!" He looks over to Eri. "You were born to destroy people! I'll kill you poor little hero if you don't!" He threatens her.

Before Eri could speak, Mirio assured her, "Don't listen to him!"

"Your selfishness is causing my hands to get dirty! You're a curse, you were born to be one!" He took a step forward. "And you 062! You're a monster! Do what I trained you for and fight!"

Mirio furrows his brows in disgust. "How could you say that to your own daughters!"

Overhaul grins under his mask as he takes off his glove, "My daughters? These things could never be anything related to me!" He places his hand on the ground and deconstructs it using his Quirk.

Overhaul reconstructs the crumbled ground into massive spikes that attack Mirio. With Mirio's quick thinking, he phases his body while holding up Eri with his arms, protecting both of them. His eyes widened as he forgot to bring you up with her, since you were at his side, he was barely holding onto you earlier. He panicked as he looked down, only to see you with your eyes shut closed, a cluster of smoke surrounding you, protecting yourself. 

"Shit..This hurts so bad!" You thought as both the chains and collar were electrocuting you.

 Mirio was surprised at not only Overhaul's quick speed but also his lack of regard for the two of you.

Overhaul launches more spikes at Mirio, uncaring for the two girls' safety. "Don't you have any regard for them? Do you not care about them?!"

Overhaul laughs. "They'll be fine! I can easily repair them with my quirk. After all, it would be their first time!"

Your eyes widen and your brows furrow. "He did it to Eri too?! That bastard!"

Overhaul's words enrage Mirio as he pulls both you and Eri closer to him, continuing to avoid the spikes. 
"Are they safe in your arms? If Eri gets hurt, she can't be healed immediately...And not to mention 062...It doesn't have anything to heal. Isn't carrying them around making it more troublesome? You can't just run away using your quirk."

Due to him reconstructing the area with spikes, Overhaul has managed to cut off Mirio's escape route. Chrono has awakened and has a gun in his hand that is loaded with Quirk-disabling bullets. Mirio is surprised that Chrono is still awake after being hit by him and assumes that Deidoro's Quirk made his physical attacks weaker at the time. 

Overhaul notices his appearance and yells at him while he destroys the spikes so that Mirio loses his ground. "Chronostasis! Aim for his arms!"

Overhaul deconstructs the ground, causing Mirio to be in mid-air. Mirio conceals the three of you using his cape. Chrono fires at Mirio but misses due to his target being concealed by the cape.

Mirio quickly puts the both of you on the ground before running back to the fight. You snap your head toward Eri as she tightly hugs you. You bring your arms above her head and hug her back tightly. You two don't know how long it's been, but it felt like an eternity to the both of you.

Overhaul realizes that Mirio will appear before Chronostasis and begins reconstructing the ground beneath his second in command. Mirio appears before Chronostasis, using his Quirk's instant transportation to do so.

Mirio's shoulder knocks Chronostasis' arm which causes him to drop the gun and is about to hit Chronostasis with a punch, but Overhaul launches Chronostasis away from Mirio by reconstructing a platform which saves Chronostasis, who apologizes to Overhaul. 

Overhaul decides to break Mirio's morale by killing you and Eri. Before he can do so, Mirio uses his instant transportation to appear behind Overhaul. Overhaul realizes this and tries blocking Mirio with his hand, but Mirio phases his arm through Overhaul and punches him in the face

Overhaul lands on the ground. "My cape is used for bundling up those poor girls!" Chronostasis gets up and tries getting the gun, only for Mirio to appear before him and knock him back down.

"He's going through so much...all just to save us..." You look down at Eri and nod. "Who wouldn't..?"

"I'll never let you lay another finger on them, Kai Chisaki! I'm going to take both of you down, I have you in checkmate!" Mirio swears as he continues fighting.

Mirio swears to never let Overhaul lay another finger in Eri and promises to take them both down, declaring that he has them in checkmate.

Without a doubt, Mirio had defeated Shin Nemoto by overwhelming him with three strikes to the head as well as removing the bullets from his gun.  However, Shin is able to maintain consciousness and continue crawling because of his undying devotion to Overhaul.

Overhaul sees Shin as well as Mirio. Overhaul immediately throws a case of Quirk-destroying bullets at him. Shin opens the case and loads one of the bullets in his gun. Chisaki orders Shin to open fire as Shin aims his gun at Mirio.

Shin tries to figure out a way to make Mirio deactivate his Quirk. Suddenly, Shin realizes that Mirio will do whatever it takes to protect you two, so he aims his gun at the both of you. Mirio immediately jumps towards you guys. Mirio was able to tell that Eri was endangered because she wouldn't scream or cry whenever murderous intent was directed at her and she would simply close her eyes, be silent, and grit her teeth. This was Eri's habit that was engraved in her after living in pain and fear for a long time.

You quickly made out what was going to happen as you wrapped your arms around Eri and covered her. You pulled her against your chest as you waited for the bullet to go into your back. You open your eyes and see a smiling Mirio who is about to be hit by the Quirk-destroying bullet. Mirio covers both of you as the Quirk-destroying bullet is shot into his body which begins destroying his Permeation.

"Quirks just make people feel entitled to dream and begin thinking that they became someone who matters. You people are sick in the head." Overhaul scoffs in disgust as he watches Mirio protect you guys. As Shin celebrates his triumph, Overhaul laughs at Mirio's efforts and mocks Mirio for smiling because everything he has worked so hard to cultivate has been reduced to naught.

As Overhaul is about to deconstruct the ground, Chronostasis is thrown at him, courtesy of Mirio's kick. Mirio appears before Overhaul and punches his arm. Mirio tells Overhaul that all his hard work isn't in vain because he will still be Lemillion. Overhaul tries attacking Mirio but Mirio is still able to make his body intangible, which causes Overhail to miss. Shin is shocked that Mirio's spirit hasn't completely been destroyed yet.

15 minutes have passed since Mirio caught up to Overhaul and now, 5 minutes have passed since Mirio was shot by the Quirk destroying bullet and he continues fighting Overhaul. Eventually, Mirio loses his ability to use his Permeation. Mirio fights one-third of the battle in a Quirkless condition which allows Overhaul to finally damage Mirio. Mirio is hurt and damaged by the spikes Overhaul created.

"I can't believe you're trying to be a hero just to 'save' two measly subjects. This delusional thinking was all created by today's society!" Overhaul mocks, despite being greatly damaged himself. "I'll cure it all with Eri's power!"  Overhaul is about to pierce a spike through Mirio, but Mirio yells out Overhaul's name, much to Kai's chagrin.

Suddenly, Izuku comes smashing in with Sir Nighteye and Eraser Head following behind.

~3rd Person POV~

Izuku sees Overhaul and delivers a Full Cowl punch to his arm. Izuku's enhanced punch sends Overhaul flying back, and Shota tells Sir Nighteye to secure the two girls. Sir Nighteye grabs hold of Mirio as well as Y/n and Eri. A proud Sir Nighteye praises and congratulates Mirio for everything that he has done.

Izuku and Shota charge at the injured Overhaul who tries using his Quirk but to no avail as Shota has disabled it with his Quirk. Cornered with nowhere to run, a distressed Overhaul orders Chronostasis to wake up. Shota notices something approaching them and pushes Izuku aside, Shota's shoulder is struck by a minute hand that is emanating from Chronostasis' head. Chronostasis reveals that his Quirk allows him to manifest a minute hand and anyone struck by it will have their movements slowed.

Overhaul was able to heal Chronostasis when Mirio kicked Chrono towards him and during that moment he fixed his head. Shota is forced to blink due to the cut from Chronostasis, which allows Overhaul to use his Quirk again. Overhaul belittles the Heroes' efforts as he constructs massive spikes from the ground, which stalls Izuku and Shota.

Overhaul uses his Quirk and destroys both himself and Shin. Overhaul and Shin's deconstructed bodies reconstruct and fuse with Overhaul, much to Izuku's horror.

Sir Nighteye orders Izuku to protect Mirio and the two girls while he handles Chisaki. Izuku goes to their location with his enhanced speed as he remembers Shota telling him to not do anything that will leave him unable to move.

Izuku reaches Mirio and Eri and sees that they are fine. Izuku smashes open the wall which reveals the path he along with Shota and Sir Nighteye took to get here.

"Good! I'm glad to see you guys are fine!" Izuku assures himself. "Well, mostly fine..."
"I think we should distance ourselves from the fight..." 

Y/n nods as she shakily gets up, picking up Eri. Although the chains are still connected, she manages to slowly walk over to the newly broken entrance. Her arms ached as she tried to keep her composer to not worry Eri.

Izuku picks up Miri and brings him towards the new pathway.

"I-I'm so sorry Mr..." Eri blurts out as she cuddles closer to Y/n. Mirio is stunned by the fight between Overhaul and Sir Nighteye.

Unfortunately, Sir Nighteye reached his limit and was impaled by Overhaul's reconstructed rock spikes. Having touched Overhaul, Sir Nighteye saw into his future: amidst the scene of his likely defeat, Sir Nighteye held onto a sliver of hope that Eri would be saved, the boys safe and Overhaul defeated as well as imprisoned.

"SIR!!!" Mirio cried out as he reached a hand out.

Overhaul berates Izuku for joining the fight and that he will end up dying. However, Izuku refuses to let anyone die even if that's what fate decided.

Meanwhile, in the hallway, the damaged and tired Mirio wills himself onward to take the two girls to safety, Y/n limping her way next to him, still carrying Eri so she doesn't get tired. However, Mirio's spirit is on the verge of tearing apart and he falls down and although he is no longer bleeding, he cannot move his body.

"Y-you two...You guys need to hide, and wait for the others to find you.."

"N-No Mr! We can't just leave you out here! You'll get hurt! Even my big sister thinks so!" Eri blurts out as she grips onto Y/n's hospital gown and looks up at her for confirmation. Once Y/n nods, Eri looks back at Mirio and nods.

Back at the battle, Overhaul admits that when he uses his Quirk to disassemble objects it makes him suffer recoil. Izuku is barely standing up due to having been impaled by a small stone piece in his arm. Wanting to end this fight, a mouth appears on Overhaul's hand, "Is this what you wanted Eri?! Another person is going to die because of you!"

Eri, hearing the message, had jumped out of Y/n's arms before she could react. She had remembered being disassembled and reassembled by Overhaul's hands

Y/n turns around to see Eri running back to the fight. "Shit!" Y/n thought as she watched Eri run and then looked back at where Eri was. "I-I'm sorry..h-hero.." She blurted out as she ran after Eri slowly, not only being restricted by the chains but also the open wounds still littered on her body.

Eri runs back to Overhaul, "N-No! I didn't want any of this to happen!" 

Overhaul, using Shin's quirk, "Do you really think this young boy can overcome this situation all by himself?"

"N-No! He can't!"

"Then what must you do to resolve this issue?"

"I-I have to return to you...But you have to fix everything back to normal!"

Overhaul agrees that only she must be hurt since it will be easier on everyone else. Overhaul taunts Izuku by telling him that his hopes in Mirio have been dashed and that his actions to rescue Eri was a cruel choice to do to Eri and because of that, he is unwanted.

Izuku gets up and yells, "It's none of my business, but Eri is crying! No one will have to die, because I'm going to save her!"

Suddenly, the ceiling begins collapsing, and Team Ryukyu, consisting of Ryukyu, Ochaco, and Tsuyu comes dropping in, which shocks Izuku.

Just then, Y/n shows up. "E-Eri!" She blurts out as she runs to her and holds her back. "You're not going back to him!"

Suddenly, Mr. Compress goes to snatch Eri which surprises Ryukyu's group. Izuku tells Ochaco that he is leaving Sir Nighteye to her as he goes to rescue Eri. 

However, Overhaul prevents Izuku from reaching her with a rock pillar as he reaches over to grab Eri, but fails due to Y/n creating a smoke barrier between the two. Overhaul, already aggravated, grabs hold of Y/n and slams her into a wall. The wall starts to crumble due to the already broken structure, but also the force of the hit. 

The wind is knocked out of Y/n as the smoke barrier begins to falter, becoming weaker. Y/n reaches out to Eri. "Eri! Run! Please!" She desperately yells out, the only sentence she's ever said completely without any stuttering. Finally, the wall collapses onto Y/n, only her hand sticking out.

Eri cries out as she watches her sister get crushed. Just then, Overhaul reaches out and grabs a hold of Eri. 

Overhaul is annoyed with everything being ruined and seeing the hole, as an opportunity for escape, prepares his escape by reconstructing a large and long rock pillar to take him to the surface. Izuku refuses to let Overhaul get away. As they head for the surface, Mirio's cape is caught by debris, which Chisaki finds sickening. By instinct, Eri grabs Mirio's cape after remembering Mirio's kind words and dedication to save them.

Suddenly, Eri begins emitting a strange energy which starts affecting Overhaul. Eri's Quirk begins activating which causes Overhaul and Shin Nemoto to split apart, returning Overhaul and Shin to normal.

However, Mirio's words shook Eri's heart to the core, and could not bear to see others hurt for her sake; she was further shocked that they refused to give up on her, which caused her to start developing new feelings, feelings that compelled her to save them, which allowed her to activate her Quirk's power.

She grabs onto Lemillion's cape and jumps out to embrace Deku. Determined to rescue Eri, Deku jumps through the air and reaches out to her until she finally leaps into his kind arms. "I promise, I'll never let you go again!"

Infuriated, Overhaul demands that Izuku hand Eri back to him and charges at him. Izuku isn't able to move well suspended in mid-air. However, Izuku vows to not let go of Eri no matter what. 

As Overhaul's stone pillars begin to ensnare him, Izuku disappears and the ceiling above them collapses as a shockwave ensues. The collapse of the ceiling and the resulting shockwaves were caused by Izuku launching himself out of the basement using One For All 100% wind pressure. However, Izuku's legs are completely broken as a result.

Surprisingly, Izuku manages to land on the ground safely despite his legs being broken. However, Izuku realizes that his legs are not broken and have been healed, surprised that despite using One For All 100% his body along with all his injuries have been healed. Izuku realizes that his healed body is thanks to Eri's Quirk ability. Suddenly, Izuku begins feeling the immense recoil of One For All 100%.

Overhaul claims that neither Izuku Midoriya nor Eri herself understands the true power behind Eri's Quirk and through extensive research, he was able to successfully extract Eri's power and bring it to its pinnacle; the result is the Quirk-destroying bullet, which has the power to extinguish one's Quirk Factor and return them to normal.

 Izuku charges towards Overhaul and starts pummeling Overhaul's monstrous stone body, shattering it as Overhaul is unable to counterattack. Izuku reaches Overhaul's own body and pummels away. Izuku questions, "If I can't save one little girl tight in front of me, can I even become a hero that saves everyone?!"

Izuku reaches Overhaul and punches him in the face with enough force that not only sends Overhaul reeling but also breaks off his plague mask.

Izuku delivered a massive Full Cowl - 100% enhanced punch to Overhaul, which defeats him. Overhaul's massive stone body falls onto the ground, with Overhaul himself grievously injured. As he lands on the ground, Izuku asks, "Eri! Are you okay?"

Suddenly, Eri's Quirk starts going out of control. Overhaul wills himself back into consciousness and attempts to attack Izuku with his stone hand in a last-ditch effort to get back Eri. However, her Quirk spreads near Overhaul, undoing his fusion with Rikiya Katsukame.

Uravity apprehends the defeated Overhaul while Ryukyu returns to the surface with Tamaki, Mirio, Shota, and Tsuyu. After Ochaco explains the situation, Shota uses his Erasure, disabling Eri's Quirk. Eri and Izuku fall unconscious as their Quirks are deactivated. 

Mirio looks over to the two seeing they made it out alive before his eyes widen. "Wait! There was another girl with Eri! Her big sister!" Mirio blurts out, looking at Aizawa and Ryuko.

Ryuko orders to call for more ambulances and to confirm if there are any more victims in the vicinity as well as search for any League of Villains members. Aizawa decides to go with the police to search, in case there's a villain that needs their quirk erased.

Still outside around 10 minutes later, Izuku wakes up and hands over Eri to the paramedics, telling them that she has a fever ever since she lost consciousness.

~Y/n's POV~

I groan as I try to move. I stay down and hear heavy footsteps running around. Confused, I try to remember what happened before I passed out. 

"Wait...Getting rescued! That wasn't a dream!" My eyes widened as I continued trying to move. 

"Who's there!?" I heard a man yell out. I try to move under the rubble. My arms were killing me. The chain on my wrist had forced itself down to my arm due to the friction and I'm sure it was cutting off circulation.

"Where are you?!" I heard him yell out, his footsteps getting farther. 

"Shit! I don't think I can talk!" I tried to take but it just can out as a groan as I tried to move again. I heard the footsteps running back to me. A gasp came out from what sounded like a woman. My brows furrowed as I tried to think of what they could be gasping at...It was just some rubble.

I felt the debris coming off of my body, becoming lighter and lighter. Finally, the one covering my arm the most was taken off as I sighed in relief. I heard another gasp. "Come on, it's probably just a scratch, there's nothing to be so surprised about."

The rest of the rubble was taken off as a man ran over to me and grabbed my arms, attempting to help me up. He had black hair, a yellow and black eye covering, a gray scarf wrapped around his neck, and was wearing all black.

"Hey, kid...Are you okay?" I stumbled as I tried to stay standing.

I nodded and tried to stabilize myself but ended up just tripping. The man caught me and held me steady. I couldn't help but feel useless. "I trained for my whole life just to be weakened by some rocks...pathetic."

"Could you by chance, be Eri's sister?" I quickly snapped my head to look at him at the mention of Eri's name. I nodded as I looked for confirmation that she was okay.

The man nods. "Eri is fine. She got a fever after the fight and was taken to the hospital." I tensed at his words. 

"I need to be with her!" I suddenly blurted out before my eyes widened. I quickly look down and close my eyes shut, waiting to be punished for both talking and raising my voice to someone superior. "Damn It! I didn't mean to yell!"

The man sighed. "Kid. I'm not going to hurt you...I'll take you to Eri, but only if you promise to get checked on too, got it?"

I snapped my head up at him, my eyes widened as I nodded my head quickly. "I just need to make sure she's safe...I can't trust some random people touching her." The man took the eyewear off as he motioned me to sit down. 

I contently sat down, needing to after my legs felt like they were being stabbed. I sigh as I feel the pleasure of sitting. 

The man called over a woman, who brought over keys to my chains. She struggles with them as she takes them off. I look at the two in confusion. "..w-what..?" I say quietly, barely even a whisper, but loud enough for the man to hear.

The man looks at me with a pained expression. "You don't need to wear those anymore. You're free now..."

I look at him with wide eyes as I feel tears brimming my eyes. Suddenly, shocking even myself, I lunge at the man, hugging him tightly as I sob on his shoulder. I've always been the one to comfort Eri, always having to reassure her we'll be fine...I've always had to hide my emotions to make her happy...but for some reason...I felt like I could trust this man, his aura, his mood, his actions...whatever it was...This must be what Eri feels like when I comfort her.

The last thing I felt was a tight embrace back as I heard the man shush me, "Everything's going to be okay, I promise..." 

"I..I need to see Eri..."

And with that, pitch darkness invoked my vision as I felt comforted.

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