Confidential Training (Kid!Sa...

By Vermillion-San

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"Eh? I have to the Gojo Estate? Why?" "You're to serve as a caretaker and personal trainer for the... More

Chapter I - Gojo Satoru-kun
Chapter II - Reality Check
Chapter III - A Gamble
Chapter IV - The Training Continues
Chapter V - The Week Before
Chapter VII - Satoru's Offensive
Chapter VIII - Counting Down
Chapter IX - You Look More Happier
Chapter X - Not A Single Thing
Chapter XI - The Name Of This Feeling
Chapter XII - Responsibilities
Chapter XIII - Based On My Own Conscious

Chapter VI - Mercy

2.5K 156 7
By Vermillion-San

[September 15th, 1995]

The last of the preparations were nearly completed; assistants from Jujutsu Tech had to spend nearly an hour in emerging the veil over the Gojo Estate alone. Many precautions were made for what one could anticipate to be a bloody battle. (Y/n) did the best she could in helping, too, along with a handful of other jujutsu sorcerers that were accompanying her.

Satoru could feel his nerves bubbling up, at the depths of his stomach; seeing so many people hurriedly running around the estate, in addition to their distressed and anxious looks...he didn't think this would be the case for him, in which he would become nervous, too, but perhaps because he was minutes away from his first fight the reality had properly hit him in that moment alone.

"Everything's in place." An assistant told (Y/n) personally, "We have both assistants and sorcerers surrounding every corner of the veil, from the outside. As you've requested, we'll wait for your signal."

Satoru takes it upon himself to stay close to (Y/n) for the minutes that remained before the fight. He eavesdrops on the assistant's thorough explanation of the landscape, "A signal?"

(Y/n) hadn't even noticed him until he talked, looking down at him to confirm, "Yeah. We're going to be meeting the bounty hunters by ourselves."

"Just us?" Satoru fails to hide the panicked tone of his voice, "Then, are we going to fight all of them by ourselves?!"

"Of course not." (Y/n) rolls her eyes, "We're just going to try to surprise them. Getting the better of them will work in our favor. It probably won't do much, considering the numbers, but it'll do at least something to help us win this battle." She doesn't wait for Satoru's reaction to her reasoning and reaffirms the undergoing of the plan to the assistant, "Then, we'll be going to the front, where we'll be meeting them. Thank you." The assistant performs a small bow before dismissing himself from the scene.

(Y/n) returns her focus on the little boy, "Then, let's start walking over there, Satoru-kun."

Satoru swallows down a lump of saliva that was stuck in his throat, stammering his words of obligation, "Y-Yeah!"

As he was walking with his mentor, Satoru took the opportunity to ask about the perpetrators, "Do we really not know anything about those bounty hunters? They're sorcerers, right? Don't the higher-ups like...keep track of every sorcerer there is?"

"As if." (Y/n) scoffs at the thought, "The higher-ups can care less about the sorcerers that aren't theirs; in this case, us, and the others at Jujutsu Tech. Why worry about something like that when they have people who can do their bidding?"

Satoru scowls, displeased by the higher-ups' overlapping flaws, "When you put it like that..." His hair is ruffled by a hand (Y/n) uses to make his silver-colored hair even more messy.

"It's okay." (Y/n) never gets annoyed in repeating those words to her student, her confident smile as clear as day when she reinforces to Satoru that the fight will end in their victory, "Your preparation has been excellent; have faith in yourself, and everything will turn out the way we want it to."

And Satoru doesn't think he'll ever get tired of being encouraged by (Y/n) with those simple words, more than willing to do whatever he can to help (Y/n) and to, at some point, develop into the person he strives to become, "I think I'm ready." He sounds somewhat doubtful, but for the most part, he was sure that his training will, indeed, pay off.

"Of course you are; you are my student, after all." (Y/n) exchanges a wink at Satoru, and she earns a fit of giggles from him in response; his humor staying intact, despite the situation, pleases her so much so that even she began to laugh with him.

When the two are now waiting at the front of the Gojo Estate, still within the veil, (Y/n) reminds Satoru, "Even though I can't protect you for every minute that this invasion will go on for, try to stay close to me, okay Satoru-kun? I'll do whatever I can to help you when you need it. -- You still haven't gotten accustomed to Infinity, right?"

Satoru blushes in embarrassment, averting eye contact from his mentor as he sheepishly scratches the corner of his chin, "It's not that bad; at most I can use it for an hour. That's all the time I'll need to beat up all those bad guys."

(Y/n) deadpans at the little boy's stubbornness, "Is that so?" She sighs out of disapproval, "So what, it works like an HP bar that you'd see in video games?"

Satoru's blush turns into a darker shade of red, refusing to spare a look at her, "I did the best I could, given our circumstance, didn't I?!"

"Yeah, that's true." (Y/n) admits, "If we had a year, you would've developed Infinity as something that would've been used 24/7. Probably." 

"Like I said, I tried my best!" Satoru reinforces with a scowl, "I'm not even supposed to be here, right?! Be grateful that stayed regardless!"

"You're here because I insisted to your parents that it was the best action to take." (Y/n) corrects him, "We don't plan on killing any of the bounty hunters, unless necessary, but rather have then retreat and spread word about you; if you show off a little, on how you've already developed significantly, there won't be much of a threat of any other bounty hunters that are targeting you. Therefore, you can continue living your life here, as well as your training with me."

"But you always tell me to not show off my cursed technique." Satoru brings up, "That it shouldn't matter if it's a non-sorcerer or a sorcerer."

(Y/n) reacts to this reminder with a sheepish smile, "Well...yeah, I did, but this is kind of different. You gotta prove you're strong. So that you can protect yourself. As well as your family. And these bounty-hunters want to kill you, so that kind of gives you a good reason to fight in the first place."


"Yeah." (Y/n) doesn't wish to discuss about any philosophies that would correlate to this discussion, but for the sake of her student, she attempts to narrow down the main aspects of the topic, "It's not wrong to protect yourself. Not at all. You don't exactly need a reason,'s definitely okay to go all out in this fight. Just don't kill anyone, okay? You're still little, so you shouldn't even be doing stuff like that. Okay?"

Satoru nods in agreement, his eyes returning to (Y/n) not long after this topic was brought up, "Okay!" He stares at her for a few seconds, initially hesitant to then ask her, "Have you...ever killed someone, (L/n)-san?"

(Y/n) had hoped that the discussion would end after such an obligation, replying back rather awkwardly, "No..."

"Really?" Satoru quirks up an eyebrow, "But, you've been a jujutsu sorcerer for a while now. You've never killed bad guys? What if you have to? Would you do it then?"

"It really is hard to believe that you're five years old sometimes..." (Y/n) scowls, displeased by Satoru's curiosity and persistence.

"I'm turning six in a couple of months for your information!"

"I'm well aware." (Y/n) rolls her eyes, doing the best she could in elaborating her thoughts on herself committing murder in general, "How do I explain's like..." She comes up with a composed sentence that explained her feelings, on the spot, "I just think that, if I do kill someone, it would become...a habit in some way, for be to do more often; to the point where I wouldn't even feel empathy for people. The thought of it kind of frightens me; and I say this because I've witnessed a murder myself, I think when I was around your age, too. And that memory just kind of...stuck with me. -- I mean, I do joke about doing it, but that's only to taunt my opponents, and perhaps even catch them off guard; but I've really never felt any bloodlust of any kind, to be honest."

It doesn't take Satoru long to figure out why (Y/n) felt this way at all, "You really are a very nice person, (L/n)-san. A little too nice for a jujutsu sorcerer."

(Y/n) is unfazed by the comment he made, "Believe me, it's not the first time I've heard that."

Satoru continues to stare at his mentor, now caught in a thought of contemplation, '(L/n)-san really is a nice person. It's a different kind of kindness; it isn't forced, but it isn't genuine either. It's as though she's...trying to tell herself to inherit that principle, because she's scared of how she'll be if she doesn't. -- I don't really understand sometimes. She's very complicated, unintentionally. I think it's because of that I can't help but to get annoyed sometimes, because not even my Six Eyes can figure her out.'

(Y/n)'s gaze follows the speck of cursed energy she sensed at the other side of the veil, "They're here." Satoru snaps out of thought, alarmed by the sudden declaration of the enemies' incoming presence; he immediately glances over at the same direction that he sensed the cursed energy he also depicted.

In under a minute, an entire crowd of visitors casually walked through the veil, revealing themselves to the only two sorcerers that were awaiting for their arrival. As it had been anticipated, the numbers were overwhelming for two sorcerers to handle on their own; it was a good call to have backup surrounding each corner of the empty estate.

At the middle of the crowd's front row were the main targets, Yuichi and Yori Fukuda; (Y/n) recognizes them at first glance, given how often she had tried to research on the two sorcerers that had little to no information within the records of both within and outside the jujutsu community. 

Yuichi Fukuda was a man that had short messy black hair that was styled in curls, matching his hazel colored eyes and the lower portion of his kimono, the loose jacket being colored in dark green, hiding the remnants of the other half of the two piece outfit that is tucked underneath the jacket. His eyes were naturally narrow, but it was hard to tell with the cocky grin that plastered his face like its own feature that was integrated in his facial appearance, "So we met at last." He speaks for himself, his sister, and his comrades.

Satoru felt creeped out by this man, subconsciously taking only a single step back, 'Creepy...' 

Yori Fukuda, the other twin that appeared to be just as cynical as her brother, focuses her gaze on the little boy himself, "It's a pleasure to finally see you in person, Satoru Gojo. We've been looking forward to this day." Her smile was much more sinister to Satoru than Yuichi's was, perhaps because of her long brown fuzzy hair that left a few strands falling in front of her face, due to its long length that not the high ponytail could tame it properly, and the wind that was coming about from time to time. Not to mention that her wide smile practically made her eyes squint an incredible amount, looking as though she was looking closing her eyes from where Satoru stood. -- Her kimono -- patterned in cherry blossoms from top to bottom, with a background color of white -- unlike Yuichi's, had quite long sleeves, and so were the hem; her figure was practically hidden underneath that layer of clothing.

Satoru's disgusted look never faltered from his face, 'Yeah, these guys are definitely bounty hunters.'

(Y/n) instinctively stands in front of Satoru, holding out an arm in front of him as she says, "The Gojo Family doesn't intend on just handing you Satoru Gojo. -- Leave now, or you'll be facing dire consequences."

"Dire consequences?" Yori scoffs at the meaningless threat, "What, so the Six Eyes is going to fight with you? Somehow he's going to take all of us down? Really?" Satoru responds with an agitated look, "That's a preschooler you have with you; we know he only just started training. Just how significant of a power up did he acquire in the past six months? I highly doubt it's anything to go on about, right?" Her rhetorical questions earns her supportive laughter and amused reactions from her twin brother and her comrades.

"You shut up, you big bully!" Satoru exclaims, his face colored in red because of how overwhelming his anger was at that moment, "What do you know about power ups? You don't have a strong cursed technique mine, so you're probably weak for all we know! I could kick your butt if I wanted to! You hag! You ugly hag!"

Yori's face goes pale at the insult, and the laughter becomes even louder because of Satoru's words; seconds later, she's forcing her comrades and her twin brother to stop it with the laughing, "Shut up! All of you! I'll kill the next person that dares to laugh at me, I swear!" It doesn't take her long to force everyone to remain quiet.

Yuichi takes it upon himself to jump into the conversation, "So you've made your decision, Satoru Gojo? You intend on fighting us? All of us?"

Satoru could tell that Yuichi was also underestimating him, so he reinforces his choice to him, "Of course. I'm not going to let you guys kill me, let alone touch me. -- I'm staying here with (L/n)-san. I'm not leaving this estate with smelly guys like you."

Yuichi sighs, saying with no emotion whatsoever, "What a shame. We wanted this to go more smoothly than we anticipated; but I guess, like all children, you're just stubborn." He tucks a hand into one side of his jacket, to which (Y/n) interprets as an incoming attack that would soon be directed at her and Satoru.

Without even thinking, (Y/n) wields out a cursed tool from the pouch of her uniform belt, a handgun that she was given in advance so that she can shoot out a bullet at nothing but the air above her. Doing so draws in every sorcerer that had awaited for the signal, surrounding the enemy completely. The sight takes Satoru by surprise, given how quick each sorcerer were in reaching to his and (Y/n)'s whereabouts.

Yuichi's grin extends wider at the incoming sorcerers that had included themselves in this fight, "Now this should be an actual fight!" 

The next thing Satoru knew, it became an all-out battle that involved everyone but him to move at an incredible speed; he was practically at the center of the battlefield, but he was the only one not fighting, struggling to figure out what move to take when he can't even find his way around the crowded area.

'Everyone's moving so fast!' Satoru notes, 'I can see them all with my Six Eyes, but it's not I can keep up! They're all so fast like (L/n)-san! And I'm not even remotely close to her speed!' He can't even find (Y/n) within the crowd, 'What do I do? I lost (L/n)-san! Even after she told me to stay by her!'

(Y/n) was more focused on targeting the Fukudo twins, doing what she could to make her way through the crowd. In her search, she punches away the first enemy she saw, who was blocking her way, her whole weight put behind the fist that draws out blood from the evil sorcerer's mouth; she doesn't spare time in putting him down for good, neglecting the wound she had left on him so that she can run forward. 

The next enemy that dared to provoke (Y/n) is, also, taken care of rather easily. When an arm is thrown at her way, she reacts accordingly by ducking downwards and sliding her lower body against the ground; at the right time, she pushes her entire weight upwards with one hand intact to the floor, now upside down so that her dominant feet kicks the evil sorcerer by the chin, forcing his head to jerk upwards because of how strong it was.

Another enemy was nearby decided to take advantage of her position being in mid-air, but (Y/n) simply alternates legs to then perform another kick, moving her body in mid-air with ease; once again, she inflicts an incredible damage to the opponents that approached her. 

"You're mine!" Satoru jerks his head to where he had sensed an enemy leaping towards him; instinctively, he turns his body and crosses his arms over his face when he flinches; at the same time he had also activated Infinity, which negated the clawed hand that the enemy had extended out. The forcefield that Infinity had formed around the boy sends the enemy flying yards away, bumping into a significant amount of other cursed sorcerers that nearby.

'I have to conserve my time limit when it comes to Infinity.' Satoru lowers his arms from his face, taking in the damage that the negation had done already to the pavement and his opponents, 'But I'm being attacked at every corner! So then do I just go all out in keeping Infinity up for as long as I can?'

(Y/n) uses both feet to kick another enemy across the face, putting her whole weight into the kick. She hops off the face to land on the solid ground, so that she can proceed her search for her designated targets, 'In this kind of crowd, there's no way they would already locate Satoru-kun; my job is to prevent them from going near him. Satoru-kun's inexperienced. There's no telling how he'd end up in battling those twins together. At first glance, I already caught a glimpse of a massive cursed energy from those guys; though it was a combination of their cursed energy together, I can safely assume how strong each of them are.'

Before she knew it it, one of the twins, Yuichi, appeared right in front of her; there was only inches of space between his face and (Y/n)'s, "Looking for me?" He thrusts forward a boar spear that he was equipped with, but misses terribly when (Y/n) maneuvers her body to her left, her body now facing sideways from where he stood.

(Y/n)'s notices that Yori wasn't with him at this given moment, 'Where's the other one? I don't sense her at this particular range of the battlefield...' And she quickly figures out why that was, '--...don't tell me that she went to where...!'

"Found you~" Satoru lifts his head up to the voice he already recognized, his eyes going incredibly wide at the sight of Yori flying downwards, right to where he stood amongst the battlefield; but, unlike a few minutes ago, she was armed, and with two spiked mace. 

Satoru's legs move on their own when he tries to run away as quickly as possible. When Yori lands onto the ground, she had exerted a great force that enforces a dent to be created onto the spot she was crouched down on; the strength behind that collision of her feet and the ground exerts a force outwards that worsens the dent through an expansion, in addition to a trembling that shakes the ground altogether. Satoru hadn't ran very far, given that he had first done so until the last minute,  he had gotten caught by the mess that Yori made, in which the tremors threw him off his feet; so much so that it causes him to flip forward and roll upon the ground a couple of times. -- His fear was so great that he had forgotten to maintain Infinity and had, instead, deactivated it subconsciously.

"You were so confident just a few minutes ago; what happened, reality already hit you?" Yori begins to walk towards Satoru, closing in the distance little by little in in such a consistent pace. Satoru quivers from the backlashes of his overwhelming fear, his butt staying intact to the floor as he helplessly watches the enemy draw in closer; his Six Eyes had picked up a tremendous amount of cursed energy that he had never felt before, so much so that it was greater than what he normally experienced from sensing (Y/n)'s precense during his training.

'I can't move...! Her cursed energy's so strong!' Satoru struggled to muster up the courage necessary in moving a muscle, 'Move! Move!' No matter how desperate he was in making a move of his own, 'Do something, Satoru! She's coming closer!' He failed to convince himself to do so, for Yori would already be standing right in front of him, over tall height overshadowing his petite figure of a child.

"You're the wielder of the Six Eyes, aren't you? Put those eyes to use already. You're going to die if you just sit there and do nothing." Yori's menacing smile was worse from the height and distance Satoru was looking at her, and it enhances the fear that was taking over his body and mentality completely.

"Come on, get up." Satoru couldn't simply oblige to such a demand that Yori was making, he can't even compose a sentence; his doubts and horror was as clear as day, "I'm giving you one last chance, Satoru Gojo. Get up or I'll kill you myself. Your choice."

'I can't...!' Satoru's face was beginning to go pale, the terror of Yori becoming too much for him bare, 'I can't do it...! It's too scary! I don't think I'm strong enough--' A knee to the stomach lifts him off the ground and inflicts a force that propels him several yards across the battlefield, 'I don't know how to use my cursed technique! And I can't activate Infinity without getting so scared by her!' His back hits against a tree, his body upside down before his face is planted onto the grass below him. 

Without having to visually take in the scenery that he is implemented in, thanks to his Six Eyes, Satoru had already been aware of the sacrifices that were being made by the jujutsu sorcerers that were helping him and (Y/n), 'Everyone is fighting hard to protect me..! (L/n)-san is doing everything she can to protect me! She trained me in advance! She told me herself that I was ready!' Satoru departs his face from the floor, lifting up his body slightly so that he was now on his hands and knees, 'So many people are getting hurt because of me! Because I'm the wielder of the Six Eyes! I'm the balance between good and evil! Everyone's counting on me to become all big and strong when I grow up!'

As much as Satoru wanted to disassociate himself from the fate he had inherited since birth, at some point he had just came to the understanding that there was no way to alter that fate in any way. He's come to it accept in his own regards, especially now since he had received a fair amount of mental training from (Y/n); a significant help that developed his own agency of what person he anticipates to become at some point.

But it wasn't as simple as that. Hearing the screams of terror and agony from his comrades made it so difficult for Satoru to just go on with the fight and neglect them all completely, even (Y/n). Not to mention that he hadn't even done anything to help whatsoever, so his self-esteem couldn't have been any more lower than how it was right now.

'Stop it..!' Satoru cups his hands over his ears, his Six Eyes becoming a burden in reinforcing the fact that he was too weak to contribute into the fight, 'Stop it, stop it! No more!' He shuts his eyes tightly, but the screams never stopped from echoing his ears, taking over his mind completely, no matter how much he wanted to cancel out the noises that were going on around him, 'Please!'

"Poor little thing..." Yori says sarcastically, "I'll put you out of your misery quick--" Before she can even take another step closer, (Y/n) had stepped in to kick her across the face, far from where she and Satoru were.

Satoru yelps at the hold (Y/n) has on his waist, his body held under one of her armpits before she runs much farther from where she had sent Yori. A look of disbelief appears on his face, "(L/n)-san!"

"She has the Six Eyes!" Two incoming enemies were flying at (Y/n) from opposite directions, each of them preparing their own attacks. While Satoru flinches in fear, (Y/n) awaits until the last minute to jump above them, for the purpose of having the enemies bump into each other and damage one another instead. Satoru's jaw drops at the high height (Y/n) jumped at, the two of them now flying yards above the battlefield.

"Kill them!" But even if they were below, the bounty hunters took advantage of their cursed techniques and tools that would enable their chances of harming (Y/n) and Satoru, assuming neither of them could move well in mid-air.

The same time that (Y/n) throws Satoru at a much greater height, she demands to him, "Satoru-kun! Activate your Infinity!"

"Huh?!" Satoru couldn't bare to tear his eyes away from the attacks that were heading his way; even though (Y/n) was handling her own on her end of the wave, her contribution wasn't enough to battle off the rest of the beams of cursed energy and the cursed tools that continued to fly straight towards Satoru.

"Your Infinity can deflect everything! Do it now!" (Y/n) insists, in the midst of her fighting, "I know you can do it, Satoru-kun, you just have to put aside those second thoughts right now! Your life is on the line here!" 

Satoru takes her words into heart, 'My life..?' He doesn't fall into a daze at such a terrible time, but instead concentrates on the attacks and the cursed sorcerers that would soon find a way to reach his and (Y/n)'s whereabouts, 'Focus...!' He's now encouraging himself to alter this backlashes into something that can be neglected, despite the position he was in, 'Focus, focus...!' A second before the first ball of cursed energy touches him, he held out both his arms and reactivated Infinity; this negates every attack that was thrown at him, as well as the evil sorcerers that were practically forced to return back to the ground.

Because of this, Satoru had finally smiled, 'I did it! Even when I was scared, I was still able to use it! No, I was calm in the seconds prior, and it's because of that I was able to activate Infinity again!' His smile widens when he realizes that he can know use Infinity without having his mental backlashes interfere, 'I think (L/n)-san was right! I think I got this!'

Yori had witnessed this from a fair distance, down below, accompanied by her brother. She clicks her tongue in agitation, displeased to see that Satoru was regaining back his mental strength, "That damn mentor of his is in the way..." She readjusts her grip on both her spiked maces, with a few twirls that enables her to hold the very ends of the weapons.

"Her cursed technique isn't to be messed with; it's more power than what we've assumed." Yuichi tells her, "We underestimated her. -- We'll have to take care of her first before we can do anything about the Six Eyes. Together. Otherwise, she'll continue to get in the way of our assassination attempt."

"Together? Seriously? You couldn't handle her by yourself?"

"No. And you will understand why that is once you fight her." Yuichi says sternly, his gaze concentrated on (Y/n), who is still battling in mid-air, multitasking on evading the long-range attacks and the sorcerers that simply sought to fight her directly, face-to-face, "Keep in mind that she's a grade one sorcerer, at the age of seventeen. That's not normal. Even if her cursed technique is so simplistic, it's complicated at the same time, because she can use in a variety of ways that we won't ever know, nor understand. We cannot underestimate her from this point on. She was chosen to be the Six Eyes' mentor for a reason."

"Yeah, yeah..." Yori rolls her eyes, unfazed by Yuichi's emphasis on (Y/n)'s powers and whatnot; her depiction of (Y/n) not being strong as her never faltered, even after hearing all of that, "Let's just get it over with. We've got a brat to kill, after all."


The second that (Y/n) lands on her two feet, Yori and Yuichi come at her with their own attack in mind; while Yori was swinging in her spiked maces from (Y/n)'s left, Yuichi was doing the same with his boar spear, but from (Y/n)'s right. Seconds before they would anticipate to hit (Y/n) with their cursed tool, Yori and Yuichi imbue more cursed energy into their attacks, intending on leaving a significant damage to their target.

"(L/n)-san!" Satoru calls out to his mentor in worry.

(Y/n) is quiet the entire time she retaliates; she grabs the same arm that Yuichi held out, by the wrist, and ducks downwards while doing so. With ease, she then uses her free hand to lift off Yuichi by the chest, forcing his entire body to slide over her hunched in back; her grip on his captured wrist tightens so that she can make that he takes the blow of the spiked maces instead, since she was dragging him towards the same direction that Yori stood at. It had all happened to quickly that Yori failed to retreat her weapons; in just the blink of an eye, her twin brother's had been bloodied by wounds that caused a severe amount of bleeding to occur from within his mouth and nostrils; it was safe to assume that few teeth were knocked out as well.

"And..." Ever so casually does (Y/n) then go down on a bent knee that enables her to use her other leg to kick Yori off her feet (Yori had done the work in knocking Yuichi away), "--...down you go!" The same time that Yori had begun to fall, (Y/n) jumps back up and holds back a fist that she soaks in cursed energy, and succeeds in pinning down her enemy deep into the ground; Yori hadn't even hit the ground yet, but (Y/n) was so quick to secure her place onto the grass, inflicting a huge dent that portrays the incredible strength of her cursed energy.

"Like I don't know what you're trying to do, you obnoxious fucks." (Y/n) says bitterly, staring down at Yori's injured statue in pure rage, "For Japan's notorious bounty hunters, you guys sure are predictable."

The neglected Yuichi returns to the picture, going in for another attempt in digging his boar spear through (Y/n)'s back, "(Y/n) (L/n)!" But it was only natural for the grade one sorcerer to grab the sharp end of the spear itself, stopping its movements completely so that it doesn't cut her back, or any other part of her body, in any way, "You...!" The bounty hunter was alarmed by how easy it was for (Y/n) to tear off the sharp end of the spear on the spot, the spear now being nothing but a stick.

Satoru returns to the ground, astonished by (Y/n)'s fighting skills, 'Wow! I think this is probably the first time I've ever seen (L/n)-san fight so seriously!' The cursed energy that he was sensing from (Y/n) was depicted as nothing but pure bloodlust that could very well worsen if these two enemies persisted, someway, somehow, 'I've never seen (L/n)-san like this before. It's like she became a completely different person within seconds. -- I've always understood why she was picked out as my mentor, from the very beginning, but getting to see her fight like this in a whole different concept that only reaffirms my first readings on her!'

(Y/n) performs a donkey kick that doesn't force her to face Yuichi when she only wants to kick him away, and that she did, but her gaze is kept on him when she watches him roll a good yard away from her, stopping at a tree that was nearby and enforces the victim to let out a grunt of pain, "You're not even using your cursed technique. What's wrong? You afraid or something? Or is it just not that strong?" Her cockiness at that moment got the better of her, because her guard had been let down and gave Yori the opportunity she needed in finally landing a hit on her. The collision of that single spiked mace and her face inflicts a force that has (Y/n) flying off of Yori's lap and across the battlefield that leaves behind a trail of dust that follows her when she is hovering above the ground.

At some point, (Y/n)'s body had hit the ground and rolled down the rough grass a few times, until she finally came to a stop; her body was resting on its side, her back facing Satoru and her enemies.

Satoru's about to tend to his mentor, "(L/n)-san!" But he stops when (Y/n) holds up an arm that's meant to serve a signal for him.

"I'm okay." (Y/n) hadn't received any significant damage, since she had prepared a barrier of cursed energy that lessened the affects that Yori had intended to fulfill in her attack; there was only a light scratch left on her face as a result, nothing serious, "It didn't even hurt that much." She gets back up so that she can meet up with Satoru, "More importantly, are you okay? It was rather sudden for me to just throw you like that, it must've been scary, I can assume."

"Yeah, but I'm okay!" Satoru nods in assurance, portraying a determined expression that's meant to convince (Y/n) of his disappeared second thoughts, "I can fight more confidently now! I can help more properly! Just tell me what to do, (L/n)-san!"

(Y/n) notices that Yori and Yuichi were intending on continuing the fight as well, her gaze kept on them when she tells Satoru indirectly, "What these guys want to do is separate me from you. They plan on taking care of me first, so that it'd be more easier for them to kill you later on." Satoru follows her gaze, copying her stern look so that he can look just as intimidating, "While our goal is to defeat these guys, we also have to stay together. There's no telling if they have a trump card or a different plan in mind; we have to be ready for anything." She's already in her fighting stance, "Are you sure you want to do this, Satoru-kun? You can leave right now."

"It's already too late for that, isn't it?" Satoru gets into his fighting stance too, "If I even tried to escape, I'll be chased down by some of these bad guys. And then I'd be leading them to where the rest of the Gojo Family are."

(Y/n)'s face goes pale at the realization that Satoru made for her, 'Ah. I didn't even think about that. -- Is he seriously a five year-old?'

She doesn't contemplate on her mistake regardless, hoping that Satoru himself doesn't point it out, "Y-Yeah, that's the response I was looking for." She shakes her head to return her mindset to the fight at hand, "Okay!" She hits a fist into the palm of her other hand, "If you're certain about this, you better pull in your own weight and catch up with me, Satoru-kun."

Satoru had no intentions of doing the opposite.

"Of course!"

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