Chapter VI - Mercy

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[September 15th, 1995]

The last of the preparations were nearly completed; assistants from Jujutsu Tech had to spend nearly an hour in emerging the veil over the Gojo Estate alone. Many precautions were made for what one could anticipate to be a bloody battle. (Y/n) did the best she could in helping, too, along with a handful of other jujutsu sorcerers that were accompanying her.

Satoru could feel his nerves bubbling up, at the depths of his stomach; seeing so many people hurriedly running around the estate, in addition to their distressed and anxious looks...he didn't think this would be the case for him, in which he would become nervous, too, but perhaps because he was minutes away from his first fight the reality had properly hit him in that moment alone.

"Everything's in place." An assistant told (Y/n) personally, "We have both assistants and sorcerers surrounding every corner of the veil, from the outside. As you've requested, we'll wait for your signal."

Satoru takes it upon himself to stay close to (Y/n) for the minutes that remained before the fight. He eavesdrops on the assistant's thorough explanation of the landscape, "A signal?"

(Y/n) hadn't even noticed him until he talked, looking down at him to confirm, "Yeah. We're going to be meeting the bounty hunters by ourselves."

"Just us?" Satoru fails to hide the panicked tone of his voice, "Then, are we going to fight all of them by ourselves?!"

"Of course not." (Y/n) rolls her eyes, "We're just going to try to surprise them. Getting the better of them will work in our favor. It probably won't do much, considering the numbers, but it'll do at least something to help us win this battle." She doesn't wait for Satoru's reaction to her reasoning and reaffirms the undergoing of the plan to the assistant, "Then, we'll be going to the front, where we'll be meeting them. Thank you." The assistant performs a small bow before dismissing himself from the scene.

(Y/n) returns her focus on the little boy, "Then, let's start walking over there, Satoru-kun."

Satoru swallows down a lump of saliva that was stuck in his throat, stammering his words of obligation, "Y-Yeah!"

As he was walking with his mentor, Satoru took the opportunity to ask about the perpetrators, "Do we really not know anything about those bounty hunters? They're sorcerers, right? Don't the higher-ups like...keep track of every sorcerer there is?"

"As if." (Y/n) scoffs at the thought, "The higher-ups can care less about the sorcerers that aren't theirs; in this case, us, and the others at Jujutsu Tech. Why worry about something like that when they have people who can do their bidding?"

Satoru scowls, displeased by the higher-ups' overlapping flaws, "When you put it like that..." His hair is ruffled by a hand (Y/n) uses to make his silver-colored hair even more messy.

"It's okay." (Y/n) never gets annoyed in repeating those words to her student, her confident smile as clear as day when she reinforces to Satoru that the fight will end in their victory, "Your preparation has been excellent; have faith in yourself, and everything will turn out the way we want it to."

And Satoru doesn't think he'll ever get tired of being encouraged by (Y/n) with those simple words, more than willing to do whatever he can to help (Y/n) and to, at some point, develop into the person he strives to become, "I think I'm ready." He sounds somewhat doubtful, but for the most part, he was sure that his training will, indeed, pay off.

"Of course you are; you are my student, after all." (Y/n) exchanges a wink at Satoru, and she earns a fit of giggles from him in response; his humor staying intact, despite the situation, pleases her so much so that even she began to laugh with him.

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