Silver Stag

By AneesaBadu

229K 8.8K 533

Aelinor Baratheon stands out in her family. She doesn't have the golden hair and green eyes of her mother and... More

Eldest Daughter
News Arrives At Winterfell
Arrival At Winterfell
Welcoming Banquet
The King's Hunt
Broken Lord
Journey To The Capital & Assassination Attempts
Trouble On The Kingsroad
Arrival & First Small Council
Secret Visit To Kings Landing
Tourney Preparations & Questions
The Hand's Tourney
The Vale of Arryn
Trouble Brewing In King's Landing
The Vale of Arryn Pt. 2
Trouble Brewing In King's Landing Pt. 2
In The Riverlands
You Win Or You Die
The King Is Dead & Plots Begin
Imprisoned & Calling The Banners
Bronn & Tyrion
Winterfell Gathers Its Banners
Stark Camp
Last True Knight & Pleas
Visit To The Twins
Sept of Baelor
I Tried To Warn You
King Joffrey's Nameday
Robb Stark
Bastard Massacre & Goodbye Ser Lorch
Trouble With The City Watch
Treating With Renly
Dinners & Ploys
Battles & Responses
Winterfell Is Lost
Goodbye Sister & Kings Landing Riot
Harrenhal Pt. 2
Nightmares & Flowering
Responses & Attempted Escapes
Preparing For Stannis
Robb & Talisa
Battle Of The Blackwater
Blackwater Aftermath & New Alliances
Talks & Dining With Tyrells
Stark Forces Arrive At Harrenhal & News From Riverrun
Tyrion's New Responsibilities
Tyrell's In The Capital
Marriage Preparation & A Possible Betrothal
Intercepting Betrothals & Forming New Ones
Flea Bottom Fun
New Friends & Conversation With The King
Wedding Of A Wolf & Lion
News; Both Good And Bad
Aelinor's Wedding
First Born
Meeting A Prince Of Dorne
Training & Pre Wedding Banquet
Purple Wedding
Death Of A King
Imprisoned Imp
Leaving The Capital
New King & Tyrion's Trial
Unlikely Ally
The Mountain And The Viper
Surprise After Surprise
The Death Of A Hand
Dangers Of Prophecy
The Fury Of Dorne
The Wedding Of The New King
High Sparrow
Faith Militant & Goodbye Ser Ashford
Pirates & Plans
Goodbye Husband
Queenmaker Setbacks
Release My Granddaughter
Arrival In Dorne & Feast
Queen Of Thorns
Plan Backfires
Water Gardens
Imprisoned Queen Mother
Walk Of Atonement
For The Watch
Heir Arrested
Dilly Dilly
Return From Dorne
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Arise Lord Commander
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The Time Has Come
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Battle Of The Bastards
The Great Sept
Deja Vu
Valyrian Wedding
Battle Aftermath
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In The Capital
Imp In The Capital
True Parentage & Dragon Queen
Rally In The Capital
Letters From The Capital & Ignored Advice
Bastard Of Winterfell
Hostages In The Capital
Lost Allies
Last Stark Returns
No Matter The Cost
The Spoils Of War
Battle Of The Goldroad Aftermath
Parley Requests
Dornish Returns
Return To The North & Plans
The Essence Of Surprise
Beyond The Wall
Invitation To King's Landing
Dragon Assist
Dragonpit Summit
Attempted Alliances
Mockingbird In The Capital
Attempts On Dragonstone
Heritage Reveal
Dragonstone Response
King's Landing Scouting
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Night King Origins
Strategies For The Undead
Letters In Dorne
Isle Of Faces
Warging And Dangerous Discoveries
Any Means Necessary
Tables Have Turned
Second Artifact
Fragile Alliance
Golden Company
A Second Lannister In Winterfell
Dornish Mission
Find My Daughter
Southern Reinforcements In Winterfell
Conversations Before Battle
Battle Of Winterfell
Meetings In The Capital
Trial By Combat
Preparations For Final Stand
They're Here
Within Sight
Downfall Of The Mockingbird
Second Wave
Victory At Any Cost
Azor Ahai: Promised Prince
Final Stand
Final Artifact
Bye Bye Mockingbird
Author Note

Fears And Voices

327 13 0
By AneesaBadu

[King's Landing]

Arya Stark had been tracking Cersei Lannister for weels, her assassin's skills honed and ready to strike.

Despite her best efforts, Arya couldn't get close enough to Cersei to deliver the fatal blow. The queen was alwys surrounded by her guards and advisors, and Arya knew that one misstep would mean her own death.

In a fit of frustration, Arya decided to take a different approach. She began killing Lannister soldiers and placing their heads on the steps of the Red Keep, each one neatly wrapped in a note with a message for Cersei. The first head was accompanied by a note that read, "This is just the beginning."

The second head was followed by a note that said, "You're next, my queen."

Cersei was not one to show emotion, but Arya could see the fear growing in her eyes with each new head that appeared.

As the dais passed, Cersei's paranoia grew. She began to suspect everyone around her, even her own family. She ordered more and more guards to be posted outside her chambers. The Queen's madness reached new heights as she became convinced that someone was out to kill her, and she ordered the execution of anyone who even looked at her the wrong way.

She watched from the shadows as the queen's paranoia grew, her power waning with each passing dau, revelling in the power she held over the pretender Queen. She knew that it was only a matter of time before Cersei was brought down, either by her own hand or by the forces of justice. And when that day came, Arya would be there to see it, ready to claim her own revenge against the woman who had destroyed her family and her home.

Though, Arya began to realize that her actions were not just striking fear into Cersei's heart, but also causing chaos and destruction throughout the kingdom. The Lannister soldiers were not just pawns in her game of revenge, they were human beings with families and loved ones. And the more she killed, the more she felt the weight of her own guilt and the darkness that lurked within her.

Despite her reservations, Arya continued her campaign of terror, convinced that it was the only way to bring Cersei to justice. But as the bodies piled up, she couldn't help but wonder if she was becoming just like the Queen she sought to destroy.

Every time she struck, she could feel the darkness inside her growing stronger, and she knew that she was becoming just like the Queen she sought to destroy. The thought filled her with dread, but she couldn't stop now. She had to see it through to the end, no matter the cost.

One night, as she was sneaking through the shadows, she heard a voice whispering in her ear. "You're no better than her, Arya," it said. She spun around, but there was no one there. The voice was inside her head, and it was her own.

She tried to shake off the thought, but it lingered, haunting her. She couldn't deny the truth any longer. She was becoming just like Cersei, using fear and violence to get what she wanted. The realization filled her with horror, and she knew she had to stop before it was too late.

But how could she stop now? She had gone too far, and the people of King's Landing were counting on her to bring justice. She was trapped in a cycle of violence, and she didn't know how to escape.

As she walked through the darkened streets, she felt the weight of her actions bearing down on her. She knew she had to find a way out, but she didn't know where to turn. The only thing she knew for sure was that she couldn't keep going down this path. The price was too high, and she was losing herself in the process.

Arya had prided herself on being different from the queen, on being the Stark who would nevr sink to such depths. But now, as she crept through the dark, she realized that she was no better than Cersei. She was using the same tactics, the same manipulation, the same fear. And it was eating away at her, turning her into something she didn't want to be.

She tried to push the voice out of her mind, to ignore it and keep moving. But it was too late. The damage was done. She had already become what she hated. And now, she had to live with it.

The voice in her head laughed, a cold, cruel sound. "You're just like me now, Arya. You're just as ruthless, just as power-hungry. You're mine now."

Arya knew she had to get out of there, to escape the darkness and the voice. But she couldn't move. She was trapped, held captive by her own fear and guilt. And the voice was waiting for her, waiting to consume her completely.

She was lost, trapped in her own mind, and she didn't know if she would evrr find her way out. The voice was her own, but it was also something else, something dark and malevolent. And it was going to destroy her, piece by piece.

Arya had alwys been a strong and independent person, but now she found herself lost and trapped in her own mind; a labyrinth of darkness, a maze of twisted thoughts and eerie whispers. She couldn't remember how she had gotten there or how she was going to escape. All she knew was that she was being tormented by a voice that was both her own and yet not her own.

The voice was dark and malevolent, and it seemed to take pleasure in her suffering.

The voice was her own, but it was also something else, something sinister and malevolent. It was a voice that spoke to her in the dead of night, when the world was quiet and still.

It whispered cruel words in her ear, telling her that she was worthless and that she would nevr be able to escape. Arya tried to ignore the voice, but it was always there, haunting her every thought and action.

As the dais passed, Arya began to lose hope. She felt like she was being slowly torn apart, piece by piece, by the voice's relentless attacks. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt happy or content. Everything was a constant struggle, and she was starting to lose herself in the darkness.

One day, Arya woke up to find that she was lying in a cold, damp cave. She had no idea how she had gotten there or how she was going to get out. The voice was nowhere to be heard, but she knew it was still there, waiting for her.

As she explored the cave, Arya stumbled upon a small, glowing crystal. It was the only source of light in the dark, damp space, and it seemed to be pulsing with an otherworldly energy. Without thinking, Arya reached out and touched the crystal.

To her surprise, she felt a surge of power and strength flow through her. The voice was still there, but it was no longer in control. She knew that she could escape the cave and leave the voice behind.

As she held the crystal, Arya realized that she had been given a gift. She had been chosen for a great purpose, and the crystal was the key to unlocking her true potential. She felt a sense of destiny wash over her, and she knew that her life would nevr be the same again.

Basking in the crystal's glow, Arya heard a faint whisper in her mind. It was the voice, but it was different this time. It was softer, more gentle, and it seemed to be coming from within her own heart.

"You are free now, Arya," the voice said. "But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use this gift wisely, and alwys remember the source of your strength."

With the crystal in her hand, Arya felt a sense of hope and determination that she had nevr felt before. She knew that she could overcome any obstacle, and that nothing could stand in her way. She was no longer just a scared and vulnerable girl, she was a powerful and capable young woman, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

With renewed strength and determination, Arya set out to find a way out of the cave. She knew that it would not be easy, but she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. She was no longer trapped in her own mind, and she was determined to reclaim her life from the darkness that had consumed her.

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