Bound to the fae twins

By joannacass41

226 27 4

Juniper went to bed a normal human being. when she is woken up by intruders in her house. she thinks her tw... More

welcome to the human world Part 1
who's kidding who Part 2
New kid in town Part 3
Living her best life Part 4
Home is Where the heart is.... or is it. Part 5
The first night with 5 in a bed. Part 6
seen unseen the oracle Part 7
Their first Movie night. Part 8
The birthday party 9
Daddys home Part 10
Meeting the Fae Part 11
Training the twins Part 13
The New Queen's Part 14
4 Kings Gone Mad Part 15
Wake My Love Part 16
The royal council Part 17
The Fight Part 18

The awakening Part 12

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By joannacass41

Over the next 8 week's time went by slow for the 3 remaining quads. A camp of sorts was set up for the three refusing to leave their brother and mate in the cocoon as they called it. The brothers ate, bathed and slept within feet of the cocoon. The King and Queen visited often awaiting the emergence of the two within the vines. Willow was lost without her sister the 2 had never been apart for more than a couple hours. Two more Attacks happened in those 8 weeks. Jax was currently in the human world gathering together the Zetas needed for back up in Faeree. He had been ordered by Banyon to alert the surrounding packs of the Rogue attacks on Faeree. Several Zetas were sent to Faeree along with Zetas from surrounding Packs Proof the others were warned and prepared to help defend The Winter moon pack.  During the last attack a Rogue was taken into custody for questioning. He was being kept in the dungeon of the Royal holding awaiting questioning from one of the Alphas. 

Banyon walked into the dungeon with Jesup, Bran, Puck, and Gadriel. "I'm sure you know why we are here mutt " Banyon said in a tone that held both anger and authority. " I know and I care not what you chose to do. I will not answer your questions." The rogue said. " You will answer my questions and justice for your crimes will be handed down to you upon completion of my questioning." Jesup said to the Rogue. "What is it you seek in destroying the Fae." Jesup demanded. The rogue said nothing just staired at the Oberon. " You will answer him or you will wish you could." Banyon said. He was tired of the game already he was taken away from his mate for this and had no patients for this Rogue. The Rogue laughed." You think too frighten me pup. I do not fear you or your wrath the only thing I fear is angering my Alpha." The rogue said to him. Banyon looked shocked. Rogues did not have an Alpha how could they organize. Rogues were solitary beings this didn't make sense. " You have no Alpha what is this nonsense." Banyon said to him. " What makes you so sure what i do and do not have." the Rogue chuckled. "Who is your Alpha? What does he want. Why are you Attacking innocent people." Bran asked each question firmly and with authority. "You dirty winged little beastie do not speak to your superiors like that." The rogue Spat angrily to Bran. Grabbing the whip Banyon had enough of this word play. It was time to get answers. Striking the rogue along the back he left deep scorch marks. Shouting Banyon said. " Who..Is..Your...Alpha." The Rogue screamed and howled in pain. He had not expected Silver tipped whips. "Why do you care." The rogue spat in obvious pain. "Your Alpha ordered an attack on my Mate and her Twin sister. He ordered an attack on my mate's family here in Faeree and in one of those battles my brother and mate were injured. I want answers and I want them now." Banyon said his voice seething with rage at this point. The conversation took 7 hours, but after 20 strikes of the whip and no sign of the Alpha backing down the Rogue finally broke. He told the group the name of his Alpha was Gailen. He didn't know the reason behind the attack, and he didn't give a location to the Rogue Alpha. He did tell them how the Rogues got in though. " The Alpha has a little pet on the inside. A dark Fairy showed him how to work the portal. I don't know her name, but she is connected to the King somehow." Was all he said. After the questioning was finished Banyon left Jesup to finish up with the sentencing. Banyon went back to his camp to wait on his mate. When he got there, he explained what he had learned to his brothers and The King and Queen.  Surprised by the news the King said. " Someone in my court has betrayed me." "It was a Rogue Goeff He could be lying. Are we sure he was telling the truth Banyon." Silver asked. " I'm quite sure he was. It took 20 lashes from a Silver tipped whip to get him to talk." Banyon said. Silver went to respond but rustling from the cocoon drew all the attention from the conversation.

Juniper opened her eyes looking around. Spots of sunlight speckled through the foliage surrounding her. Feeling movement beneath her Juni looked down. Teak was laying there smiling at her. Everything came back in a rush. The fight, Teak getting hurt, dizziness overcoming her after she called the vines. Juni buried her face in his neck and cried. She was so happy he was ok. "Hey little one. Calm down I'm here. Come now don't cry." Teak said rubbing her back gently. " I thought.. I thought I lost you." Juniper sniffed. "You saved me sweetheart. I'm ok because of you." He said kissing her forehead. As they lay there just enjoying the feel of each other alive and well and safe the vines receded. When they came fully into view Banyon knew it was safe to approach the two. " Juniper." He said with tears in his eyes. Relife was heavy in his voice. Leaning down he scooped his little mate up into his arms and kissed her. "We were so worried little one." Aspen said. Pulling her to him Aspen buried His face deep into her neck breathing her scent deep into his lungs. Ash didn't wait for his brother to move. Ash wrapped his arms around Juni from behind and buried his face into the other side of her neck and breathed deep also. " We missed you princess. Yeah your powers are badass but don't ever leave us again." He said. He tried to sound like he was joking but the pain was there heavy in his voice.  Willow came running toward her sister. Shoving the Alphas out of the way with threats of violence to certain important parts of their anatomy if they don't give her access to her sister. Laughing Juni embraced her sister. "Willow you realize you are breaking pack laws with your threats." Juniper said trying hard to keep a straight face. " Yeah, and we could have you chained and prisoned for that." Ash said in a mock childish voice. Dev and Nico jumped in on the banter. "Oooo, can we spank her." Dev said trying but failing to sound stern. "No, one will be spanking Willow but me." Nico said trying to hide his smile. "eww" Juniper said with a disgusted look on her face.  "You wouldn't dare Chain and imprison me in my own land." Willow told Ash. She stood as tall as her short little body would allow with her hands on her hips. " Ok, everyone settle down. No one is going to Chain Willow up. Dev and Nico leave the spankings talk on the inside." Juniper said laughing. turning she looked to Teak." How do you feel Teak. How is your chest." she said walking over and lifting his shirt to examine the damage. To her amazement there was a mark. Teak had a scar that Looked like a perfect J right in the middle of his chest. Just a few centimeters from where his heart lay. " I thought Lycan don't scar." Willow said. confusion laced her voice. "We don't normally, but with extreme Situations it is possible." Banyon said. "But why is it in the form of a J the sword was straight." Silver said. "Perhaps I can be of some help here." Came a voice from behind the group. Juniper recognized the voice before she even turned around. Savannah the oracle stood there among the flowers looking as beautiful as ever. "What are you doing here?" Willow asked surprised by the Oracles appearance. " I came to see my sister she lives just over that ridge." the Oracle pointed in the direction of a mountain peak." while on my journey to her house I heard of the Fairy princess who incased herself and her mate in a crypt of vines. I had to come see for myself if it truly was a crypt or the healing vines." She said in an awed voice. " well, it wasn't a crypt. Wait you have a sister here in Faeree." Willow said. ADHD  Kicked in a little there Juni thought to herself.  " Yes her name is Theoni. We grew up here and I visit her often." Savannah said. Looking to Juniper. Savannah walked over to her placing her hands in the air on either side of Junipers head without touching her. Closing her eyes and cupping her hand Savannah mumbled words to low for any of them to hear. Juniper felt a humming go through her starting from her head and moving down to her toes and back up. Opening her eyes the Oracle smiled. " The power within you is strong Old Magic. I haven't seen the likes of it in almost 500 human years." Junipers eyes widened. This isn't possible she thought to herself. Walking over to Willow the Oracle repeated the process. Bringing her hands down to her side she smiled. " The two of you have training to do. War is coming soon. Your powers are strong and sought after By many. The Alpha Rogue knows of your powers and hopes to steal them for himself. We will train together starting tomorrow." The oracle said to them. " Willow has the same powers?" Juniper said. Why it worried her more to learn her sister was in danger than herself she didn't know. " She is your Twin an exact mirror of your abilities. Her powers are equal in strength and effectiveness but different where you lack she will excel. Where she lacks you will excel. The difference between the two of you are as day and night, but some powers are the same. Willow can call the healing vines as well as you can. I will explain more in the morning but for now you must rest." Savannah said. Turning to the King she asked to be shown to a place she might find a room. the King offered her a room in his holdings. The Oracle agreed and the group Headed back to the castle. 

Entering their room the Alphas and Juniper set about getting ready for bed. one by one they took turns bathing and dressing for bed. Juniper caught herself staring At Teak. She felt herself drawn to him. Since she has woken up there has been an incredible pull to him. Teak looked in her direction. Blushing Juniper looked down. Teak walked over placing a finger under her chin he made her look at him. "You have no reason to be embarrassed my sweet." He mind linked her to keep the conversation private. " I Feel this pull since we woke up. I don't understand it. It's as if our bond is stronger now than it was before. I feel bad that I don't have the same pull with my other mates. It's not fair to them. They went through more than I did They almost lost a brother and their mate." Juniper mind linked to Teak. " I feel it to and my brothers may have the same pull. It may be nothing more than the Fear of losing one another. We can ask the oracle tomorrow about it if you are worried." Teaks words made sense to Juniper, but it didn't fit. When Teak touched her skin, it felt different more intimate. The electricity was stronger.  Juniper Felt as if by being drawn to Teak more than the others she was betraying them and that didn't sit right with her. Crawling into bed Ash pulled her to him snuggling into her. Juniper snuggled back against his chest. She didn't feel Repulsed by the others she still loved they way they smelled and the feel of them next to her. She was just driven to be closer to Teak. Maybe its all hormones she thought to herself. Trixie Giggled to her. "He is rather yummy" Trixie Said to Juniper. Juniper Giggled out loud at Trixie's comment Causing her mates to look at her in strange ways. " what did I miss" Ash asked her looking at her. " Trixie thinks our mates are yummy." Juniper blurted out without thinking. As soon as she said it her face flamed a bright crimson red and she slapped her hand over her mouth. "Why are you blushing sweetheart." Banyon said with a small laugh. " You are allowed to be attracted to your mates. So is Trixie Its kind of Important that you are." Aspen said. "Awe Its ok little mate our alters and we think you are yummy too." Ash said with a smile. " Don't make fun of me Ash or you will be sleeping alone tonight." Juniper said trying to sound tough. Ash burst out laughing. "Are you challenging me little mate." Ash said as he rolled over pinning her under him. His big frame was no match for her small body. Trapped as she was, if it was anyone else, she would have panicked. She did squirm around a little before realized she was making things worse for herself. His eyes flashed to black and back again. She could see his need of her. Juniper wasn't sure she was ready for this part of their relationship. As rational thought started to enter her brain Ash kissed her, and there it went. All thought gone from her head. In that moment There was no one there in her room but she and Ash. All thought of her other mates were gone. Only she and Ash Lived and breathed in this world and she wanted nothing more than to continue to where the promise his Kiss was taking her. "My little mate if you wish me to stop now is the time to say so." Ash mind linked her as his kisses spread from her mouth to her neck. "No, I think I'm ready Ash." she told him. Ash took his time Spreading kisses over her skin savoring her taste on his lips." Ash was the first of the Quads to make love to Juni, and the only one to do it that night. While Juni hadn't Planned things out like she normally did, she didn't feel bad about the course the night had taken. There was not Guilt on her part, and no judgment from her other mates. They all accepted her decision. when Juniper fell asleep that night, she was wrapped in Ash's arms with Teak curled up behind her. Aspen and Banyon close by with one of their hands in one of her hands.

The next morning at breakfast they were joined by Savannah. " Hey guys we will start the training as soon as breakfast is finished." Savannah said to the girls. " Can I have a quick moment with you alone before we start training. I have a few questions to ask. That is Teak and I need to speak with you please." Juniper asked. "Yes, we do need to have a few words I suppose. The two of you are probably concerned about the Sharing Bond it would be a strange and new feeling to you." Savannah said. " The what bond? What is she talking about?" Banyon asked looking hurt and confused. "Its normal After the Healing vines. Juniper had to share her essence with Teak to save his life inside the vines. In turn Teak kept Juniper alive with his essence. Its a give take Situation Juniper was dying from the Rogue poison Teak was dying from the sword in his chest. The intimacy of sharing the soul is more than anything else on earth. It does not mean she cares more for him than the rest of her mates. Her bond with all of you is still strong and nothing will change that. The newness will wear off and things will go back to normal in time." Savannah said. " Why didn't you guys tell us what you were feeling. We accept that the two of you went through something we know nothing about, but it helps us understand things better when you share what you're feeling." Banyon said to them. " We didn't know what was going on we just felt a pull a connection to each other. We wanted to speak with Savannah before bringing it up because we didn't want to upset you. I'm still drawn to you three it just feels different with Teak. " Juni said putting her arms around Banyon's waist. " Never be afraid to share your feelings with me I will never be angry with you over what you feel. Feelings are not right or wrong they just are, and I accept that." Banyon told her. Placing a kiss to the top of her head he hugged her back. " Our feelings for you do not allow for jealousy between us. Like last night. We were not angry you chose Ash as your lover. We were happy he could provide what you needed from him. It is our pleasure to function as a team to see to your happiness and to love you." Aspen said to her. Blushing she thought about what he had just said. They had never fought over her. Their affection worked like water moving and flowing around each other. One would hug her and imminently pass her to the next pair of waiting arms. Their love flowed like Water around her, and Juniper was in awe of their ability to love her the way they did. 

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this part of the story. I didn't get to Indepth with her first sexual encounter. I have been wrestling   with that in my head whether or not I will. I may go further with the next encounter but I'm not sure yet.  please like and comment if you think I should add more to her encounters with her mates. thank you all for reading.

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