Silver Stag

By AneesaBadu

229K 8.8K 533

Aelinor Baratheon stands out in her family. She doesn't have the golden hair and green eyes of her mother and... More

Eldest Daughter
News Arrives At Winterfell
Arrival At Winterfell
Welcoming Banquet
The King's Hunt
Broken Lord
Journey To The Capital & Assassination Attempts
Trouble On The Kingsroad
Arrival & First Small Council
Secret Visit To Kings Landing
Tourney Preparations & Questions
The Hand's Tourney
The Vale of Arryn
Trouble Brewing In King's Landing
The Vale of Arryn Pt. 2
Trouble Brewing In King's Landing Pt. 2
In The Riverlands
You Win Or You Die
The King Is Dead & Plots Begin
Imprisoned & Calling The Banners
Bronn & Tyrion
Winterfell Gathers Its Banners
Stark Camp
Last True Knight & Pleas
Visit To The Twins
Sept of Baelor
I Tried To Warn You
King Joffrey's Nameday
Robb Stark
Bastard Massacre & Goodbye Ser Lorch
Trouble With The City Watch
Treating With Renly
Dinners & Ploys
Battles & Responses
Winterfell Is Lost
Goodbye Sister & Kings Landing Riot
Harrenhal Pt. 2
Nightmares & Flowering
Responses & Attempted Escapes
Preparing For Stannis
Robb & Talisa
Battle Of The Blackwater
Blackwater Aftermath & New Alliances
Talks & Dining With Tyrells
Stark Forces Arrive At Harrenhal & News From Riverrun
Tyrion's New Responsibilities
Tyrell's In The Capital
Marriage Preparation & A Possible Betrothal
Intercepting Betrothals & Forming New Ones
Flea Bottom Fun
New Friends & Conversation With The King
Wedding Of A Wolf & Lion
News; Both Good And Bad
Aelinor's Wedding
First Born
Meeting A Prince Of Dorne
Training & Pre Wedding Banquet
Purple Wedding
Death Of A King
Imprisoned Imp
Leaving The Capital
New King & Tyrion's Trial
Unlikely Ally
The Mountain And The Viper
Surprise After Surprise
The Death Of A Hand
Dangers Of Prophecy
The Fury Of Dorne
The Wedding Of The New King
High Sparrow
Faith Militant & Goodbye Ser Ashford
Pirates & Plans
Goodbye Husband
Queenmaker Setbacks
Release My Granddaughter
Arrival In Dorne & Feast
Queen Of Thorns
Plan Backfires
Water Gardens
Imprisoned Queen Mother
Walk Of Atonement
For The Watch
Heir Arrested
Dilly Dilly
Return From Dorne
Lord Commander
Arise Lord Commander
Trekking To The Wall
Reunions At The Wall
Siblings & Plans
Battle Preparation
The Time Has Come
Gathering Allies
Arrival & Riverrun Battle
Battle Of The Bastards
The Great Sept
Deja Vu
Valyrian Wedding
Battle Aftermath
Northern Plans
In The Capital
Imp In The Capital
True Parentage & Dragon Queen
Rally In The Capital
Letters From The Capital & Ignored Advice
Bastard Of Winterfell
Hostages In The Capital
Lost Allies
Last Stark Returns
No Matter The Cost
The Spoils Of War
Battle Of The Goldroad Aftermath
Parley Requests
Dornish Returns
Return To The North & Plans
The Essence Of Surprise
Beyond The Wall
Invitation To King's Landing
Dragon Assist
Dragonpit Summit
Attempted Alliances
Mockingbird In The Capital
Attempts On Dragonstone
Heritage Reveal
Dragonstone Response
King's Landing Scouting
Arrival In The North
Return To Winterfell
Bonding Attempts & New Discoveries
Night King Origins
Strategies For The Undead
Letters In Dorne
Isle Of Faces
Fears And Voices
Warging And Dangerous Discoveries
Any Means Necessary
Tables Have Turned
Second Artifact
Fragile Alliance
Golden Company
A Second Lannister In Winterfell
Dornish Mission
Find My Daughter
Southern Reinforcements In Winterfell
Conversations Before Battle
Battle Of Winterfell
Meetings In The Capital
Trial By Combat
Preparations For Final Stand
They're Here
Within Sight
Downfall Of The Mockingbird
Second Wave
Victory At Any Cost
Azor Ahai: Promised Prince
Final Stand
Final Artifact
Bye Bye Mockingbird
Author Note

To The North

467 26 7
By AneesaBadu


Daemon had been looking everywhere for his wife.

They were trying to finalize their plans for their children and themselves with Daenerys and her armies heading North.

He had saved Dyanna's chambers for last, which is exactly where he found her.

She was sat on the bed, clutching something in her head.

"She didn't get to tell me," she muttered as he entered.

"Didn't get to tell you what?"

She held up what was in her hand. It was a small green tunic, that was embroidered with an unfamiliar sigil. "She made this for Aegar, her godson. But, she nevr got to give it to him. She made him his very own sigil, much like I did for us. A golden stag on a field of green, surrounded by golden roses."

"It's beautiful."

Aelinor nodded. "I don't even know how to deal with this. I'm sad, and then I grow angry. But I have to remember her words to me. Not to allow this to darken my heart. Yet, if I do nothing, there is no justice."

"You killed the men who killed her."

"Yes, but there is no way they thought of this plot on their own. I don't believe Aegar was the only target. I think these men were here for you and me as well."

"Who would do that?"

"My mother has her reasons to want you dead, but she would nevr harm me or her grandchildren. So, it is someone who has a reason to want us both dead, as well as our children."

"The only thing I can think of is, that it is someone who lusts for the throne. They want to get rid of anyone with a stronger claim than them."

"Exactly what I thought. But, no one would openly express such desire for the throne, outside of your sister."

"You don't think she had something to do with it, do you?"

"Of course not. Your sister may be impulsive, but she would not be brazen or stupid enough to have us killed. Not even for the Throne." She sighed. "You know, aside from Eleanor, she was the one who would alwys listen as I complained about my relationships with my parents. It's quite funny how my mother detested my father's drinking. I hear it is almost all she does now. Wine is her most stable relationship. It cannot judge or abandon her, like my sister and I. It also doesn't underestimate her for being a woman, like her father and much of Westeros. It is the liquid courage she needs, to justify the things she does, and drown her sorrows for the consequences they bring."

"What a wonderful life," Daemon muttered sarcastically. "Speaking of Eleanor, did you write her?"

"Yes. She was equally devestated by the news, especially that none of our children will see her."

"What did she say about the children?"

"She is willing to help us look after them. I warned her of the undead. Dragonstone and Driftmark are two of the safest places they could be. These undead soldiers can't swim and our seats are islands."


"But, I can't help but feel like a terrible mother. Sure, I spent quite a bit of timr with Aegar, but the twins have just been born and I might be leaving them to fight an enemy we might be able to defeat."

Daemon sat down beside her, grabbing her hands. "Look at me." Aelinor raised her head. "You are a wonderful mother. You sent your son to safety rather than allowing him to be harmed or used as a pawn in someone else's game."

"You intend to fight, don't you?" Daemon didn't answer, but that was an answer enough. "It won't be that simple. Winterfell is not where the last stand will be made."

"You've seen it? You have visions?"

"Yes, I can't quite explain it. I thought they would disappear, like they did with Daenys' mother, but they didn't. They will lose at Winterfell, and be forced to retreat. I haven't seen the final outcome, but I know this battle will not be won in the North. They will make a considerable dent in their army, but not enough to win."

"Did you see us there?"

"Well, no."

"What if our presence changes things?"

"It's possible, but are you willing to take that chance?"

"And if we remain here? Knowing their was a chance our presence could turn things in the living's favour? Would you be able to live with that?"

"No," she sighed.

"And you want a better world for your children-our children?"


"Then, do this. Fight with me. If we don't, no one and nowhere will be safe. Not for us, and not for our children."

"I know. But, this Night King has Viserion. He reanimated him, and he now controls him. We could see a dance between dragons."

"While neither of us is this Promised Prince, it is our duty to fight. To stand united against the common enemy who seeks to erase us from this world."

"You know, they could have made great allies, if their ambitions didn't conflict with one another. Jon's fight against the dead and Daenerys' quest for the throne."

"Which has now been threatened by emergence of our nephew."

"I didn't ask you. How do you feel about that?"

"Of course, I am happy to have more family."


"But, I don't like the side of Daenerys it has brought out."

"Power doesn't corrupt, it reveals. Give a man, or woman, power and see as they show you their true face."

"Who said that?"

"I can't recall. I read it in a book in the library. But, most of all, power does not corrupt people. People corrupt power."

"I think I remember reading something similar. The measure of any person is judged by how they treat their inferiors."

Aelinor nodded. "Exactly."

"We can focus on defeating the dead and ensuring there is a Westeros for our children to survive in."

"And that is what we will do. Becoming a mother ignited something in me. I will do anything to make sure they are happy and healthy. I can't do that if we are dead."

"I swear, by the power of the Fourteen, I will not let anything happen to you."

"Nor will I allow anyone or anything to harm you. Our children need both their parents."

"Aye, they do."

She neglected to tell him she had sent a letter ahead to Jon, informing them of Daemon's intent to aid in the fight against the army of the dead. But, her decision was up in the air, given the birth of the twins.

What they failed to realize was Varys had been nearby and heard almost every word.

A/N: That is the sigil. But, imagine a gold stag. I accidentally made the stag silver.

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