Vector || An Ryeji Adventure

By Parzival_Thumbelina

3.4K 141 116

Itzy had become the most famous band in the world. But fame had left Yeji bored and disillusioned. As if they... More

Room Service
An Ordeal in Scotland
Mt Misery
Becoming a Scalpel
Mission II: Hardhat
Love Hides
Mission III: Crosscurrent
What We Tell Our Love
Mission IV: Arbiter
Utopia at the Shins
Mission V: Lycan
Yellow Flowers
Mission VI: Upstream Color
The Letter
Final Mission: Overlord I
The Times
Final Mission: Overlord II

Mission I: Emerald

159 9 3
By Parzival_Thumbelina


A black private jet landed and taxied to a stop at the gate. The door opened and a woman walked down the stairs. She had immaculate posture and carried herself like someone who has absolute confidence in herself.

Yeji was wearing the same designer clothes she had worn to Scotland, and after six months in a box, they smelled musty. Her black hair was in a perfect bob. But a closer look revealed that her knuckles are deep purple from being broken repeatedly while sparring.

She took a deep breath. I am a weapon.

Then she laughed. "Settle down, Hwang. You haven't even been on a real mission yet."

She left the airport through the secret VIP gate that all major airports have. Right as she stepped outside, a large black SUV screeched to a halt before her. Who was making these arrangements? How closely was she being watched?

The back door of the vehicle opened automatically and Yeji made herself comfortable. A voice came over an intercom:

"Good evening, Vector. I am Snowflake."

"Snowflake?" Yeji asked.

"All the cool names were taken," he responded drily.

"I was planning to surprise you by dropping off your motorcycle, but I was told you would be dressed too fancy for riding."

"I have a motorcycle?"

"Yes, and take it from me, it's a rocket. It's good that you passed the road course on bikes."

"We could have switched clothes, you know, so I could ride," Yeji laughed.

"My orders don't include that," Snowflake said matter-of-factually.

"Do we serve the rules, or do the rules serve us?" she asked rhetorically.

"When it comes to the rules, I follow them, just so I don't have to face Radius."

Yeji was confident in her abilities. "Oh, she doesn't frighten me."

"You should rethink that, Vector. Radius is as ruthless as she is talented. She will play dirty if need be, and she definitely will hold a grudge. I messed up and spent six months in Scotland running up that damn hill everyday."

"I'll keep that in mind. I appreciate the advice. Why don't you drop me off at my apartment for now?"

"Will do," he replied.

The drive took about 30 minutes. Yeji stood by as Snowflake got her bags from the trunk. He was a thin young man with shaggy hair and a faded t-shirt.

"If you don't mind me asking," Yeji said, "The dress code in MI6 seems to be Casual Friday everyday. What's the deal? I thought we were all going to be wearing expensive clothes and look cool, like movie spies."

"Fair question. This line of work attracts a certain kind of person, people who have extraordinary skills and abilities. That doesn't always mean that they are 100% normal people. I was a pro surfer at one point, so I hate suits and ties, and I especially hate haircuts. But in this game, never mistake appearances with ability. Looking like I do can get me into places that someone looking like you can't, and vice versa. I gather that in your world, you need to look fancy because that's required. But I've run many missions. Do you remember that virus that disabled Iran's nuclear power program?"

"Yes, I read about it. Stuxnet."

"The virus needed to be put on a USB, and that USB had to be plugged into a computer within the complex, one of the most secret and secure facilities in Iran."

"I always wondered about that," Yeji said.

"Well, I was the one who did it."


"Yes. Look at me. I have the face of a guy who looks like he's been high his whole life. With a little training, I learned the North Korean accent. The Iranians rolled out the red carpet to welcome the new engineer from North Korea. Getting out was a different story. Two of our operators died saving me. I know it's rough to say, but that's the job, unfortunately."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Yeji said.

"Thanks. It's highly likely that I'll have to make that sacrifice some day, maybe for you, maybe for someone else, maybe never. But I'll tell you one thing: If they've pulled me out of the field to be your driver, you are special, and special means they have something hot planned for you."

Yeji gulped, but hid it. "So, how does this work? Are you on call if I need you?"

"Yes, I'm available during your mission prep. If you go more than one block from your apartment, please contact me. There's always the chance that enemy operators have heard about you and may try a hit. I won't let that happen, but I need your cooperation. Take this burner phone, and call this number if you need me. Let it ring twice and then hang up. Whatever you do, don't text me. It leaves too much of a record."

"Do you want to come up for a snack? I mean, as colleagues?"

"I'd rather not," Snowflake said. "Right now everything's great. But if you stray from the path or go rogue, I might be the last person you ever see, so I don't want to become buddies. You may have to do the same to me."

"I agree. Thanks for clarifying that. Have a good night, and I'll be in touch if I need anything."

Snowflake drove away.

Yeji turned the key in the door and pushed it open. Once inside, she dropped her bags and took a deep breath. Then she put her pistol and silencer in the refrigerator's vegetable drawer.

"Welcome back, Vector," a voice called out from the darkened living room. In a heartbeat Yeji got into a martial arts stance. Then she flicked on the lights.

"Radius," she said coolly as she looked at the woman. She was tall, around 60, and had long white hair combed back over her head. She was also wearing a black women's suit and black high heels.

"How was training?" she asked.

"You tell me," Yeji smiled.

"That place is never going to be the same after you. Three of the guys you beat up in that sparring session are now out of the service on disability. We're ordering thick padded suits for future fights, just to be safe."

"What can I do for you?" Yeji asked curtly. She still wasn't sure if she trusted Radius.

"You'll spend a few days back here. Get a chance to rest and reconnect with the other girls. I'm proud to say that their comebacks are going great. But remember, you can't tell them anything or make any future plans like tours or comebacks unless we say so."

She continued. "After that, we're sending you to Berlin. It's fashion week, and you'll be walking on the runway for Prada. One of the other models will be Ekaterina Raskolnikova. She's not important, but her father, Dmitri, is your target."

"Why do we care about him?"

"I'm sure you're aware that one of the most precious metals in the world these days is lithium. It has a million uses, but the most important one is for rechargeable batteries. The modern world can't exist without them. Raskolnikov is a Russian oligarch with billions of dollars. Rather than just buy mines or look for new deposits, he's set up a private army of violent fanatics that are attacking other mines as well as ships leaving with lithium. Raskolnikov enforces his twisted form of loyalty through horrific practices, like abducting the children of other mine managers and doing horrendous things to them. His favorite tactic is to blind the kids if he doesn't get his way."

"That won't do. How is he even walking around Europe free?" Yeji asked.

"He's got lots of money, that's why. He can buy protection from corrupt governments," Radius replied. "You'll be walking the runway. But when the opportunity arrives, kill him, by any means necessary. If you want to use excessive force, then use your imagination. I really, really hate this guy. Then call us and we'll dispose of the body."

"Will anyone be watching out for the rest of the members while I'm... busy?"

"You'll have to protect them. That's the way it is. We're already taking a huge gamble on running a mission in Germany, even though I think, if they knew, they'd be glad to get rid of him too."

"And if I die?" Yeji asked.

"The world keeps turning, I'm afraid. In your line of work, members come and go all the time."

Yeji's eyes narrowed. "Look Radius, you said I excelled during training. I've done everything you've asked. I'm getting unbelievably tired of being treated condescendingly, and with this silly tough-talk everyone does. Treat me with respect, or I'll make you. I think you know I can."

"Ok, ok, I get it," Radius replied. "Just finish this mission, and you'll be a full-fledged operator."

"I'm not your enemy."

"That's good, because I know what you're capable of. But don't forget, we're capable of a lot, too. We might not kill you if you stray, but we can take a lot away from you. And from the group. Do you understand? This is life and death."

Yeji didn't feel any better, but she was exhausted. Finally Radius left. Yeji walked into her bedroom and flopped on the bed face down. She still had her heels on.

. . . . .

"Is everyone in Seoul?" Yeji asked the other members on Zoom. They were.

"It's so weird," Lia said, "But even though we're doing two subunits, our schedules always match perfectly."

"Did you guys get the invitation to that fashion show in Berlin?" Yeji asked.

One by one the girls said they had. So they were going as Itzy.

"What's everyone wearing? Chae asked.

"Not sure," Yuna replied. The others said the same.

Yeji paused. "Hope this isn't weird, but I got invited to walk the runway."

"We all got invited, sweetheart," Lia typed. "You're not the only hottie here."

Yeji was relieved. It would be a blast to take part in the show with the other girls, and she felt that she would blend in more if they were there.

"I'll be in charge of getting us some crazy-expensive jewelry to wear," Yeji said. "I work with one of the big sellers and they'll give us anything we want as long as we get photographed wearing it."

"What if we wear matching outfits?" Yuna asked.

Yeji thought fast. "I think it will be cooler if we show off our individual styles." What she was really afraid of was that one of the others might be killed by mistake because they all looked the same. "How about we do colors, like red, blue, yellow, purple, and green?"

"Great idea!" Yuna said. "I call green."

"Red for me," Yeji said.

"Yellow!" Lia exclaimed.

Ryujin said "Purple it is."

"Blue is actually my favorite color," Chae said.

"So unnie, where've you been for the last six months?" Lia asked. "It's been impossible to reach you. We don't work like that!"

Fortunately, Yeji had planned for this. "I was pretty burned out," she said. "There was a film project in the US that wanted me, but by the time I got there, it had folded. So I decided to just bum around for a while. It was really cool because we aren't that well known there, so it was a chance to have a life like I used to have. It's not that I didn't want to talk to you all. I missed you. But I just needed some time to get my head screwed back on. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings."

"I get it," Ryujin said, "but maybe next time, just drop us a text once in a while. It was a little scary for us because no one knew where you were. But it's all good! We still love you."

"I love you all, too. Sorry for being so selfish!" She paused. "Ok, let's plan. The show is on this Saturday night. I'd suggest we leave Thursday afternoon around noon. That is a seriously long time in a plane, and we can get a little time to recover from jet lag."

"How are we getting there?" Chae asked.

"Private jet, sweetheart! Whoo! Whoo! I managed to convince JYP that it is worth it since the group will get so much exposure." But she knew better: it was MI6 that paid for the jet, and she'd better deliver on her assignment.

Two days later, the jet broke through the clouds after leaving the airport. The girls had fun showing each other their dresses and shoes, and when they were done, Yeji picked up a backpack from under her seat.

"Gather around, ladies," she said. She reached into the bag and pulled out a stunning diamond necklace and put it around Ryujin's neck. Then she handed a matching one to each girl. "Let's just all bear in mind that these are on loan, and that they are each worth about two million dollars." The four girls gasped.

Yuna laughed. "I don't know what you had to do to get these, and no matter how humiliating it was, you need to keep doing it because MAMA LIKES ICE!"

Suddenly Lia snatched the backpack off of Yeji's lap. "What else is in there? Rings?"

"DON'T!" Yeji yelled. "Umm... I packed some panties in there."

"That just makes me want to look more," Lia laughed as she handed the bag back. In addition to the necklaces, the backpack also contained her gun with the long silencer, a garrote, and three small throwing knives.

The girls arrived at the Four Seasons in Berlin. There were already paparazzi waiting for them, and they patiently posed for pictures. Yeji needed her own room, so she had arranged for all the girls to have expensive suites. Usually they roomed together, but she had told them it was a special treat from JYP to celebrate the success of their recent EP.

"Your clothes for tonight are hanging in your closets," Yeji said. "Be careful, they cost more than most cars."

"Thank you for the single room," Ryujin said with a smile. "You have no idea what living with Chae's snoring has done to my nerves!"

"Shut up, you prima donna! You have no idea what your choreo mistakes have done to my nerves," Chae snapped. The two girls glared at each other before laughing loudly.

They had dinner in the restaurant and headed for their rooms. They were to meet back in the lobby at 6pm.

Yeji got to her room, locked the door, and put a chair under the knob to be extra safe. Then she dumped the contents of the bag on the bed. Then she looked in the wardrobe and found a slinky, long, tight red silk dress and ridiculously tall black heels waiting.

There's no way that dress will conceal a weapon, she thought. I'll bring the knives as a backup, but I'll have to use my bare hands on this mission. Less mess for sure. I'm more afraid of the girls getting hurt than I am about killing this monster. Based on the profile, he probably weighs 70 pounds more than me. But I've got one major advantage: that dress.

The limo rolled up to the red carpet. Hundreds of paparazzi were waiting. Getting out of the car was tough for Yeji because a) It was the tightest thing she had ever worn; and b) She had three steel butterfly knives in a garter around her upper thigh. The dress had a slit up to her hips and she was worried that if she wasn't careful, they'd be visible. As would be most of her pelvis.

The girls worked the crowd at the door, posing for pictures and doing quick interviews. They were still Itzy to the world. Yeji felt bad about concealing her new job from them, but she knew it was for the best, to keep them safe.

They all gasped when they entered the ballroom. It had a very high ceiling decorated with gold hexagons inlaid with ornate paintings. The walls had giant paintings and lush draperies. At one end of the room was the runway.

The girls went backstage and each was whisked away by an attendant to go to hair and makeup. The man sent for Yeji took one look at her and his jaw dropped. He held up a finger in a "please wait here" gesture. In a moment the designer herself approached, took one look at Yeji and said to the attendant "Don't change anything. Don't allow one hair on her head to move. She is beauty personified." Yeji smiled and said to the helper "Don't worry, I'll behave!"

In half an hour the girls were lined up at the steps that led to the runway. Yeji looked at each of them and was stunned at how gorgeous they looked. But in front of them, and behind them, towered a line of very tall models. The girls looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Thumping EDM music started. One by one, each member of Itzy took their turn on the runway. They were naturals, having done this sort of thing many times. When it was Yeji's turn, she did her best strut and tried to identify Raskolnikov in the crowd. She got a glimpse of him sitting in the front row, his arms around two young - very young - women who seemed a bit out of it, probably drugs, she thought.

The show ended. All the models did one final lap around the runway, the audience clapping enthusiastically. Backstage, the girls reunited.

"Why don't you guys head back to the hotel. We'll grab some food and see if the pool is still open. I took the liberty of booking another limo for us."

"Sounds good. Wait, aren't you coming with us?" Chae asked.

"Of course! I just need to talk to that designer. I might buy some more dresses, and she said she wanted to talk about using us as models in Korea."

"Awesome!!!" Yuna yelled. "Free clothes!"

The girls worked their way back to the entrance. Yeji scanned the crowd. Raskolnikov was still in his seat, talking loudly to the two intoxicated girls that sat next to him. Yeji guessed that they were maybe 15.

This is going to be so much fun.

She approached him with a sultry, seductress look on her face. "Mr Raskolnikov," she whispered in his ear, "Hi, I'm really sorry to bother you, but there's a young woman out in the alley crying and she says she needs to talk to you. I think she said she's... pregnant?" The man looked her up and down lasciviously and smiled slightly.

"Where are you and your friends staying?" he asked in a thick accent.

"At the Motel 6, but you really need to see this woman, she is in bad shape, and she said something about calling the police or an ambulance or something."

Raskolnikov frowned. "Ok, show me where. No police. But then, later, let's you and me and your friends and maybe get together for a private party."

Yeji felt her skin crawl. But then she felt charitable towards him, since she was going to kill him in one minute. Why bear grudges? It would be interesting to hear what his last words would be, versus what he always thought they would be. But asking him would be unprofessional.

They made their way past the bathrooms and through the busy kitchen. Yeji reached the exit door first, pushed it open, and let Raskolnikov pass by.

The door was still closing when Yeji kicked the man hard in the back of his right knee. He spun around and started to fall. She caught his head like a basketball, and twisted it violently. There was a rubbery pop, and Raskolnikov collapsed to the pavement in a heap.

She even caught the exit door before it closed. She texted "go" to the cleanup crew and tossed her burner into the garbage. She had received the phone from MI6, and it was already beginning the process of destroying itself.

Her first kill. She was disappointed. She thought it would be more fun.

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