The Red exorcist - Blue exorc...

By TheCrimsonWrath

8.1K 138 321

A story about. Warrior named Kenji Okumara. He's a 16-year-old with a height of 5'5" and an intriguing specie... More

Our story begins
Father and son reunion
Going to school
End of term
The ghouls
The exam and Kuro
The snake sensei
Camping trip
Flaming Death Match and Promotion
Infection and a trip to kyoto
The next day and a family scuffle
The meeting and secrets revealed
The sealed flames
The impure king!
The Flames of Red and Blue
The day out and the talk
A spiteful survivor
The Corpse in the garden
Demonic execution and possesion
Brotherly connection
We will always protect them!

Demon extermination

113 1 5
By TheCrimsonWrath

Kenji wakes up: Ugh I really should try not to use devil Union it gives me an awful hangover (huh yukio didn't come back last night hmm what's up with him)

Kenji is with Bon, Renzo and Konekomaru

Rin: what's with all the commotion

Kenji: Heya rin finally woke up did ya

Konekomaru: Hey okumara

Renzo: how's it going

Rin: hey so what's going on

Bon: that hostage crisis a couple days ago that's and there's a rumour that the director took the blame for it and was forced to resign 

Konekomaru: they're shutting the academy down for a few days they aren't even letting us in too get out books and stuff out

Izumo: that's only half of it

Kenji: morning Izu

Izumo: the the Vatican's higher ups have all been kicked out, the popes been removed and a new ones been named

Kenji: ugh seriously they really couldn't of picked a worse time

Renzo: do you think this has anything to do with the director getting canned

Bon: I don't know but I am sure that someone's making big changes around here cram school and for the knight of the true cross

Later Kenji is in the room with all of the exorcists

Old man: today all the instructors at the cram school along with the Japan. Each of the knights of the true cross will be making a grabs start of things under the direct supervision of Vatican headquarters today the knights of the tire cross has a new director he's been appointed by the director so give him your attention

Yukio: since you all know me we can skip the formalities and get to the heart of the matter I am your new director

Kenji's eyes widen but they narrow soon after: (what's going on)

Yukio: also as of today I am the new paladin I look forward to working with all of you

Kenji has no reaction to this he was expecting it after all

After the meeting he walks out the door to the building and see shura and rin

Rin: Yukio is the paladin now

Shura: he's also the director of the Japan branch too I know makes me wonder what our new popes been smoking

Kenji: no idea but something isn't right no-one gets promoted that quickly even if they are a prodigy

Rin: typical yukio I was supposed to be the paladin first but he freaking beat me too it

Kenji: oh come on rin we both know I would've become paladin before you

Rin: grr

Shura: you both need to chill

Yukio: Come on Rin like you ever had the chance of catching up too me Kenji I could understand though maybe 

Kenji rolls his eyes again: (wow I knew this dick was arrogant but seriously!)

Rin: Yukio is what I heard true are you really the paladin now

Yukio: yes I am just like dad officially I'm the most powerful exorcist of all now

Rin: yeah whatever you rule and I suck you work your ass off and your the best little brother I guy could have

Kenji: Yukio we are proud of you and everything could've told us before I had to hear it through a meeting and rin only learned just now

Yukio: yeah your right sorry I'll try not to do it again

Rin: yeah I can live with that

Kenji: uh huh same here although try to keep that ego down a Little bit though

Yukio: alright I'll try, anyway I was promoted to paladin to serve one specific purpose to get the ball rolling on a mission straight from Vatican HQ

Kenjj: what mission?

Yukio shows them something it's about the new pope saying about operation Jacob's ladder

Rin: operation Jacob's ladder?

Kenji: why does that guy scream suspicious

Yuiko: believe me I thought the same thing but we got me to trust him after he told me something, he wants me too be the commander in the mission, I need both of you too help me with this so will you?

Rin: uh yeah!

Kenji: I still don't like that guy but I'm going to say yes as well

Yukio: I've got a meeting I'll catch up with you later

Rin: good luck go get um little bro

Kenji: let's do this!

Later Kenji is sent on a solo mission, he's also given a new pair of fingerless gloves that have a certain symbol on them

Kenjj tightens them and summons his sword

He faces down a horde of demons and kills all of them nu freely switching in between weapons

After he's done killing them all be notices that the all seem to exude these red particles which then go into his gloves

Kenji: (what's up with this)


Kenji is made to burn up a lot of plant demons l
Along with Izumo, shiemi and rin

Kenjj: ugh this feels wrong

Izumo: yeah I don't like this

Shiemi: rin is this really what an exorcists job is

Rin says nothing

Kenji: (I don't know how to answer that question because yeah we kill them but these demons weren't doing anything wrong)


Kenji is simply eating

Rin: hey you guys what's for dinner

Kenji: hope you like army food it's alright

Bon: here I grabbed one for you before they're an out

Rin: thanks for hooking me up man

Kuro: I want some too I want some too

Rin: I know you'll get some everything's 50/50 with us

Draco is eating his portion of Kenji's food

Izumo: I'm not feeling very hungry after today

Kenji: yeah I know what you mean

Just then a huge wild boar runs into the campsite

But yukio shoots it and kills it

Kenji: yukio..

Just then Kenji hears the boar talking

Boar: you accursed humans how dare you hurt the children of my forest for 2000 years they helped me protect this place for the ravages of man

Kenji: (so that boat was the god of this forest)

He turns angry

Kenji growls: yukio

Yukio continues too shoot it

Too the shock of everyone

Kenji: why did you have to do that yukio

Yukio: huh aren't we on a demon hunt

Kenji: that boar was the god of this forest he was just pisssed off because we killed all his children

Rin: He's right! Yukio!

Yukio: oh orders are clear we have to annihilate every single demon off the feed of the earth

Kenji: seriously!

Rin: what the hell what about Kuro and ukobak

Kenji: what about Draco, Kowaru and Izumo's familiars they're all demons are you going to kill then all too

Yukio: you know what rin your absolutely right

He points two guns one at Kuro and one at Draco

Yukio: we must exterminate all demons

He goes to pull the trigger but Kenji slices one in half in the blink of an eye taking out the barrel

Rin grabs the other and redirects the shot

Rin: are you out of your mind

Yukio: you better let go of me rin and Kenji you better apologise

Kenjj: like hell I'd do that!

Rin: so ahhh ing that calls itself a demon it's gonna be hunted down and killed is that the plan since when are exorcists murders


He smacks rin and it sends him flying and seems to knock him out

Kenji: ARGH

Kennj punches yukio right across the face

Kenhi: I've been wanting to do that again for a while

Kenji charges again but


Kenji looks down and sees a tranquilliser in his stomach

Kenji: damn you are such a—-

He falls unconscious

Draco and Kuro run away

Rin and kenjj are taken to Vatican headquarters but Kenji wakes up on the way there

Kenji: ugh what was that

Yukio: it was a tranquilliser designed to calm you down but you'll be alright now if you don't want to get shot again I'd say comply

Kenji: fine! (Damn this guy)

Yukio: that's good look I know how you must feel but the reason I'm doing this is because I think they've found a way too turn Rin and myself fully human

Kenji's eyes widen in genuine surprise

Kenji and yukio walk in with the old exorcist from the meeting and see shura

The old Exorcist carries rin

Kenji in a flash grabs yukio's arm and pulls it back for shura too see

What they see is a definite burn mark a burn caused by demonic flames

Kenji: ugh I knew it

Shura: you said your tests came back negative where you lying this whole time

Hr knocks them both away

Yukio: will you two mind your own business

Shura: Hey watch it

Kenji: calm down Yukio 

Yukio: when this mission is over everyone will be saved I'm the paladin now and if you two get in my way again you will be arrested

Shura: whose getting saved

Yukio walks away leaving Kenji and shura

Kenji: ugh that guy

Shura: he's nothing but a four eyed chicken

Kenji seeing no reason to stick around goes back to the cram school and meets up with up with his friends

Kenji runs and sees his friends

Kenji: Hey! guys!

Bon: Kenji

Izumo: phew bald you're ok

Kenji: yeah I'm glad you are all ok

He notices me Tsubaki and they all look down

Kenji: what's going on

Hen learns  some shocking news


Bon: why does he have to die they never said anything about that

Tsubaki: I heard his execution was supposed to be on hold until the exorcist authorisation exams where through at any rate it's chaos at headquarters right now all the exorcists are on standby until we get further instructions from the director

Shiemi: mr Tsubaki do you know where they're keeping rin right now

Tsubaki: no I don't but I did hear that the execution is going to take place on the roof of true cross academy

Kenji: the roof huh

They all run in the direction of the roof until the see the bald ass bastard himself

Arthur: inadvertent been ordered to cut down anyone who tried to get passed me

Kenji clenches his fists blood starts to fly up from his gloves and he takes them off and the blood all seems to fly towards the roof

Kenji puts his own back on

Kenji: you know what I've had enough of you


Kenjj clashes one on one with the former paladin!

Bon: why the hell does the Vatican want to execute okumara he jaunts even done anything

Arthur knocks kenjj away: those who have the blood of Satan int heir veins deserved to be condemned to death

Shiemi: but you can't

Izumo: seriously is that what the knights of the true cross call justice!

Kenji: tch you are all the real monsters here!

Arthur: the Vaticans orders are absolute if you'd defy me you will be struck down

Arthur goes right of Izumo but Kenji blocks it

Izumo: Kenji,,,

Kenji: that's the last straw

Shura then appears and sends Arthur back

Arthur: my what a shame I never thought you two would defect to the demon side

Kenji: we haven't defected

Shura: they way you guys run things just pisses us off big time

Kenji: all of you get out of here we've got this

Shura: go!

All the exwires leave

Kenji and shura clash with Arthur

Student and master vs one of the strongest exorcists

Arthur: is that he best you can do

Both: bald ass bastard!

The rush Arthur once again

And that's a wrap

Man this is getting intense can't wait on write more hopefully I can take care of the res too this story today that'd be fun

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