By Hawks1986

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Long ago, an alien named Keeper entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs. Millions of years... More

Meet Kanan Matthews
Meet Keigo Takami
Meet Hizashi Yamada
CHAPTER 1: When Evil Stirs
CHAPTER 2: Forgive and Forget {Which Leads to a Forgotten Anniversary}
CHAPTER 3: Nightmare in Amber Beach
CHAPTER 4: A Date with Danger
CHAPTER 5: Roar of the Red Ranger
CHAPTER 6: Forged Under Fire
CHAPTER 7: Run Home Koda
CHAPTER 8: Riches and Rags
CHAPTER 9: Besties 4Eva!
CHAPTER 10: Gone Fishin'
Meet Touya Todoroki
SPECIAL CHAPTER 1: A Nice White Surprise
CHAPTER 11: Love at First Fight
CHAPTER 12: Ellie and Touya's Anniversary of Her Mother and His Wife's Death
SPECIAL CHAPTER 2: The Hero Gala has Arrived
CHAPTER 13: Recipe for Disaster
CHAPTER 14: Silver Secret
CHAPTER 15: Wings of Danger
CHAPTER 16: Freaky Frightday
CHAPTER 17: Worgworld
CHAPTER 18: The Rangers Rock!
CHAPTER 20: End of Extinction

CHAPTER 19: Edge of Extinction

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By Hawks1986

{Ellie Todoroki}

While Keigo and Kanan were in the base making sure that she is fully healed up, all of us were in the Dino Bite Café. Tyler and the others came into the kitchen. "Has Miss Morgan figured out what that eggy thing is?" Ivan asked. "She said that it's definitely alive. But it's not from Earth" Tyler said.

"Maybe that's why Heckyl told Kanan to get off the planet" Shelby said. "We got to figure out what he meant" Riley said.

"Who? Heckyl? Well...why don't you ask him when you give him his sundae" I said. "What!" the others said. My dad, Chase and Shelby saw Heckyl though the window.

All of us went over to him. "What are you doing here, Heckyl?" Tyler asked as he brought him his sundae.

"Thank you. I know that this isn't really good for me but...a man should be able to enjoy his last meal. Shouldn't he?" Heckyl said.

"What do you mean 'last meal'?" Riley questioned. "It has something to do with the egg that we found, isn't it?" Shelby asked.

"If you must know...that egg you discovered, it will hatch into a Greenzilla monster. You know, big, green, giant tentacle" Heckyl said.

"Yes. We fought one before and we were victorious" Ivan said. "But have you beaten seven of them before? Sledge has planted all of them around the Earth. Tokyo, New York, Hawai'i, China, England, New Zealand and Amber Beach" Heckyl said.

"He is going to crush the whole world" Heckyl said. "Then we need your help, to find and destroy them" Koda said. "My help? You must be kidding" Heckyl said.

"The Heckyl that tried so hard to save his own planet. That's the Heckyl that we need to help save the Earth" my dad said.

"And that Heckyl doesn't exist anymore. I touched the Dark Energem. There's no good left in me" Heckyl said as he stood up and was about to leave.

"Then why did you help the others against Badussa?" my dad asked when he stopped him in his tracks. Heckyl suddenly just remembered the time he helped Ellie, Kanan, Phillip and James.

"The Dark Energem had split into Snide and Heckyl" Chase said. "Snide is evil. But Heckyl isn't evil" Shelby said.

"They're right" Ivan said. "It's over, Rangers. Enjoy the last days of your lives" Heckyl said as he left.


{Kanan Matthews}

The others were back in the base. "Heckyl said that Sledge planted six more, all over the planet" Shelby said. "They're about to hatch and destroy the Earth" Tyler said.

"Good heavens" Phillip said. "That's not good" I said. "Definitely" Keigo said.

The alarm beeped. "It started, one has already hatched in Tokyo. Another Greenzilla just hatched in England" Kendall said.

"It seems like we're next" Ivan said as all of us looked at the egg. "Stand back!" James said.

Tyler, Chase and Shelby fired at the egg as it exploded. Keigo covered me for some protection as Touya did the same thing for Ellie.

"That was really close" Shelby said. The alarm beeped again. All of us looked at the screen.

"Oh no. China, New York, New Zealand and Hawai'i. Four more Greenzillas" Kendall said. "Just like Heckyl say" Koda said.

"Rangers, this will be your greatest battle that you have ever faced. No matter how hopeless, it may seem. You must not give up" Keeper said.

"Don't worry, Keeper. We didn't come this far to give up now" Tyler said. All of us nodded our heads in agreement.

"They got six monsters but I got news for them, we got six Megazords" Chase said.

"Rangers, join me" Keeper said as Ellie stood behind him. All of us held our Dino Sabers in a circle. "All together" Keeper said. All of us placed our Dino Sabers together.

"We must fight to survive. And save the universe" Keeper said. Our Energems went towards us as all of us Morphed.

"Rangers Forever!" all of us said. "Me and Keeper will oversee the battles around the world from here" Ellie said.

"All six Megazords at once" Tyler said. "Let's go" Riley said. All of us left the base.


"Summon Zords!" we shouted as all of us threw our Dino Chargers as we summoned our Zords.

"Dino Chargers! Engage!"

"Dino Drive Activate!" Tyler shouted as he got into Dino Drive.

"Dino Super Drive Saber!" Tyler shouted as he summoned the Dino Super Drive Saber and placed the Dino Charger into the Saber.

"Dino Super Drive Saber! Engage!" the Dino Charger said.

Tyler got into Dino Super Drive.

"Dino Super Drive Saber!" Tyler exclaimed as the rest of us got into Dino Super Drive.

"Dino Charge Megazord! Ready!" Koda and Shelby shouted.

"Ptera Charge Megazord: Para-Raptor Formation! Ready!" Chase, Ivan and Riley shouted.

"Futaba Charge Megazord: Ankylo Formation! Ready!" Touya, Phillip and James shouted.

"Plesio Charge Megazord: Pachy Formation! Ready!" Tyler and Kendall shouted.

"Titano Charge Megazord! Ready!" Zenowing and Hizashi shouted.

"Spino Charge Megazord! Ready!" me and Keigo shouted.

"It's time to destroy those Greenzillas! Let's do it guys!" Tyler said.


"All the Megazords are in position! Rangers, attack!" Ellie said.

"Engaging the Greenzilla in China!" Zenowing said.

"We're battling the New York Greenzilla!" Shelby said.

"Out of London you Green Filth!" Ivan said.

"We're dealing with the New Zealand Greenzilla!" Touya said.

"Your done in Hawai'i!" Tyler said.

"I'm dealing with the Tokyo Greenzilla!" I said.


All of us were still fighting the Greenzillas.

"It's too strong!" Tyler shouted.

"They are too powerful!" James shouted.

"Ptera Lightning Blitz! Our attacks aren't strong enough!" Ivan shouted.

"Then let's amp things up!" Chase shouted.

"Koda, tell me what's happening in New York" Ellie said.

"He very strong! Stego Shield!" Koda shouted.

"Tricera Drill!" Shelby shouted.

"Attack!" Zenowing shouted.

"Ptera Zord! Fire Ball Finish!" Chase, Riley and Ivan shouted.

"What? It survived?" Riley said.

"We defeated the Greenzilla in Tokyo! Keep fighting, the world is relying on you!" Ellie said.


"I'm running out of power! I really need fresh Dino Chargers!" Zenowing said.


"Ellie...It's going to destroy us! What?" Shelby said.

"Kanan sent us Styraco Zord!" Koda said.

"Yes! That is just what we needed! Dino Charge Megazord: Tri-Styraco Formation!" Shelby shouted.

"Tricera Drill!" Koda and Shelby shouted.

"Styraco Zord! Thunder Punch!" Koda and Shelby shouted.

"Don't celebrate too soon! We still have Greenzillas in England, China, New Zealand and Hawai'i to beat! Ivan, Chase, Riley...how's it going in England?" Ellie asked.


"His tentacles! We can't get free!" Chase said.

"What just happened?" Ivan asked.

"It's the Spino Zord!" Riley said.

"It's time for a new formation!" I said.

"You're just in time, Lady Kanan!" Ivan said.

"Zords Combine! Spino Charge Megazord! Ready!"

"Hey, guys! Sorry that I took so long to get here but I thought you might need a hand!" I said.

"We really glad to see you Kanan!" Riley said.

"Let's finish this jolly green jerk!" Chase said.

"Para Zord Blast!" Chase shouted.

"Ptera Lightning Blitz!" Ivan shouted.

"Monster Extinct!" me, Ivan, Chase and Riley shouted.


"Plesio Blast!" Tyler and Kendall shouted.

"Pachy Zord! Wrecking Ball!" Kendall shouted.

"Plesio Blast! Final Strike!" Tyler and Kendall shouted.

"Monster Extinct!" Tyler shouted.


"Ankylo Hammer Punch!" Touya, Phillip and James shouted.

The Greenzilla attacked us as our Megazord started to shake.

"Huh? What's that?" Phillip asked.

"Kanan sent us the Carno Zord!" James said.

"Zords Combine! Futaba Charge Megazord: Carno Formation! Ready!"

"Carno Wind Blast!" Touya, Phillip and James shouted.

"Let's finish this!" Touya said.

"You got it!" Phillip said.

"Futaba Blast! Final Strike!" Touya, Phillip and James shouted.

"Monster Extinct!" James shouted.


"Come on! Zenowing needs fresh Dino Chargers!" I said.

"Dino Charger! Ready!" all of us shouted.

"Dino Charger! Engage!"

"Great! Now I have a fighting chance against this beast!" Zenowing said.

"Let's do it!" Hizashi said.

"Titano Zord! Final Colossal Crush!" Zenowing and Hizashi shouted.

"All the Greenzillas are finally extinct!" Zenowing said.


All of us arrived to where Koda, Shelby, Kendall and Heckyl were.

"Are you alright Kendall?" I asked.

"I'm fine!" Kendall said.

"Oh no your not, Rangers!" Snide said.

"Careful! Snide has the Dark Energem!" Shelby said.

"That's not good!" Touya said.

"Luckily we still have Eight Energems!" Phillip said.

"That isn't enough power to destroy this!" Snide said as he held the Dark Energem.

Suddenly, the ground shook a little.

"What was that? The Ultrazord!" Snide said.

"No, you're not! You're in for a big surprise! Magna Beam!" Snide shouted.

Nothing happened.

"Curse you, Sledge!" Snide said.

"Because of me, you're in this world! And I couldn't be happier to help you leave it!" Heckyl said.

"Ready everyone? Keeper said that the Dark Energem must be destroyed!" Tyler said.

All of us got out our blasters.

"Last chance, Snide!" Heckyl said.

"I'll never give up!" Snide said.

"Neither will we! Titano Cannon!" Tyler shouted as he formed the Titano Cannon.

"Lock on target!" they shouted.

"You never win, Rangers!" Snide said.

"We'll see! Dino Super Drive Saber! Activate!" Tyler shouted.

"Dino Charger! Engage!" the Dino Charger said.

"Titano Cannon! Final Strike!" Tyler shouted.

All of us fired at Snide and destroyed him.

"So long, Snide" Tyler said.


All of us demorphed as we were looking for the Dark Energem. "There's no way that the Dark Energem could've survived the explosion" Riley said.

"What? Over here, guys! Don't touch it" Shelby said. Tyler picked it up with a stick.

"It isn't even scratched" Tyler said. "If that blast didn't destroy it. What will?" Chase asked. Tyler put the Dark Energem into the container.

"I can help you. Luckily...Shelby, Touya and Kanan were right. I've changed and I want to help. If you will let me" Heckyl said.

"Of course. You're one of us now. Let's finish this together" Tyler said.

Suddenly, Kendall's Dino Com beeped. "The base is under attack! By Fury!" Kendall said.

"Keeper and Ellie are in there. Let's go!" I said.

All of us ran back to the base.


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