CHAPTER 4: A Date with Danger

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{Kanan Matthews}

All of us were in the base. Shelby and Kendall were experimenting on a device while me, Keigo and Hizashi were sitting at the table, looking at some things before we're go back to Japan to do some stuff that we need to do there. "Careful, those are live wires now" Kendall said. Riley and Ivan were inspecting the telescope. "The telescope, looking into outer space. Sorcery, I say" Ivan said. 

"No, just, uh lenses and mirrors. Should be perfect" Riley said. Riley was looking through the telescope and saw someone, which turns out to be Koda. Tyler was reading a book while Chase was cleaning his trophy.

"First place Amber Beach Half Pipe" Chase said as he placed his trophy down onto the table. All of us went up to Chase. "Another date?" Riley questioned. "The old 'look at my great trophy' routine" Shelby said. "What?" Chase said. "That means its like what...the fourth date?" I said as I was looking at the others.

"Actually, the trophies are the fifth date" Tyler said. "I do believe the fourth date was the push up contest?" Ivan said. "Ha ha, I don't do the push up contest anymore" Chase said as he grabbed the trophy and puts it into his bag.

"That because girl beat him" Koda said as he quickly covered his mouth. All of us laughed a little. "Look, this girl, she - she's different. She makes me feel so, you know, so..." Chase was about to say but he got zapped. "Electric" Keigo said. We are laughing a bit. "I hope that there is a bond between the two of you" Hizashi said. Chase left the base.


All of us arrived where Tyler and Chase was, Morphed.

"Wrong! There are more heroes!" Riley said.

Riley, Shelby and Ivan were fighting Singe.

Me and Keigo were standing in front of Tyler and Chase, while Hizashi went to check up on them.

"Are you alright?" Hizashi asked.

"Yeah" Chase said.

Riley, Shelby and Ivan were still fighting Singe.

"Who is this candlestick?" Ivan asked.

"Let me show you!" Singe said as he attacked them.

The three of them fell onto the ground.

All of us regrouped.

"This guy is tough but we can beat him!" I said.

"My headache is getting worse!" Singe said.

"You are going to have more than a headache! Let's take him down!" Tyler said

All of us were going after Singe.

"Flame Flare!" Singe said as he was still attacking us.

"Look out!" Keigo said as all of us dodged his attack.

That attack made a huge damage to the road.

"I might have to destroy you, another day! My head is really killing me!" Singe said.

"Forget your stupid headache! Finish them off!" Fury said.

"You're telling me on what to do? You've been here millions of years and you haven't got a single Energem!" Singe said.

"I'll get rid of your headache by getting rid of your head!" Fury said.

The two of them were starting to fight each other.

"Now's our chance! Kanan, Keigo, Hizashi!" Tyler said.

"Dino Morpher Blast!" me, Keigo and Hizashi shouted as we fired at them.

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