CHAPTER 7: Run Home Koda

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A/N: Since Kanan, Keigo and Hizashi are in Japan, it would be Tyler's POV for a couple of chapters. Also, Kanan, Keigo and Hizashi are mentioned in this chapter too

{Tyler Navarro}

All of us were outside in an open field. "Now Koda, things have really progressed in the last couple thousands of years, all of this equipment is what we call sports" Chase said as he handed Koda a basketball. "Sports" Koda said. "I see no jousting poles, darts or a single greased pig" Ivan said.

To catch butterflies?" Koda asked as he held a tennis racket. "Butterflies? No, it's called tennis" Tyler said. After playing some tennis. "Koda, you have to hit the tennis ball a little softer than that" I said as my tennis racket has a hole in it. Koda was holding a bent tennis racket.


"But I like to hit hard" Koda said. "Rugby is the game for you then mate. It's one of New Zealand's favorite sports" Chase said as he threw the football to Koda.

"All you have to do to is to get to the end of the field with that ball" Chase said. All of us were lining up. I was standing behind Shelby. "You must get past all of us first, which isn't going to happen" Ivan said. Koda shrugged and he ran. Koda got to the end of the field as we were being dragged by him.


Now we're moving onto Golf. "Let's try something else" Shelby said as she placed the golf ball into place on the ground. "Golf, you hit that little ball as hard as you can" Shelby said as she handed Koda the golf club. "Ok" Koda said as he hits it. Dirt got thrown. "Like that?" Koda asked as he was holding a bent golf club.


All of us were now onto baseball, Riley was giving Koda some instructions but we were interrupted by monsters heading towards us.

"Koda, look out! Monsters!" Riley said.

"It's game time, Rangers!" Game Face said.

"Stop them!" Koda said.

All of us started to fight. 

Koda was fighting Game Face as he got thrown back a little.

All of us defeated the Vivix.

"It's time for some terrifying tennis! Serve them cannonballs!" Game Face said.

The Vivix attacked us.

"Look out!" Ivan said.

All of us got hit as we fell onto the ground.

"Bring out the brutal baseballs!" Game Face said.

"Wind up, doom squad! And power pitch!" Game Face said.

The Vivix attacked us again.

Koda grabbed a baseball bat and deflected the baseballs back at the monsters.

Game Face got thrown back.

"I think he's gone, thanks Koda" I said. "Hey kids, are you ok?" a guy asked after he came up to us. "Uh, yeah, yeah, we are fine" I said. "Alright, good. How ya going? The name's Ted, Coach for the Amber Beach Earthquake's Baseball Team. Wow man, that was some of the best hitting that I have ever seen. How would you like to play baseball on the Big Leagues?" Ted asked Koda.

"Would I like that?" Koda asked. "Are you kidding? You would love it. One second coach" Riley said as he brought Koda to a place and talks to him. When they were finished talking, they started talking to Ted. "Ok, I play" Koda said. "Great, you are going to be a superstar kid" Ted said.