Everyone Has Secrets | A PJO...

By Nuclear_Whirlwind

2.2K 95 50

Willow has seen many weird and crazy things in her life. Just last summer, she helped her friends destroy the... More

Memories flood my brain
We look for a dead body (don't ask why)
Whispers in the Woods
I Get A Death Threat From My Great Grandmother (how is she still alive?)
Another sibling from the past (where do they come from?)
Garlic bread, Goddesses and Greek Siblings
Back to school, or rather, jail
Old faces and new
Scott has a crush
Voices in my head
Chocolate is my Kyptonite
Stiles is a jerk
That was not an emergency
Leather Jackets must be in trend
New Revelations and Allies
I feel sorry for Allison
My friend the hunter
A waste of time (or was it)
Mrs Jackson thinks her wedding should be simple. I believe otherwise

We look for Scott's inhaler

69 3 0
By Nuclear_Whirlwind

Willow's POV:

Me, Allison, and Lydia walk to the bleachers and sit down. Jackson left a while back to join the tryouts. I see Stiles and Scott jogging around the field. Scott is ahead, continuing confidently while Stiles is panting and out of breath. That's strange. They seem to be talking about something when Scott looks up at us. Behind him, Stiles lifts his arm in a greeting gesture, and I wave back, realising that Scott is looking at Allison. I turn to her and see her shoot him a smile. Before he can smile back, Coach appears in front of him and yells his name.

"McCall!" Coack screams. Scott replies to him roughly, and Coach throws him a giant lacrosse stick and an even larger helmet. Scott narrows his eyes in confusion. Coach says something to him, causing Scott to frown. They talk for a bit, and then Coach smacks Scott on the back. They share a few other words before Coach pats Scott's face lightly and jogs back to the tryouts. Scott face tells me that whatever was said wasn't going to end well. I turn to see Lydia looking at Scott like she had never seen him before. Allison also stares at Scott, who reluctantly walks to the goal. Scott? At the goal? Yep, this wasn't going to end well.

"Who's that?" Allison asks Lydia. Lydia looks at her before replying. "Him? I'm not sure. Why?" Allison shrugs nonchalantly, "He's in my English class," she says, then turns to me. "Do you know who he is?" I nod slowly. "He's one of my best friends, Sc-" I am cut off by Coach's whistle, which pierces my ears. I turn to him in frustration and see Scott covering his ears in agony. The whistle wasn't that loud. So why was he covering his ears?

Jackson takes his distraction as an opportunity and shoots the ball at Scott. It hits him square in the face, and he falls back. The rest of the team starts laughing. Me and Stiles share a concerned look. "Hey, way to catch with your face, McCall!" Jackson yells at him. I am about to get up and see if Scott's ok when he gets up again. I exhale in relief. Scott shakes his shoulders and gets ready again. To all of surprise and most of all his, he catches the next one, making Stiles cheer loudly. He catches the next few as well, and I can see that Lydia and Allison are impressed.

"He seems like he's pretty good," Allison says. "Yeah, very good," Lydia replies. I smile proudly, but my smile falls off my face when Jackson pushes the next person in line backward and comes to try out himself. I place my elbows on my knees and lean forwards nervously. "You've got this, Scott," I whisper under my breath. Suddenly, Scott looks up and shoots me his puppy smile, almost as if he had heard what I said. But how was that possible? His hearing can't be that good, can it? To test this out again, I cover my mouth and whisper softly, "Focus on Jackson, Scotty." Scott nods and turns back to an enraged Jackson, who runs towards him as fast as he can. My leg bounces up and down nervously when Jackson throws the ball with as much strength as he can muster. I close my eyes, afraid of the outcome when I hear Stiles yell, "That's my friend," and Lydia cheer. I opened my eyes and saw that Scott had caught the ball. I get up and start cheering for him loudly, and Jackson shoots us a glare. Lydia just shrugs at him, and I poke my tongue out.

*Time skip*

Scott, Stiles, and I walk over the overgrown roots and the creek at the preserve, looking for the body that Scott found and his inhaler that he lost. As we walk, Scott talks about the tryouts.

"I-I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I-I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things." Me and Stiles look at him curiously. "Smell things? Like what?" Stiles asks. "Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket," Scott replies. Stiles looks at him baffled, " I don't even have any mint mojito--," he stops talking as he checks his pocket and finds half eaten mint mojito gum. He looks at Scott, who lifts his hands in a 'I told you so' gesture. "Eww, Stiles! Why?" I say disgusted. Stiles glares at me and then asks Scott, "So all this started with the bite?" I look at Stiles, who seems intrigued while Scott is panicking.

"What if it's like an infection? Like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?" Stiles smirks mischievously at me, and realizing what he means, I play along. "You know what? I actually think I've heard of this - it's a specific kind of infection," I say seriously. Now Scott looks really worried, "Are you serious?" He asks in horror. "Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy," Stiles answers him. Scott, who still doesn't know that Stiles is messing with, says, "What's that? Is that bad?" Stiles looks at him dead in the eye, "Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month." Scott looks at him in confusion, "Once a month?" I nod in agreement, saying, "Mm-hmm. On the night of the full moon." Scott looks at both of us in confusion, and I share a look with Stiles. Suddenly, we both start fake-howling like wolves. Scott frowns in annoyance and shoves the two of us away with surprising strength, causing us to break out in giggles.

"Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling!" I exclaim at Scott, trying to compose myself. Scott looks hurt, and I almost feel bad for doing this. Almost. "Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me!" He says in a whiny puppy voice. "I know! You're a Werewolf! Rawrrr!" Stiles replies, roaring pitifully. Scott is clearly not impressed by this joke, and Stiles' demeanor becomes serious. "Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But, if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon," He says matter-of-factly.

Suddenly, Scott stops walking and looks around in surprise and astonishment. "No, I-I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, and the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler..." He stutters out, frowning, and then trails off. "Umm... Maybe the killer moved the body?" I say uncertainly, a chill creeping up my spine, almost as if someone was watching us or listening to us. I divert my focus from the two boys and focus on the earth, searching to see if someone, or something was around us. Satisfied that no one or thing was in vicinity of us, I turned my attention back to Stiles and Scott.

"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are, like, eighty bucks," Scott says in annoyance in response to my statement. Suddenly, I hear a soft voice in my head, a voice that sounds weak and authoritative at the same time. "Turn around. Someone is coming," it says, and I turn around out of instinct, hands poised for battle. In front of me is a pale man with black hair, an awesome leather jacket, and a disapproving scowl. He looks as if he is in his early twenties, and yet he still looks handsome.

"What are you doing here?" He growls out angrily in a gruff voice. Stiles and Scott are visibly panicking, and they don't respond. I mentally roll my eyes and step forward, "We were just looking for something. Calm down," I say nonchalantly, feeling as if I know this man. He ignores me and looks at the two boys, staring at Scott intently. "Huh?" he grunts in question as Stiles and Scott still look frozen.

"Are you deaf? I just told you that we were looking for something. Or do you enjoy scaring people you know are afraid rather than talking to people who don't get intimated by you?!" I exclaim, annoyance and frustration seeping out of my body in the form of words. The brooding man turns to me slowly, surprise flooding his face for a second before the frown reappears. Stiles looks at me in warning, telling me to keep my mouth shut. I don't listen. I never listen to Stiles. "This is private property," he says even more gruffly. I frown at him. "Whose private property? Yours? I don't see your name on it! Plus, this is a preserve. It doesn't belong to anyone," I berate at him angrily. His eyes widen in surprise, as if no one has had the nerve to speak up to him before. Then, he narrows his eyes and growls softly. Not like a human's angry growl, but an animal's growl. Almost like....Lupa's wolves.

Suddenly, Stiles appears of nowhere and slings his arm around my shoulders, pushing me behind him. "Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know," he says bashfully. I look at him angrily, and he shakes his almost imperceptibly. I huff annoyedly and glare at the guy. The guy focuses on Scott, who mumbles, "Yeah, we were just looking for something, but..." he trails off as the brooding dude glares at him murderously. "...Uh.. forget it," Scott says, losing his nerve. Scaredy cat.

Suddenly, Derek tosses something at Scott before turning and heading back the way he came without a word, giving Scott one last look and seemingly paying me and Stiles no attention. Scott sighs and gets ready to turn back in the opposite direction. "Um... All right, come on, I gotta get to work," Scott says, but before he can move, Stiles stops him by holding out his hand. I look at him exhaustedly, "What now, Stilinski?" I ask him. "Dude, that was Derek Hale!" He says in surprise. Me and Scott look at Stiles blankly. He looks at us incredulously. "You remember, right? He's only like a few years older than us," Stiles says. I frown at him, as does Scott, "Remember what?" He says curiously. "His family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago," Stiles replies, and I take in a sharp breath, feeling bad about lashing out at him. He was probably bitter because of that, but ,I mean, he wasn't that bad, was he? And he was pretty hot as well. "Derek Hottie Hale," I mumble, and the two boys turn to me in astonishment. "What?" I shrug, "He's hot. No wonder the fire didn't burn him. You can't fight fire with fire," I reply, shrugging nonchalantly. Scott looks away, intrigued and concerned while Stiles raises his eyebrows in a 'really' gesture. "I say it like I see it," I say to him.

"I wonder what he's doing back..." Scott mutters, lost in his thoughts, ignoring the two of us. Stiles scoffs, as though he thinks that nothing good can come of it before walking away. "Come on," he says, and I turn to follow him, but Scott doesn't move. Me and Stiles turn back and see Scott still staring at the spot where Derek had disappeared.


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