Hard love (Sharky x y/n)

By Betasquads09xx

56.7K 472 257

Aj's sister moves in and someone starts to have eyes for her but does anything happen? do they stay together... More

Part 1
part 3
part 4
part 5
Part 6
Part 7
part 8
Part 9
part 10
Part 11
Part 12
part 13
part 14
Part 15
Part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20!
part 21
part 22
Part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30!
part 31
part 32
part 33

Part 2

3K 20 8
By Betasquads09xx

The next day

*i sit up squinting my eyes as the sun shines in* "i don't remember coming to bed" *i shrug it of thinking i just forgot. I get up getting dressed and putting make up on*

*your outfit*

*i walk downstairs where everyone was sat in the kitchen* "morning" *they all look at you and say morning, everyone except sharky he tried to ignore you but then started staring at your outfit*
"eyes up here mate" *you say walking round the counter to make yourself a coffee*
"was my shoulder comfy y/n?"-chunkz
"what do you mean?" *you start to remember watching the movie and realize you mustve fell asleep* "ohh! yeah to be fair, did someone carry me up then cause i dont remember waking up and going up to bed"
"yeah me, your very light" -chunkz
"oh thanks and everyone tells me that" *you drink your coffee as they start talking about what video theyre shooting today and aj finally comes down looking dead so like a nice sister you make him a pancake and coffee*
"oh my god! y/n wanna join our video today?"-niko
"what is it?"
"make a rainbow cake without a recipe"-kenny
"yeah sure"
"alright we're just gonna get ready then we'll leave"-kenny
"alright ill wait in the living room" *you sit in the living room putting on youtube, you started to realise sharky ignoring you and wander if hes mad you didnt tell him your business last night*
"right we're ready"-chunkz said from behind you
"oh okay!" *you get up and put your shoes on then walk out*
"me and y/n will go in sharkys car aj, niko go in kennys"- chunkz
*you almost groan out of fustration but manage to contain it*
*Everyone gets in the cars and drive to where the shoot is*
"ready y/n"-chunkz asks looking at you
"what if your fans dont like me?"
*you thought you heard sharky mumble a "well your rude" but wasnt sure so you left it for now*
"theyll love you. Your funny,nice,will give good content,pretty they have no reason not to like you. Come on" *you all get out the car and go into the building*
*they start the video after a bit of talking and preparing*
"whats up guys! Today in beta squad we are making rainbow cakes with no recipe, not sure how this will go but well see! but for this video weve got a special guest, Aj's fit sister y/nnn!" -chunkz
*he pulls you forward and put his arm round your shoulders as aj punches him and they run round the kitchen trying to scrap*
"dumbasses." *you mumble* "oi! if you two are down acting as if you'll do anything to eachother can we carry on with the video?"
"yes ma'am"-both of them
*everyone laughs then niko starts reading out partners*
"chunkz and aj, me and kenny,y/n and sharky. Go to a counter!"
*you dread the video but stand behind a counter with him anyway*
"start cooking!"-chunkz
*you and sharky start cooking only speaking if you need to*
"sharky can u put the colours in the icing ill carry on making the rest"
"why have u got such an attitude! i ask you to do one thing n youve got an attitude why dont you like me what have i done?!"- you ask finally loosing your shit
"all i done was ask one thing last night and you flipped out!"-sharky
"because it was a long day,none of your business,i was tired,didnt mean to flip out but i had enough it was the first day i met u n u already wouldnt leave me alone when asking about my businesses!"
"well you didnt need to flip out like that and you dont need to now!"-sharky
"right guys calm down, talk about this later just try do the rest of the cake with minimum talking"-chunkz
"love seeing y/n flip out, normally she hits people though"-aj says laughing
*the video finishes and you and sharky won,your all now going to the car this time your in kennys car with aj*
"so what was that about?"-Aj
"he asked me something last night that wasnt anything to do with him i was polite and said it didnt matter and it doesnt involve him and he kept on pushing n pushing n pushing n i had a hard day and i slightly flipped and since hes been ignoring me and had attitude with me today and i got annoyed"
"you guys will sort it"-kenny
*you stay quiet and just look out the window eventually getting home and you get back and you all decide to play fifa and you smoke all of them*
"fucks sake! how is she better!"-niko
"beat again boys"-you say laughing
"one more?"-chunkz
"fine" *you beat them again and they get up and start shouting at eachother blaming eachother* "guys! calm it! you guys are good im just better"-you
"ive had enough! Just put on a film"-kenny
*you guys put on a film and slowly most people start going to bed so its only you sharky and chunkz downstairs, you fell asleep and fell onto sharkys shoulder*
"your turn tonight"-chunkz says getting up and hoping this will soften sharky up a little "night sharks"
"wait chunkz no!" *he whisper shouts to chunkz but chunkz just leaves*
*he looks down at you sleeping* "why are you still so cute while sleeping" *he picks you up going up to your room but you had locked it from the outside tonight and he didnt know where the key was so he took you to his room and laid you on his bed then went and changed before getting in to quickly falling asleep*

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