The beast inside me (KDA x ma...

ThomasHunterBrown tarafından

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The universe is chaos, irrationality, and we can only accept what is brings. Fortune can change your life any... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 9

236 9 0
ThomasHunterBrown tarafından

(Hello there friends, it has been a long time. Now I dont want to play the victim and tell some bullshit story about how I had issues and blah blah, naah nothing of the sort. I was busy having fun most of the times, but to be honest I also didn't like how these stories were coming together. After much thought I decided to resume them and finish them once and for all. I won't rush them, I'll take my time, but I won't stop writing now. Thanks for coming to my ted talk, lol)

Before everyone could finish their sentence, a glooming beam of pure energy tore the sand hill in half. A loud explosion, shouts, screams, panic. Then, nothing. Both of my eyelids slowly closed and it was darkness, followed only by an annoying ringing in my ears that slowly faded away. The time seemed to freeze. 1,2,3 seconds, or minutes? I couldn't tell. My entire vision was dark and I felt alone, increasingly cold. It felt like walking through eternal stone corridors. Soon enough I could hear my footsteps echoing inside of that odd place. I was wandering inside my soul. I kept walking and walking, but I was getting nowhere. I was losing hope, and I sat down, thinking about the terrible fate of my allies, and the pain Akali was going to feel once she discovered about my death, and how I kept it all a secret. I was going to tell her, at some point, probably if I survived that day. Sorrow, that's what I felt; but my sad mood shifted once I heard her voice, calling me. It was low at first, coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. As I jumped on my feet and started walking desperately towards what I presumed was the origin, it became louder and clearer. I started running and I saw a light. I jumped into it...

...and the sand dust flew into my mouth as I gasped for air, awoken from a coma. The blazing sun of the desert pierced through my eyes directly into my skull, and the ringing came back. I looked up. It wasn't Akali calling me, but Ashe. As I saw my ally's face, I came back to my senses and left behind the dark corridors of my mind.

Ashe: "Can you hear me? HEY! Fuck...I don't think he's okay!"

I could barely hear her at that point, but it was getting better fast, almost like a computer rebooting after a sudden shutdown. Braum looked at me while still holding his enormous shield. His face was worried at first, but as he saw me his usual smile came back.

Braum: "Ah Ah! That boy is invincible!"

He laughed, and everyone turned their head towards me. They were all alive.

I sat up, patting my dusty clothes with my hands.

Y/N: "What the fuck happened?"

Kayle rushed to me and pushed my head down

Kayle: "Keep down, fool! The battle is still going!"

She was right, there was a savage battle going on all around us, but it seemed like we weren't the ones getting the most pressure right now

Kayle: "Vel Koz shot us but Braum managed to raise his magical shield just in time. We didn't get hit but you did, almost fully. I still have no idea how the fuck you're still alive"

Y/N: "Well, thanks? But how are we not overwhelmed yet?"

Ashe: "Allies arrived, Fate managed to convince a few Shuriman lords to intervene, and they arrived in the right moment, just before they could finish us"

Kayle: "Now that you're awake we can finally retreat and lick our wounds"

Y/N: "That is not happening"

Her face looked shocked, the others looked the same. Only Eve was angry.

Eve: "What are you saying, idiot?! Cait and Soraka are dead already, you want to join them too??"

Y/N: "What? Why would I?"

I was genuinely confused, and everyone got confused as much as I did hearing that

Y/N: "I don't plan on dying, but that fucker shot me! I want revenge for that!"

Their faces dropped to ground, they couldn't believe their strongest member was also the dumbest

Eve: "What a retard! You're going to get yourself killed and we'll die coming to rescue you!"

Y/N: "You don't have to, I'll call you when I'll be done okay?"

I smiled

They were just really really confused and couldn't believe what they just heard

Eve: "I...What? HEY COME BACK!"

Before she could finish I sprinted towards the enemy, reaching what remained of the dune and jumped below, transitioning into my beloved Kha'Zix mid air, and turning invisible.

Eve ran to see where was I going, and once she couldn't see me anymore she turned to the others.

Eve: "What? You all have nothing to say?"

Ashe: "What can we do? The boy is as stupid as a rock"

Eve: "He's going to get himself killed!"

Kayle approached her and put an hand on her shoulder

Kayle: "He won't, I'm sure he can do it"

Eve looked up to her and her eyes expressed only anger and frustration

Eve: "Ah whatever! You're all as stupid! Fuck this!"

She said as she looked away from them, angrily showing them her middle finger. They just giggled.

As these petty group interactions were going on, I was once again joining the battle. The dune where we were sitting was now a bit more distant from the heat of the fight, and as I approached the heart of the battle I could see what was going on. The Shuriman troops were pouring in from the right flank into a small plain, where they were fighting the void creatures. Just north of this, the Void leader stood, shooting his purple laser beam from his gigantic eye. Various portals were scattered all around, so many that it was impossible to close them all at once, yet they were all powered by some strange ritual composed of a dozen men-like creatures sat in a circle who had purple magic flowing from their heads and mixing together in an orb floating mid air before being distributed to every portal. I figured that was my objective: if I could stop them, the portals would close and the tide of the battle would swing in our favor.

I ran as fast I could inside of the scrum, dodging blows from every direction. They weren't aimed at me, since they couldn't see me, but I still had to dodge them. It would just make me lose time if I stopped to fight them. I approached the base of the hill on top of which the Void leader was. I didn't want to fight him face to face, as its laser could've easily killed me in one blow, so I sneaked past him, moving towards the ritual's place. As I reached it, I was tempted to rush in and cut down the sages, but I stopped to see what they were doing. As I looked closer, I noticed shackles holding them together like glue and a void creature holding it all. They were slaves, not cultists! I had to free them. I rushed in to kill the slaver, but it looked at me in the eyes, I felt a piercing sensation, and a devastating blow hit the right part of my body. My camouflage was gone and a massive beast stood besides me. A void horror, composed of organic matter glued together with purple magic. It was enormously tall and large, but it was slow. I ran at its legs as it prepared to swing at me again, slashing its right leg open, which managed to make it fall on it. I licked my claw as I smirked, but that was a stupid mistake. The beast had recovered immediately and swung at me again. I managed to dodge it barely, I had to be more focused. I sprinted at it again, jumping and cutting its body in different spots, yet immediately its wounds were healed. As I looked to my left, the little void bastard was healing them with magic! I knew what to do now. I rushed at the monster once more, sliding between its legs and cutting them both open, then instead of stopping I threw spikes at the void creature, but I wasn't aiming for its body, no. The spikes landed near it and exploded covering it in a dense purple gloo, which distracted it enough for me to jump on the back of the beast and thrust my claws right into its head, delivering one final blow. The voidling cursed at me, but couldn't do much else before I dashed at it and killed it too. The chains disappeared like ashes in the wind and the sages were finally free. They collapsed on the ground, exhausted, closing the portals in the process as the flow of magic stopped. One by one, the blue portals closed, cutting in half the beasts which tried to emerge. As I looked at this scene proudly, I heard a charging sound and jumped right at the last as a purple laser striked at my previous location. It was Vel'Koz, and he was angry.


I turned invisible and started approaching him. The sages not only powered the portals, but also channeled the energy necessary for him to be able to have true vision over the battlefield. Without them, he couldn't see me.

Vel: "Our invasion plan...ruined! Stupid human, you will never stop us! It doesn't matter how long it takes, we will win! Your useless human brain cannot understand this?!"

Kha'Zix: "I'm not a human, Vel, its me"

As Kha'Zix said this, I emerged from the shadows and striked at the Void leader, jumping as far as I could to hit him with my claws. It was a perfect move, but Vel'Koz dodged at the last second, and instead of cutting his head open, my left claw managed only to slash through his eye as I fell back to the ground. Even if it wasn't a fatal blow, the damage done was critical, since that was his main weapon.

He fell on the ground, purple blood flowing down his body, his tentacles desperately trying to move in the sand, like a fish outside of the water. I approached him slowly, stabbing his tentacles as I made my way to its head to kill him once and for all. Yet it was Kha'Zix talking, not me.

Vel: "Mother will make you pay for this, traitor! You know how it feels to disappoint her!"

Kha: "I will kill you, Vel, I'm not here to play"

Vel: "And for what? To make your new human master happy?!"

Kha: "Because I want to, I don't have a master, he's my friend!"

He angrily shouted and prepared his claws to strike down on his enemy's head, but he was stopped, as a laugh emerged from the wounded foe.

Kha: "What are you laughing at, fool? Death is so ironic to you?"

Vel: "No, brother, no...It's just funny to see how far you've fallen, to think someone could ever try to see you as nothing more than the monster you are!"

Kha'Zix got really angry and roared as his claws fell down onto their prey, but they were stopped by a laser beam, weakened, divided, but still powerful enough to stop them and burn their flesh.

Kha: "Damn monster, die already!"

Vel: "You will never kill me!"

Kha'Zix roared, Vel'Koz screeched, these sounds together collided like their weapons, and echoed in the entire valley as products of pure hatred. This is how the void gets its power. Kha'Zix, angered by those nasty words, lost his focus, and didn't listen to me anymore. It was a pure clash of animalistic fury. I started screaming at him, scared for what was going to happen, as our claws started to fall victim to the burning laser.


He roared more than ever and pushed his claws down for a final hit, and the void leader screeched one last time, before disappearing in this air. Kha'Zix fell on to the ground.

Kha: "DAMNED!"

Y/N: "What happened? What went through your mind?"

Kha: "Shut up!"

Y/N: "Listen to me!"

Kha: "No!"

Y/N: "Kha'Zix listen to me! What that creature said is not the truth!"

Kha: "I know..."

He seemed to have calmed down a little

Y/N: "It will never be like that, I'm not your master and you're not a monster, we are friends"

Kha: "But I am a monster! Like, look at me!"

Y/N: "Just because you look like one doesn't mean you are"

Kha: "Everyone considers me like one"

Y/N: "Only those who don't know you. Look around you. You said all the lives we've saved it was your doing, and it's true. Look at all the people you've saved, do you think you're a monster to them?"

Kha: "You are right..."

Y/N: "Look, this war is bigger than all of us know, and our enemies are smart, we can't let them get into our minds"

Kha: "I now see that I can't fight without you, not against these kinds of foes"

Y/N: "We have to fight as one, Kha'Zix. I trust you with my life, you should trust me as well"

Kha: "You are right...I will do better"

Y/N: "No need to be sad, we still won today"

Kha: "But...he escaped..."

I sensed doubt inside of him, he was scared, for the first time ever.

Y/N: "It doesn't matter. Come on lets finish the voidlings and save the Shurimans"

Kha: "You are right, lets go"

Once more reunited we jumped down from the hill as one, ready to kill the remaining enemies. But to our surprise, nobody was fighting anymore. Instead, the Shurimans were counting the losses and licking their wounds, while the void army stood there, looking down at us. They kneeled before their new master, since Vel'Koz was defeated. Just like the last time, we freed them, ending their torment and depriving the Void of soldiers.

A Shuriman soldier approached us, holding a rifle. We looked at him with distrust, but as soon as he got close, he dropped it.

Soldier: "We owe you our life, thanks"

He grabbed his wounded mate from the ground and started taking him to their camp with a tired but content look on his face.

Y/N: "What did I tell you?"

The battle was over, and neither party won or lost, but both of them had tremendous losses, most of which we couldn't replenish, while the Void had plenty. I returned to my normal form and started walking with the Shurimans, hoping to find some water and some way of communicating with my team. Instead, luck was on my side, and I found all of them inside one of the camp's tents, tending to their wounds and drinking to forget that damned day. They all looked rather sad, but their faces quickly lit up as they saw me, especially Eve's, who was waiting for me. She ran at me and hugged me, crying.

Eve: "You idiot! We thought you were dead!"

The rest followed her and all of them jumped on me to hug me, except Fate and Kalye, they had too much class. They led me inside and gave me plenty of water, which I drank scaringly fast, after which they started questioning me.

Kayle: "So, how bad is it?"

Y/N: "What do you mean?"

Kayle: "Millions, tens of millions? How many of them are coming?"

Y/N: "Oh..."

I could see everyone tense up and worry at that moment, so I played it slow to enjoy it, and only after a long pause I answered.

Y/N: "...none!"

Kayle: "What?"

Y/N: "Yeah I closed the portals and freed the rest"

Ashe: "You did wha-?"

Graves: "Boy, what the hell?"

Kayle: "Explain better, how could you close them?"

Y/N: "They weren't exactly portals, more like openings, kept open by a group of enslaved mages who were forced to do it. I killed the master slaver, freed the sages and went on to kill Vel'Koz, but I only managed to rip his eye open"

Kayle: "Wow...that'"

Everyone jumped up from the excitement, they were sure that everything was lost.

Eve: "That's certainly a rather splendid news, Y/N"

They all started celebrating more or less, but Fate had a question and got close to me to ask it.

Fate: "You talked about sages?"

Y/N: "Yeah"

Fate: "Where are they now, are they alive?"

Y/N: "Oh uhm...they collapsed on the ground, I didn't check"

Everyone jumped up

Kayle: "Quick, everyone! We need to recover them!"

Y/N: "Wait, wait, whats the matter with the sages?"

Kayle: "Only expert mages can have such powers, the void enslaves them for that, they're extremely precious since they don't have that many, how many did you say there were?"

Y/N: "At least twelve I think, or maybe more"

Kayle: "That's incredible! We had never seen so many before, they must've prepared for a full scale invasion then! Quick, if we can recover them this could be our turning point!"

All of us rushed there, and surprisingly the sages were still there, on the ground. Most of them were dead, but four were still breathing, and were quickly brought to the camp's hospital. As we regrouped after everything was done, we had one last thing to do before leaving, and that was Cait's and Soraka's funeral. It was a hard moment, and I was the only one who managed to hold back tears, sitting next to Evelynn. As this was done and we were leaving the cerimony,Kayle explained that we were supposed to lay low for the time being, and she would contact us again for the next move once the moment was ripe. We were preparing to leave, but Eve whispered into my ears.

Eve: "There's someone for you"

Y/N: "uh-?"

Before I could understand what was happening a slap hit me in the face. Oh no...

Akali: "When were you going to tell me, uh???? Stupid, arrogant prick!"

Y/N: "Akali I-"

another slap hit me on the other cheek.

Akali: "No, shut up! I knew it! I shouldn't have let you hang around with Eve, I knew she was going to drag you into this!"

Y/N: "Wait you knew about this?"

Akali: "Of course! I just didn't want to believe you were in as well!"

I turned to the cursed woman

Y/N: "Eve, why did you not tell me??"

Eve: "For what? To lose the chance to see such a delightful scene?"

She was laughing, damn Eve.

Y/N: "Look Akali its fine, I didn't risk anything!"

Akali: "Oh you think I'm dumb? You think they didn't show me the footage of you rushing into them? What an idiot liar!"


Y/N: "That's just my style!"

Eve: "Yeah he's pretty good"

Akali: "Well I don't care, cause you won't go out there anymore..."

Y/N: "But-"

Akali: "...alone!"

Y/N: "What?"

Akali: "I'm coming with you"

Y/N: "No, you can't, its too dangerous!"

Akali: "Pfff"

She didn't even sound serious now, but I was glad she calmed down, I didn't want to have an argument with her about this.

Y/N: "Akali, not only its dangerous, but I can't take you with me, I have my own way of doing this"

Akali: "I said I'd come with you, not fight with you, since ill fight with them"

This surprised me, what was she saying?

Y/N: "Who-?"

Eve, Kai'sa and Ahri: "Us"

They were all there, I didn't notice.

Y/N: "Oh...perfect..."

Everyone: "Shut up"

Okumaya devam et

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