Heartless Love

By _arywryts_

2.3M 142K 11.9K

'Cold love is like a winter night without stars-Dark and unforgiving.' Yudhishthir × Ruhi S... More

Asthetics and edits
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (new and important)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
bonus chapter 1
bonus chapter 2
bonus chapter 3
book 2 of Mafia series

Chapter 11

37.9K 2.2K 112
By _arywryts_

Thank you guys, for adding my story in your reading lists and voting on it.

Still I am not getting desired votes and comments. If the total vote count crosses hundred on the story I will give you all a double update very soon.

Almost going to reach 1k views soon and I wish that that vote count crosses hundred and more.

Thank you and follow me on Instagram for spoilers and alerts.
Insta I'd : _arywyts_

Ruhi was standing in Yudhishthir's closet and staring at the grey and black interior. His whole room including washroom and closet was designed in black and white colours. She felt her breathing constricted due to somber colours of room because she loved vibrant and cheerful colours.

While making faces, she walked out if closet, inside the room and saw it empty making her grimance.

Where was Yudhishthir?

It was almost midnight and he was not in the room. Ruhi shrugged off her shoulders and started playing with her red bangles while sitting on bed , waiting for him.

She had changed into a simple pink kurta with a white leggings. But still, managed to look the most beautiful girl.
That Nuptial chain resting in her neck and pinch of vermilion present on her hairline paired with her red wedding bangles, complimented her look.

Just then the door of the room opened and Yudhishthir entered inside. Ruhi stood up with a jerk and all of the sudden his intimidating presence in the room gave her jitters.

Her heart filled with tripedation as he watched her from distance. Both of them stood at a good distance, her gaze lowered as he stared at her.

With slow steps he walked towards her and made her heartbeat go wild. She took a step backwards but her leg bumped with bed making her stop at her place. He covered the distance between them in few steps and stood in front of her.

With lot of courage she looked at him.
His daunting honey brown eyes peered in hers and for a few seconds she found herself getting lost in them. His eyes looked inviting, shade of brown, reminiscent of the rich, golden hue of honey. Their natural charm attracting her. His eyes held some kind of unspoken words, which were not easy to be decipher.

Yudhishthir cleared his throat to gain her attention. She came out of trance and mentally smacked herself, for again embarrassing herself.

"Sit." Yudhishthir ordered her and without wasting a second Ruhi sat down on bed. His voice was commanding and she readily agreed to his command.

Yudhishthir sat beside her and was able to say something, but Ruhi cut off him in middle.

"Don't ask me to sleep on couch. If you don't want to share the bed with me. You are most welcomed to sleep on the couch. Its all yours." She spoke in a single breath with one hand raised in air.

Yudhishthir groused and rubbed his forehead with his fingers. When did the bed come in their conversation? He wanted to ask her to continue her studies and not to agree with his grandmother, for discontinuing. His mom had lectured him and asked him to take Ruhi's side.

He agreed with her, if she will be busy in studies, she will not interfere in his life. Better than sitting ideally at home.

Yudhishthir squinted his eyes at her and she gave him a nervous smile.

"Done?" He said and she bobbed her head up and down like a kid making Yudhishthir roll his eyes.

"Now listen, tomorrow dadi will ask you to discontinue your studies, and I wan...."

"What nonsense? I will not at all agree. What will I do? Don't expect me to become a typical housewife. A big no." She declared without letting Yudhishthir complete his sentence.

"Can you please shut up? Let me complete my words." He was getting annoyed because her cutting him in between. Ruhi pouted and started tying her long black hair with a rubber band.

"I want you to go to college and study rather than sitting home and poke your nose in my life." He mocked her.

"I am not at all interested in your life and you." Ruhi stated and poked her tongue out at him. His words affected her but she didn't want to give him any kind of satisfaction. She had practised meditation to have control of herself and stay positive.

"Good, and yeah,I will support you in this. Just say to dadu that you want to study further and complete your studies and I will handle rest." He said and stood up and walked towards his closet. He turned back and looked at Ruhi, who was lost in her dreamland.

"And about bed sharing. Its comfortable for two people, we both can adjust." Yudhishthir said making her nod.

He went inside the closet and Ruhi quickly stood up and walked behind him slowly. Her fingers crossed.

She slowly opened the door and entered inside and took a breath of relief , when she didn't found him there. He was in washroom.

She tiptoed and went towards the left end of the closet and pulled out her Snuggles , her huge soft toy teddy bear and dragged it back inside the room. Praying all time to God to not let Yudhishthir come out of washroom or create any awkward situation for them.

Ruhi's love for soft toys knew no bounds. Writing her daily journal , cooking , gardening along with making new designs for her label and snuggling with her Snuggles at night was part of her daily life.

She made snuggles lay on the middle of the bed and pulled the comforter on him and she quickly laid on the left side of the bed and snuggled with her Snuggles. Hoping Yudhishthir won't react.

After chanding and getting fresh, Yudhishthir came inside room and was about to switch of the lights when his eyes travelled towards bed and his eyes widened in surprise.

Who was sleeping in middle?

He walked towards the bed and in a swift motion he pulled the comforter away.

Ruhi hid her face inside Snuggles's chest and kept on chanting a mantra to keep Yudhishthir away from her in her mind.
He crossed his arms and tried to gain her attention.

But she had closed her eyes tightly and pretended to sleep. Trying her acting skills.

"I know you are pretending to sleep. Stop acting and keep this thing on couch and let me sleep peacefully." He said making her hold her Snuggles tight.

No one dared to call her Snuggles even teddy and he called him a thing.

How dare he?

She took deep breaths to keep herself calm. Yudhishthir stood near bed noticing her every activity. He then bent down and tried to pull Snuggles out of her hold but she hugged him tight.

He again tried to but she didn't let him.

"Keep this thing away from my bed." Yudhishthir grit out.

Ruhi sat on the bed in shot and glared at Yudhishthir.

"Don't you call my baby a thing." She warned him and Yudhishthir just smirked.

"I will call it a thing. Now throw it away." He again tried to pull it out of her hold.

"I will kill you if you again call him a thing. Call him Snuggles and he will sleep with me. I am his mama and he is my small baby." She threatened him.

Yudhishthir chuckled and ridiculed her," Your small baby is double of your size in length, breath and height. Stop being a kid. Your every activity is childish." She glared at him.

She pulled the comforter over her and snuggles and laid down on the bed. Yudhishthir groaned in annoyance. He was done with her. He wanted to control her and there she was not listening to him and threatening him.

He pulled his hair a little and turned lights off and laid down on the right side of the bed and pushed snuggles away from him with his foot.

Ruhi kissed Snuggles and slept while hugging him.


"How was the night?" Ishani nudged Ruhi a little when she came inside kitchen to get milk for Aradhya.

Ruhi just smiled and Ishani winked at her.

"Nothing happened?" Ishani again asked her.

"Nothing, in fact he called my Snuggles a thing. God was with him, that's why he fit and fine or I would have killed him for sure." Ruhi huffed and Ishani chuckled.

"He might have called it all childish. I knew that he would react like that. That's why I asked Sushma aunty to keep it at that place where he won't notice it before your." Ishani told her and she nodded.

"Bhabhi, what should I make for first rasoi, Madhuri Aunty.....I mean mumma, she asked me to make somthing sweet and I don't know what." Ruhi pouted and Ishani smiled.

"Go with kheer." Ishani suggested and went out of the kitchen. Ruhi asked the workers and cooks in present in kitchen for the ingredients and started making kheer which she learnt few days ago.

Yudhishthir was getting ready in his room and was leering at Snuggles. He wanted to hide it away from Ruhi , infact throw it away. This thing covered almost half of the bed.

After cursing the poor non-living soft toy he went downstairs and joined everyone at dinning table.

"Yudhishthir you have meeting with Mehta's today." Devendra told his son and he nodded," And you brat ,join your brother."

He said while pointing at Abhay.

Who gave his father a boring look. Ruhi chuckled at Abhay's face and he winked back at her.

Brother, atleast spare your sister-in-law.

Smilingly he turned towards Yudhishthir and saw him glaring at him. Smile vanished from his face and he diverted his attention towards kheer.

"Best kheer ,I ever had in my life." Suryadeep commented and everyone agreed with him.

Yudhishthir, not including.

Ruhi smiled at them and served Yudhishthir breakfast. Ruhi sat beside him and everyone was having breakfast.

"Ruhi, I think you should drop out from college." Jaywanti Rathore spoke , taking Ruhi off guard,"You should focus on your husband and married life and give him a heir soon."

Yudhishthir knew that those words were coming soon. It has been only a day since they were married and his grandmother was asking them to have a baby.

"Dadi, let her study." Yudhishthir interjected in between and his mother smiled at him.


"Let her study Jaywanti. I promised Jeevan to let her study and live her life according to herself. Beta no need to drop and do whatever you want to. Wear what you like and go wherever you want to go." Suraj Rathore smiled at his granddaughter-in-law. Jaywanti Rathore kept quiet after that.

She knew she had to wait.

"Yups dadu. She will do whatever she like. Right, bhabhi." Abhay spoke in flirting manner earning a smack from his mother.

He cutely rubbed his arm and passed a flying kiss to Ruhi. Who bent down a little in a flying manner with her hand on her chest, thanking him.

Yudhishthir's hold on his spoon tightened and he spoke," Dad,I think we should get him married. Mehta's daughter Ridhima will be perfect for him."

"Stop it bhai. I would rather die rather than getting married to her." Abhay stared at Yudhishthir in disbelief and again earning a smack from his mother.

Suddenly Yudhishthir's phone started ringing and he stood up saying," I am done. I need to go, I am already late." And went away from there.

Ruhi looked at his plate which was half eaten and he hadn't touched the kheer that she made her sad . Suddenly she lost her appetite and her mood fell down. Atleast he could have tasted it.

"This boy and his work." Jaywanti Rathore spoke and Ruhi picked up his plate and hers and went away to keep it in kitchen.

Her every activity didn't went unnoticed by Madhuri. She felt angry at her son and bad for Ruhi.

Meanwhile Yudhishthir walked towards his car and sat inside it.

He pulled out his phone when it again ringed and stared at the unknown number, deciding whether to pick the call or not.

Finally he received the call and his eyes widened in surprise when he heard the voice from the other side,
"Hello Yudhishthir Rathore. I hope you and your wife are good."


I hope I will get desired response.
You all read but not vote, too much for my disappoint me.

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