Hard love (Sharky x y/n)

By Betasquads09xx

56.5K 472 249

Aj's sister moves in and someone starts to have eyes for her but does anything happen? do they stay together... More

Part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
Part 6
Part 7
part 8
Part 9
part 10
Part 11
Part 12
part 13
part 14
Part 15
Part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20!
part 21
part 22
Part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30!
part 31
part 32
part 33

Part 1

5.3K 35 49
By Betasquads09xx

Aj's pov

"Boys!! get your asses in here!!"-Aj shouts up the stairs.
Everyone walks down and sits in the living room
"so my younger sister is coming to stay, shes 25 so not to much younger. Just be nice yh"-Aj
"is she hot?"- kenny says "ow!" he says as chunkz hits him
"we'll be good"- sharky

later that day

your pov

*i arrived at a house and got out the uber grabbing my bag and walking towards the door* "well this is big house" *i thought to myself as i knock and wait*

*Aj opens the door and you hug him as soon as he opens it* "Aj!!" *you guys hug for a bit and eventually let go him bringing you inside*

"Y/n these are my friends chunkz, sharky,kenny and niko"- Aj
*they all come up and hug you*
"oh my god aj! your finally taller then a girl!"Niko says jokingly
"hey!" *aj jumps onto niko hitting him and you stand there awkwardly*
"here ill show you to your room" *chunkz said getting up and taking you upstairs showing you a room* "here, my rooms on the left to you sharkys on the right, aj's is just next to mine"
"alright, thank you" *you smile at him and head into your room and start unpacking your stuff*

*theres a knock on your door* "come in!" *aj comes in* "u alright deedee?"- Aj. Deedee was what he called you when you guys were younger, You dont know why he did but it just stuck.
"good. We're ordering food so come down in a second"
*you nod and he leaves, you finish up what you were working on and walk downstairs to everyone arguing*
"no pizza!"
*you laugh a bit to yourself* "why dont you do odd one out?"
"aye shes smart" chunkz says
*everyone puts there hands behind there back you count down from three and everyone puts there hands out, Aj put his hand facing up as everyone else put theres facing down so they ordered pizza*

About an hour later

*everyone had finished eating*

"i ate way to much" *you say slumping back and putting your hand on your stomach*
"you barely ate anything" *sharky said laughing*
"i still feel like i just ate the whole of nandos"
"thats my dream" *niko says and everyone laughs*
"guess we got a new member of the group boys" *chunkz says putting his arm round you*
*sharkys smile grows bigger as he realises youll be around more*
*your phone rings so you answer* "hey babe, mhm, okay, on my way" *you hung up* "i'll be back soon boys" *you stand up*
"its half 11 who are you going to see?" -Aj
"just someone. Ill be back soon" *you hug aj and dap up all the boys*

2:30 AM

*you try sneaking in hoping everyones asleep so you can get in without anyone seeing the bruise on your cheek*

"oh hey deedee, you alright?" *you hear aj say from behind you*
"yeah just tired, im gonna go change" *you wait for sharky to finish coming down the stairs to go up*
"y/n what ha-"
"right bye!" *you interrupt him and go up to your room, you sit at your vanity putting concealer over the bruise*

*you put those pyjamas on and go downstairs* "hey guys" *you smile sitting down with them*
"y/n i need to talk to you" *sharky says and  pulls you into the kitchen* "what was the bruise from"
"nothing. Just please dont tell anyone especially aj"
"just tell me what its from"
"no! just keep out." *you say getting annoyed as you had a bad night, you walk back out sitting between chunkz and aj as they put on a movie*
*after a while u begin feeling tired n close your eyes your head falling on to chunkz's shoulder and you fall asleep*

"shes asleep on you bro"- kenny
"when the film finishes ill carry her up to bed"-chunkz
"i think you two will get along well, just dont date her"-Aj
"but shes fit and got bunds"-chunkz says to wind aj up
"if she werent asleep on you right now id smack you"-Aj

A/n:Hiya! Hope you guys will enjoy this story sorry if theres some short chapters to begin with its hard for me to get it going but once i do ill start making longer chapters! any outfits i put in here u can always change its just my style!

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