Painting the Sky (M×M)

By WhitePetal_015

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Noah Howarthhorn is having a peaceful life as a queen of the mortal realm. He has a powerful mate, lovely kid... More

Chapter 1: Peaceful Life
Chapter 2: Panic
Chapter 4: Latenight Talks
Chapter 5: Tiger Shifters
Chapter 6: Meeting
Chapter 7: Petals and Fire
Chapter 8: Invitation
Chapter 9: Annual Crystal Gala
Chapter 10: Aftermath
Chapter 11: Drowning
Chapter 12: Who?
Chapter 13: Welcome Feast
Chapter 14: Under the Moonlight
Chapter 15: Conversations
Chapter 16: Leisure Times But....
Chapter 17: A Chaos
Chapter 18: Fire Against Fire
Chapter 19: Are You An Angel?
Chapter 20: Warmth
Chapter 21: Are They Really...?
Chapter 22: Gruesome Gift
Chapter 23: Manor in the Woods
Chapter 24: Blood Pact

Chapter 3: Worries

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By WhitePetal_015

The next day, Jace woke up before Noah and let his mate sleep in. He wanted to cancel all the appointments he had today, but he had a few emergency cases to deal with. But he also didn't want to leave his mate alone, especially after the last night scene. His wolf was also on edge, and he was afraid to repeat that once again. So, he did the best thing he could do. He called his omega best friend.

"Hello, what kind of honor I have to hear from you so early this morning."

Other omega's cherry voice flew through the phone.

"Hello, Taehyun." Jace let out a sigh, taking out bread, butter, and jam to make a quick breakfast. "Do you have to do anything special today?"

"Not anything special. I have to do some paperwork. But why do you need anything? Is everything okay?"

Finally, the wolf-warlock hybrid seemed to catch up with alpha's sour tone.

"Can you stay with Petal today?" Jace didn't beat the brush around.

"Is everything okay? Is Chim okay?" Jace could hear the panic in Taehyun's voice.

"Don't worry. Petal is okay." Jace answered by spreading butter on the bread. "He just had a bad day yesterday. And I don't want to leave him alone. So, I hope can you..."

"Of course, I can." Cheerily, omega jumped without letting Jace finish the sentence. "I will take care Chim like a baby. Don't worry. And I will get to spend my day with my babies. Oh god, I will see you in a few."

Jace shook his head fondly while listening to the other's rant. Taehyun was one of Jace's best friends when he was young. Jace, Rayan, Nathen, Colin, Yoongi, and Taehyung had grown up together since they were young. But when Jace married Noah, those two instantly clicked off, declaring they were now best friends. Even though Jace pretended he was hurt by the abandoning of his best friend, he was glad his mate had someone who was supportive by his side.

So, Taehyun was a good choice to keep company with Noah today.

"Good morning, Dad."

A voice greeted him, bringing him back from thoughts. He turned to face Levi, who was already dressed for school.

"Good morning, Levi."

"How is Mom?"

Levi asked, helping Jace finish other toasts.

"He seems tired, so I didn't want to wake him up."

Jace quickly prepared lunch boxes for the kids.

"Levi, can you wake Kayden and help him get ready?" Jace wiped his hands on the kitchen towel. "I will get ready, twins."

"Of course, Dad." Levi asked, leaving the kitchen. "What about Owi and Mini?"

"Taehyun said he would come." Jace replied. "So, let them sleep for now."

It wouldn't take much time for four children and their father to gather around for breakfast.

"Where is Mama?"

Azelia was eating her toast. She seemed to be upset because her father didn't put the hairstyle she had wanted.

"He is still sleeping." Jace answered. "Let him rest for today. He had been tired lately."

It wasn't a lie. Due to the recent disturbances and attacks, the hospital was filled with patients. So, Noah had to work extra shifts at the same time handling the duties of queen and Luna. So, he had been really tired the past few days.

All the children knew this, and so they all agreed their mother needed more rest. Levi had already told Kayden about Noah's condition, so he also didn't question anything.

When everyone finished their breakfast, the front door opened, and a very happy warlock came in.

"Hello, my puppies!"

Taehyun greeted her with a lot of energy.

"Uncle Tae!!"

The twins ran to their favorite uncle.

So, it didn't take much time for the same mental level of three kids to laugh and scream.

"Everyone!" Jace voiced sternly, silencing all three. "Owen and Esmin are still sleeping. So be quiet."

All three murmured quick apologies, and Taehyun moved to hug Levi and Kayden while Jace helped the twins with their shoes.

After sending everyone to the car, Jace turned up to the younger men.

"Are you sure you can take care of them?"

"Are you doubting me, Jace?" Taehyun raised an eyebrow. "Do you forget how many times I babysat your kids?"

"I'm not worried about kids. I'm worried about Petal."

Jace was eyeing their bedroom. Jace had checked their room for one last time before leaving to make sure his mate was okay. Noah was in deep sleep, and fortunately, there weren't any nightmares. But still, his wolf hesitated to leave his mate.

"Why? Does something happen?" Now it was Taehyun's turn to worry.

"Something happened." Jace admitted. "But it isn't my place to talk about it. Please don't ask anything from him. Just stay by his side."

"Okay, don't worry." Taehyun assured. "I will take care of your mate. So go and attend to your Kingly duties."

With that, Taehyung shooed the worried alpha out of his own house. Taehyun could feel Jace was worried about something, but it wasn't his place to meddle. He trusted both Noah and Jace to take care of their issues. Now he had two pups to take care of. Well, three.


When Noah woke up, he felt surprisingly well-rested.

There was a warm sandalwood scent cocooned around him, making his omega purr in happiness. His nest was comfortable and soft. He really didn't want to get up.

He lazily removed his fluffy comforter, yawning and rubbing his eyes cutely, not much like a mother of six pups but a little kid. The soft, tousled hair framed his face in a slightly disheveled but endearing manner, giving him a charmingly relaxed appearance. Stretching out like a sleepy cat, he turned to glance at the wall clock.

Ten o'clock.

He blinked.

Ten o'clock.

He rubbed his eyes and blinked again.

Ten o'clock.

His eyes widened. He hurriedly threw his blankets away before getting down from the bed. Shit! How could he oversleep? He had so much work to do.

"Oh, look who had decided to wake up."

A voice greeted Noah as he walked to the living room. Well, ran to.

"Taehyun?" Noah was surprised to see his best friend here. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, your dear husband wanted to give you a break." Taehyun's face had a bright smile. "So, here, the best babysitter came to service."

Then Noah noticed two pups playing on the floor with Taehyun. Well, Owen was playing, and Esmin was doodling on a piece of paper. At least Esmin wasn't crying and clinging to him today.

"Hey, go and wash up." Taehyung helped Owen with some blocks. "Your mate made some breakfast for you."

Noah walked to the bathroom with a confused face. Why did Jace intend for him to take a break? He took a leave yesterday as well. These days, he really couldn't afford to laze off. With the current situation, he had so many duties to attend to.

When he was under the shower, it hit. What had happened last night. A panic attack.

Oh, God! He had a panic attack. In front of Jace.

Oh no! How had he let it happen? He had been careful all these years. Avoiding all triggers. But what had given off last night?

Noah's thoughts wandered off to what had happened last night as cold water poured on him. He didn't have to think in deep. He remembered what it was.

His name.

Jace said he was visiting.

What should he do?

Noah slid down the wall so he could sit on the cold floor. He bit down on his fingernails nervously, thinking what he should do. He couldn't face him. Not again. After he finally found happiness.

No, everything was going to be okay. Why should he fear for someone he hadn't even met for twenty years? He probably wouldn't be able to even remember him. So why should he? It was okay. Everything was going to be okay. He was not alone. He had Jace. So, it was okay.

Then he noticed the bandages on his feet. Oh, he had forgotten. He injured his feet last night. If Jace found out he was this careless, he was going to throw a fit. No wonder he called Taehyun to babysit. Well, not for his pups. But for him.

A small smile painted his face as he thought of his family and friends. He was lucky to have them. The past was past, and he wouldn't let it hunt him and snatch away his happiness.

He wiped down the tears that he didn't know he was crying and stood up, turning off the shower.


"Hey, are you okay?"

Taehyun asked, nudging Noah's side.

They were on the comfortable sofa in Noah's living room, wrapped in a fluffy comforter, munching popcorn. The TV was playing some romantic comedy, but neither omega had paid attention on it.

It was already noon, and both pups were tired after playing all day with two omegas. So finally, they fell asleep, giving some alone time to best friends.

"I'm okay." Noah shuddered off.

"Don't lie to me, Chim." Tahyun's voice was serious. And serious Taehyun was never a good thing. "I'm your best friend. I knew something is bothering you."

Noah didn't reply. He didn't want to add any more lies than there already were. But if he didn't say something, he knew Taehyun wouldn't let this go.

When Noah met Taehyun for the first time, he never thought they would end up being best friends like this. Noah only had one friend before Taehyun. And that also wasn't under normal circumstances. So, when Taehyun first declared they were best friends, he was scared. He didn't know what to do. But Taehyun accepted him as who he was and never forced him out of his comfort zone. From there, he learned how to be friends.

"Did Jace and you fight?"


Noah started out with Taehyun's sudden question.

"So, the answer is, no?" Taehyung studied his friend's face. "Then I don't think it is a big problem."

Noah didn't answer. He just stared at moving pictures on TV.

"Listen Chimmy." Taehyun forced Noah to look at him. His light brown eyes shone with warmth. "I don't know what is going on, but whatever it is, it's all going to be okay. You have Jace, me, the pups, and a whole bunch of idiot friends. So, everything is going to be okay. You are not alone, Chimmy."

Yeah, Taehyun was right.

He wasn't alone.

Not anymore.

"So, do you want to hear about juicy details about what Colin and I did last night?" Taehyun suddenly changed the topic by one hundred eighty degrees, like a previous serious conversation never happened.

It took some time for Noah to register what his friend had said. When he realized it, his face changed making his cheeks burn.

"What? Who wants to hear about that?"

"Oh, Chimmy, don't be shy." Taehyun wiggled his eyebrows. "Maybe you can get some new ideas from me."

"Go, away." Noah threw a pillow at the blue-haired omega. "Who wants your pervert ideas?"

"Why, they are good." Taehyun caught the pillow before hitting him. "So, good. I had Colin's knot on my ass just in minutes."

"Taehyun!" Noah's face turned deep red. He was never going to look at his other friend, Colin, in the same manner after today.

"Why?" Taehyun's giggling echoed around the house. "You are just jealous because you are sex deprived."

"I'm not sex-deprived" Noah threw another pillow.

"Oh, no?" Taehyun dodged the pillow. "So, tell me how you manage to have alone time when your pups try to get in your bed."

"We have our ways." This time Noah's pillow hit the other omega.

"Really, tell me." Taehyun also picked up a pillow to seek revenge. "Maybe I can use them for future reference."

"Go away!" Noah threw another pillow after one hit on his face. "You pervert!"

Giggles of two omegas echoed around the house as the two continued pillow war, like little pups. Maybe sometimes it was okay to just be a kid, forgetting every worry in the world.

After the pillow war, both omegas ended up on the same couch under the same blanket, snuggling into each other. Warm camelia wrapped around Noah as he placed his head on the other's shoulder. Taehyun also placed his chin top on his silver hair while watching a new movie now playing on TV.

There was a comfortable silence, except for the voices of TV and popcorn munching. And it gave comfort to him.

While the movie continued playing, Noah's eyes drifted to a large flower plant placed in the corner of the room. It had vibrant green leaves and golden flowers that emitted a heavenly fragrance.

It had grown up well.

He still remembers how small it was when they received it.


"Oh, you've got lots."

Taehyun tore away the wrapping paper from the box in his hand.

"I don't ever think I'll ever get this many gifts."

Noah placed a glass cup set along with the other glass items they received.

"Don't worry, this won't be the first time." Taehyun said, wiggling his eyebrows. "Don't forget to invite me to unwrap your birthday and anniversary piles also."

Noah laughed at his friend's antics. They were in the living room of Noah and Jace's new house, sitting on the floor, unwrapping wedding gifts they received. When Noah and Jace returned from their week-long honeymoon, the first thing that greeted them were the gifts placed around the house. So, he didn't have any other choice but to ask for his new best friend's help.

Noah picked up the next gift.

It was a tall box carefully wrapped in shimmering golden paper and tied with a luxurious golden ribbon that had a beautiful star pattern, reflecting the last rays of sunlight.

Noah didn't know why he started to feel something. But there was something about this gift.

Feeling the softness of the golden ribbon beneath his fingertips, Noah untied the bow, revealing the golden paper's secrets beneath. After carefully peeling back the layers of golden paper, he opened the lid of the box.

His eyes widened, seeing what was inside.

It was a flowerpot.

The pot itself was stunning, ornately decorated with intricate patterns, and adorned with delicate engravings. Inside the pot was the most beautiful and vibrant flowering plant he had ever seen. Its petals displayed a mesmerizing blend of golden and silver colors like a painter's masterpiece brought to life.

There was a glow around the flower, indicating it wasn't a normal plant.

Of course, it wasn't a normal plant.

And Noah recognized what it was.

Another thing he thought he would never see again in his life.


Taehyun exclaimed, seeing what was on Noah's hand. But Noah wasn't in the mood to pay attention to him.

With trembling fingertips, he took out the golden paper inside the box.

Dear Jace,

I'm sorry I was not able to attend your wedding. Actually, I was surprised to hear you were going to marry so soon. Especially with an angel. Actually, I had some plans to arrange a marriage between you and my little brother so we could strengthen our alliance. But it seems I was late.

Anyway, you had found your own angel. What a wonderful surprise! I would like to meet him personally one day, but I don't think I will have time soon. I wish you both a lifetime of love, joy, and togetherness. May your union be filled with blessings and endless laughter.

As a token of my best wishes and to express my heartfelt congratulations, I've arranged for a special gift to be sent to your home. This is a special plant that only grows in the realm of angels. But since your mate is an angel, he must know how to take care of it. So, it won't be a problem. It has various spiritual powers that will surely bring you good luck and prosperity.

Give my regards to your mate.

I wish you all the love and happiness in the world.

Your friend,

Naymen Ernwood,

King of the Realm of Angels.

Noah dropped the paper.

"Isn't it from King of Angels?" Taehyun asked, observing the magical flower plant. "He is the only one who could send a present like this."

"Yeah." Noah replied in a low voice. He tried to keep his voice from trembling. "Does Jace know him?"

"Of course, they are close friends." Taehyun's eyes were still on the flower plant. "He and Jace met every time when King Naymen came to the mortal realm. But after Naymen became king, he was busy. Jace was really sad when he heard Naymen couldn't attend the wedding. He was so excited to introduce you to him."

Noah didn't say anything. He couldn't process what he was hearing.

"Hey, are you okay?" Taehyun then noticed the lack of reply from his friend.

"Yeah." Noah was able to let out a sigh, standing. "I just want to use the bathroom."

Then he disappeared to the bathroom before Taehyun had said anything. Behind the closed door, he tried to hold back the panic that suddenly overwhelmed him.

Naymen Ernwood. He had never hope he would hear that name after ten years.


Noah took a deep breath of calming camellia while snuggling with his best friend.

He knew he needed to tell Jace about his past.

He hid it too long.

But now when the man who wanted to arrange to marry Jace was coming back, Noah didn't know how long he could hide those things.

He could only hope everything would be okay.

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