By prettygirlramsey

18K 716 53

It get crazy when you really love somebody. And Serenity is the prime example of that when it comes to Key. K... More

The End


193 9 0
By prettygirlramsey

May 29,2020

Everybody was up and about trying to get they self together. The first people to sit down was Key and Serenity.

"Good morning." Serenity said to the chef.

Sitting their cups of water down, "Good morning." Speaking to the both of them.

"Good morning." Key said.

"What could I get you to drink?" The chef asked.

"2 mimosas please." Serenity said.

Key looked at her, "Damn you starting already?" Asking her.

Laughing, "It's for the both of us." She said.

Key ain't say nothing all he could do is nod his head. The chef went to get their mimosas. They was sitting there for like 10 minutes waiting on everybody.

"Damn what's taking them so long?" Serenity checked the time.

Key shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know but I'm not finnah wait no longer." He waved the chef over. "You could make our plates cause ain't no telling how long they gone be." He told the man.

The man went to fix they plates and sat them down in front.

"Thanks." Serenity said to him.

They started eating they food so they could get they say started. Tori, Ju, and Fat made they way to breakfast.

Sitting down, "Good morning." Tori smiled.

"Good morning." Key and Serenity said.

"Waddup." Ju nodded his head.

Clapping his hands together, "Wassam!" Fat sat down all happy.

"Why the hell you so happy fa?" Serenity asked.

Looking at the chef, "I'm ready to eat whenever you get a chance." He told the chef. Looking back at her, "Nigga woke up in the Bahamas." He said.

Smacking her lips, "Boy."

"That's yo problem always trying to hate on a real nigga." He said.

"Ain't nobody hating on yo ass." She said.

Tori jumped in, "What y'all got planned today?" Asking to change the subject.

"We going to the beach and find local food spots to try out and prolly go shopping." Serenity said. "What you got planned?" Asking Tori.

"All the single people are going to find shit to do." Tori said.

"Damn." Key said holding back his laugh.

Ju felt played a lil, "The fuck is so funny." He said.

"Single life." Key said.

Serenity looked around and quickly put her head down, "Nigga." Ju said.

"What?!" Key asked

"Niggas finally get right with they girl and wanna shit on us single people." Ju said.

Tori shook her head, "Shit don't make no sense." She agreed with Ju.

"I'm just saying." He wrapped his arm around Serenity.

Serenity just smiled awkwardly without saying nothing and ate her food. Key just wanted to rub it in their faces but Ju and Tori wasn't having it. Trey came down the stairs with Mae right behind him.

As Trey sat down, "Ohhh baby! You got 3 shots." Tori said to Mae who was bout to sit down.

Side eyeing her, "Who?" Snapping her neck.

"You!" Tori got up.

Mae did this lil fake laugh, "Tori please!" Begging not to take them shots.

"You made this rule." Tori said.

Smacking her lips, "Can you please have my plate ready?!" Asking the chef.

The chef nodded his head and went to finish fixing the plates. Tori fixed Mae shots as everyone looked on.

As Mae took her shots, "Chile." Serenity said.

"My goodness." Took her last shot.

Checking the time, "Well hope y'all have a good day but..." Serenity got up and tapped Key, "We gots to go." They walked away.

"Where they going?" Mae asked.

Tori swallowed her food, "The beach and some other places." She said.

"Ohhhh!" Mae said.

Everybody ate and when they was done the chef started cleaning up. They all got ready to get out the house for the day. Once they left the house the chef started preparing for the big dinner tonight. The people who was pose to decorate came and immediately started setting everything up.

•Out With Key & Serenity•

"Do you want this or not?" Key asked Serenity.

Still debating, "Uhmm I don't know." She said.

Smacking his lips, "We gone get it." He said.

"Okay." Scanning the item. Looking at the total, "$52.31!" The cashier said.

Key pulled out his money and paid for it. Serenity tried to grabbed the bag off the counter.

Smacking her hand, "Don't touch that." Grabbing it. Taking his change, "Thanks!" He said.

Grabbing her hand as the walked back to the cab. They had stopped to get some snacks and drinks for the beach. The driver dropped them off at the beach and drove off.

Walking to the beach, "How long you trying to be out here?" He asked her.

Shrugging her shoulders, "I don't know." Checking her phone, "I'm waiting on the planner to call me." She said.

Looking at her crazy, "For what?" Asking.

"Make sure everything is in order and how I want it." Telling Key.

Nodding his head, "So we must ain't finnah stay long?" Asking

"Yeah." Looking for a spot for them.

They found a spot and laid out their towels. Serenity put sunscreen on Key and he did the same for her. They was enjoying their time together when Serenity phone started ringing. She answered it and once she heard who it was she put it on speaker.


Serenity: Hey Detective Gomez.
Detective Gomez: How are you today?
Serenity: I'm good. How about you?
Detective Gomez: That's good. Today is better than others.
Serenity: I feel you on that.
Detective Gomez: Right but uhmm I called you to tell you some good news and was wondering if you could come down to the station if you in town.
Serenity: Ohhh unfortunately I won't I'm on vacation.
Detective Gomez: Ohhh I apologize for interrupting your vacation. Uhmmm I'll make it quick.
Serenity: You good.
Detective Gomez: I'm make it quick. We arrested a suspect in your case.
Serenity: Okay good uhmm who is it if you don't mind me asking.
Detective Gomez: Uhmmm Kaylee Grey.
Serenity: How you know?
Detective Gomez: Well that part I would like to discuss in person and was wondering if you could come down to the station.
Serenity: Ohh sorry I'm out on vacation out of the country.
Detective Gomez: Do you know when you'll be back?
Serenity: Uhmm I'll be back in ATL prolly next week sometime.
Detective Gomez: Do you know when you'll be able to come back to Memphis?
Serenity: I don't feel comfortable coming back anymore cause it seems like some bad stuff is always happening.
Detective Gomez: Ohhh I totally understand. Well just give me a call whenever you make it back home.
Serenity: Yeah I can.
Detective Gomez: Okay well enjoy your vacation.
Serenity: Thanks and I will.


"I knew it was that bitch." Serenity said.

Shaking his head, "Who didn't know it was her?"

"You right." She said.

They just relaxed til the planner called saying they were ready.


Mailani "Mae" Cathey
May 29,2020

"Are you ready?" Serenity said through the door.

"Yeah." I said.

Cracking the door open, "Can I come in?" Asking me.

"Yeah." I said.

She came in with Tori smiling hard as fuck staring at me.

Standing there awkwardly, "The fuck y'all staring at?" Asking them.

Laughing, "Girl." Was all they said.

"What?" Getting irritated.

"You look the fuck good." Serenity said. Smacking her lips, "Calm down."

"Y'all know I hate staring." I said.

Serenity sat down, "Uhmm so I was gone wait til tell y'all but I can't hold it in anymore." She said.

I instantly turned around, "What?"

"Ohhh no you pregnant!" Tori fell down to her knees being dramatic.

We just looked at her like be fucking for real but the silence was a lil too long so my attention turned to her.

Realizing I was staring at her, "Now how the fuck would I be pregnant if I been drinking this whole time?" Asking us.

Tori slowly got up, "You could be faking it."

"I ain't pregnant y'all." She said.

"Whew." Wiping her forehead.

"Okay so what is it?" Asking her.

Giving this awkward smile, "Kaylee got arrested."

Tori perked up, "When?" All happy.

"Today." She said.

"Good so that means we celebrate not only my birthday but that bitch going to jail." I said with a smirk.

Trying to hold back her smile, "If you want to."

"Ohh we are." I said. "Tonight we finnah be on our ass." Looking at them.

They laughed but I was dead ass. Ohhh this trip can't even get any better.

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