The Red exorcist - Blue exorc...

By TheCrimsonWrath

8.1K 138 321

A story about. Warrior named Kenji Okumara. He's a 16-year-old with a height of 5'5" and an intriguing specie... More

Our story begins
Father and son reunion
Going to school
End of term
The ghouls
The exam and Kuro
The snake sensei
Camping trip
Flaming Death Match and Promotion
Infection and a trip to kyoto
The next day and a family scuffle
The meeting and secrets revealed
The sealed flames
The impure king!
The Flames of Red and Blue
The day out and the talk
A spiteful survivor
The Corpse in the garden
Demon extermination
Demonic execution and possesion
Brotherly connection
We will always protect them!


149 2 11
By TheCrimsonWrath

The rest of this story is non cannon until I say it's not got it good let's get started

Kenji walks in just as Izumo leaves with his new look on full display

Kenji: what was up with her

Renzo: ooh I just gave her a fortune and basically said her personality based on her astrological sign, blood type and the four pillars of destiny's

Kenji: you know if you put as much effort into your studies as you do with whatever what was you'd be one of the top in the class

Renzo: ooh thank— Wait what's that supposed to mean!

Rin: Wow bro you are looking super cool

Kenji: Heh you noticed did ya since I'm not a student anymore I can dress whatever way I see fit I mean just look at shura

Rin: that's true, Hey Shima do me do me

Renzo: nope sorry only do girls guys don't inspire me

Kenji sits down and Draco curls up in his lap

Bon: I never thought about it before but how would a son of Satan be born

Konekomaru: who knows do you know Kenji

Kenji: well..that's one thing I've been sworn to secrecy about

Bon: wait so you do know

Kenji: yeah but I can't say it that's something I promised our dad before he well you can guess

Bon: oh well ok no problem

Shiemi: Wait!

Rin: huh are you ok

Shiemi: I just realised kamiki's birthday is coming up

Kenji: (huh interesting)

Shiemi: so anyway we are going to throw a throw a surprise party for kamiki and it'll be the best ever

Bon: of all people why do we need to celebrate her birthday

Kenji: will you be quiet we all voted for it fair and square

Shiemi: ok I'm going to assign each of you a task

One thing before we start what happens at parties again

They all do the anime fall

Rin: presents

Kenji: cake

Renzo: snacks and drinks

Konekomaru: and decorations and stuff

Shiemi: oh right a present what can we get her that she'll be sure to like

Rin: meats a good present barabacue tsukiyaki oh and roast beef too

Kenji: no no as much as I like that stuff we can't do it

Renzo: I think A bouquet of flowers would be awesome

Kenji: it wouldn't work anyway

Renzo: Hey how do you know it won't!

Kenji: do you know Izumo

Rin: plus you can't eat flowers

Rin,Renzo and shiemi all begin arguing


Shima your in charge the present figure out what she wants and get it by Sunday
Rin your on cake detail not buying it baking it
Konekomaru your in charge of shopping and rin
That leaves me and moriyama to decorate the room

Kenji: uhh what about me

Bon: well your in charge of keeping her out of the way so you need to spend as much time with her as possible while we are doing this

Kenji: Yes sir!

Renzo: wait why can't I do that

Bon: it's simple Kenji's the only one she can actually tolerate for so long

Kenji: Ha!

Later Kenji is chilling out in regular sitting next to Izumo when he sees Shima in the doorway

Kenjj: uh hey Izumo I was wondering is there anything you need help with in cram school

Izumo: oh you want to tutor me?

Kenji: yeah sure you've got some insane potential plus we both want to become tamers so we may as well stick together

Izumo: huh I guess your right sure! Sounds good we'll meet in the library later this week

Kenji: sounds perfect

He then sees Renzo leave with Paku and he notices Izumo watches

Izumo: Huh what's going on with them

Kenji: you wanna spy on them

Izumo smirks slightly: yeah

Luckily Kenji managed to delay them enough that she only heard Renzo complimenting Paku

They then in the in library later

Kenjj hears rin and Konekomaru reading a recipe for a cake

Kenji: Oh look this way it's what you need right!

Izumo: huh oh yeah

Izumo looks confused by shakes it off

Later they are walking back to the classroom

Kenji: and yeah that's how to best summon demons

You see I keep Kowaru's paper in this black glove here and the fabric is already laced with my blood so all I need to do is chant and it summons him

Izumo: wow that's pretty cool actually

Kenji: hehehe thanks

Kenji then gets a message from Bon

We are doing crafts stall her

Kenji: (great!) Hey Izumo didn't you say earlier you where meeting Paku at a cafe of some king

Izumo: oh yeah I guess we lost track of time that's for reminding me same time tomorrow

Kenji: sounds good

Izumo runs off

Kenji: phew luckily she's going back to her dorm after this so I don't need to worry

Later in the kitchen

The whole gang apart from the birthday girl are looking at the cake

And it says merry x mas on it with Santa Claus on the top

Renzo: what is this

Rin: it's just a prototype I whipped up

Kenji: well it looks delicious

Rin: I know right!

Bon: Wring Wrong Wrong

Rin: you don't like angel food

Bon: what are you crazy you where supposed to be in charge of him Konekomaru

Konekomaru: yeah I know but he made it when I wasn't looking

Rin: hey stopping yelling at Konekomaru why don't you tell me what's wrong with it because I think I made a masterpiece

Renzo: no you made a mistake

Kenji: wait he did something wrong? It looks great too me

Yukio: yeah same here I don't see what the problem to me it looks like a perfectly good birthday cake

The class: Huh!

Rin: oh my god birthday cakes and Christmas cakes are totally different

Kenji: who would've thought

Yukio: and it took us all fifteen years to realise it

(Ok quick fact about me I share a birthday with Rin and Yukio so it took me about 7-8 years to figure out the difference)

Bon: so what are we going to do with this thing

They give it to Mephisto and he loves it

The next day

Kenji is right beside Izumo

Kenji: I can't believe you dragged me into this again

Izumo: if you remember it was your idea to spy on them in the first place

Kenji: yeah but I didn't expect it too get this big

Izumo: enough. I can't believe this is happening after all the warnings I gave her

Kenji: well I think they make a pretty great couple ther chemistry is on point

He says while they are both spying on them

They continue to follow them

Renzo almost notices izumo

Kenji sends him a text

We are following you don't act suspicious just causal

Renzo's response

Roger that

They both close their phones

They keep following them

They say words that sound very interesting about of context

Izumo freaks outn

Kenji texts Renzo

Get out of the shop now she's distracted

They leave the shop

Izumo finally stops and now they are gone

Kenji smirks and follows Izumo

But she eventually finds them sharing an umbrella and they get very close to each other

Kenji: huh maybe this is turning into something else after all

Izumo: Will you stop this is not funny they hardly know each other p

Izumo runs and before Kenji can catch her a lot of stuff happens and Renzo accidentally blows the whole operation

They are back in class 

And Izumo is very mad

Renzo: I swear it was an accident and I sort of let the cat out of the bag

Bon: nice job you dumbass

Renzo: sorry

Izumo: did you have anything to do with this Kenji

Kenji: well a little bit I actually did want to help you with studying and I did want too spy on Shima and Paku But,,I was also kind of in charge of making sure you didn't find out thanks for that Shima

Renzo: sorry

Rin: I don't get it why are you mad

Izumo: you hang me out to dry like this well I'm not gonna got let you get away with this

Bon: Chill out no one is hanging anything

Izumo: that's exactly what you're doing your using me as an excuse just so you can all go have fun

Kenji: but shouldn't be happy

Paku: yeah we are doing this for you after all,

Shiemi: this is oh my fault, I said we should throw you a birthday party and I wanted it too be a surprise

Bon: you don't need to apologise you know moriyama worked hard to make you happy so what's with the attitude is it really such a drag that everyone wants to celebrate your birthday

Izumo: no it's not a drag that's not what I mean

Kenji: alright then what's up

Izumo: I'm just saying it's unfair is all

All: it's unfair

Izumo blushing: all these months and now you want to throw a party for me now unfair is that what about everyone else's birthdays how many have we skipped since the first day of class huh I'm sure a couple of you turned 16 by now am I wrong a few days ago some of you where talking about getting your motorcycle licenses

Renzo: I've got to hand it too you Izumo you're sharp

Izumo: there now if we are going to this we do it right and celebrate everyone's birthday otherwise you can't forget about mine

They all think

Rin: what do you think about just celebrating everyone's birthday


Bon: so does everyone have something to drink

Rin: it's ready

Kenji: ahh this'll be good

Paku: did you bake that cake by yourself

Rin: yeah I couldn't do anything else since cooking's the only productive skill I got

He accidentally knocks the cake but Konekomaru catches it

And together they all blow the candles out


Kenji: hey Izumo I've got a present for ya do you wanna take it

Izumo: uh sure

Kenji: heh well as soon as I heard about your birthday I had to use my only productive skill and that's making stuff so

Here you go

Izumo gasps and grabs it

Izumo blushing slightly: thank you Kenji

Kenji: no problem

Izumo: hey can I do something quickly

She grabs Kenji's hair and ties it up

Izumo: there that should help a bit it looks better now

Kenji: thank you

Izumo: no problem

She kisses him on the cheek and they go back to enjoying the party

And that's a wrap

Man that was an interesting chapter to right remeber it's kind of non cannon but something similar happens in the manga just much later in so I can problem just do it then

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