One With The Ocean ( One Piec...

By read-and-writing

1.6K 70 3

Kailani Reyes was just a common folk like her parents. She did normal villager tasks, and was ran by the all... More

Romance Dawn
The Man In The Straw Hat
Tell No Tales
The Pirates are Coming
Eat at Baratie!
The Chef and the Chore Boy
The Girl with the Sawfish Tattoo
Getting Her Back
Long Lasting Adventures and Wild Dreams

Worst in the East

98 7 0
By read-and-writing

I'm going to write 3 more chapters, and change the ending a little just so I can add my own "episodes" just so you guys know! Thank you so much for getting this far. I'm obsessed with this show bye PLS! Then after chapter 10, that is when the book will be complete until season 2.

3rd person p.o.v

Kailani watched as her confidence in belonging to the straw hat crew started to diminish. Especially after her conversation with Luffy a couple days ago on the ship.

She didn't have long to think about her stands on the crew, because her friends needed her in that moment, Nami needed her.

Luffy lead us as we got to Arlong Park, where Usopp threw fiery bullets that would startle Arlongs crew.

The straw hat crew would bust the door open and flood in as a unit.

"Where is Arlong?" Luffy asks and Nami replies, "probably in the map room." She says to him and he nods his head.

"Then that is where we shall go." He says as Nami and him start to head that way. Determined Kailani asks to follow, but protective Luffy disagrees.

"No, we don't need you Kailani. Stay with the crew, it will just be Nami and I." Luffy said to her with a straight face and a bit too harshly.

"Threes a crowd. I'm sorry Kailani, protect Usopp! And yourself!" Nami says to Kailani causing her to look down and the thoughts flood through Kai's mind.

Kai watched as the man she grew fond over and her best friend left to go find Arlong and the map. She sighed, but didn't have time to be upset, because her crew was under attack.

Kailani joined the fight as Usopp had run off and had one of Arlongs members chase after him. Kailani fought side by side with Sanji and Zoro.

"I don't think your abilities would be of much use since these are fishmen." Sanji says and Zoro scoffs, "you don't know her." He says as Kailani was able to drop three of Arlongs men with just a simple move.

"My apologies Kai. I take back what I said." Sanji says to Kailani, and she just shrugs at him.

Zoro and Kailani moved in sync as Sanji found alone, and the other two went as a duo.

Kai saw how Zoro would wince after every big move he made, "you okay Zor?" Kailani would ask Zoro but he would just shake it off and grunt, "I'm fine." As he would take on the next victim.

Meanwhile Luffy and Nami were facing off with Arlong once he finally appeared. Luffy had rage in his eyes as he talked to Arlong.

He had no respect for his friends, part of him was glad Kailani wasn't here. He felt more relaxed while fighting knowing Kailani was safe somewhere else far from him. Well, as safe as one can get while fighting pirates.

"Nami, go. I've got this." Luffy says as he gets ready to fight Arlong. Nami tries to protest but Luffy had already made up his mind.

Nami obeys the captains command and leaves, and she joins up with the crew.

As soon as Nami got to Zoro, Kai, and Sanji, Usopp shows up a tad too late because everyone was already defeated.

"Where's Luffy?" Kailani asks as her protectiveness for her captain and feelings for him are present.

Nami points at the moving tower, "in there still."

"He'll be okay right?" Usopp asks the crew and no one not even Kailani replies.

The straw hat crew anxiously awaited with anticipation for their captain and friend to return.

A few minutes pass, and the tower comes crashing down causing the whole crew to be in visable distress. Much like how Kailani couldn't look at Zoro as he passed out, she turned around because she could not see the damage that was dealt.

To her if she couldn't see it, then it wasn't real. Luffy was alive, she tried to convince to herself, even though the crash sounded very bad. She knew he had to be alive.

She then heard cheering from the crew and she hesitantly turned around to see a smiling Luffy as he came out of the debris.

Feeling overwhelming emotions she decided to turn back around and walk to the village. She always found peace in villages, and she would be able to bare them good news.

Nobody noticed at first Kailani leaving to the village, only one person noticed right away. Luffy was the one who noticed, he couldn't help but to feel a pain in his stomach. He mistakenly thought it was because he was hungry, little did he know that it was his heart that stung, because the girl he liked didn't even hug him after an awesome victory. He wanted to tell her about what he did, but he would remember the talk they had a couple days ago.

Kailani sat with the kids as she listened to Usopps fake but true stories, she thought Usopp was so creative, a coward, but talented in many other ways.

Luffy was with Zoro, Sanji and Nami, when they finally caught up to the other two. They also listened to Usopps crazy stories.

Once he was finished Luffy cheered and everyone followed the cheering. Kailani couldnt help but to smile up at him.

Only he wouldn't be looking down at her, he would be looking straight at Usopp.

Kailani sat up, and had a thought in her head. She wanted a sign if she should stay with the team or leave. Before she could even think, the marines came storming in demanding Luffy.

Even with Koby and Helmeppo protesting, GARP was persistent to getting Luffy.

Kailani put herself in between Nami and Zoro, and watched as Luffy and his grandpa face off.

"I told you, you weren't ready. Now is your last chance." His grandpa says to him.

Luffy didn't budge he only smirked, "I am a pirate Grandpa, whether you like it or not." He says to him and this causes his grandpa to send him flying.

Kailani and the crew watched as Luffy struggled to get up, but because he was stubborn. He would get up every time.

Kailani watched as his grandpa beat him down one last time, before she finally spoke up.

This was her sign, she would be put back to her land, and see her family once again. She knew this was what she was supposed to do. Even if leaving the crew was not what she wanted.. she knew she had to move on.

"Stop. I'll make you a deal, how does that sound GARP." Kailani says as she walks closer to Luffy and his grandpa.

"Kai, what are you doing." Zoro asks as his jaw clenched and GARP turned around amused.

"I'm listening." He says as Luffy now gets up from the ground.

"I'll be your prisoner, in my hometown, serve you and your marines. If you let Luffy and the crew walk." Kailani says to the head marine, causing the whole crew to gasp and Luffy as well.

"Kailani! What are you doing?" Luffy asks as he steps closer to her.

He stood inches away from her while GARP laughs. "I wasn't as tempted as before, but I am now. You've got yourself a deal. Cadets, take her away.. we leave at sunrise." GARP says then Koby and Helmeppo try to grab me but Luffy gets in the way.

"I'm not letting you take her." He says to the two boys and Koby sighs.

"Why would you give yourself up? You belong to our crew, not as the marines prisoner." Luffy asks Kailani and she shrugs.

"Time for a change I guess. Maybe I got tired playing pirates, and this was my chance, plus he was going to kill you. I did you a favor." Kailani says back coldly, not wanting to say what she really wanted to say.

"No, I won't let them take you away." Luffy stood his ground, and Kailani looked at Koby and Helmeppo, she rolled her eyes as pushed past Luffy.

"Let's go boys." Kai says as the two cadets followed closely behind.

"Kailani!" Luffy was screaming the girls name, but she never even looked back once. Both their hearts breaking after every scream.

The night went slow, as Kailani cried herself to sleep, her consequences of her actions finally comprehending to her.

"You ready to leave, prisoner?" GARP says to Kailani and she shrugs.

"Ready to see my parents." She says with a small smile and happily.

GARP chuckles and shakes his head, "we aren't going back to your village, we're going to the trench village." He replies back evilly.

Kailanis eyes go wide as GARP said that, before she could react she was shoved on the boat.

She could hear Luffy yelling out for her but he was too late.

"She's gone man." Zoro says as he sighs sadly, the crew had lost a valuable member to their team.

"We are going after her." Luffy says as he nods at the marine ship Salina away with his girl, and the crews friends.

"Of course we are going to get your girlfriend backup Nami says to Luffy and he blushes.

"Nobody takes our girl away, even if she sacrificed herself for me." He says the crew nodded.

"Where are they going?" Usopp asks and everyone shrugs.

"Nami, follow that ship!" Luff yells out as he runs over to their ship everyone following behind him quickly before they could loose sight of the ship.

As the ocean became more steady Kailani decides to speak up and talk to the two cadets.

"So, what do you boys do for fun?" She asks them but neither of them looked amused.

"You shouldn't have sacrificed yourself. Luffy could have handled that on his own. I just shrugged, "maybe I want to be here." Kailani says as she smiles.

"Oh I've missed you doll face." Helmeppo says and I scoff and roll my eyes at his comment.

"I have not missed you." Kailani says innocently and rudely to the boy who said that to her.

It took a few days before they finally reached the village of trench.

Kailani looks around as she was being dragged by the marines. That's when she saw Luffys wanted sign. It was a very cute picture of him smiling and even Usopp was in the background.

"I guess he is a pirate after all." Kailani says in her head since she was still being dragged.

The two boys took her to the basement of the base. She was in a foreign island, she had no idea how to escape or what to do without her captain or crew. She couldn't help but to feel like this was a mistake, she should have never let her feelings get in the way of her crew.

Kailani wasn't the only one regretting their decisions, Luffy sat on the goats head as his ship went toward where they thought Kailani would be.

He couldn't help but to feel this was all his fault, everything. He didn't want to believe he lost her, he was determined to rescue her and defeat his grandpa once and for all.

Luffy was even more enraged and determined than ever, he had an empty void in his heart, and this time he could feel it.

It was clear to him now how much Kailani truly meant to him, more than just a crewmate or friend. He quite possibly was in love with her, but he didn't think too much into that. He was just barely finding out his feelings for her.

He couldn't help but to think about all the good times they shared, "we'll get her back Captain. You're not the only one who misses her." Nami says to Luffy as she looks up at him and he looks down at her.

He then sees his whole crews heads down, he decides to get off the tip of the boat and sighs.

"Crew meeting." Luffy had to reassure his team that their crew would get their girl back and then head for the grand line.

"We have a bounty on us Luffy, we can't stay for long." Zoro says to him trying to get him to forget about the girl.

"Zoro, really? You know we can't do this without Kai." Nami rolls her eyes at him, and he looked down.

"You're right.." Is all he says and Luffy nods his head.

"Let's go get our girl back." Luffy says as he puts his hand out for the team.

Everyone else follows Luffys hand and nods their heads.

"Let's get Kai!" Nami says while smiling at the team.

Luffy went back to his sad expression. Nami noticed this right away and went to his side.

"Luffy, what's wrong? We will get her.." she says to him and he shakes his head.

"It's my fault Nami.. I shouldn't have pushed her away. I just didn't know how much she meant to me until she was gone. I shouldn't have ever told her I wanted a break." Luffy says to Nami wanting to beat himself up if he could.

Nami pats his back, "it's not your fault, she did it to protect you, all of us.. and what did you say to her Luffy?" Nami questioned to Luffy looking concerned.

He looked at her then to the ocean, "I told her that I couldn't do this anymore, the way she makes me feel. It was too much for me." He sighed and Namis eyes went wide and she pushed his chest angrily.

"Luffy you idiot, you never tell a girl that. That's not her fault she makes you feel that way. That's your problem not hers, I can't believe you would say that, you're so inconsiderate." She says as she looks at him upset still.

Luffy stumbles back a little his expression hadn't changed. "What I said was bad?" He asks innocently not even considering Kailanis feelings. That's when he realized that was why she was crying.

"Do you think she felt the same way?" He asks the orange haired girl, and she rolls her eyes and nods her head at him.

"Of course, no wonder she was acting so weird around you and us. God boys can be so stupid sometimes." Nami fires to Luffy but he just lets her.

"I'm sorry.. I think I like her more than a friend Nami." He says to her and she laughs.

"You think?" She says and Luffy nods his head, "oh you were being sarcastic.." Luffy says to Nami and she just rolls her eyes.

"What do I do Nami?" He asks the only other girl he could trust with his life.

She looks at him and shrugs, "tell her how you feel. Open up to her about these feelings you have. You know, once we get her back. You got this captain." Nami says and with that leaves Luffy to gain his thoughts.


Meanwhile Kailani was locked up in Trench Island, an island for marines, only GARP and his crew were on the island right now.

Kailani was just upset that she wouldn't be reunited with her family, neither of them. She would die down here since nobody knew where she was and she had no way of calling for help.

"Eat up my princess prisoner. Your crew should be here within a few days." GARP says as he throws in smashed up meat and corn for me.
She looks at the food and shook her head, "I'm not hungry."

"Eat, or don't I don't care." He replies with and Kailani scoffs.

"What makes you think they're coming?" Kailani asks the marine and he shrugged.

"It's Luffy, knowing that boy, he leaves no one left behind." He replies back and Kailani shakes her head.

"I'm going to die down here." She says as she slides down the stone cold wall and curls into a ball.

"I've seen the way Luffy looks at you girl. He will come back." GARP says and Kailani shakes her head still looking down.

"I've only looked at one women the way Luffy looked at you. They are coming, and when they do. I will be prepared." GARP says as he starts laughing uncontrollably.

Kailani turned away feeling uncomfortable, she sighed once she heard GARPs footsteps getting softer and softer.


"We're here!" Usopp yells at the top of his lungs as the straw hat crew docked onto the home that Kailani grew up in.

The whole place looked different, it looked a little better, this had given hope to Luffy that her dad was able to take back their land.

The crew got out of the boat and all split up to find Kailani.

Luffy went to where Kailani grew up, which was were the peasant side was. The whole place was still segregated, which made him think that it hadn't changed much.

He would remember how she would talk about how her land was in sections ever since Captain Morgan took over.

Luffy passed by some people until he reached a women who looked to be middle aged. "Hello, do you know a girl named Kailani?" Luffy asked the women and she looked at him and squinted.

"Why do you wanna know." She asks him and he says, "she is part of our crew, we're pirates! We are trying to find her, she is my.. uh.. girlfriend?" Luffy says the last part more as a question.

The women looked at him in horror, "Kailani is my daughter. Do you not know where my daughter is?" The women says as she furrows her eyebrows at him.

"Well, I know that she is on this island somewhere!" He says happily and the mom shakes her head.

Before she could reply Patrick, Kailanis dad comes in view.

"Oh, hey Patrick! Where does the Marines keep prisoners?" Luffy asks the dad with an innocent look.

"Are you saying my daughter is a prisoner?" The mom asks Luffy as she looks him directly in the face and angers.

"What happened to our daughter Luffy.." the dad asks and Luffy sighs.

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