𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 ▻ �...

By flawlesstiles

268K 6.1K 412

❝ i was 18 tommy, what was i supposed to do? ❞ ❝ stay. ❞ ▲ [ peaky blinders season 1 ] More

𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚
𝘽𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦
𝘽𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙏𝙬𝙤 𝘕𝘰𝘸 𝘖𝘶𝘵


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By flawlesstiles

𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩. 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴


A DEAL IS A DEAL, no matter the circumstances. And just the same as a deal, business is business. And one can often find both business and deals coming hand in hand; So really, a deal is business and business is a deal. But image living a life where you side business with one and deal with their opponent? Or perhaps the opposite, make deal with one and make business with their enemy? And both would happen to be true for the peeping barmaid from The Garrison.

In the early hours of the next morning, as most of the town still slept, the long awaited mystery of the stolen guns became a little more clear to Inspector Campbell who sat with his bolo hat and pipe beside his reporting, undercover officer, Grace Burgess.

With a smug smile Mr. Campbell relishes in the idea of finding the guns he knows the Peaky Blinders have been hiding from him and everyone else who has come looking for them. With special contribution of the peeping barmaid who had managed to weasel her way into the Shelby family business, she offers up the location of the guns to him but not without a deal to his dismay; A deal in which he finds the guns but the Peaky Blinders, more specifically Thomas Shelby, walk away untouched and unpunished.

Although with every passing day, betraying the Shelby's became harder and harder with her heart longing for the Shelby man, with duty of her job she gave tip to the Inspector regarding the presumed location of the guns which she gained while working as their bookkeeper. A sweetheart Arthur Shelby was, Grace actually found herself finding friendship with the man, but what he also was was a talker. And the sight of the Shelby that was slowly stealing her heart, Thomas Shelby, standing with the girl that stopped his heart from being wither her own, Elizabeth Alder, in his arms in The Garrison made the choice for the blonde haired barmaid a little bit easier.

Envy of the Alder girl is what Grace Burgess felt within her. How is it that Thomas Shelby stole her heart while also carrying the heart of another. And why does it seem as if hers was the heart on the side rather than the front. Perhaps it was because compared to the golden haired Alder, she lacked in beauty? Or maybe the advantage lie in their prior relationship? Or maybe it simply came down to the man himself and a lack of heart he possessed - the barmaid ponders.

"I don't hear the shovels against the wall", Thomas speaks as the newly awoken lovers lay, unclothed from the passionate night before, in bed and in the arms of each other.

The words of her Tommy causes her to turn her head up to face him, her hazel eyes gazing up at his that somehow seem bluer as he lay beside her; The morning sun shining through the window.

"Will you help me?", he asks as he rubs along the top of the small gentle hand that is placed inside his.

"With what?", Elizabeth asks softly.

"With everything", Thomas simply replies as his heart pumps with pure love, "The whole fucking thing Ellie; Life, business, everything - like we always talked about."

With loving eyes Elizabeth look at her Tommy, her heart radiating with a warm happiness. Memories of the two of them in the exact spot they lay in that morning over a decade ago flood her head; The two young and in love selves talking about the future and the beautiful life they plan to live together, as if there were no other possible option. How was it that she found herself with the man she thought she'd never see again?

"You came back to me", Thomas continues to speak from the heart as he gently moves her golden locks from her face and behind her ear, "I don't think I— I know I can't do it, any of it, without you. I can't loose you again."

Before she could muster up a response, the feeling of his lips on hers whisk away any and all thoughts she had; Her hand moving to gently hold his cheek as he pulls her body under the sheets close to his. The passionate kiss they shared seemingly speaking Yes Tommy, I will.

After relishing in a few more quiet moments of each other, the day had to be started at some point, despite both lovers wanting to stay in each others arms forever. But like everything else that is good in the world, it too must come to an end eventually.

With a sweet kiss Elizabeth waves off her ocean eyed boy as he walks out of her home and down Watery Lane with just a fresh cigarette as his breakfast.

     As she hug tighter her robe against her still unclothed body beneath, she watch as the man she loves walks further away until out of sight; Unbeknownst to her, another pair of eyes watch her in return as she closes her door.


"Have you heard word from Ada yet?", Polly asks as she sets a cup of tea down in front of the golden haired girl who is sat at the kitchen table in the Shelby home, just outside the doors of the shop.

"She said she'll think about it", she answers truthfully as she bounces her leg out of nerve. Although she be a full grown adult, she knew well the individual request by her aunt could only be either good or bad, no room for anything in-between.

As Polly Gray sit down in the empty chair beside with a matching cup of tea, she looks at the Alder girl with heavy eyes which were notably not met with the hazel ones as they continue to stare down at the table below in silence.

"I saw the smile today", she finally speaks as she turns the teaspoon around in her cup.

A well confused Elizabeth furrow her brow as she looks up at her aunt who was already looking back at her. "Lord knows that boy loves you but Jesus, its been so long I didn't think I'd live to see it again."

"Whatever you're thinking Pol, it's not-", "I know the smile of love Liz, and it was on your Tommy's face this morning."

Not knowing what to say, the girl remain silent as her aunt keeps her strong dark eyes on her, "He hasn't been here to sleep for weeks", she points out and the air in Elizabeth's lungs suddenly become heavy, "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that now would you?"

Whether the Alder girl answered or not, Polly already knew, and something inside Elizabeth told her that she knew as well. With a deep breath she finally speaks up, "Yeah", is all she manages to say through her angst.

"Yeah what?", Polly taunts, "I'm no mind reader now."

A scoff is what Elizabeth would have let out, but she knew well enough not to knowing her aunt would simply throw her in the cutter. She didn't even want to think of a snarky remark because she honestly wasn't sure if the woman beside her could read minds or not, but she sure didn't feel like risking it.

"He's been sleeping at mine", Elizabeth admittedly mumbles as she keeps her eyes away from the ones that haven't left her direction.

"This whole time?", Polly asks and she nods her head in confirmation. The look on her aunt's face sending a cold shiver down her spine.

"Jesus Christ Liz, you have a fiancé for god's sake!", Polly exclaims, "You know I love you and Tommy, and I'd fight for you twos any day like I always have, but Liz you've made a commitment to another man!"

The words of Polly Gray sting hard and deep as they speak the truth that Elizabeth had been pushing aside for time. The thought of her past and seemingly second life often arose at night, most notably as she lay with her Tommy who had already fallen asleep. And for the most part, aside from the night just past, sleep was all that happened in the bed during those nights between the two lovers.

"As long as I'm here, I won't let you sling yourself around like those girls down the street, especially when you've got another man's name attached to yours - not even for your Tommy, I won't let it happen", Polly sternly continues, "Lord knows your mother raised you with a better head than that."

The shame and guilt Elizabeth had been forcefully swallowing over the weeks and weeks she had been in Small Heath begin to bubble over, resulting in an uncontrollable tear rolling down her cheek. "I love him Pol", the golden haired girl simply says as she tries to hold back the other tears that are threatening to fall.

"I know you do", Polly says as she puts a hand atop hers in comfort, "I love that you love him and what your love does for him, but it isn't right and I know you know that."

To that Elizabeth nods her head. "No man is worth betrayal, no matter who it is", Polly says.

The nauseous feeling in her stomach begged the conversation to be done with as it seemed the woman got what she wanted out of her. "What do I do?", the guilt-full girl asks lowly, looking at her aunt in desperate hope for her help.

Polly sighs at the sight of a defeated Elizabeth Alder, her first niece, a girl she knew she would always have love for no matter what, "You choose."

"What if I can't?"

"You choose", Polly simply repeats.

Closing the Shelby's door behind her and the rather heavy conversation with her aunt, in the corner of her eye, a person at her neighbouring door catches her attention. As she turn her head to see, she had to blink a couple of times in order to ensure she wasn't imagining anything. "William?", she asks more than says as she slowly walks over to the man who was about to knock on her door, he jumping in his spot as he sees her, "What are you doing here?"

"Elizabeth I- I was um", he stutters slightly before clearing his throat, "I came to see you-perhaps speak with you if you had the time, or later if that works best", he explains.

"N-now is fine", she nods, hoping she won't regret her offer, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, yes all is well", William says as the two walk into the home, "I just wanted to... I just wanted to see you is all", he says softly.

The words of the Flander man cause Elizabeth to stop in her tracks, surprised to say the least. "O-oh", is all she was able to say as the man made his way to the couch to sit down as he takes off his coat.

"W-would you like a tea, o-or a coffee?", she offers both as she did't even know which of the two he preferred.

"A coffee would be nice", he replies looking over to her, "Just black."

And with cup of black coffee in hand, Elizabeth walk back to her possible fiancé who still sits on the couch as he rubs his hands together. "Thank you", he says with a tight lipped smile as he gently takes the cup from her hands.

With a nod Elizabeth take a seat in the armchair adjacent to the couch as the man takes a sip of his drink.

As her eyes watch, it suddenly became apparent that the man that is William Flander was not in his usual dark suit and tie get-up, but rather just a simple white linen button shirt and brown trousers; His hair not exactly slicked back and perfect like normal either.

"William, are you sure everything is-", "I love you Elizabeth", he says over her, "I do, really I do."

Taken back for a moment at his words, Elizabeth straightens her back as she gives a small smile, "I-I love you too William", she says back like she always would.

"But not like you love him", he soon says after a brief moment of silence, the images of her kissing the Shelby man and seeing him leaving her home that morning as he watch from afar replaying in his mind.

"I'm not sure I understand", the golden haired girl says, although deep in her gut she knew exactly what he meant and who he was referring to as she really only had one person she truly and forever loved.

"William I-", "It's alright darling", he speaks, "A man knows when a heart is his or not."

His short trip to Small Heath for William Flander was an eye opener in more ways than one. The sight of what life was like outside of the luxurious walls he has lived behind all his life came as a surprise. Although his opinion more or less stood similar to before, it changed for the simple fact that it was who Elizabeth was and where she came from. With full intention to find land and business in the random town, William found himself understanding more the woman he called his fiancé. The hard working, polite, beautiful woman that had captured his heart.

Not knowing what to say, Elizabeth holds her breath in hopes to avoid saying anything that would be wrong. "When I got word you were seen in Birmingham and not Manchester, at first I didn't think much of it", William speaks from the heart, "But when they told me you were with some gangsters and I... I thought that they'd broke the deal behind my back and took you... I've not ever felt so much anger and fear before, I didn't know know to do. All I knew was I had to find you."

"Deal?", she echoes in confusion, "What do you mean deal? With who?"

As William describes the true nature of his deal he had set with the men out in Oxford to the golden haired girl, a single tear managed to escape her hazel eye; Notably the second of the day. The man she thought she knew revealed to be more than just an empty, money crazed businesses man, and more of a selfless man with true heart and compassion. There were many things that have taken Elizabeth Alder by surprise, but the bullet William Flander had just shot fought hard for the number one spot.

"I-I... I don't know what to say", she delicately says as she bites the inside of her lip.

Before she could even think of anything else, the sight of William Flander getting down on one knee in front of her fills her eyes for the second time in her life - this time he holding out a small, dainty silver ring towards her.

"Elizabeth Alder, I- I know your heart lay with another, but my heart still lies with you", William says as he recites the well-planned and well-rehearsed speech he had prepared for her over the past couple weeks, "When I asked you to be my wife all those years ago, it was what I wanted regardless of any deal; And in this moment now I continue to feel the same. I love you Elizabeth, and I will to do whatever it takes to keep you safe, you have my word. It is all I want, aside from your hand and my last name to be yours. But even if you don't choose to be my wife, I want you to know I will continue to do everything and anything to keep you free and happy."

Despite everything that has happened up to that moment, and every option she knew to have, Elizabeth's heart felt a glimmer of happiness, maybe even love, at the words of the man for the first time ever it seemed. "I don't need an answer right now, I can wait for your heart to think. I just need you to know now, before I loose you for good."

As she gently take the ring from his hand, she couldn't help but note the drastic difference between it and the first ring he had gifted her through proposal. The ring in her hand was significantly smaller compared to the first. It was very simple with only a few engravings along the top, and silver in colour with a singular white stone in the centre - it small enough to sit embedded in the band itself. It was undoubtedly beautiful she couldn't deny. It was more her than the first ring, both her and he knew.

"It belonged to my nanny - the woman who raised me as a child", William explains as he stands up from his knelt position, "My mother was always too busy to care for me, and when she was free she looked after my father."

With soft eyes Elizabeth look from the ring in her hand to the man in front of her, "She was the most wonderful lady", William continues to reminisce, "She was the one woman who showed me what love was. She was the one who cared for me, who helped me, who supported me. And one day my mother decided to fire her because she thought her own child loved his nanny more than he loved his own mother - which in a way was true. I never saw her again, and I only found out of her passing because I got a box in the mail with a note and her ring; Telling me to one day give it to the woman whom I love."

"William I-I can't take this from you I-", "Please", he says as he keeps his hands out to stop her from trying to hand it back, "Now you know, and I hope it can begin to prove to you my heart and where it lays."

Looking back at the ring in her hand that undoubtedly had a special meaning to the man who gave it to her, the golden haired girl could feel a knot in the pit of her stomach grow. That morning whist she lay with her ocean eyed boy she ways so sure of everything going on and of her choices in her life. But now she felt as if she was drowning.


"Shelby Brother's Limited?, Elizabeth repeated as she sat in the front room of The Garrison with Thomas Shelby, sipping matching glasses of whisky.

"That's right", he smiles as he shows her a singular white business card, "Gonna pick up the rest of the lot tomorrow morning from the printers."

"Limited", the golden girl reads aloud again with a muffled laugh, "Fancy using that word don't you think? Not sure you've ever used it yourself."

With a laugh Thomas places a kiss on his Ellie's forehead before standing up from his seat. "Only within reason", he says with a smile.

Before his due planned outing with Finn, Thomas only felt it was right to share the happy news he received earlier that day with his golden haired girl. It was as if things had turned a new leaf, and things were looking out in his favour once again, and a new era of happiness for Thomas Shelby seem to lay within arms reach: A new family business - one with a model that would suit and uphold his family rather than set them apart, more bargaining power and allies than ever before, and most importantly of all a life where his Ellie stand by his side and in his arms.

A small smile grows on the golden girl's face, letting out a muffled laugh as she twiddle the silver ring she was gifted earlier in her coat pocket.

"It's gonna be you and me at the top of it all Ellie", Thomas smiles as he wraps his arms around her shoulders from behind as she sits in the chair - leaning her head against his one arm, "Just like we used to say; Fancy parties, champagne, a big ol' house. It's gonna be us."


[ Chapter Status: Not Edited ]


author's note — a long overdue liz and polly moment finally. also, visual for the new flander ring for those who enjoy :)

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