The War Girl (Mad Max: Fury R...

By Blairkitten

72.2K 1.6K 217

-------------------- I was taken from my homeland as a child, then thrown into a life that I did not want. S... More

1: My name wasn't always Feral
2: The Boy With Blue Eyes
3: Little Girl to War Girl
4: The First Drive
5: I'll Give You Something To Respect
6: Furiosa's Escape
7: What A Lovely Day
8: Splendid
9: The Marsh.
11: Feels Like Hope
Author's Note
12: Just Passing By
13: Dropping Like Flies
14: Blood
15: Witness Me
16: The Black
17: The Vault
18: Green Places
Author's note

10: The Mothers

2.7K 66 6
By Blairkitten

I awoke to the horrible sound of a woman screaming. I bolted upright, knocking against Nux. He grunted, blinking his tired eyes against the brightness of the sun. One by one, the rest of the wives woke up as well, mumbling and rubbing their eyes. I peered out the window, my nerves going haywire within me.

There was a massive metal tower looming over the war rig. It looked odd among the miles and miles of uninteresting sand. I could see the screams were emanating from a naked woman who was stuck at the very top. She was curled up in an awkward position, her dark hair flying up in the breeze. It was hard for me to pick out what she was saying because she was so hysterical. I got to my feet and moved to get out of the war rig, but Furiosa caught a hold of the back of my tank top,

"It could be a trap." she warned me, "I'll go," with that, she hopped out of the driver's seat, slowly moving in front of the war rig.

"I am Furiosa!" she called up to the woman, "My mother was..."

Her words were almost drowned out by the shrieking of the woman. I wished she would just stop. My ears ached and my chest hurt from having to listen to it. It reminded me too much of the sound of my mothers dying.

Then, as if she was listening to me, the woman's cries silenced. She put her hand to her mouth and let out a strange call, one that triggered a faint memory in my brain. Then she skillfully climbed down from the tower, as if she wasn't in danger at all in the first place.

The rumble of motorbikes came alive from behind the dunes. My heart sped up, was it the masked men again? My hand slid over to where I kept my gun, fingers touching the cold metal.

Then, people riding the motorbikes rolled into view. Their back tires all sprayed sand out behind them like arcs of water. They all surrounded the naked woman, then removed their helmets and goggles.

My jaw dropped, they were all elderly women. Their white wisps of hair flew in the wind as they gazed at Furiosa. Their wrinkled faces, like that of lizard skin, shone with wisdom. One of them pulled out a shawl and handed it to the nude woman, who wrapped it around herself and turned to face Furiosa. She brought her hand up, touching the back of Furiosa's head and bringing their foreheads together. I could see Furiosa's eyes fill with tears as she returned the gesture. Then they pulled each other in for a tight hug, the elderly women smiling proudly.

I opened the door of the war rig, my voice seemingly evaporated into thin air. The wives followed. I didn't even notice the two boys lingering behind.

As the women saw us, their eyes lit up with happiness. I saw the wives curiously examining the women. They did the same, poking and prodding at the wives' flimsy clothes with soft laughter. When I approached them. Their gazes turned icy for a split second, but then, upon realizing I wasn't a war boy, brought me into their little circle.

"You..." One of the old women began, staring into my eyes.

I gave her a weak smile, knowing she recognized my sea green irises, I was one of them.

She lifted her gnarled hand and put it on my shoulder, "What is your name?" she asked me in her raspy voice.

My smile fell, "I don't remember the name my mother gave me, I was taken from when I was a pup. My name's Feral now." I wished desperately that I could recall my old name. I wanted to be a part of them so badly. There was no denying that all my years with the war boys has changed me.

"Who are the men?" the woman with dark hair asked, a threatening edge to her voice.

I turned around to see Bloodbag and Nux loitering at the side of the rig, looking awkward and hesitant.

"They helped us get here, they're reliable." Furiosa told her quickly.

The women gave her a suspicious look, but nodded. I could tell they were very wary of men, I didn't blame them. I just hoped they wouldn't act hostile to Bloodbag or Nux, they were one of the few good ones.

"I can't wait to show them"  Furiosa said wistfully.

The mothers all took on a confused look, "Show them what?" one of them questioned.

Furiosa blinked with confusion, "Home."

Then, finally understanding what she had mean, the dark haired woman spoke, "If you came from that way-" she said, pointing in the direction of the marsh land, "You have passed it already."

I blinked at her, my brain failing to understand what she meant. We would have noticed if we passed The Green Place, wouldn't we? There wasn't even a sign of healthy earth in all of the miles we have traveled. Also why were they standing here if The Green Place was behind us?

My entire body went cold with realization. The marsh land. That was the green place. I imagined the skeletal trees poking out from the ground, then the ones of my memories. The green place was dead.

My eyes flicked over to Furiosa, who looked like she was in denial. It couldn't be.

"We are the last of the Vuvalini." One of the elderly women said sadly, looking like she wished she didn't have to tell us this.

Silenced shock rippled through the air like thunder. We stared at this pitiful group of women with wide eyes and open jaws. Without another word, Furiosa numbly pushed passed everyone. Her face was empty, so lifeless and tired that it didn't look like her at all. She stumbled across the sand, her fingers shakily undoing the buckles of her prosthetic arm. It dropped to the ground, but she kept walking. Then, as if her legs just stopped working, she fell to her knees. She sat there, her chest heaving and her body trembling. Then, she threw her head back and let out a scream. The scream was angry, and full of grief. It was a scream that said "why doesn't it ever stop?".

That's when it hit me. Her cry ripped through me like knives. This was it, we lost. I collapsed to the ground, my hands grasping either side of my head. My heart seemed to have ripped it self apart. My home was gone forever. Immortan had taken everything I loved away. I was unable to make any sounds, just squeezed my eyes closed and tried to focus on my breathing. I could vaguely hear Nux rush to my side, then him asking me if I was okay. I couldn't answer. I wasn't okay. I have dreamed of returning to my home ever since I was taken. It was was drove me to keep going and to hope. All of these years, all of this death and hardship, for nothing. All I wanted to do was vaporize, move into the air and never come back. We lost.

I returned from the haze of sorrow to find I was curled against Nux's chest with his arms around me. I wasn't sure if I had put myself there or if he had done it. I didn't really care, nor did I move. He smelled like guzzaline, sweat, and dirt, but it was familiar and brought me comfort. I hadn't cried, my face was incredibly dry in the desert heat. My lungs squeezed out the air I sucked in, as if they just wanted to quit and die. I shakily moved away, my limbs like jelly.

"Th-thank you, Nux..." I stammered weakly, trying to get my brave face to return.

He didn't say anything, just took a hold of my arm and helped me stand. I wished I didn't need any help, but I didn't protest.

The wives looked devastated, but didn't cry or scream. They had never seen the green place, but it was their last hope. they had no where else to go. Breaking away from Nux, I approached them, "I'm so sorry," I told them. I was truly sorry, sorry that they had to go through all of that abuse and loose Splendid, for nothing.

Before I could say anything else, Capable ran up to me and threw her arms around me. I froze with surprise. I knew she was seeking any sort of comfort, like I had, but it felt strange to be embraced by someone so shiny. She let out few muffled sobs into my shoulder, her wild hair clouding my vision. I felt horrible guilt soar through me, and I longed to be able to bring these people to a land they deserved. Alas, it didn't exist. The world was dying, and there wasn't anything we could do about it. She gave me one last squeeze before releasing me.


We all collectively decided to stay with the mothers for the night. We needed a while to take it all in. Furiosa busied herself with making a plan. The rest of us just watched the skies, as if they would give us and answer.

"See that?" The Dag said with wonder tainting her voice, pointing up at a moving light in the sky, "They used to project shows all over the world. Before the earth fell. Its a show." She said, smiling to herself.

The thought made me feel lighter, for some reason. The blinking light vanished shortly after. I stared at the place it disappeared, sadness pinching my heart. It was almost as if even the show had given up on us.

     My eyes scanned the premises, searching for Nux and Capable. I spotted them huddled together beside the war rig. A grin touched the edge of my mouth, and I pulled my knees to my chest to help keep the cold away. I could see that they were talking, with Capable's bright head nestled in the crook of his neck. It was all very...Sweet. I prayed they would be able to keep each others minds off the horrible events of the past few days.

Without saying goodbye, I stood up and slipped from the group of women. I walked over to the huge metal tower that we had came upon earlier today. With the grace practiced climbing across cars, I scaled the looming tower. It felt amazing to be up so high, so close to death. All I would have to do is slip and it would all end. The feeling brought energy to my tired bones. I scraped my palms against the jagged edges of the metal, but hardly noticed. The wind got stronger and stronger the higher I went. This wind was icy and pierced through my tank top and cargo pants like a blade. I didn't care, it only made me feel more alive. Once I had made it to the top, I came upon a little platform. The whole thing was surrounded by bars of metal, like a cage, but was easy to get in and out of. I slid into the space gingerly, leaning back against the wall of metal behind me. From up here, everyone looked like little bugs. It was relaxing to be alone, to be able to mull thoughts over in my head without anyone interrupting me. I liked the wives, Furiosa, the mothers, and Bloodbag, but none of them really understood me. Not a lot of people have ever been in my head before. I never let a lot of people in. I have always been guarded, wary. I traced patterns on the rough fabric of my pants, deep in thought. I wondered if Splendid's child survived. Did Immortan have it now? If it had been a girl, I knew he would not have kept it. I felt bile rise in my throat. Her baby would have been beautiful, despite its horrendous father. It could have been raised to be good, to be strong, but that was all taken away when she was taken from us. My heart went out to the wives, for their lost comrade. They have gone to hell and back with her, she was the voice for them all, and now she was gone. Their paradise had been swiped from them as well. We would have to go out and find a new shelter, somewhere far away from Immortan's clutches. I would travel for the rest of my days if it meant getting away from him.

My thoughts were cut short by the sound of someone climbing up the tower. The structure groaned and creaked as the unknown person moved up it. I poked my head out of the bars, peering down. Bathed in moonlight was the pale body of Nux. He flashed a smile up at me as he got closer, his scars glinting in the starlight. I made room for him just as he came over the top. It was a tight fit, and our sides were pressed right up against each other, but I didn't mind.

"What 'bout Capable?" I asked him, nudging him playfully with an elbow.

"She went to talk to the other wives," he responded matter-of-factly, "and I thought you would want some company."

A soft sigh escaped my lips, and my eyes found the skies again, "Do ya think we're gonna make it out of here?" I said quietly.

He seemed to ponder the question a moment before speaking, "I think we've got a chance, if we really try,"

I nodded slowly, not really able to think of anything to say. We both just sat there, our bare arms brushing each other as we gaze up at the heavens. It felt so natural, being here with Nux. Like putting a boot that you have worn so many times that it is practically molded to your foot.

I noticed that the air around Nux's body was growing hot. I tore my eyes away from above and looked at him. Most of the clay he had smeared on his skin was gone now, showing pinkish flesh underneath. It was something that was unusual to my eyes, but was welcome. He did, though, look a little flushed. I could also see some sweat forming on his brow.

"Nux, you're burning up." I said, putting the back of my hand against his cheek.

He ducked away from me, pouting, "I'm fine, I get fevers all the time, ya know that..." He said with an air of annoyance.

A look of mild frustration took over my face, "The last thing we need is you droppin' dead before we find a home." I said. I dipped my hand into my pocket, plucking out the last strips of my dress. I had swiped them from my steering wheel back when I crashed my car. I used the fabric to mop the sweat from his face.

He frowned, but didn't say another word. I could see he was growing weak with the fever running through him. His bright eyes were sleepy and half-lidded, and I could see him struggling to keep himself upright.

"It's okay, Nux, just go to sleep." I told him softly, trying to make my voice sound like the wives'. It still came out raspy and rough. I wasn't exactly the nurturing type, I suppose.

He obliged without another protest, his body slid sideways until he rested right up against me. I let out a huff, his weight making it even harder to breath. As carefully as I could, I transferred him from my side to my lap. I flinched as sharp pain exploded in my still healing wound, but didn't move him. His bald head rested on my legs, and the rest of him was curled up across the platform. A breath of relief fell from my lips, and I let my head fall back against one of the metal bars. I drifted into a restless sleep to the sound of Nux's quiet snores.


A/N: Sorry about all of the Paramore songs, They all just seem to fit the story perfectly :/ Anyways, hope you liked it, Kittens! big loves xx

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