Kaito Gekkō: Konaha's Swordsm...

By AndrewSinclair0

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Kaito Gekkō is a young boy who just happens to befriend a young blond Jinchuriki. He has a skill with a blade... More

Kaito Gekkō: Growing up a Ninja
Naruto and Kaito stand together
Something is wrong in the Academy
Before Academy Ends
Genin Teams, The Test Begins
New Friends Team 12
Sparing never gets old!
Genin Missions Begin!
Genin of the cloud
Fighting at the temple
The Ronin Nanashi
Journey home
Reminisce and Regroup
Chunin Exams Part One
Forest of Death!
Rest and Agony
Friends Come in Strange Places
Final Tournament!
Invasion of Konoha!
Training and Recovery
Meeting with an old Friend
Returning to Division
Sasuke Retrieval!
Fated Loss
Recovery to Goodbye
Journey to the Snake Pit
Hunt For Snakes (Part One) 🍋
Akatsuki Suppression
Ambush In the Woods

Days of Rest

37 2 2
By AndrewSinclair0

Kotarou swung his bokken trying to get the upper hand. Kaito easily side stepped. Hitting him in the back with his hilt. His little brother fell face first into the ground.

"Kotarou. You telegraph your movements too much still." Kotarou stood up and brushed off the dirt, "I know. Nanashi said that too."

Chuckling he ruffled the genin's hair, "What's the thing every swordman needs to win a fight." Kotarou smiled, "Perfect spacing and the right timing."

"Good. Now Nanashi gave me permission to teach you my sword techniques. I'll teach you Secret Sword Art: Moonlight and the Dance of the Crescent Moon."

Kotarou's eyes lit up, "Yes! I can't wait." Rolling his eyes he got Kotarou working on the basics. The first thing he needed to be able to do was increase his speed. Walking over to the target he decided to demonstrate for him.

Drawing a Kunai he confused his brother, "Secret Art Moonlight." Kotarou could barely follow him. The after images throwing off his location. The dummy fell in two as Kaito flipped the Kunai and put it away, "I want you to be able to do these jutsu with little more then a kunai."

"That was awesome." Kaito just smiled, "Focus your chakra through you whole body." The swordsman walked around Kotarou as he closed his eyes, "It's like tree walking but through your whole body."

Kaito could sense his chakra molding, "Now release it in a singular motion." Kotarou hit the target but Katio could follow him easily, "Again."

They continued for a few hours before Kotarou was laying on the ground with Tobimaru wagging his tail next to him, "Go find your team or friends and rest."

"Thank you Kai! Between you and Nanashi I'll be super strong!" Kaito chuckled as.he ruffled the boy's hair, "You for sure will be."

Kaito watched his little brother leave before leaving himself. Heading to his team's training ground to meet up with his team. Seeing Tenzin and Yakumo cuddling under a tree made the swordsman smile. He couldn't deny they were so cute together.

Laying next to them was Calico and Tenzin's small monkey summon Goru. Waking into the field Kaito called out to them. Yakumo jumped up excited to see him, "Kaito! Calico said you've been working all morning?!"

"Yeah! I was training Kotarou. He is learning so quick! He'll be as good as me for sure." Kaito's smile almost blinded them.

Looking at Calico, "Cali! We could have trained together!" The cat yawned before looking away, "Yeah but I wanted to hang out with Goru!"

He couldn't help but roll his eyes at his nekokin, "What ever. You guys hear anything about Team 7 yet?"

Tenzin shook his head, "No I hope they are alright." Kaito nodded, "Yeah. Naruto is stronger then anyone from our graduating class with his sage mode. I can't imagine something he couldn't handle."

"Maybe so but you're right behind him Kaito." Yakumo said confidently, "Thanks. I did nearly beat Sasuke." They both grimaced thinking back to how he tried killing him.

"I'm sorry Kai. I know seeing him like that wasn't easy." Kaito let his shoulders slump, "No it wasn't. Naruto could have beaten him though. Forced him back this time."

"Shikamaru and Choji wanted to know if we wanted to meet up for lunch." Kaito grinned, "Knowing them we are going for barbecue! Let's go!"

Yakumo chuckled as she helped her boyfriend up. The three arrived at the Akimichi owned restraunt and saw the two boys sitting patiently for them. Sitting in a chair on the side of the table Team 12 told them about everything they went through against the Sound base.

"Sounds troublesome. No doubt you guys had it handled though." Choji nodded, "You are the best combat team in the village right now."

Kaito smiled, "Yeah but Team 7 is probably pretty even now." Shikamru chuckled, "Kakashi probably evens it out on his own. Plus I hear Naruto is pretty powerful now."

"That's an understatement." Tenzin said softly, "He is incredibly powerful. A perfect sage even. I'd say he is more powerful than the Sannin."

"Damn. Your around their level two Kaito." The swordsman shrugged, "Yeah but you should see him! Naruto is so amazing!"

"You only say that because he is your boyfriend." Choji said between bites. Kaito grinned making Shikamaru roll his eyes, "Yes we know. You two are so adorable that it's noziating."

"I just hope Naruto's mission is going okay. If someone is for sure going after the Jinchuriki then they'll come for him." Tenzin said before taking a drink of water.

"Well if they touch a single hair in his head I'll destroy their entire world." The aura spreading around Kaito made everyone freeze.

Before anyone could say anything a tail smack him in the forehead, "Quit releasing killing interent you idiot " Calico climbed up onto his shoulder and glared into Kaito's green eyes, "We won't let them touch him."

Kaito chuckled, "I know." Everyone continued chatting for a few more hours. After awhile Kaito and Calico both bid farwell to their friends. Kaito knew Naruto should be about home soon. Heading home and relaxing before he arrives just sounded nice to the swordsman.

"It's nice to not have any missions. Especially with so many of our kittens finding kin to start training with " Calico stated as the two landed in Kaito's bed, "I know what you mean. It's been mission after mission."

"Plus we need to train your chakra mode some more." Kaito couldn't help but agree. The fight against Sasuke was an eye opener. He would have won but he needs more power. Thoughts of training and protecting Naruto flooded his mind until he fell asleep.

Consciousness started to return to Kaito the next morning. Feeling the weight of an arm around his side made him feel warm. Pressing back into the presence trying to get cozy.

His eyes shot open at the realization that he wasn't in bed alone anymore. Shooting up he turned around to see a Naruto's blond hair and blue eyes staring at him. His beautiful smile making his chest flutter.

"Hey Kai." Naruto grabbed him and pulled him close again. Laying his head on the taller boy's chest, "I missed you Naruto. How was your mission?"

"It was tough." There was a pain in Naruto's eyes, "We were to late and the tailed beast was extracted from him. If Lady Chiyo hadn't used a forbidden Jutsu then Gara would be gone."

He listened to his boyfriend until he felt the expansion of his chest before sighing, "He gave everything for his village."

Pressing up Kaito stood above Naruto before leaning down and kissing him, "I'm sorry."

Naruto's face lit up, "Now you tell me about your mission." Calico let out a laugh from the dresser, "You two are to similar."

"Anyway. Our mission was tough we got a bunch of locations from Orochimaru and his bases. I did fight Sasuke though."

"What?!" Kaito buried his head into his chest, "He was strong. Almost as strong as me. I think your sage mode would have been strong enough to stop him."

"You think so?" Kaito nodded, "Yes. I don't know many that could handle that kind of power or your reaction time with that power."

"If I could control the Kyuubi's chakra I'd be even strong but after three tails I lose it." Kaito and Calico didn't respond. He just cuddled up to his blond boyfriend and let his warmth comfort him.

Kaito felt Naruto's hand slide down his lower back. Underneath him he could feel Naruto's excitement. Wrapping his other leg around the blond, he leaned down meeting Naruto's lips.

Naruto pressed his tongue into Kaito's mouth. Thrusting his hips up against his boyfriend. Kaito felt himself stirring now. Breaking away he pulled Naruto's shirt off before kissing along his neck line.

Before they could go any further, a knock on the door made them pause, "Kaito, Naruto the Hokage wants to see us." Sakura's voice made Kaito grown.

Naruto jumped up and opened the door while Kaito grabbed their shirts. Calico started laughing at the boys before falling off the dresser, "Shut up Cali!"

"What that's the second time you've been blocked." Sakura realizing what she interrupted blushed, "Sorry guys! Tsunade just has a mission for us."

"Us? We're going to?" Kaito asked as he put his shirt back on. Calico climbed up onto Kaito's shoulder looking at the pinkette.

Sakura smiled, "Yes. I don't know what the mission is but you're a Jonin. So maybe she thinks we will need more then one this time."

The three ninja made their way to the Hokage's office. Sakura couldn't help but think how cute Naruto and Kaito were being. They were hand in hand while the shorter swordsman was leaning into the taller blonde boy. Calico was on Kaito's right shoulder talking back and forth with the two lovebirds.

"Hey old lady Tsunade!" Grinning she looked at the blonde, "Good you were at Kaito's."

"Of course we have practically lived together since we were kids." Kaito blushed knowing what he had been wanting from the blonde, "Now I have a mission for you."

Kaito stood up straighter with his hand on the hilt of his katana. A shinobi appeared next to the Hokage's desk, "This is Yamato. He and Kaito are co-oping this mission. You're both the lead Jonin here. Also you have another Ninja joining you." She clapsed her hands together.

"Hello." Turning Kaito looked to see a very pretty boy. He had short hair a tanto on his back with a crop top shirt. "This is Sai. He is a skilled Shinobi."

Naruto appeared in front of him, "It's you." Grabbing him by his shirt, "Of course. I wanted to see your skills yesterday. I must say you didn't disappoint. I would very much like to see your Sage powers."

Kaito glared at the emotionless boy. Looking at Yamato he could see the silent answer from his nod. This kid was ROOT. He only faced the ROOT once. They had tried taking his sage sword from his home. They were skilled and deadly Anbu.

"Now we have confirmed from Sakura and Naruto that a meeting is suppose to be happening with a spy I Orochimaru's ranks. I want you to find any info on Orochimaru and Sasuke Uchiha."

"After Kaito's battle with Sasuke we can't take chances. If you can't subdue him he will need to be eliminated." Both Sakura and Naruto felt their breathe hitch on that comment.

Yamato looked at Kaito who didn't say anything, "We will accomplish this Lady Hokage."

Thanks for reading everyone. I have had some walls blocking my creativity right now.

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