Woman Against Fate (TO/SPN cr...

By youngblood2354

49.6K 1.4K 50

OCxOC Abigail Luna Mikaelson was the oldest daughter of Klaus Mikaelson. He hadn't known about her for a coup... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two*
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
EXTRA: Peanut Butter Pie recipe!
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty (Epilogue)

Chapter Four

1.4K 43 0
By youngblood2354

* A Few Weeks Later *

Abigail had been feeling sick for the last few days. She didn't tell anyone how she was feeling, but she was worried. She knew that she wasn't supposed to get sick, since she was part wolf. She was worried that a witch was trying to hurt her, but after performing a couple of spells, she learned that no witch was after her.

After five days of being sick had happened, she couldn't take it anymore. She needed answers, and she needed them fast. So, the girl did what she thought she should do. She scheduled an emergency appointment at a doctor outside of New Orleans. She then called Camille, and told her that she needed her to go with her for the day, and she'd get her the day off of work. After the call with Camille, she quickly got dressed, so she could go pick Camille up from her place.

"Where are you going?" Hayley asked, as Abigail headed to the door.

"I've got plans today with Cami. I promise I'll be back by dinner." Abigail replied, and Hayley nodded.

"Be careful and have fun," Hayley said, as she gave the girl a hug,"I love you."

"I love you, too." Abigail murmured, giving the woman a smile.

Hayley had always been sure to tell Abigail she loved her. She wanted the girl to know that she loved her as much as she loved Hope. Both girls were her daughters, rather Abigail was her daughter by blood or not. Hayley's love often helped Abigail when she needed it most.

Anyhow, after saying goodbye to Hayley, Abigail headed out to her car to pickup Camille. Camille was in the car only two minutes after Abigail parked outside her place. The woman may have been a bit older than Abigail, but Abigail honestly felt like Camille was the closest thing to a best friend outside of the family as she could get.

"So, where are we going?" Camille asked, as she situated herself in the front seat.

"We're going to Kenner to see a doctor. I've been feeling sick, and I need to see a doctor, but nobody else can know," Abigail said,"You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone anything, even if that means I have to take the memory away."

"God, Abi," Camille groaned,"I promise to try and keep whatever we hear a secret, but if it's something serious, I need you to tell your family." She commented, and Abigail sighed.

If things came down to it, Abigail would erase the memory from Camille's mind if she really felt the need to. She would replace the memory so Camille wouldn't feel lost, and so she wouldn't distrust Abigail, but it was only if she had to. For all she knew, she could be sick like a regular person, if her witch side was able to be sick. She wasn't sure that was possible, but she was giving it the benefit of the doubt.

Kenner wasn't too far from New Orleans, but it was far enough where she doubted she'd see someone she knew. So, when she got to the doctor's office, she was happy to see that nobody she knew was there. She signed herself in under a fake name, and for anyone that asked, Camille was her sister there to support her.

"Ms. West." A nurse called, and Abigail and Camille stood up and followed the nurse.

Camille stayed quiet, as they were lead to a room for Abigail to wait to see a doctor.

"What seems to be the problem?" The nurse asked, as she opened her laptop.

"I've been sick for around five days. I can't seem to hold anything down, and certain foods make me feel sick just by the smell of them." Abigail said, and the nurse nodded.

"Is that the only thing, or is there other symptoms?" The nurse asked, causing Abigail to sigh.

"Well, those are the ones I am most irritated by," Abigail replied,"I mean, I feel bloated, and I know I'm irritable, and I'm sleeping more."

"Amanda, have you been sexually active?" The nurse asked, and Abigail nodded.

"Yes, about two months ago. It only happened one time though. I didn't even consider this." Abigail commented, causing the nurse to nod.

"Well, I want you to pee in a cup, so we can do a pee test. We can also do a blood test, and--" The nurse began, but Abigail cut her off.

"If the pee test comes back positive, I just want an ultrasound to prove it." Abigail stated, and the nurse agreed reluctantly.

Abigail went to the restroom and peed in the cup, then she waited quietly in the room with Camille. They had to wait twenty minutes, before the doctor came into the room with the results.

"Well, Amanda, it's seems you're pregnant," The doctor said,"but we'll do an ultrasound to be sure."

Camille held Abigail's hand for support, as the doctor performed the ultrasound. When Abigail was shown the baby's heart beat, and the small blob on the screen that proved she was pregnant, the girl began to cry. The doctor printed off two copies of the ultrasound for Abigail, before giving her time to come to terms with the news.

"Are you okay?" Camille asked, causing Abigail to sigh.

"I, uh, I'll manage," Abigail replied,"Let's just go. I need to get home and think."

Camille simply agreed, and the two women went out to the car. They drove back to New Orleans, and Abigail decided to treat Camille to food to help thank her for going with. After eating though, Abigail brought Camille home. She had went in with Camille, and while in Camille's home, she changed the woman's memory. She changed it so Camille remembered them having a girls' day. If Camille remembered a girls' day, then Abigail would have an alibi. This is something she needed, until she figured out what she could do...

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