Beginning Of Love (Completed)

By lemonmintdrink

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#2 Book of Arranged series. This is not a standalone story. Be sure to check out the first book of the serie... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 20
Chapter 22.1

Chapter 25

366 32 7
By lemonmintdrink

A/ N - My brain is not braining :p

I'm officially having writer's block and not a great week at work for me. So this chapter is not my best. It's honestly a below-average chapter, in my standards.

Bear with me. I will get better :)

Also, I am not a doctor or anyone with medical expertise and I have taken A LOT OF creative liberty with all medical scenes in this chapter.

And as always, none of the pictures used in this chapter are mine. I found them on Pinterest.

Date published - 12 Oct 2023

+3.2K words; one of the longest chapters in a while.


(Next day)

Arnav's POV

As the sun peeped in between the curtains, I woke up with Khushi's right leg over mine as she lay stretched out and comfortable, snoring cuddled up next to me. Her face was buried into my neck with her warm breath touching my neck and I relaxed and snuggled up next to her. I couldn't help but think of the invisible boundary that Khushi had maintained till last night, on the bed.

I couldn't help but kiss her cute adorable face. And laugh at her messy hair this morning. Today it's a fine line between 'messy romantic waves' and 'evil witch'Later,after quickly refreshing myself, I took Scooby out for his morning walk, else Scooby would literally pounce on us and howl the daylights out of him, waking up the whole neighborhood. 

30 minutes later when I got back from my walk with Scooby, Her Royal Highness was still sleeping. Her blanket was now kicked onto the floor and I made myself to her side and tucked in her kissing her cheek again. I couldn't help myself but she felt warm. 

I  checked her temperature by placing my palm over her forehead. Thankfully, it was not warm for a fever.  And she ended up grabbing my hand and nestled her face against it, still mumbling half-incoherently, not wanting to wake up. My wife is so adorable!!!

How I wish time would freeze and I could stay like this forever. However, romance only works better in books. And I needed to get back to reality and so slowly loosened my wrist for her grasp, as much I didn't want to but I had to.

I played with her hair smiling at her and kissed her forehead.

"Wake up, peaches." I said, while brushing some hair away from her face.

"Fuck offf" she mumbled in a tired voice, annoyed that I am waking her royal highness.My sleeping beauty.

I gave up and made some breakfast and left for work,not before setting an alarm on her phone so that she wakes up for work.

Khushi's POV

I woke up to the sound of my mobile ringing next to me. Too loud for the morning. I swore to God if it is either NK or Arnav, I am killing them.

Why is the room so bright? And so loud!!!

Scooby was lying next to be with his beady little eyes , looking worried for me.

 But, the too-bright mobile screen showed that it's from my mother. Why is she calling early this morning? Wait, what's the time? Wait, it's 9am!!!  And that ass didn't wake me up. Such an ass!!

As soon as I hung up the call, I jumped out of bed and saw breakfast on the table, alongside a note: We need to talk about last night :)

What happened last night? And then it hit me. Dear God, what have I done? I'm going to kill Nk for getting me drunk last night. However, I had no time to feel embarrassed or mortified since my dad needs me the most now.

I quickly refreshed myself and rushed to the hospital grabbing the packed breakfast. I kept some food and water for Scooby. Maybe I will tell NK to pick up Scooby after his work.

I also dropped a message to my manager that I will be on emergency leave today and headed to the hospital. 

Arnav's POV

I was in the middle of team briefing when Aman walked to me and whispered - "Khushi just called me. Her dad had a heart attack and he's admitted. Room 303"

I quickly excused myself, making Aman take charge. As I made myself to room 303, I checked my phone and found 10 missed calls and 2 messages from Khushi.

Khushi (9:09am) - Please call back.

Khushi (9:20am) - Dad's on his way to the hospital. Can you please check on him?

(A few minutes later)

Khushi's dad had a cardiac arrest and fainted in the bathroom, scaring the living daylights out of her mother. Thankfully, their neighbors helped him with first aid. 

I walked upto Khushi and found her sitting outside the emergency room, consoling her mother while trying to take a bite of the breakfast sandwich that I had packed for her. I could tell that she had no appetite as she took very tiny little bites and that's understandable.

(That same morning)

Nk's POV

I was walking to the office when it suddenly started to rain and I ran into Lavanya before me, who too didn't have an umbrella with her. 

Lavanya looked annoyed when she saw me and said - "I told you to not talk to me."

NK -"I didn't think you were serious. We both know you're prone to dramatics."

Lavanya - "Get lost" and started to run a little ahead of me. We were just 500 meters away from our office.

I watched as her head tilted up, feeling the rain fall onto her skin. I found myself somehow jealous of the fact that the rain got to touch her. I watched as her eyes lit up, watching the lightning flash across the morning sky. She was mesmerizing. She had consumed my every thought that made me angry, because no matter how I tried to keep up with my cold exterior. Tried to keep my walls up which was built upon the breakup of a previous relationship with my college girlfriend. Lavanya managed to break down every wall I had managed to build but the thing that made me even angrier was that I was letting her. Am I ready for another relationship? Am I ready to be a boyfriend? Am I ready for all of this?

I caught up to her and said  -"I love you and that's why I let you go."


Lavanya- "Have you ever actually thought about how I would feel about this?"

NK -"Please calm down." since some of our colleagues were walking past us and they were staring at us like we were crazy.

Lavanya -"calm? you want me to calm right now?!"

I watched her take a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

Lavanya murmured - "Sometimes I wonder if you even like me.. it sure feels like you hate me sometimes."

I cupped her face and bopped my nose against hers - "You mean more to me that you'll ever know."

NK - "I love you. I love you, and not any unrealistic or non-existent version of you.I love you for you, and all of your flaws too."

Lavanya just continued to stare at her heels, which were muddy thanks to the rain.

Nk - "look at me."

and finally, she granted me the chance to glance into those mesmerizing eyes.

Nk - "no, you're mine. you're mine. and I don't share."

I am not dating her for her cute face (which is adorable by the way), for height or smile. I want to date her for her maturity, morals and growth.

NK -"Lavanya,let's make up." and I hugged her, only to be tighly pulled in.

Lavanya - "What are you talking about? We never broke up." with tears rolling down her cheeks.

We could have stayed like forever but rain, hypothermia and our office were just ringing in our minds and so we reluctantly let go off of each other and laughed out wiping our tears.

Entwining our hands together, we walked to the office with a smile. It was the beginning of our love again. 

Maybe the greatest love stories are the ones we carry silently within our souls.

All those pent-up emotions broke free after months of painful seperation. Our one mistake made both of our lives hell. But one thing was for sure, we never fell out of love, more likely our love froze in time. Everytime we used to meet in office, I kept hiding my sufferings like nothing had happened. At this point, I thought he that he too was making the same mistake, so I slapped him in anger. I just couldn't hold back my emotions anymore and neither could he. After 4 long months, he held me in his arms for the first time like he would never let go of me ever again.

Lavanya - "It's not about what you think you do or don't deserve. I get to choose who to love. I'm an adult... and I can make that decision. So I'm here to stay. I'm in this. "

(That same evening)

Arnav's POV

Later that evening, Khushi was staying back to look after her father, while her mother would be staying at her sister's place since it is closer to the hospital.

I told Akash to pick up Scooby from home and take him to their house, for the time being.

That evening, after work, I found Khushi sitting next to her dad (who was sleeping due to the medications). Her head was buried on his bed and her shoulders tense and strained. Half asleep.

I honestly don't know how she does. I knew truly understood what Khushi means for her family. She's the backbone and the only future of the family. That every major decision is made by her. Honestly, I don't know how she does it being the only child. I'm glad that I have Akash for my side. The only time I am glad for that sorry ass.

The doctor told me that her dad's heart condition was not so good and they were running tests. It looks like he may need some heart surgery.

Khushi was devasted at the news. But, not one single tear rolled down her eyes. She put on her brave face as she listened to the doctor's consultation.

Khushi's POV

I just wanted to cry. I have no idea why and everything was pending on me and i just need a release.

After Arnav's parents visited the hospital to check on my dad, that annoying aunt of mine came with fruits and biscuits. That very same aunt whose daughter is pregnant. When she said that she wanted my dad to see his grandkids, I nearly lost my shit. How dare she assume that my dad is going to die. Nope, he is going to live 100 more years and have fun with his grandkids. As much as this thought sounds good on paper, the same can't be said for the reality. My dad's heart is not in good condition. The open heart surgery that the doctor was talking about a few minutes ago, sounded scary and risky. I don't think I can be strong anymore. But I have got no other choice. I need to be strong for my dad. For my mom. I have learned that it's better to suffer alone than seeing my loved ones suffering with me which is even more painful. Being alone had made me stronger. I just dont know yet what's my breaking point yet. And I don't look forward to that day.

Thinking about it, I really don't want my kid to go through this horrible downfall of being the only child. Maybe I could adopt him/her another sibling.

I mentally made a list of things I had to do tomorrow.

Get a second medical opinion of dad's condition.

Need to submit that report for my work.

Find someone to take care of Scooby.

I have to submit my tax files for both my dad and me.

I have so much to do! I always figure it out on my own,  I just need to panic first!

But I don't even have the time nor energy to panic.

I don't have time to rest. I don't want to sleep either. What if something happens to my dad when I am asleep? I already feel like a bad daughter since I feel like I have ignored my parents ever since I have got married.

I'm the lady of the house and the future of my family. My parents have always provided me with the freedom to challenge traditional gender roles. I always been the 'son' of the house too.  And I have always enjoyed my own company since a very young age, as I didn't have any siblings growing up and it was just me and my grandparents (since my parents worked in a different state)

Sometimes I feel like I need to slow down and realize that I'm doing pretty well for my age. Sure I am not pregnant or in the family way like some of my cousins in my age. But I am doing well. But I also can't help but feel like I'm so behind at the same time.

Arnav's POV

I know that Khushi has always been aloof and handled everything on her own. But I am here now and I just want to help. And share her duties and burdens. I also know that Khushi just has trouble expressing her emotions and is afraid of letting people. Nk and I talked a lot of Khushi during our road trip and he gave me a whole new perspective of Khushi and I am glad that he did..

Noticing her unusually silent nature, I walked up and sat next to her, ever so slowly but still my super sensitive wife sensed my presence and looked upto me, with tears forming at the corner of her eyes. 

Arnav whispered- "You don't have to be so...stoic, all the time. crying isn't a sign of weakness, you know."

Khushi immediately looked down - "Please leave me alone."

Please don't shut me away, Khushi...

I slowly sat next to her and leaned in. Her eyes looked dull and watery. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun with strands falling on her face.

Arnav - "You don't ever have to pretend. Not with me. Not ever." and I watched her lips quiver into a mumble.

Arnav -"You can't just keep it all bottled up, you know? you gotta let it all out of you, otherwise, you'll just explode."

I titled Khushi's chin up to get a better look at her face and the evidence of her tears that were slowly dipping down from the corner of her eyes. I delicately thumbed away her tears. After a brief pause, my heart literally skipped a nervous beat as Khushi looked at me dead in the eyes. Her voice was quiet and tense, her anger bearly restrained.

Khushi started out saying "Leave" when she was suddenly cut off by a choke and then the tears came.

I quickly gathered her in my arms, holding her tight as she cried. I just knew that Khushi needed the comfort.

After a few minutes, Khushi tired herself out and I reluctantly let go of her from my arms. She went back to her former position and sat there, wiping her tears, and said - "I'm sorry." turning her face away from me and I grabbed her chin, making her look at me and said, "Don't look away."

I leaned in closer, brushing a stray of hair out of her face.

Arnav - "You never need to apologize to me. ever. and certainly not for crying.."

I leaned in closer and said -"Although you should apologize for drinking last night.." with my gaze looking directly at her.

Khushi immediately refuted my words, breaking eye contact, and looked down - "I didn't drink that much last night."

Yea, right. She didn't drink much last night since she ended up puking half her body capacity.

Arnav - "You were flirting with me."

I never that my wife was flirt until yesterday. She was such a flirt yesterday. I am never letting her out drunk since who knows she will end up charming.

Khushi smiled for the first time like in forever today and murmured "So what? You are my husband."

Yes, Yes, wifey, You have the all rights in the world to flirt with me. Only you. Just you.

Arnav - "You asked if I was single and cried when I said that I wasn't."

I will never forget last night. That night is literally engraved in my memory. One of the best nights in my entire life.

Arnav - "Did you mean what you said last night?"

Please tell me that it was just some drunk talk and that you actually mean every word that you said to me last night. Including the 'face' and 'ass' parts. Especially that.

Khushi looked at me with a slight smile lingering on her lips and said in low volume -"Come closer, I can't hear you properly."

Curiously, I bent towards her and lent my ear closer to her.

Khushi didn't say anything but just kissed me on the cheek. More like she planted a quick peek on my cheek. And before I could even react to it, the nurse entered the room, knocking slightly at the door.

Khushi went back to pretending to read her dad's medical report as if nothing happened.

Excuse me, lady!! That kiss doesn't answer my question. 

Or maybe it does. 

Does it though? 

Am I going crazy?

I'm going crazy!!

I watched as Khushi's dad fluttered trying to wake up from his sleep and Khushi's shoulder relax in relief and happiness. I nodded to acknowledge the nurse's presence and watched as she checked all the levels on the IV and on the monitors.

Khush's dad's POV

Although the oxygen mask was slightly blocking the view of Khushi and Arnav, I pretended to be asleep watching the duo in front of me. I couldn't bear the sight of Khushi crying to Arnav asking him to wake me up and that she failed me.

How did she fail me? I am very proud of my daughter. Always have. Always will.

I watched as Arnav consoled her by gently stroking through her hair and they started to whisper among themselves, which made Khushi slightly shy and she was smiling with dry tears.

As the nurse walked in, I stirred awake officially and Khushi looked at me relieved. I am just bracing myself for tomorrow. I am pretty sure that Khushi is going to chew my ear out tomorrow for not taking care of my health. They say that firstborn daughters always get beauty from the mother and anger issues from the father. While I can't comment on the beauty aspect, I can fully and safely guarantee that Khushi has inherited my anger emotions.

I literally can't wait for tomorrow. Arnav better help me to calm the volcano of my daughter. The wrath of my princess...!!


A/N - Next chapter will have Arnav's confession. The next update will be by 22/Oct. Mostly. 

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