Ultimate Omniverse

By AnimeEagleScout

10.1K 433 86

Sequel/Extension to my "Helping Gwen 10" story. Plumber Officer's Ben and Shar are chasing a few criminals in... More

Ultimate Omniverse
Welcome to Prime Time
Full Throttle
Titled Chapter
Ultras Plus
Bark at the Moon

Food Chain

820 38 14
By AnimeEagleScout


Observing Tennysons current state as a Galvan has caused an issue.

"It's gone."

"P p pos postrose!! How can it be gone?!"

"The object is not present, that's what something being gone means." Kyber said sarcastically "I thought you were smart?"

"And I thought you were a tracker. Find it!" Psycobos shouted hanging up.

The Anubian Baskurr had licked its chops snarling as they watched from a distance.

"No. Our prize isn't here." Kyber said.


"NO! How could you possibly create a counter for my mutations?!" Animo shouted as he was cuffed.

"By being intelligent." Grey Matter  said.

"I am the most intelligent man on this planet!" Animo shouted.

"And I've got the DNA of the smartest one in 4 galaxies." Grey Matter said "When you get out maybe cure cancer with this shit?"

"I don't wanna cure cancer I wanna create mutant abomination!"

"And that is why you are going to prison." Rook said.

"Hey the stuff is here I could..." Grey Matter said as he scampered to Animo's Lab.

"Are we sure Ben should be doing that?" Rook asked.

"No no let him cook." Animo said.

"Kirby made a gun that can do that." Shar said.

"Excuse me?" Animo asked.

"Oh yes Kirby owns a patent for a DNA De-Mutation Rifle that has shown it works on cancer." Shar said "It is currently being manufactured and brought to every hospital in the US back home."

"So you really are from a different reality? Tell me what is known about me?" Animo asked.

"Kirby has shown repeatedly to have been searching for you and his trail has 'Ran Cold' after you were 'Black Bagged' by guys in suits." Shar said with air quotes.

"At least one government sound like it sees my research as important." Animo said smugly.

As the mad scientist was driven away Rook asked "Did Kirby actually build that?"

"Copied the blueprint from his home universe and reproduced it." Shar said.

"That sounds very illegal." Rook said.

"Well cancer is probably one of the worst things a human can get." Shar said "Imagine your own body's cells just...overmutate without any way to stop it."

"Sounds painful."

"Oh it is. Especially when it's something like Osteosarcoma where it causes extra bone to grow irregularly under your flesh." Grey Matter said flying out holding a vial.

"How could a species even get like that?" Rook asked.

"I'm surprised it isn't as common in space. Like what the fuck you two can handle lethal levels of UV light, Tetramand skin is thick enough that it actually hardens enough to become armor, and Galvans just have more suppression genes."

"Oh you want proof of no God having imput in design?" Shar asked "Without these suits if we throw a punch wrong our whole arm can dislocate the majority of the bones in our arm and shoulders."

"Yes the fact you can bite your tongue is a sign of no intelligent design." Grey Matter said sticking his tongue out then trying to bite it but his jaw not closing enough.

"Do humans actually gain extra teeth when they reach adulthood?" Shar asked.

"Yeah do you guys?" Ben asked.

"The Ravanagander species possess 1 set of teeth our whole life." Rook said "But the Amber Olga also strengthens bone."

"Half the shit I hear Amber Olga can do I'm thinking it had some genetic engineering involved in it." Ben said.

"It is a plant that is as old as our civilization." Rook said.

"And the tastiest thing in the known universe." Shar said.

"I willing to argue that statement once I get to try one." Ben said.

Shar badge beeped "It's Kirby. 'On Mars, be back in about a hour.'."

"I wonder what he's-"

A notification went off and Ben looked at his arm where the suit had connected to his phone.

"Ben Tennyson on Mars."

"NASA Unity Rover back online and records Ben Tennyson."

"Live recording of Ben Tennyson on Mars."

The video showed Kirby as NRG standing in front of a molten metal building that seem like it was still cooling before turning into his human form with a helmet on.

"SUP Nerds I mean NASA. Built you a work lab and it's ready for all the shit needed to start actually building so I'm setting up a jumpgate here and headed back to earth. Mars officially is a US colony." Kirby said turning into Machine God and diving into the planet.

Metal and raw materials started forming a factory and more safisticated buildings into a tower.

"This building has everything from a hydroponics lab to water treatment and power. Omni Corp will be happily housing the first Mars colony."

A piece of Machine God broke off and started forming a massive arc.

The video stopped after Kirby walked through it.

"NASA starting Mars colony next week."

"Damn Kirby works fast." Ben said before his phone rang.

"Benjamin Kirby Tennyson what the fuck are you doing?!" Gwen shouted.

Ben hung up and saw he had more voice messages.

More notifications

"Large crystal formations on Venus."

"Unknown Flying Objects being fired from Mercury."

"Guy's we need to get to Los Soledad." Ben said.


Walking out the Jumpgate in Los Soledad, Machine God broke off another part and it latched onto it.

"Shar I'm back." Kirby said into his badge.

"We are on route to Los Soledad as we speak." Shar responded.

"Dude what the fuck?! I'm getting calls from so many people pissed off at me!" Ben shouted.

"Dude the world knows aliens exist and Mars is just sitting there doing nothing." Kirby said.

"There's a popcorn plant being grown on it." Trixie said giggling.

Ben had chuckled.

"What is so funny?" Rook asked.

"I'll explain later." Ben said "So is my Omnitrix fixed?"

"Come here and see." Kirby said.

When the Proto-Truck pulled up Kirby pulled off the Omnitrix off his right arm and turned into Dr Wicked.

"Whow who's that guy?" Ben asked.

"Dr Wicked. The official species name is Elf." Kirby said digging through his Portable Hole. "Catch."

He through something to the Ravanaganders.

"Many thanks." Rook said as he one-shot the whole thing.

Shar had gone with multiple bites ripping into it like a piece of meat.

The Omnitrix was put on Grey Matter's back and Ben changed.

"Ben 10!" Ben exclaimed before covering his mouth "What the...test test...damn does my voice sound deeper?"

"You also seem taller." Rook said.

Kirby grabbed Ben's right arm and put something on it.

"Do not take this off whatever you do." He said tapping it "I call it a riot bracelet."

"So what's it for?"

"Hold your arms in an X and call out a transformation." Kirby said.

Ben held them together and a spark of green started and the devices started vibrating with energy.

"Come on." Kirby said as Ben's teeth were rattling from it.

"HUMUNGOUSAUR!" Ben shouted as the transformation started.

Ben looked at himself the right arm was now a mechanical and he seemed more...grizzly but he felt good.

Forming a cannon with his right arm he fired it off into the air going off like a firework.

"Now quick-change."

"But that's not good for the-" Ben started.

"Just do it!" Trixie shouted.

"ARMADILLO!" Ben shouted.

Ben looked down at the black arms and shifted between hands to different tips for it.

"The Riot Bracelet is to get past the 'Don't Slam It' rule." Trixie said "And it can take the load off quick changes to the main system but does cause a quicker drain. Also you got a charge meter for how long the transformation lasts."

"Sweet!" Ben shouted "So this is why you were gone so long."

"Needed the parts for it." Kirby said "There's also a notification for linked accessories so you'll know if someone tries anything."

"The life-form lock also kicks on in hazardous environments so you can start more space trips." Trixie said.

"Wanna race around the sun?!" Ben asked feeling like he was high on 30lbs of candy.

"You aren't going anywhere Benjamin." A voice said as another vehicle pulled up followed by government vehicles.

"Two Tennyson's?!" One of the people shouted.

"Chief of Space Operations General Richard Dickinson of the US Government." A man walked over.

"Great I don't have to fly into the white house." Kirby said holding up a keyfob and tapped it turning the jumpgate on then off showing unlike before there was no displacement of air or vacume and it compensated for atmospheric pressure and differences.

"Are you actually handing Mars front door key to NASA?" Richard asked.

"Yep." Kirby said "Benjamin Kirby Tennyson." Shaking hands with the Chief of Space Operations "Kirby to avoid confusion."

"Are you seriously offering a key to space for nothing?"

"I mean Secretary of Exo relations is a job I wouldn't mind having." Ben said.

"Sir I am going to have to ask you hand those over." Max said "Earth is not-"

"I have permission." Kirby said holding up a document signed by Riney "The Jumpgates are officially gifted to earth by the Highbreed as of 2 days ago. Earth has full permission to construct and utilize them under Omni Corp supervision."

"Benjamin you know that technology is dangerous." Max said.

"And you didn't out any safeties in test remote." Kirby said "How many Mistransformations happen because you were sitting on it?"

"Ben That was made so you didn't go crazy." Max said.

"Then why didn't it have an DNA Lock? A key? A damn cover on for fuck sake?!" Ben asked "Grampa Max I was still learning the new rig and that...please tell me my Mistransformations wasn't because of it?"

"I'd say it's only 30% or so because of it." Trixie said.

"That's not a small amount!" Ben shouted "I...I want a transfer...I..." Ben was fighting back tears as he turned to run.

"Ben!" Max grabbed Ben's shoulder.

"BIG-CHILL!" Ben shouted Phasing out of Max's arms and flying off.

"So Rich, we can discuss details privately." Kirby said leading the Chief away from Max.

"Magister Tennyson, I would like to check in on the status of the temporary badges?" Shar asked.

"The higher ups have yours cleared." Max said "Kirby however they aren't so eager to give him his rank."

"Well are they at least gonna put him as an officer?" Rook asked.

"They are still deciding on that." Max said.

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