The Hobbit and the Silver Eye...

By soulfox1305

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This is the adventures when Bilbo Baggins join a company of 13 Dwarves and Gandalf but one more person has jo... More

The Unexpected Journey
Reaper meets Gandalf and Bilbo, Unexpected Party
Thorin, meeting, Misty Mountains
The Adventure Begins, Battle of Moria, Radagast
Bert, William and Tom
Cave, Orc pack, Rivendell
Elrond, Map reveal, Azog lives
White Council, Thunderbattle
Goblins, Gollum
Escape Goblin Town
Hillside Battle, The Lonely Mountain
Desolation of Smaug
Beorn, Mirkwood
The path, Spiders, Elves
Barrel Escape, High Fell, Bard
Lake Town
Durin's Prophecy, Captured, Ruins of Dale
Thrain, Hidden Door, Sauron
Bilbo and Reaper meet Smaug
What have we done
Battle of the Five Armies
Survivors, The Company Reunion
White Council and Silver Eye Warrior vs The Nine and Sauron, Dragon sickness
Elves arrive at Dale, Mithril, Gundabad, Night Before War
Battle for the Mountain
Sons of Durin
Thorin and Reaper vs Azog the Defiler
Aftermath, The Shire

Woodland Realm

124 5 0
By soulfox1305

The Elves escorted the Company out of Mirkwood on the path to a bridge entering a gate the Elves enter with Tauriel and Legolas who said "Close the gate" Unknown to them Bilbo wearing the Ring is running across the bridge quickly while Legolas stops turning around looking at the woods for a moment before turning around entering the gate and the two guards close it but little did they knew when they turn a black petal is seen falling down landing on the floor.

The Company follows the Elves on another bridge and a throne is see with someone sitting on it watching the Company from the distance as they walk on a branch and sitting on the throne the person turns revealing to be Thranduil while Dwalin is shoved into a cell the Elf close it Dwalin said "This is not the end of it" Oin is shoved into a cell and the Elf close it "Do you hear me"?

Legolas walks pass watching the Dwarves being put into cells Gloin yells "Hey, let us out of here" Nori said "Get off me" He was shoved into another cell as the Elf speaks Elvish pulling Fili before reaching into his coat and pulls out another dagger making Fili sighs the Elf shoves him in closing it turning Kilil ask "Aren't you going to search me"?

He looks to Tauriel who looks to him "I could have anything down my trousers" Staring at him Tauriel said "Or nothing" She close the cell door and walks away from Kili who holds the bars watching her he smiles while Legolas walks to Tauriel he ask "Why does the Dwarf stare at you, Tauriel" Looking to him Tauriel ask "Who can say" She shrugs a bit "He's quite tall for a Dwarf".

She glances to Legolas and looks away "Do you not think" Tauriel walks, and Legolas said "Taller than some..." He turns to Tauriel who walks down the steps "...but no less ugly" Kili sits by the door glaring at Legolas who narrow his eyes while Dwalin grunts trying to open the door with his shoulder, Fili attempts to kick the bars, but it didn't budge.

Gloin and Oin try to ram their bars, but it didn't budge Gloin said "Again" Balin calls "Leave it" Oin and Gloin do it again "There's no way out" Balin sits by his door "This is no Orc dungeon" The cells are seen "These are the Halls of the Woodland Realm" Areas of the Woodland Realm is seen "No one leaves here but by the King's consent".

Thorin is seen standing and standing behind him looking forward is Thranduil who said "Some may imagine that a noble quest is at hand" He turn his head "A quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon" Thranduil looks to Thorin before turning "I myself suspect a more prosaic motive" He walks over to him "Attempted burglary" Thorin stands head high "Or something of that Ilk".

Thranduil move his head looking at Thorin "You have found a way in" Thorin didn't answer "You seek that which would bestow upon you right to rule" He watch Thranduil move back "The King's Jewel: The Arkenstone" Thorin move his gaze and head "It is precious to you beyond measure" He looks back to Thranduil who smiles "I understand theat".

He went serious "There are gems in the mountain that I, too, desire" He breathes "White gems of pure starlight" Thorin raise his head at Thranduil who tilt his head "I offer you my help" He bow his head and Thorin chuckles lowering his head he said "I am listening" He glance to Thranduil who said "I will let you go..." He turns his head "...if you but return what is mine".

Turning around walking Thorin said "A favour for a favour" Thranduil said "You have my word" He watch Thorin went to the stairs "One king to another" Sighing Thorin said "I would not trust Thranduil..." Thranduil stares "...the Great King..." Thorin spread his arms " honour his word..." He looks at the Realm "...should the end of all days be upon us".

Thorin turns and points at him "You, who lack of honour" He walks forward "I have seen how you treat your friends" Thranduil begins to open his mouth "We came to you once, starving, homeless, seeking your help" Thorin move his head "But you turned your back" He glares at Thranduil "You turned away from the suffering of my people..."

He taps his chest "...and the inferno that destroyed us" Thranduil stares at Thorin who shouted in Dwarvish but moving to him Thranduil said "Do not talk to me of dragon fire" He leans in "I know its wrath and ruin" Slowly parts Thranduil face begins to burn, and his left eye went white "I have faced the Great Serpents of the North" He moves back his face goes normal.

He stares at Thorin who wasn't fazed "I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon" Thorin glares at him "But he would not listen" Thranduil turns and walk up the steps looking to him "You are just like him" He motion his hand and two Elf Guards grab Thorin "Stay here if you will..." Thorin looks to Thranduil "...and rot".

The Guards drag Thorin down the stairs "A hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an Elf" Thorin struggles to get out of their hold "I'm patient" Thranduil watch them leave "I can wait" The guards drag Thorin to the dungeons and the Elf shove him in a cell before closing the door and locks it walking away with the keys.

Walking to the door Balin ask "Did he offer you a deal" Pacing Thorin said "He did" He stops staring "I told him he could îsh kakhfê ai-'d dûr-rugnu" That made Balin close his eyes as Thorin looks up "Him and all his kin" Smiling Balin said "Well, that's that, then" He nods before frowning "A deal was our only hope" Balin turns away from the door while Thorin said "Not our only hopes".

Meanwhile Bilbo looks around a pillar before walking forward slowly suddenly Thranduil said "I know you're there" He appears looking in the direction where Bilbo stares at Thranduil who turns "Why do you linger in the shadows" Walking from behind Tauriel said "I was coming to report you" Bilbo heard her, and he sighs in relief.

Tauriel walks forward Thranduil said "I thought I ordered that nest to be destroyed not two moons past" He motions with his head then looks to Tauriel who said "We cleared the forest as ordered, my lord" She paces "But more spiders keep coming up from the South" Slowly Bilbo walks looking to them "They are spawning in the ruins of Dol Guldur".

Thranduil stares at her "If we could kill them at their source..." But Thranduil said "That fortress lies beyond our borders" He looks back "Keep our lands clear of those foul creatures" Tauriel stares at him "That is your task" Turning Turiel ask "And when we drive them off, what then" She pace back to Thranduil "Will they not spread to other lands" Thranduil said "Other lands are not my concern" Tauriel stares at him.

Bilbo slowly moves pass them "The fortunes of the world will rise and fall" Thranduil turns holding his hands together "But here in this kingdom, we will endure" Bilbo heads down the steps just as Thranduil looks in the direction while Tauriel lowers her head and begins to leave Thranduil looks back "Legolas said you fought well today".

Tauriel stops turns then looks to Thranduil who stares "He has gron very fond of you" Turning her head Tauriel said "I assure you, my lord..." She moves her gaze "...Legolas thinks of me as no more than a Captain of the Guard" Turning Thranduil said "Perhaps he did once" He walks pass Tauriel "Now I'm not so sure" Moving her head Tauriel said "I do not think you would allow your son to pledge himself to a lowly silver Elf".

Looking in a direction Thranduil said "No, you are right" He raise his head "I would not" Tauriel lowers her head "Still, he cares about you" She raise her gaze and Thranduil looks to her "Do not give him hope where there is none" Tauriel slowly raise her head and leaves just as Thranduil leaves suddenly landing on the floor is Reaper who looks in both direction before moving down the stairs where Bilbo went.

Meanwhile nighttime arrived Guards are seen at the Elven gate but not far is Bolg and a few orcs staring an Orc name Narzug said "The gates are guarded" But watching from behind a tree Bolg said "Not all of them..." He turns raising his mace "...follow me" The Orcs follow Bolg while Kili is holding a stone with writing on it.

He flips it before catching it as Tauriel walks down the stairs keeping an eye on the Dwarves she walks on a small bridge and Kili flips the stone catching it he notices Tauriel and stops staring she ask "The stone in your hand, what is it" Staring at her before lowering his gaze Kili said "It is a talisman" He looks back to Tauriel "A powerful spell lies upon it".

Kili looks at the talisman "If any but Dwarf reads the runes on this stone..." He shakes his head "...they will be forever cursed" He holds it to Tauriel who moves back a bit staring at Kili who close his hand around it and Tauriel was about to leave "Or not" That made her stop and look back to Kili who raise his brows "Depending on whether you believe in that kind of thing".

He holds the talisman "It's just a token" Kili chuckles at Tauriel who begins to smile "A rune stone" Kili looks back to the talisman moving it "My mother gave it to me so I'd remember my promise" He looks to Tauriel who ask "What promise" Kili said "That I would come back to her" Tauriel smiles lowering her gaze while Kili move his "She worries".

Kili flips the talisman again "She thinks I'm reckless" Tauriel ask "Are you" She raise her gaze to Kili who said "Nah" He flips the talisman but he misses and the talisman clatters by Tauriel who steps on it before bending down making Kili go to the door he watch Tauriel pick the talisman holding it up high examining it then shouting is heard "Sounds like quite a party you're having up there".

Turning to him Tauriel said "It is Mereth E-ngilith..." She walks looking up "...the feast of starlight" Tauriel stops staring "All light is sacred to the Eldar" She lowers her arms "But Wood Elves love best the light of the stars" Raising his brows Kili said "I always thought it is a cold light" Tauriel turns to him "Remote and far away" Walking back Tauriel said "It is memory..."

Shaking her head "...precious and pure" Kili stares at her "Like your promise" She holds the talisman to Kili who takes it and Tauriel looks around then back to Kili "I have walked there sometimes" Kili looks to her "Beyond the forest and up into the night" Tauriel turns back "I have seen the world fall away" She walks to the edge "And the white light of forever fill the air".

Smiling Kili said "I saw a fire moon once" Tauriel turns to him "It rose over the pass near Dunland" She walks "Huge" Kili stares at her "Red and gold, it was" Tauriel stares back "It filled the sky" Slowly she begins to sit on the steps "We were an escort form some merchants from Ered Luin" Kili tries to remember "They were trading silverwork for furs".

He looks to her "We took the Greenway South..." Tauriel continues to listen to the story "Keeping the mountain to our left" But unknown to them "And then it happened" Standing not far from them is Legolas "This huge fire moon..." Tauriel stares at Kili " our path" Legolas stares at them "I wish I could show you the caverns".

Meanwhile in a wine cellar Elves are putting empty barrels on top of each other an Elf name Elros said "Galion, you old rogue, we're running out of drink" Elros walks down the stairs "These empty barrels should have been send back to Esgaroth hours ago" Two Elves pick up another barrel "The bargeman will be waiting for them" Galion said "Say what you like about our ill-tempered king".

He holds a glass of wine "He has excellent taste in wine" He takes a sip as Bilbo begins to move back "Come, Elros, try it" He saw the keys Elros said "I have the Dwarves in my charge" He holds them up but Galion said "They're locked up" He hangs the keys "Where can they go" He laughs while Bilbo waits watching them begin to drink the wine.

Before Bilbo could move, he stops to hear move footsteps and saw Reaper glowing silver he watch him went behind a pillar hearing the Elves laugh as they drink Bilbo takes the Ring off revealing himself and Reaper saw him Bilbo points to where the keys are Reaper turns and sees them looking back nodding before raising a finger Bilbo watch Reaper head for the four Elves and grunts are head making Bilbo wince.

Meanwhile at the dungeon sitting Bofur said "I'll wager the sun is on the rise" He stares at the door "Must be nearly dawn" Standing by the door Ori ask "We're never going to reach the mountain, are we" He turns away while Fili sighs leaning against the wall but Bilbo and Reaper who lowered his hood appears around the corner Bilbo said "Not stuck in here, you're not" He holds the keys rattling them.

Thorin shock to see them as Fili, and Thorin went to the bars just as Reaper and Bilbo went to Thorin staring at him going to the bars Balin said "Bilbo, Reaper" Catching the other Dwarves attention they begin to cheer "Shh" Reaper unlocks the cell while Bilbo turns "There are guards nearby" Reaper opens the door freeing Thorin who walks out.

Bilbo and Reaper slowly begin to free the Dwarves one by one Balin laughs smiling at them Thorin said "Close the doors" Reaper and Bilbo move down the stairs "It'll buy us more time" Bilbo said "All right, Nori" He unlocks the door for Nori to come out and Reaper unlocks Kili cell opening it for him to come out.

They gather Thorin said "Up the stairs" Dwalin said "You first" Dori said "Ori" Suddenly Reaper appears in front of them spreading his arms Thorin ask "What are you doing, Reaper" Reaper shake his head and points in another direction noticing Bilbo said "Not that way" He frees Gloin going down "Down here" Reaper teleports and moves down "Follow us" Fili said "Go".

The Dwarves follow Reaper and Bilbo down the stairs to the wine cellar Oin said "Easy now" Slowly Bilbo and Reaper lead them in but stop to see Elros slowly waking up but Reaper teleports to them grabbing a hammer and hits him knocking Elros out before doing the same to the other three Elves he turns nodding Bilbo said "This way" He walks by huge barrels "Come on".

Noticing the area Kili said "I don't believe" He looks at Bofur "We're in the cellars" Reaper moves pass them Bofur said "You two were supposed to be leading us out, not further in" But Bilbo said "We know what we're doing" Bofur said "Shh" Reaper motion them to follow and they did Bilbo said "This way" A few rows of empty barrels is right next to them "This way".

Meanwhile two Guards open the cells to see them empty a Guard yell in Elvish as Reaper stops them Bilbo said "Everyone, climb into the barrels quickly" Shoving pass Dwalin ask "Are you mad" Bilbo stares at him "They'll find us" Shaking his head he said "No, no" Reaper tries to get them in the barrels "They won't, we promise you".

Bilbo begs them "Please, please, you must trust us" Dwalin turns back to the Dwarves who murmuring to one another Bilbo looks to Thorin who stares at him then to Reaper who stares he said "Do as he says" They Dwarves begin to move Dwalin said "Move your big ginger head" They slowly got into the barrels "Bifur, get in the barrel".

They help one another into the barrels "Move" Reaper and Bilbo quickly count the barrels Dori said "Everyone's in" Bilbo begins to walk with Reaper and poking his head out Bofur ask "What do we do now" The Dwarves all poked their heads out Bilbo said "Hold your breath" Bofur ask "Hold my breath" Reaper grabs the lever "What do you mean" He pulls it making the floor tip.

The barrels rolled down making the Dwarves yelling going out of the cellar and lands in the water making Bilbo smile and Reaper nods when the floor went back to normal Reaper and Bilbo were about to enter theirs, but they suddenly realise all the barrels went down making Reaper slap his head and Bilbo tries to think.

Meanwhile walking pass a Guard is Tauriel who ask "Where is the keeper of the keys" She walks down the stairs while Bilbo tries to think of a way to lower the floor and Reaper notice another empty barrel not far, he teleports to it he grabs it Bilbo ask "What are you doing" Reaper holds the barrel upright and teleports back to where Bilbo is.

Running down the stairs Tauriel said "Hurry" She leads a group of Elves down the stairs as Reaper turn hearing them before grabbing Bilbo putting him in the barrel before putting his hood on lowering the barrel on the side Bilbo said "Reaper" Reaper jumps on the barrel and rolls it forward making the floor tip he looks to duck, and Bilbo yells the barrel lands in the water.

The floor closed just as Tauriel arrives seeing this as the barrel surfaces Bilbo and Reaper both gasp Reaper climbs into the barrel behind Bilbo reaching the Company who all hold to the edge noticing them Thorin said "Well done, Master Baggins, Master Reaper" He lets go and the barrels begin to move "Go" Dwalin calls "Come on, let's go".

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