Fear Is A Four Letter Word(NE...

By Warboy_Gaming15

2.9K 112 34

! WARNING: This story contains blood and gore, sexual content, strong language, and use of alcohol and drugs... More

Our Endless War
The Sound of Freedom
For Old Times Sake
Species Bios
A Walk Down Memory Lane
late Bios 1
Humor Me

Timeing and Precision

361 15 5
By Warboy_Gaming15

**Brandon POV**

I stood in my room, feeling guilty. Why did I get luxury while my pack froze to death? I stood there, not knowing that Erica was behind me.

Erica: "You okay?"

Brandon: "Like you'd fucking care."

Erica: "Belive or or not, I actually do. I just wish that asshole didn't shoot the president. Things may have turned out different."

Brandon: "If it didn't happen then, it would've happened later. Not that it matters, because it's all in the past now."

Erica: "Well, maybe. But I still care. We've been trying to help Humans for a while now.

Brandon: "Actions speak louder than words."

*Erica Trust level +3, currently 8*

Erica: "Still, you should do more then stand here and mope."

Brandon: "Like what, the gym?"

Erica: "Why not, you can always strengthen yourself."

She walked out the door as I tried to comprehend what she said. But it did sound like a good idea to strengthen myself now then later. You never know.

**Charlie POV**

Sally: "Can we listen to somthing that ISN'T this?"

Charlie: "Shit, sorry. Forgot you have a diffrent taste in music."

Sally: "Much better."

We drove another 2 miles before reaching the border. I just went off the road abit and just drove by.

They tore down the human made fences that made the border and just set up check points to prevent civilians from entering uncharted lands. But that didn't stop them from expanding cities into there.

Charlie: "We're about three hours from there. I'd catch up on sleep if I were you."

She took my advice and started to snore. I didn't need to sleep, but i was still stressed out. It'll be over soon.

**Brandon POV**

I was in the gym doing some pullups, trying to get ready for my mission. I took off most of my gear, like my coat, helmet, and tanks. I also had some looks heading my way, dirty glares and what not. I got done with it and I headed over to the weights to do some bench presses.

'Should I do 300, or 350? 350.'

I threw the weights on as I saw out the corner of my eye a group of Furs walking up to me.

Wolf Fur: "You shouldn't be here No-Fur."

Brandon: "You're racism needs some work."

Wolf Fur: "Oh really?"

I threw the same weights on the other side of the bar.

Brandon: "I'm a Hybrid, first of all. Second, the term you're looking for is 'Half-breed'. Third, I take that as a compliment, means I look more like the kind I fight for then you dumb fucks. So All Hail Humanity, and have a good day."

I put one of the clamps on the bar as I got shoved into the bench. I turned around and socked the asshole in the jaw, hearing a snap.

I was ready to fuck these Furfags up. He tried to hit me, but I kicked him into a radio which prometly turned it on.

His buddies then rushed me as I took one of the fifties off and slammed it into one's chest and uppercut him with it. The other one managed to get a hit on me, knocking me to the ground. I pick up a kettleball and slammed it into his shin. Another Anthro threw a bench at me, so I rolled and chucked it at his head, caveing in his skull.

I got up and got pushed to the dumbell rack, which I took a 50 pound one off and slammed it into the wolf's back, hearing a slight crunch. His reptile buddy tried to rush me, so I threw the wolf at him and shoved his ass through the window of the gym into the hallway.

I picked another dumbell as the wolf got back up, readying his fists. I just slammed the weight into his head and chucked it at the radio, demolishing it.


I knew they wanted me aswell. I geared up and left the gym, leaving my mess behind.

**Scarlet POV**

We were waiting for The Slayer to show up. It's been ten minutes since we showed up.

Glory: "Why are we waiting for this prick again?"

Com. Milton: "Last. Warning."

Erica: "Dad, you know what she went through."

Com. Milton: "Some things you just need to let go. And she will in time."

We heard the door open and saw him walk in.

Com. Milton: "You're late Slayer."

The Slayer: "And?"

Com. Milton: "You kept everyone waiting."

The Slayer: "Be greatful I showed up at all."

Scarlet: "In any case, what's the mission?"

The commander then set the files on the table, telling us that there was an old gas staiton hiding crucial information on traitorous outposts.

The Slayer: "Isn't this more, I don't know, 'Zeta' team type shit?"

Com. Milton: "Think of it as a benchmark test."

The Slayer: "I lead a pack from you scumbags, you know what I'm capable of, and I'm also the first person they'd expect to attack them."

Com. Milton: "Look, Just complete the mission. Follow your leaders orders and you'll do fine."

The Slayer: "Fine."

Com. Milton: "I recommend that you keep an eye on everyone Scarlet. Any attempts of betrayal, you know what to do."

Scarlet: "Yes sir. Let's gear up ladies. We're moving out in six."

*at the gas station, two hours later*

I had ordered Glory and Jaylen to stay behind this run. The fewer the better. We walked in and saw no one. They must've closed early. We walked to the office and saw a computer.

Scarlet: "Erica, you're up."

She inserted a drive with her hacking software and started to extract the data from it.

Erica: "3%....6%....9-what the hell?"

Scarlet: "What?"

Erica: "'connection lost'."

The Slayer: "OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!"

He then proceeded to rip the tower out of the wall, the case lid off, and a black box out.

The Slayer: "There! Got the hard drive! Let's fucking go!"

Scarlet: "Slayer! That was uncalled for!"

The Slayer: "That stupid software was gonna take ages. This way, we get EVERYTHING we NEED, rather then what that dumb wolf WANTED."

Erica: "Reguardless, need to leave. I'll take point."

She left the office first as the Slayer followed behind. I came out but was tackled by the attendant and tried stabbing me in the throat.

Scarlet: "Slayer! Help me!"

All I saw was his boots walking away. I tried to fight this prick, but he was overpowering me. However, he was slammed in the head with a propane tank as the Slayer got on top of him and slammed it into his skull.

The Slayer: "You okay?"

Scarlet: "But, you left..."

The Slayer: "Had to get a better weaon. My blade would've killed you both."

*Scarlet Trust level +6. Currently 11*

Scarlet: "I-Thank you."

The Slayer: "I look after my teammates. Let's go, shall we?"

I got up as we both walked out the door, the whole time confused on what happened.

*Iron Claw Asylum, Montanna*
**Sally POV**

We were traversing an abandoned Asylum, although for me, abit cramped.

Charlie: "This, is my home. Actually, I take it back, my first home was the local JDC after getting into a disagreement with my co-star, then I was bumped up to Iron Claw after I killed my roommate. Trust me: that guy was a real psycho..."

Sally: "What did he do that was so bad?"

Charlie: "...He thought that warm water tastes better when you first wake up in the morning. What're you, nuts?"

Sally: "Yup, that'll do it."

Charlie: "It was hard at first. Adjusting. No one came to vist. Not even my parents. They said they would...but they LIED!!*breathes* then? I got to meet the guys and gals in here. And guess what? They were just. Like. Me. Those 12 years in here was the best 12 in my 30 to life."

Sally: "At least you some friends. I didn't when I was locked up."

Charlie: "I know babe. I know."

He pulled out a slightly broken and fixed key, inserting it into a cell door.

Charlie: "We're going in..."

He unlocked it and we entered it, I was basically crawling, but managed.

Charlie: "Home sweet home...I hate it. I really do."

I looked to my left and saw news paper clippings. They were headliners.




Sally: "You're co-star was an Anthro?"

Charlie: "FUCK MONTY!! THAT EGOTISTICAL BASTARD!! Oh crap, sorry dad, I didn't mean so swear."

I looked around the corner and saw two mummified corpses, a Human and a wolf Anthro.

Charlie: "Uhh, Dad this is Sally, Sally dad. And Roxxane. Yeah, that's right: still wont call you 'mom'."

Sally(disbelif): "You locked them in here?"

He looked at me then down to the ground.

Charlie: "I wrote, I texted, I emailed, I called, I tried everything and anything...but they ignored me...so when they unlocked the cells, I hunted them down and left them in here to rot! Just like they did me!"

Sally: "At least you found a punishment fitting enough."

He looked at me confused like.

Sally: "Not everyone can do that right."

Charlie: "No...but I did."

He then kneeled infront of them.

Charlie: "Dad...Roxxane...I tried telling you that I didn't to be a rockstar. That I was happy doing stand up comdies! And even when I followed through? You didn't even show up to my shows! You were my parents! You were supposed to be there for me!...Well guess what? I found people who appreciate what I do, and they like Me. For. ME!!"

He then stared to destroy the corpses by kicking and punching them and ripping his father in half.


He finished by stomping Roxxane's skull into dust. He breathed heavily for a bit before he turned to me.

Charlie(joyful): "...And that concludes the tour!"

We then left, never to speak of it again.


Chapter three done.

BUT ENOUGH PETTY SHIT!! Next chapter is when things get real. And dark, mainly dark and fucked up. All i can say is you better not forget me. Ever.

Asta la Vista you magnificent bastards, ill see you next time

Also, tire wall clock

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