Arang Hadap

By Unvel_Yopi

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While the war was going on, a new continent emerged and there was an invasion of monsters throughout the worl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 6

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By Unvel_Yopi

Anita and Destha returned home together from Leon's house, seeing how dark the road was with the noise of vehicles, Destha looked around him with a smile and happiness, while Anita looked so dreamy as if thinking about something.

"You're also good at playing games earlier"

"Well, it's not bad... I often play games like that with my brother even though I don't really understand it myself"

In her mind that continued to think, Anita looked at Destha very confident that he alone was enough to fight a group of them, with the addition of Anita, it was even certain that Ebil and his group would fall one hundred percent... but why....

"des why you didn't really want to fight ebil, even though I'm sure you can beat him..., even if his family tries to back him up, my family also influences des so you can definitely beat-"

"Again? Ha...., already nit don't try to deal with problems like this, anyway what's in it for you to help me"

"Of course there is no benefit for me, I just want to help you two because I really don't want to see you like this, and also with the power I carry, I have a responsibility to help!"

"Yes, yes, yes..."

With a face full of boredom and indifference, Destha took out a cigarette and lit it, while listening to Anita's babbling about her dream.

("What a dumb person, I just have to help too!!!")

"The point is dess if you don't do something I'm sure I will fight ebil and his group myself."

"Crazy... here's the thing nitt-"

"Crazy?what do you mean Des, I have good intentions for both of you"

"ha..., nit listen to me first"

("Never mind, people will be ignorant and won't listen to anything I say, if they themselves don't want to act then I myself will fight them for both of them.")

Feeling that she couldn't advise her anymore, because Destha seemed so ignorant to her, Anita went running away from Destha behind to go home without ignoring Destha's words.

"I hope she doesn't do anything wrong later ... hopefully"

With Anita who left him just like that, Destha walked alone at night with the hot embers of his cigarette.

The streets were so crowded with people passing by but Destha felt the opposite of the crowd, he felt so lonely.

"Sir, angkot"

"Let's go"

On the way to his boarding house, he arrived in front of the alley through the angkot he was riding. It took another way to get to his boarding place, through an alley with a narrow road.

When he finally reached the gate of the small boarding house, he went inside without making any noise.

"Don't come home at night again..., it's a habit"

Upon entering the gate, the boarding house mother was seen outside sitting in a chair with a burning cigarette and a cup of coffee.

"Yes, ma'am, sorry."

Ignored again, the boarding mother was busy returning to her cell phone in her hand along with the smoke from the cigarette, and so destha went walking towards the boarding house towards the second floor.

Different buildings with the main house of the boarding mother, Destha entered the house opposite the main house, a two-story house with quiet people living there, there were only two people living, including Destha in that count.

Actually, the boarding house was quite comfortable with adequate facilities, such as wifi, a clean bathroom and a shared kitchen, but due to its affordable price, many people had difficulty paying it.

Through the deserted hallway, Destha reached the front of his room, the door was locked as before he left, by opening the door he used the key, like a clacking sound, the sound echoed loudly adding to the atmosphere of the silence of the place.


Destha let out a long breath, the voice that sounded screaming came from the front of destha's room, the only person who lived in the boarding house besides destha.

Destha's indifference, ignoring the voice that was now a little noisy to her ears, and immediately went into her room.

"ha! Ha!"


Destha's room was not so big, nor was it soundproof, by laying down a little he tried to calm his mind until there was no more sound around him.

In his mind he thought of the previous and recent events, with anita's involvement, Destha did not want the problem to drag others, nor did he want to get into deeper problems.

How today went on Destha did not deny his goal of keeping Anita away from the problem of bullying, he felt it was okay to be bullied and bullied, he did not want bigger problems when fighting ebil's group, but still Anita always insisted on her understanding.

"I don't understand what's actually in his brain..."

Just a little wishful thinking for those who have the power to always protect the weak, reality is not the same as a superhero show, what is really in her mind, How can change anita mind .

"This way you can only buy time so that the problem is not so complicated. "

Destha may not care about it anymore, but inevitably it will definitely become a complicated problem, seeing Anita's nature so far, she will always fight hard, and in the end it is still certain that Destha and Leon will also be dragged.




In Anita's house which was a different building from the main building, Anita swung the sword and moved nimbly here and there while moving all parts of her body to attack.

"Ha!!!, how crazy is that guy?"


("From the beginning to the end I couldn't understand why he was silent, I was sure that he alone could defeat ebil's group....")


The Ice strike froze the whole place from anita's toes

("And even if their families come down to make a fuss over her, I told them I'd help...")


and a bolt of fire shot out from the palm of her hand, hitting the ess that Anita had taken out from her foot.

("I understand why he doesn't want to fight...")

Until Anita was sweating profusely and breathing heavily, Anita took a little break.

"wihh that's cool sis"

The sound of applause near the entrance to the Hall, Anita's brother was standing without realizing it.

"emm.... When have you been there?"

"hehehe from earlier, you came home late at night and then went straight to the training room..., what's wrong with you? Is there a problem?

While looking at the eyes of his brother Anita, who looked straight at him. Anita also answered that with a tone that was made to seem relaxed.

"No, there's nothing wrong"

("It's going to be hard if you lie, oh my...")

"Cmon sis, brother know you from childhood,, yesterday just yesterday your attitude like that ... , there must be a problem for you? Brother try to help you , do you have a problem with a bot ha? hehehhe"

("Haahhh what do you think, if brother know maybe his try to interfere, and if his interfere it will make things worse...")

"umm... that's the point"

"Trouble with boys!?"



Anita's brother looked so surprised as if he couldn't believe it, Anita who realized it ignored him by replying to a casual remarki

"That's it"

"Who's the guy? What's the problem with you?"

"Already ah..., I want to take a shower and go to bed"

To be able to evade further, Anita could not use strange excuses, therefore she reasoned to avoid the topic of this problem, even though Anita's brother seemed to continue to persist with his questions.

"Wait, wait, answer my question first."

Anita quickly left in a hurry leaving her brother frozen with a blank expression as if in disbelief.

In the morning when going to school, Anita entered the car that she usually took to leave with her driver.




By seeing how her brother was now in front of the driver's seat Anita was not surprised by his behavior on this one.

"Hurry up and leave, I am afraid you'll be late."


Her brother's cheerful face was inversely proportional to Anita's face which looked so Annoyed, and during the long journey in the car Anita already knew that there would be many questions from her brother. Therefore, in order to avoid her mood getting worse, Anita also used her headset.


But beyond Anita's expectations, on that trip her own brother was silent and only hummed a little.

("Duh...,what brother want to plan.... again.")

Anita slightly glanced at her brother, from behind the front seat through the glass.

"What's wrong?

"No, why?"

Because of that little glance from his eyes, Anita's brother asked Anita.

("A-level explorers can't be deceived, it's hard if you just pay attention at a glance, you've been caught, just surrender...")


Sighing again while looking at the glass outside her car window, Anita resignedly let her brother, who would probably interfere in her problems later on

"That's Anita, right?"

"Who is that guy with her?"

"That's her brother stupid, Surya's brother is a famous Class A explorer and hunter, do you know?"

"There are so many brother of him, how do I know it's Brother Surya?"

Many of those in the school car park crowded around to see Anita's arrival with her brother getting out of the car, and so did the talk about her brother.

"Thank you for taking me, then I'll go straight to class."


Anita who spoke to her brother, was ignored by her brother, and instead her brother glanced here and there as if he was looking for something from the many crowds of people passing by.


"ah... heheheh"

("Who are you looking for..., ah... I want to see ebil, it could be bad if there's a commotion here...")

In order to avoid a big commotion in front of the school, Anita was immediately quick to get rid of her brother, even though it was so difficult because of the stubborn nature of her brother and it was a bit strange too, according to Anita, but as much as possible Anita tried her best.

"go home anyway I've arrived"

"Alright, if you want to go to class, just go to class, I want to stay here first.

"brother... you're not a student here, how can you just stay here"

"You're an alumnus here, it's okay if you're here..."

"hello kak surya"

A neatly dressed person with glasses called her name while trying to greet her brother Anita, Anita knew who the person was, by hearing it even she could immediately recognize it well.

("What are you doing!!!")

"ahh... rancid boy, don't greet me, come with me already"


His sister quickly tried to pull him into the car quickly, but the bespectacled man also tried to resist the sudden pull of his sister's sun.

"What are you doing!?"

Anita was surprised to see how her brother suddenly pulled the man into the car suddenly, that's why Anita's response to her brother was so late.

"Come with me you shity boy..."

Realizing, Akan Surya looked so different even though she was still smiling and using her cheerful tone, it seemed to make the surroundings shudder coldly because of the sudden change,

"Brother!!!! Stop!"


Surya suddenly took a few steps away releasing her hand from the man's arm. And there was also a flash of light from the man's arm.

"What's wrong brother?"


Showing a smile without replying to Anita's words, Surya approached the man slowly.

"What's wrong with you?

"Don't talk to me."


"okee time to stop"

A man dressed in a neat shirt came up to them, and stopped in the middle of them.

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