A year to Remember. Part 2, t...

By OwlQueen282

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Peter's wrong number has gotten him close to quite a few unexpected (but really very much expected) friends... More

Author's Note Intro.
Salt n Pepper
Hoods and Masks
Broken Pieces
I can't do this
For Him
Reparations and Reincarnation
The New Abnormal
Rise and Fall
Uncertainties and Ultimatums
Spies and Scars
Into The Melting Pot
Sergeants and Stories.
Pasts and Partners
Pop Tarts and Popsicles
Alex the Great, Rogers the Guilty
Prime Pickings and Secret Keepings
A/N: Quick Note
Quid Pro Quo
The Joker, and the King of Hearts
Mending Stances and Second Chances
Masks and Spiders
Reflections and Resolutions
Sincerity and Shurinigans
To Loss, To Gain, To Trying It Again

Sabotage & Second Thoughts

83 4 11
By OwlQueen282

"Don't worry Loser, you don't need to do the test if you don't want to", MJ tries to calm Peter down.

"But- but whatever if they're after me", Pete quietly heaves, hiding at the back of the bleachers, having sunk after Mr Stark looked at him. "Mr Stark stared at me, third time, why is he after me". Ned grabs Peter in a subtle side hug while MJ knocks him down. "Like I told you Loser, they wouldn't be at school if they knew. They were talking on stage, it's their job".

They keep whispering as the questions end and both stars leave, The trio relaxes thinking they can just move on and ignore this, Morita's words flying in their face.

"I've scheduled the test after lunch till end of day, they will be in the physics labs. If you're interested make your way to the labs instead of your class." So far so good, right? Well... "Members of the Robotics club, the biochemistry program and the decathlon team must sit this test as part of their extracurricular requirements."

MJ growls at the prospect, Peter shivers at it. "What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do", Peter repeats until MJ and Ned drag him out of the gym. "Peter", MJ calls to him, her using his name more than enough to make him focus on her. "This is S.I. And Stark made test, the school won't know your scores. You only need to sit the test-".

"But I don't need to try!", Peter realises MJ's point, livening up in relief, "They only offer positions to high scorers, if I fail the test then I won't get the internship!". He smiles, finding his out. "Thanks MJ, How did you think of this so fast?".

She smirks, "Cause that's my plan". Peter scrunches his eyebrows in shock, "what, why?".

"What do you mean 'why' loser?", MJ scoffs, smiling as she rolls her eyes at his sudden concern. "They hurt you", she whispers so only her losers can hear. "If I have to sit that test, I'm not going to give them any of my energy." Peter cools, realising this is just MJ's brand of protesting. "I will give them a carefully written note tho", she adds, smug and proud of herself, clearly on the process of writing it as they spoke.

"Um Peter?", Ned asks sheepishly, guild written all over his face. "Do you- do you mind if I try for an internship?", He asks, not giving anyone time to reply before he tangents. "It would be really cool to have one, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Besides, I could be like your secret spy at Stark Industries, just in case".

MJ sighs at her 'Loser A' while 'Loser 1' responds. "It's fine Ned, I wouldn't want you to miss out. A couple months ago I would've loved one too but I-", he gulps, the memories flashing through his eyes, "I can't. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't".

Ned smiles at Pete, residual guilt still showing but appreciation for his friends overwriting all.

The 3 have their quick lunch before heading to the physics labs for their tests. Ned answering as best as he can, finding the programming and robotics questions easiest, having some difficulty with the gamma radiation question in the physics portion and struggling through most of the biochemistry questions.

MJ reads over the test questions not passing up the chance to gather information, suspicious information. She finds the biochemistry questions ridiculously simple, the physics ones easy, the robotics ones manageable enough from what she's seen Loser A and Loser 1 do, and finding 2 or 3 of the programming questions doable.

However, she goes out of her way to answer none of them, except for the ones she can make aggressive and inflammatory points at the expense of Stark Industries. Leaving her scathing critical note for the extended question's answer page.

Peter finds all of the test easy, sans maybe 1 biochemistry question. He knows half the answers by heart already, and worked through the rest in his mind. Not wanting the internship however he makes sure to give incorrect answers for every single page. Finding the extended question amusing, Peter just writes "Heart" on its blank answer page before waiting for time to run out.

"You sure you did the right thing?", Ned asks Peter as they walk out, MJ right behind them. "I'm sure Ned, I don't want to risk running into the avengers, I'm not ready for something like that". All three head over to Peter's. May having insisted on bringing them over for a joint movie night after they took care of Peter the previous Friday.


*Saturday morning*

"Tony!", Pepper calls for him, the man sprinting to her, questions shooting out of his mouth faster than his run. "Are they here, what's the kid's score, did he ace it, when can he work for me!".

Pepper stares at him, watching him pant for breath due to his sprint and rapid fire questions. "The tests are here Tony", she lifts her hand to stop the next flood of queries. "You made them, it's yours job to mark and grade them", His mood deflates, the concept of more work clearly not tasteful to his palate. "And no Tony, I'm not telling you his name or showing you his test".

"Why not?", He whines, actively over the top just for Pepper. "Because you promised to the Kid, and I'm not helping you break that promise", She replies quite smugly. "And because I want to avoid accusations of nepotism. It wouldn't mean the same to Peter if he didn't feel like he earned it. Pick the interns you wanna hire, then I'll tell you".

Tony concedes at this, her final point hitting home. "You're right Pep, gotta do this right". His anxieties stronger than before, the idea he might say no to his kid running cold through his spine.

He speeds to his lab and asks Friday to grade the scanned tests and the extended question, his AI performing the action as she displays ambiguous answers for Tony to make the final call on. More work than he anticipated but the anxiety of the kid's test potentially being one of them too much not to try.

2 hours later he and Friday run through 250 internship tests, double checking that all tests were properly graded before calling it. "Friday, let's start with the extended question. How did they do?".

FRIDAY pulls up the statistics, describing them as they come up. "37% of students fell for your trick. 58% were completely incorrect. 12 people had notable answers and only 4 people got the right direction but failed anyways, test number 118 getting the closest". Tony shortlists test 118 for future reference before moving on to his next few questions. "Alright, Pull up the 3 highest scoring tests per subject area".

A total of 8 tests come on holo-display in front of Tony, FRIDAY answering the inevitable question "4 tests attained a top position in more than 1 category". He sees them light up, "Let's start with those", Tony calls as all 4 are selected. "Why are tests 158 and 159 identically ranked?".

"Both tests answered an equal amount of questions correctly. Notably they used different methods for the physics, robotics and programming questions, and their responses in the biochemistry sections focus on different elements. It appears to be a genuine coincidence". Tony nods, looking over some of their answers, agreeing with Friday's assessment. "And how did they do with the extended question?".

"Neither succeeded, they are amongst the notable answers but not amongst the ones that were on the path to succeed".

Tony looks over their final response, seeing good uses of molecular physics and chemistry. "Creative answers, bookmark both".

"Done Boss".

He turns to the other 2 tests. "Test 37, they got the top position for Programming and robotics, and second to physics. What was their position on biochemistry?". Friday pulls up their biochemistry ranking, adding the missing rankings to all other tests. "They were 6th in biochemistry. Overall the highest scoring test."

"Bookmark it, and save it as 'Intern #1'", He orders the AI, the test disappearing leaving only one. "Now, for test number 65. Scoring position number 2, 3 and 4 in programming, physics and robotics. How was his extended question?".

"He — as well as test 37 — were amongst the 4 notable responses on the right direction. Test 65 was Second only to test 118 on this question, which is also amongst your previous selection".

"Bookmark it alongside tests 158 and 59, and pull up test 118", Tony calls. "Top 10 in all categories and top of biochemistry. FRIDAY, Edit it's bookmark to 'Intern #2'".

"Done Boss. Here's the final 3 tests" She replies, displaying tests 222, 212, and 3. "I would highlight test number 3 for suspicious activity". Tony selects it and is immediately shocked by its ranks. "First in physics, but 57th in programming, 118th in robotics and 213th in biochem. Weird sure, but how is that suspicious?".

FRIDAY zooms into the test, pulling up the individual scans of each answer alongside google searches. "The responses are near verbatim copies of research papers or Wikipedia. That compiled with their asynchronous performance in the other categories suggests foul play".

"BookMark it", Tony nods. "title it 'Red flag'. Some kid thought they could cheat on my test, not even committed. I want to know who thought they were smart". He smirks, he'd expect better than Wikipedia from a cheat. "Anything notable about the other 2 tests?", Tony asks pretty much done over the last 3 and a half hours of work. "Excluding the already bookmarked tests, they're the highest scoring, and have the highest average ranking. Both surpassed the 80% raw score minimum you preset and there's no suspicious responses."

"Alright, Bookmark tests 65, 158 and 159 as Intern's 3 to 5, and have tests 212 and 222 as backups 1 and 2". He nods as he jumps up and out of his lab. "Now, where's Pepper!".


*Saturday Midday*


Ms Salt?

Can we talk?

‏Ms Salt

‏?Sure Peter, everything ok



I have doubts


I'm.... confused


‏Ms Salt

‏And you want to get a second opinion


I guess

‏Ms Salt

‏Then I have as long as you need


There's this opportunity

It's an amazing opportunity


I think I'm passing up on it

I don't want to pass on it

But I also can't take it

‏Ms Salt

‏What do you mean? And why are you passing on it


There were a couple of guys I thought were my friends

The people I told you about

I can't because of them

‏Ms Salt

‏?Are you being bullied? Threatened


It's, complicated

‏Ms Salt

‏?And this opportunity


I love it

It's great and changes my life

‏Ms Salt

‏If those people weren't a problem, would you take it



If they had never been a problem, definitely

But... it hurts

But I would?


‏Ms Salt

‏?And are you ok


I don't think so

But maybe in time

I hope

‏Ms Salt

‏?I will be here if you ever need, ok Peter


Thank you

And I'm sorry for bothering you with this

‏Ms Salt

‏You could never be a bother Peter


Thank you

This helped

Talking help

‏Ms Salt

‏I'm glad it did


Bye Ms Salt

‏Ms Salt

‏Bye Peter

"You think I'm making the right choice Karen?", Pete asks his phone. "I think you said it your best Peter, It hurts, and it's allowed to", she replies warmly. "But, what about Queens, have you seen the comments on my video? They need me, I need Spider-Man", He argues back, voice growing strained through his words. "Right?".

"But can you be Spider-Man?", Karen asks, caring tone to her blunt words. Peter's chest tightens. "I- I need-", he stutters through his now flowing tears. "Peter, the Avengers are still after you, it's not safe for you to be out there", She restates the obvious, needing to make it clear to him through his emotional storm. "And regardless, have you been able to wear the mask since you made the video?".

Peter's tears flow, more and more freely as he gives to his emotions. "N-No". He sniffles his throat clear, "but I could on the weekend, I should be able to Karen. I- I should-", his tears return, softer than before but still overtaking his lungs. "There is a difference between being broken and knowing you are Peter". Karen explains, softness unalike what any technology has in approach. "You were in denial Peter, but your video, it made things real. They needed to be real for you to move on."

She lets her words sink in, his tears dying down over the next 5 minutes. "What should I do?", he mumbles. "I say, wait till you're ready to be the Spider-Man Queens needs you to be", She replies, fiddling with his phone and pulling up a photo album. "In the meantime let yourself feel and heal, with the people ready to help pick you up." She runs through pictures of Peter with Ned, MJ, May, Matt, and others close to him, Peter's tears strengthening as his sobs soften into nothingness.

"Thanks Karen". He dries his eyes with his sleeves, his emotional chaos once again dormant.


"Pep!". Tony knocks at her office door, the latter placing her phone down on her desk as he does. "Come in Tony".

The man walks in, visible excitement and anxiety emanating. "Ok Pep, I made my choice. FRIDAY, pull up the bookmarked files". All 8 selected tests are displayed around the couple. "Can FRIDAY reveal the names now?".

"Wait, what is this?", Pepper focuses on the test marked 'Red Flag'. "Friday had her suspicions", He explains pulling up the evidence Friday showed him, "We think someone tried to cheat and I want to know what fool thought they could cheat so poorly and get away with it".

Pepper rolls her eyes at his comment, "Alright FRIDAY, take us through Tony's choices alongside their Midtown information."

The AI orders their tests on Tony's priority list, displaying test 37 next to the student information. "Student number 37, Edward Leeds, A sophomore. Member of the decathlon team and exemplary student in all of his classes except P.E." Tony grumbles at the reveal, he had really expected this to have been Peter.

"Student 118, Ray Palmer, a Senior Student lead of the biochemistry faculty, and a Midtown resident substitute aide for sophomore and junior biology, chemistry and physics classes". Pepper looks impressed at the description. "Good kid, like your choice Tony".

"Student 65, Abe Brown, a sophomore. Also a member of the decathlon team, robotics club and reserve member of Midtown's basketball team", Tony coughs at the final point. "An athlete? Bucking the trend, I like that", he jokes.

The AI continues immediately after his comment. "Tests 158 and 159, step-brothers Phineas and Ferb Flynn-Fletcher. Members of the Midtown Robotics Club. No other student data". Tony and Pepper turn to each other, confusion evident. "Why are they here then? Who are they?".

A few seconds of searching later, she pulls up their personal information. "Students of Danville Middle School, age 10, honorary casual members of Midtown's Robotics club". Tony and Pep start scrolling down the new data, FRIDAY narrating. "They are the registered owners of 189 open source patents so far, most notably for a-", She gets cut.

"That's their Satellite?!", Tony yells shocked, "That's why I couldn't contact the designer, cause it's been kids all along". Pepper steps in, "they're 10 Tony, aren't they a little young to intern here?".

"Yeah I know", he waves her off, "Save their information, gonna wanna offer them a job when they're older". His distraction looking over the brother's patents is cut short, a latent realisation freezing him. "Wait, where's the kid, where's Peter?".

Friday pulls up the 3 other tests, parallel to their student's information. "Test 212; Libby Stein-Torres. Exchange student from Brighton Illinois. Test 222, Elizabeth Quail; Senior. Test 3, Eugene Thomson; Sophomore, mediocre grades".

Tony takes a second's note of the cheater before moving on to his panic. "Where is the kid?".

"FRIDAY?", Pepper calls as the AI obeys only her words, pulling up a test's scan summarising its scores. "Robotics, 0%. Physics, 0%. Computer Programming, 0%. Biochemistry, 0%.". Each result makes both adults grow even more surprised and speechless than the last. "Who gets a 0% on an internship test?", Tony starts looking over all of the answers, "It's got multiple choice too, how is this possible, who is this kid?".


Tony snaps from the hologram to Pepper, "what?".

"Friday, info?".

The AI pulls up his information. "Student 108, Peter Benjamin Parker, Sophomore. Ace of the decathlon team and 'The Kid'". Tony's expression congeals in disbelief, reading over every answer of the test. "No, this is impossible, I've heard the kid ramble about more than half of these questions. Even his multiple choice is all wrong".

"Boss, Ms Potts", Friday calls as Tony reads over the answers and Pepper double checks her phone, "There is another student who received a 0% on the internship test". Friday pulls up her information, and scan. "Student 13, Michelle Jones, sophomore. Head of the decathlon team, sophomore representative of the midtown biochemistry department, avid protester and volunteer nurse".

"Michelle Jones", Tony repeats, thinking bout the name. "MJ? Isn't that Peter's girlfriend?".

FRIDAY warns Tony as he pulls up her answer paper. "Unlike Peter Parker's test, her answers — when given — are... colourful challenges of S.I. Her extended answer a strongly written letter at you Boss".

Reading through a few answers and her letter, Tony's question is answered. "Yup, definitely her". Peter's test returns on the display. "How would he get a 0? I know he knows the answers, and even if he didn't he would get at least something in the multiple choice".

"Because that was his goal", Pepper exhales, the certainty she needed found through their texts. "I can't tell you much Tony, but I think he was sabotaged, coerced into flunking his test", she sighs. "Who?", Tony asks, cold violence and rage bubbling. "Not the point Tony", Pep sidesteps his reaction, "We need to focus on Peter".

He exhales, breathing deeply to calm himself. "What do we do?".

"First, We tell the others".

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