Sabotage & Second Thoughts

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"Don't worry Loser, you don't need to do the test if you don't want to", MJ tries to calm Peter down.

"But- but whatever if they're after me", Pete quietly heaves, hiding at the back of the bleachers, having sunk after Mr Stark looked at him. "Mr Stark stared at me, third time, why is he after me". Ned grabs Peter in a subtle side hug while MJ knocks him down. "Like I told you Loser, they wouldn't be at school if they knew. They were talking on stage, it's their job".

They keep whispering as the questions end and both stars leave, The trio relaxes thinking they can just move on and ignore this, Morita's words flying in their face.

"I've scheduled the test after lunch till end of day, they will be in the physics labs. If you're interested make your way to the labs instead of your class." So far so good, right? Well... "Members of the Robotics club, the biochemistry program and the decathlon team must sit this test as part of their extracurricular requirements."

MJ growls at the prospect, Peter shivers at it. "What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do", Peter repeats until MJ and Ned drag him out of the gym. "Peter", MJ calls to him, her using his name more than enough to make him focus on her. "This is S.I. And Stark made test, the school won't know your scores. You only need to sit the test-".

"But I don't need to try!", Peter realises MJ's point, livening up in relief, "They only offer positions to high scorers, if I fail the test then I won't get the internship!". He smiles, finding his out. "Thanks MJ, How did you think of this so fast?".

She smirks, "Cause that's my plan". Peter scrunches his eyebrows in shock, "what, why?".

"What do you mean 'why' loser?", MJ scoffs, smiling as she rolls her eyes at his sudden concern. "They hurt you", she whispers so only her losers can hear. "If I have to sit that test, I'm not going to give them any of my energy." Peter cools, realising this is just MJ's brand of protesting. "I will give them a carefully written note tho", she adds, smug and proud of herself, clearly on the process of writing it as they spoke.

"Um Peter?", Ned asks sheepishly, guild written all over his face. "Do you- do you mind if I try for an internship?", He asks, not giving anyone time to reply before he tangents. "It would be really cool to have one, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Besides, I could be like your secret spy at Stark Industries, just in case".

MJ sighs at her 'Loser A' while 'Loser 1' responds. "It's fine Ned, I wouldn't want you to miss out. A couple months ago I would've loved one too but I-", he gulps, the memories flashing through his eyes, "I can't. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't".

Ned smiles at Pete, residual guilt still showing but appreciation for his friends overwriting all.

The 3 have their quick lunch before heading to the physics labs for their tests. Ned answering as best as he can, finding the programming and robotics questions easiest, having some difficulty with the gamma radiation question in the physics portion and struggling through most of the biochemistry questions.

MJ reads over the test questions not passing up the chance to gather information, suspicious information. She finds the biochemistry questions ridiculously simple, the physics ones easy, the robotics ones manageable enough from what she's seen Loser A and Loser 1 do, and finding 2 or 3 of the programming questions doable.

However, she goes out of her way to answer none of them, except for the ones she can make aggressive and inflammatory points at the expense of Stark Industries. Leaving her scathing critical note for the extended question's answer page.

Peter finds all of the test easy, sans maybe 1 biochemistry question. He knows half the answers by heart already, and worked through the rest in his mind. Not wanting the internship however he makes sure to give incorrect answers for every single page. Finding the extended question amusing, Peter just writes "Heart" on its blank answer page before waiting for time to run out.

A year to Remember. Part 2, the InternshipWhere stories live. Discover now